S.S. Aqua

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S.S. Aqua アクアごう
S.S. Aqua
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
SS Aqua HGSS.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Olivine City, Vermilion City
Region: Johto and Kanto
Generations: II, IV
Johto SS Aqua Map.png
Location of S.S. Aqua in Johto and Kanto.
Pokémon world locations

The Fast Ship S.S. Aqua (Japanese: 高速船アクア号 Fast Ship S.S. Aqua) is a ferry service that runs between Johto and Kanto. It is one method of transportation between Johto and Kanto in the Generation II and IV games, alongside the Magnet Train, walking, and flying. It travels between Olivine City and Vermilion City. A player can only travel on this ship after defeating the Johto League.


File:SS Aqua.png
The S.S. Aqua in Generation II

When the player first rides the ship to Vermilion City, a man will bump into them as they board and explain that he lost his granddaughter. When the player first enters the lower deck, a crewman will deny them access to the rest of the ship, asking them to locate a co-worker who is slacking off on the floor above. The crewman is a Sailor in a previously empty room (in Generation IV, the Sailor is found sleeping in a cabin before the player is asked to find him), and once he is defeated in a Pokémon battle, the crewman below will let the player pass. After traversing through the lower deck, the player will find the man's granddaughter trying to get the captain to play with her. The player takes her back to her grandfather, at which point the S.S. Aqua will arrive in Olivine City and the player can disembark.

After the initial trip to Kanto (which can happen on any day of the week), the S.S. Aqua can be sailed from Kanto to Johto every Sunday and Wednesday and from Johto to Kanto each Monday and Friday. Trips after the initial one will end when the player sleeps in the bed in their cabin, which heals their party.

Trainers can also be encountered and battled on the ship each voyage. In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, if the player defeats one or more Trainers on the ship and then boards it again for the same voyage (even on the same day), the Trainers can be battled and defeated again, and the player can keep re-boarding and re-battling the Trainers an unlimited number of times. However, in the Generation IV remakes, once an individual Trainer is defeated, that Trainer can never be battled again, regardless of when or how often the player re-boards the S.S. Aqua.


Item Location Games
  Metal Coat Gift from gentleman for finding his granddaughter  G  S  C  HG  SS 
  Plate Gift from the captain on the first voyage of each day after obtaining all 16 Badges  HG  SS 
  Nugget Gift from the captain on the first voyage of each day after receiving all 16 plates  HG  SS 


Generation II

First voyage

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Hiker Noland
ヒロカズ Hirokazu
Reward: $2112
  Sandslash Lv.31
No item
  Golem Lv.33
No item
Pokéfan Colin
ヒロシ Hiroshi
Reward: $5120
  Delibird Lv.32
No item
Twins Meg & Peg
マコとミコ Mako & Miko
Reward: $1240
  Teddiursa Lv.31
No item
  Phanpy Lv.31
No item
Firebreather Lyle
ダイ Dai
Reward: $1344
  Koffing Lv.28
No item
  Flareon Lv.31
No item
  Koffing Lv.28
No item
Sailor Stanly
シゲロウ Shigerō
Reward: $1040
  Machop Lv.31
No item
  Machoke Lv.33
No item
  Psyduck Lv.26
No item

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Juggler Fritz
ジョニー Johnny
Reward: $1040
  Mr. Mime Lv.29
No item
  Machoke Lv.29
No item
  Magmar Lv.29
No item
Sailor Jeff
カツオ Katsuo
Reward: $1280
  Raticate Lv.32
No item
  Raticate Lv.32
No item
Picnicker Debra
マナミ Manami
Reward: $660
  Seaking Lv.33
No item

Olivine City to Vermilion City

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Gentleman Edward
エドワード Edward
Reward: $2376
  Persian Lv.33
No item
Cooltrainer Sean
シンジ Shinji
Reward: $1680
  Flareon Lv.35
No item
  Tangela Lv.35
No item
  Tauros Lv.35
No item
Cooltrainer Carol
ナナコ Nanako
Reward: $1680
  Electrode Lv.35
No item
  Starmie Lv.35
No item
  Ninetales Lv.35
No item
Super Nerd Shawn
スミオ Sumio
Reward: $992
  Magnemite Lv.31
No item
  Muk Lv.33
No item
  Magnemite Lv.31
No item
Psychic Rodney
シュンぺイ Shunpei
Reward: $1056
  Drowzee Lv.29
No item
  Hypno Lv.33
No item
Beauty Cassie
アヤコ Ayako
Reward: $2992
  Vileplume Lv.28
No item
  Butterfree Lv.34
No item

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Fisher Jonah
ダイスケ Daisuke
Reward: $1160
  Shellder Lv.25
No item
  Octillery Lv.29
No item
  Cloyster Lv.29
No item
  Remoraid Lv.25
No item
Sailor Garrett
ミツル Mitsuru
Reward: $1360
  Kingler Lv.34
No item
Black Belt Wai
ユウダイ Yūdai
Reward: $816
  Machoke Lv.30
No item
  Machoke Lv.32
No item
  Machoke Lv.34
No item

Vermilion City to Olivine City

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Burglar Corey
ツヨシ Tsuyoshi
Reward: $2640
  Koffing Lv.25
No item
  Magmar Lv.28
No item
  Koffing Lv.30
No item
  Koffing Lv.25
No item
PokéManiac Ethan
マサオミ Masaomi
Reward: $1860
  Rhyhorn Lv.31
No item
  Rhydon Lv.31
No item
Bug Catcher Ken
タケオ Takeo
Reward: $512
  Ariados Lv.30
No item
  Pinsir Lv.32
No item
Guitarist Clyde
キョウへイ Kyōhei
Reward: $1088
  Electabuzz Lv.34
No item
Pokéfan Georgia
テイコ Teiko
Reward: $1840
  Sentret Lv.23
  Sentret Lv.23
  Sentret Lv.23
  Furret Lv.28
  Sentret Lv.23
Pokéfan Jeremy
ヒデアキ Hideaki
Reward: $2240
  Meowth Lv.28
  Meowth Lv.28
  Meowth Lv.28

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Sailor Kenneth
コウへイ Kōhei
Reward: $1120
  Machop Lv.28
No item
  Machop Lv.28
No item
  Poliwrath Lv.28
No item
  Machop Lv.28
No item
Teacher Shirley
ノリカ Norika
Reward: $2520
  Jigglypuff Lv.35
No item
Schoolboy Nate
マサユキ Masayuki
Reward: $1024
  Ledian Lv.32
No item
  Exeggutor Lv.32
No item
Schoolboy Ricky
アツシ Atsushi
Reward: $1024
  Aipom Lv.32
No item
  Ditto Lv.32
No item

Generation IV

First voyage

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Hiker Noland
ヒロカズ Hirokazu
Reward: $1344
  Bronzor Lv.39
No item
  Golem Lv.42
No item
Pokéfan Colin
ヒロシ Hiroshi
Reward: $2560
  Delibird Lv.40
No item
Twins Meg & Peg
マコとミコ Miko & Mako
Reward: $1248
  Teddiursa Lv.39
No item
  Phanpy Lv.39
No item
Firebreather Lyle
ダイ Dai
Reward: $1152
  Koffing Lv.36
No item
  Flareon Lv.39
No item
  Koffing Lv.36
No item

Slacking off Sailor
Trainer Pokémon
Sailor Stanly
シゲロウ Shigerō
Reward: $1088
  Machop Lv.39
No item
  Machoke Lv.41
No item
  Psyduck Lv.34
No item

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Juggler Fritz
ジョニー Johnny
Reward: $1184
  Mr. Mime Lv.37
No item
  Machoke Lv.37
No item
  Magmar Lv.37
No item
Sailor Jeff
カツオ Katsuo
Reward: $1280
  Makuhita Lv.40
No item
  Raticate Lv.40
No item
Picnicker Debra
マナミ Manami
Reward: $656
  Seaking Lv.41
No item

Olivine City to Vermilion City

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Super Nerd Shawn
スミオ Sumio
Reward: $1872
  Magnemite Lv.39
No item
  Muk Lv.41
  Magnemite Lv.39
No item
Psychic Rodney
シュンペイ Shunpei
Reward: $1312
  Chingling Lv.37
No item
  Hypno Lv.41
No item
Beauty Cassie
アヤコ Ayako
Reward: $2352
  Vileplume Lv.36
No item
  Butterfree Lv.42
No item
Ace Trainer Shaye
シンジ Shinji
Reward: $2580
  Jolteon Lv.43
No item
  Tangela Lv.43
No item
  Tauros Lv.43
No item
Ace Trainer Carol
ナナコ Nanako
Reward: $2580
  Electrode Lv.43
No item
  Starmie Lv.43
No item
  Ninetales Lv.43
No item
Gentleman Edward
エドワード Edward
Reward: $8200
  Persian Lv.41
No item

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Sailor Garrett
ミツル Mitsuru
Reward: $1344
  Kingler Lv.42
No item
Fisher Jonah
ダイスケ Daisuke
Reward: $1184
  Shellder Lv.33
No item
  Octillery Lv.37
No item
  Remoraid Lv.33
No item
  Cloyster Lv.37
No item
Black Belt Wai
ユウダイ Yūdai
Reward: $1008
  Machoke Lv.38
No item
  Machoke Lv.40
No item
  Meditite Lv.42
No item

Vermilion City to Olivine City

Upper deck
Trainer Pokémon
Pokéfan Georgia
テイコ Teiko
Reward: $1984
  Sentret Lv.31
No item
  Sentret Lv.31
No item
  Sentret Lv.31
No item
  Furret Lv.36
No item
  Sentret Lv.31
No item
Pokéfan Jeremy
ヒデアキ Hideaki
Reward: $2304
  Meowth Lv.36
No item
  Meowth Lv.36
No item
  Meowth Lv.36
No item
Guitarist Clyde
キョウヘイ Kyōhei
Reward: $1008
  Electabuzz Lv.42
No item
Bug Catcher Ken
タケオ Takeo
Reward: $640
  Ariados Lv.39
No item
  Pinsir Lv.40
No item
PokéManiac Morgan
マサオミ Masaomi
Reward: $2496
  Rhyhorn Lv.39
No item
  Rhydon Lv.39
No item
Burglar Corey
ツヨシ Tsuyoshi
Reward: $608
  Koffing Lv.33
No item
  Magmar Lv.36
No item
  Koffing Lv.33
No item
  Koffing Lv.38
No item

Lower deck
Trainer Pokémon
Sailor Kenneth
コウヘイ Kōhei
Reward: $1152
  Machop Lv.36
No item
  Machop Lv.36
No item
  Poliwrath Lv.36
No item
  Machop Lv.36
No item
School Kid Ricky
アツシ Atsushi
Reward: $800
  Aipom Lv.40
  Hard Stone
  Ditto Lv.40
No item
Teacher Shirley
ノリカ Norika
Reward: $2064
  Chatot Lv.43
No item
  Jigglypuff Lv.43
No item
School Kid Nate
マサユキ Masayuki
Reward: $800
  Ledian Lv.40
No item
  Exeggutor Lv.40
No item


  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: Layout images from HeartGold and Soulsilver

Version 1F B1F


  • In both Generation II and Generation IV, if the player goes to sleep, wakes up, and hears the announcement about docking, checking the Pokégear map will still show the player in the ocean between Kanto and Johto. This is because "S.S. Aqua" is actually a location on the map, and thus cannot move.
  • In HeartGold and SoulSilver, Hiker Noland has a Bronzor on his team, making it the first Sinnoh Pokémon owned by an NPC that the player may see.
    • Sailor Jeff in the same games has a Makuhita, the first Hoenn Pokémon owned by an NPC the player may see.
  • The S.S. Aqua along with the S.S. Anne and S.S. Tidal all have at least one NPC on board who will either mention that they are sea sick or will be facing a trash barrel, thereby implying that they are seasick.
  • On the trip from Vermilion City to Olivine City in HeartGold and SoulSilver, Pokéfan Georgia and Pokéfan Jeremy can be engaged in a Double Battle, meaning that the opponents will have 8 Pokémon between them.
  • In Generation IV, there is a girl in the Olivine Port building that mentions the player having been in Kanto before even if they have not.
  • In HeartGold and SoulSilver, the captain of the ship implies that the S.S. Aqua travels to Sinnoh, as he mentions finding plates there. However, the ship does not appear in any of the games that take place there.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 阿哥號/阿哥号 Āgē Hào
  European French L'Aquaria
  German M.S. Aqua
  Italian M/N Acqua
  European Spanish S.S. Aqua

Core series games: Abandoned ShipRoyal UnovaS.S. AnneS.S. Aqua
S.S. SinnohS.S. TidalSeagallop FerriesSubmarine Explorer 1
Orre games: Luxo CruiserRobo KyogreS.S. Libra
Pokémon Ranger series: Cargo ShipSubmarineThe Union
Other games: S.S. Prime Treasure*
Anime: Forsaken ShipGhost shipPokémon Showboat
St. AnneS.S. CusslerS.S. St. Flower
Adventures: Abandoned ShipS.S. AnneS.S. AquaS.S. Sinnoh
S.S. TidalSeagallop FerriesSubmarine Explorer 1

Kanto and Johto
Cities and Towns
Pallet TownViridian CityPewter CityCerulean CityVermilion CityLavender Town
Celadon CitySaffron CityFuchsia CityCinnabar IslandIndigo Plateau
New Bark TownCherrygrove CityViolet CityAzalea TownGoldenrod CityEcruteak City
Olivine CityCianwood CityMahogany TownBlackthorn CitySafari Zone GateFrontier Access
Professor Oak's LaboratoryViridian ForestDiglett's CavePewter Museum of ScienceMt. Moon (Square) • Cerulean Cave
Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6)Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8)S.S. AnneS.S. AquaSea CottageRock Tunnel
Power PlantCycling Road/Pokémon RoadTeam Rocket HideoutSilph Co.Magnet TrainPokémon TowerKanto Safari Zone/Pal Park/GO Park
Seafoam IslandsPokémon MansionCinnabar LabPokémon League Reception GateVictory RoadTohjo Falls
Dark CaveSprout TowerRuins of AlphUnion CaveSlowpoke WellIlex ForestRadio TowerGlobal Terminal
Goldenrod TunnelNational ParkPokéathlon DomeBell TowerBellchime TrailBurned TowerMoomoo FarmOlivine Lighthouse
Battle Tower (CrystalHGSS)/FrontierCliff Edge GateCliff CaveEmbedded TowerJohto Safari ZoneWhirl Islands
Mt. MortarLake of RageTeam Rocket HQIce PathDragon's DenMt. Silver (Cave)
Access to
Sevii IslandsSinjoh Ruins

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.