Gathered! Gym Leader!

(Japanese: しゅうけつ!ジムリーダー! Gathered! Gym Leader!) features new Double Battle teams for Jasmine, Volkner, Norman, and Misty, all of which feature their signature Pokémon (Steelix, Electivire, Slaking, and Starmie, respectively) and three Generation V Pokémon. They will always use the four Pokémon listed here, and Misty is guaranteed to face the player in the final match. In Japan, its distribution began July 14, 2012.






See also

Pokémon World Tournaments
Left attendant DriftveilMixRental
Right attendant
Specialty tournaments
Mix MasterRental MasterChampions
Gym Leader tournaments UnovaKantoJohtoHoennSinnohWorld (KantoJohtoHoennSinnohUnova)
Type Expert Tournaments NormalFightingFlyingPoisonGroundRockBugGhostSteelFireWaterGrass
Download Tournaments 2012 Japan Representative ChallengeGathered! Gym Leader!Challenge the Champion Lance!
The Legendary Rotation Battle!The Battle Between Legendary Pokémon
2012: Division Challenge (JuniorSeniorMasters)You Challenge the Unova League Too!