Elite Charged TM

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The Elite Charged TM is a type of TM in Pokémon GO.

Elite Charged TM

Using an Elite Charged TM on a Pokémon changes its Charged Attack to a different move of the player's choice, within the Pokémon's possible move pool. Most legacy and event-exclusive moves, such as Community Day moves, can also be learned this way.

Moves exclusive to Elite Charged TMs

The following lists all the moves that can only be learned using an Elite Charged TM, outside of special in-game events. Shadow, Purified, and event-exclusive forms are also eligible to learn these moves.

# Pokémon Moves
003   Venusaur  Frenzy Plant
006   Charizard  Blast Burn
009   Blastoise  Hydro Cannon
018   Pidgeot  Air Cutter
021   Spearow  Twister
022   Fearow  Twister
023   Ekans  Gunk Shot
025   Pikachu  Surf
026   Raichu  Thunder
027   Sandshrew  Rock Tomb
038   Ninetales  Fire Blast
039   Jigglypuff  Play Rough
 Body Slam
041   Zubat  Sludge Bomb
042   Golbat  Ominous Wind
052   Meowth  Body Slam
053   Persian  Night Slash
057   Primeape  Cross Chop
059   Arcanine  Bulldoze
061   Poliwhirl  Scald
062   Poliwrath  Submission
065   Alakazam  Dazzling Gleam
067   Machoke  Cross Chop
068   Machamp  Stone Edge
075   Graveler  Rock Slide
077   Ponyta  Fire Blast
084   Doduo  Swift
085   Dodrio  Air Cutter
086   Seel  Aqua Jet
087   Dewgong  Aqua Jet
 Icy Wind
091   Cloyster  Blizzard
092   Gastly  Ominous Wind
094   Gengar  Sludge Wave
 Dark Pulse
095   Onix  Iron Head
 Rock Slide
097   Hypno  Psyshock
100   Voltorb  Signal Beam
106   Hitmonlee  Stomp
 Brick Break
107   Hitmonchan  Brick Break
108   Lickitung  Body Slam
112   Rhydon  Megahorn
114   Tangela  Power Whip
115   Kangaskhan  Brick Break
117   Seadra  Blizzard
119   Seaking  Icy Wind
 Drill Run
123   Scyther  Bug Buzz
124   Jynx  Ice Punch
127   Pinsir  Submission
130   Gyarados  Dragon Pulse
131   Lapras  Dragon Pulse
 Ice Beam
133   Eevee  Last Resort
 Body Slam
134   Vaporeon  Last Resort
135   Jolteon  Last Resort
136   Flareon  Last Resort
 Heat Wave
137   Porygon  Signal Beam
138   Omanyte  Rock Tomb
139   Omastar  Rock Slide
144   Articuno  Hurricane
146   Moltres  Sky Attack
149   Dragonite  Draco Meteor
 Dragon Pulse
150   Mewtwo  Psystrike
 Shadow Ball
 Hyper Beam
150   Armored Mewtwo  Psystrike
154   Meganium  Frenzy Plant
157   Typhlosion  Blast Burn
160   Feraligatr  Hydro Cannon
173   Cleffa  Psychic
 Body Slam
174   Igglybuff  Body Slam
181   Ampharos  Dragon Pulse
186   Politoed  Earthquake
196   Espeon  Last Resort
197   Umbreon  Last Resort
239   Elekid  Thunderbolt
240   Magby  Flamethrower
254   Sceptile  Frenzy Plant
257   Blaziken  Blast Burn
 Stone Edge
260   Swampert  Hydro Cannon
282   Gardevoir  Synchronoise
286   Breloom  Grass Knot
289   Slaking  Body Slam
330   Flygon  Earth Power
373   Salamence  Outrage
376   Metagross  Meteor Mash
389   Torterra  Frenzy Plant
392   Infernape  Blast Burn
395   Empoleon  Hydro Cannon
463   Lickilicky  Body Slam
464   Rhyperior  Rock Wrecker
470   Leafeon  Last Resort
471   Glaceon  Last Resort
473   Mamoswine  Ancient Power
475   Gallade  Synchronoise
638   Cobalion  Sacred Sword


  • Gastrodon cannot learn Earthquake using an Elite Charged TM, even though it was obtainable prior to its official release. The reason is likely that it was never intended to be available; however, Shedinja can learn Struggle Bug using an Elite Fast TM, a move that was also unofficially available.

  This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.