Joyous Tower

Revision as of 01:01, 30 November 2023 by Tootlerocks123 (talk | contribs) (→‎Generation VIII: Updated Pokémon recruit rates in line with known data (credit: StrikerX3))
← Unown Relic
Joyous Tower
Far-Off Sea →
Joyous Tower せの
Joyous Tower
Joyous Tower PMD RTDX.png
Basic info
Floors: 99
Rest stops: No
Traps: Yes
Monster Houses: Yes
Main type: None
Boss: None
Recruiting: Yes
Items: AllowedRB
Not allowedRTDX
Money: 0
Starting level: 1RB
Team members: 3
Joyous Tower Map.png

Joyous Tower (Japanese: せの Joyous Tower) is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX that contains 99 floors. It is automatically unlocked after clearing Pitfall Valley and obtaining the Sky Blue Plains Friend Area from an optional mission.

Unlike the other 99 floor dungeons, there are no Legendary Pokémon anywhere in the tower. However, it is home to some rare Pokémon, most notably Chansey. Many starter and partner Pokémon can only be recruited here.


Any Pokémon entering the dungeon are reduced to level 1RB/level 5RTDX, returning to their original level on exiting it. Any Pokémon recruited in the dungeon keep any EXP they obtain. Any Poké carried before entering will be permanently lostRB/depositedRTDX.

Generation III

In the original games, the game will be saved compulsorily before entering. Floors 14 to 63 are shrouded in darkness, limiting field of view in hallways to 2 tiles. On floors 64 to 99, the field is limited further, to just one tile.

This dungeon's theme song is the same as Makuhita Dojo, Rock Path, and Snow Path.

Generation VIII

In the remake, items cannot be brought into the dungeon and are deposited in Kangaskhan Storage upon entry. The final floor contains 12 Deluxe Boxes and 3 Joy Seeds.

There is a random, default weather effect on floors 9-10, 19-20, 29-30, 39-40, 49, and 59-60.

This is the only dungeon in the game where Kecleon spawns outside of shops.

Pokémon encountered

Generation III

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Wurmple 1-2 1 7.4%
  Jigglypuff 1-3 2 -19%
  Treecko 1-3 1 11.2%
  Bulbasaur 1-5 1 12.5%
  Taillow 2-4 1 7.5%
  Pichu 3-6 1 5.1%
  Diglett 4-6 5 10.9%
  Spinda 5-7 2 7.2%
  Plusle 5-8 R 3 35%
  Minun 5-8 B 3 35%
  Metapod 7-8 1 -19%
  Chikorita 8-11 9 11.4%
  Pinsir 9-11 6 8.3%
  Psyduck 9-12 11 10.8%
  Kakuna 9-13 9 -19%
  Clefairy 9-14 8 -19%
  Torchic 11-15 12 11.9%
  Eevee 12-17 9 10.2%
  Cyndaquil 13-17 14 11.2%
  Beldum 14-16 5 7.8%
  Scyther 15-18 10 10%
  Linoone 17-20 8 Unrecruitable
  Exeggutor 17-22 8 Unrecruitable
  Slakoth 18-20 8 11.3%
  Sunflora 19-22 8 Unrecruitable
  Trapinch 21-24 11 8.3%
  Smoochum 21-25 15 8%
  Shroomish 21-25 9 7.7%
  Ledyba 22-25 7 12.1%
  Clefable 22-27 15 Unrecruitable
  Farfetch'd 23-27 10 7.2%
  Skitty 24-28 22 7.2%
  Houndour 25-27 11 11.4%
  Teddiursa 26-30 10 11.4%
  Dustox 27-30 10 Unrecruitable
  Spinarak 27-32 11 7.8%
  Weedle 28-34 8 11.4%
  Gardevoir 30-36 18 Unrecruitable
  Bellossom 30-38 15 Unrecruitable
  Beedrill 31-35 10 Unrecruitable
  Gligar 31-35 12 8.5%
  Stantler 31-36 12 7.2%
  Cacnea 33-36 13 7.2%
  Doduo 35-39 14 7.2%
  Manectric 36-40 10 Unrecruitable
  Breloom 37-41 14 Unrecruitable
  Heracross 39-42 14 2.6%
  Igglybuff 40-46 15 11.3%
  Tauros 41-44 15 7.9%
  Houndoom 41-46 15 Unrecruitable
  Bagon 42-45 16 7.6%
  Ariados 42-46 14 Unrecruitable
  Skiploom 42-46 13 -19%
  Dunsparce 43-44 13 7.6%
  Dugtrio 44-49 20 Unrecruitable
  Nincada 45-49 14 7.4%
  Magby 46-51, 72-76 17 9.5%
  Tangela 47-50 14 7.4%
  Magmar 47-50, 77-79 21 Unrecruitable
  Chansey 50, 60, 77 15 6.9%
  Electrode 50-55 20 Unrecruitable
  Wigglytuff 50-56 25 Unrecruitable
  Azumarill 50-56 24 Unrecruitable
  Snorunt 50-57 20 7.5%
  Fearow 51-54 17 Unrecruitable
  Victreebel 51-55 40 Unrecruitable
  Ditto 53-64 25 6.8%
  Swablu 53-59 18 7.5%
  Pidgeot 55-57 16 Unrecruitable
  Mightyena 56-60 17 Unrecruitable
  Metang 56-61 17 -19%
  Ponyta 57-59 30 10.9%
  Rapidash 57-59 16 Unrecruitable
  Torkoal 57-59 15 8.1%
  Rhyhorn 58-61 16 7.7%
  Lairon 60-62 17 -19%
  Arbok 60-64 21 Unrecruitable
  Shelgon 60-64 19 -19%
  Granbull 60-67 23 Unrecruitable
  Pineco 61-64 18 9.4%
  Pupitar 62-66 17 -19%
  Seviper 62-69 19 7.2%
  Slaking 63-69 15 Unrecruitable
  Koffing 65-70 20 7.9%
  Glalie 65-73 20 Unrecruitable
  Masquerain 66-70 27 Unrecruitable
  Sandshrew 68-73 20 10.4%
  Graveler 68-73 22 -19%
  Rhydon 68-73 23 Unrecruitable
  Shuppet 70-75 28 8%
  Camerupt 70-79 25 Unrecruitable
  Ledian 74-78 24 Unrecruitable
  Sandslash 74-79 24 Unrecruitable
  Golem 74-79 15 -30%
  Forretress 76-79 23 Unrecruitable
  Altaria 76-79 24 Unrecruitable
  Porygon2 80-84 B 25 10%
  Grimer 80-85 25 12.2%
  Dusclops 80-85 29 Unrecruitable
  Lunatone 80-87 29 5%
  Scizor 83-91 29 Unrecruitable
  Tropius 86-91 30 7.6%
  Weezing 86-99 25 Unrecruitable
  Blissey 88 33 Unrecruitable
  Metagross 89-99 33 Unrecruitable
  Flygon 90-93 30 Unrecruitable
  Aerodactyl 90-99 30 8.4%
  Claydol 93-99 31 Unrecruitable
  Salamence 93-99 31 Unrecruitable

Generation VIII

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Jigglypuff 1-3 8 16.9%
  Pichu 1-4 9 16.9%
  Treecko 1-4 9 16.9%
  Bulbasaur 1-5 8 16.9%
  Happiny 1-4, 97-98 7 16.9%
  Diglett 4-6 10 14.4%
  Chikorita 4-7 11 16.9%
  Metapod 4-8 10 10.8%
  Psyduck 6-11 11 16.9%
  Torchic 7-10 12 16.9%
  Pinsir 9-11 13 14.4%
  Kakuna 9-13 12 10.8%
  Clefairy 9-14 13 6.4%
  Plusle 10-12 14 14.4%
  Minun 10-12 14 14.4%
  Eevee 12-17 15 16.9%
  Cyndaquil 13-17 15 16.9%
  Beldum 14-16 16 14.4%
  Scyther 15-19 16 14.4%
  Exeggutor 15-20 16 14.4%
  Linoone 17-20 20 14.4%
  Smoochum 17-22 17 1.6%
  Slakoth 18-20 17 14.4%
  Sunflora 19-23 18 14.4%
  Skitty 20-25 18 16.9%
  Shroomish 21-25 18 14.4%
  Ledyba 22-25 19 14.4%
  Clefable 22-29 19 16.9%
  Farfetch'd 23-27 20 14.4%
  Dugtrio 23-28 26 8.2%
  Houndour 25-27 20 14.4%
  Trapinch 26-28 21 14.4%
  Teddiursa 26-30 20 14.4%
  Dustox 27-30 21 14.4%
  Spinarak 27-32 21 14.4%
  Weedle 28-34 22 14.4%
  Gardevoir 30-36 30 16.9%
  Bellossom 30-38 26 16.9%
  Beedrill 31-35 23 14.4%
  Gligar 31-35 23 10.8%
  Stantler 31-36 23 10.8%
  Cacnea 35-38 23 10.8%
  Doduo 35-39 23 10.8%
  Manectric 36-40 26 10.8%
  Heracross 39-42 23 10.8%
  Breloom 39-43 23 10.8%
  Tauros 40-44 24 10.8%
  Igglybuff 40-46 24 16.9%
  Houndoom 41-46 24 10.8%
  Ariados 42-46 24 10.8%
  Skiploom 42-46 24 10.8%
  Dunsparce 43-44 24 10.8%
  Nincada 44-49 24 10.8%
  Shedinja 44-49 24 -25.0%
  Bagon 47-49 25 10.8%
  Tangela 47-50 24 10.8%
  Magmar 47-50 30 10.8%
  Electrode 50-55 30 8.2%
  Wigglytuff 50-56 25 16.9%
  Azumarill 50-56 25 10.8%
  Chansey 50, 60, 77 25 16.9%
  Fearow 51-54 25 10.8%
  Victreebel 51-55 25 16.9%
  Magby 51-55 25 10.8%
  Kecleon 51-98* 5 16.9%
  Ditto 52-59 25 10.8%
  Mightyena 56-60 25 10.8%
  Rapidash 57-59 40 -2.2%
  Torkoal 57-59 25 10.8%
  Rhyhorn 58-61 26 10.8%
  Snorunt 58-62 26 10.8%
  Pidgeot 59-61 36 -2.2%
  Swablu 59-64 26 10.8%
  Granbull 60-69 26 16.9%
  Arbok 61-64 26 10.8%
  Pineco 61-64 26 10.8%
  Lairon 62-64 32 10.8%
  Metang 62-64 26 10.8%
  Pupitar 65-68 30 10.8%
  Shelgon 65-69 30 10.8%
  Seviper 65-71 26 10.8%
  Masquerain 70-73 26 10.8%
  Slaking 70-75 36 10.8%
  Glalie 70-76 42 -2.2%
  Koffing 71-75 28 10.8%
  Rhydon 71-76 42 -2.2%
  Graveler 72-75 28 10.8%
  Sandshrew 74-78 28 10.8%
  Golem 76-79 28 10.8%
  Persian 76-79, 97-98 28 16.9%
  Kangaskhan 76-79, 97-98 29 16.9%
  Porygon2 79-85 28 8.2%
  Sandslash 79-87 28 10.8%
  Grimer 80-85 28 10.8%
  Camerupt 80-85 33 8.2%
  Shuppet 81-84 28 10.8%
  Ponyta 83-85 30 6.4%
  Ledian 86-88 30 10.8%
  Forretress 86-88 31 10.8%
  Lunatone 86-89 30 10.8%
  Weezing 86-94 35 10.8%
  Blissey 88 30 16.9%
  Altaria 88-92 35 10.8%
  Dusclops 90-93 37 10.8%
  Scizor 90-95 30 10.8%
  Aerodactyl 94-97 30 10.8%
  Flygon 94-97 45 -2.2%
  Tropius 94-97 30 10.8%
  Claydol 97-98 36 10.8%
  Salamence 97-98 50 -2.2%
  Metagross 97-98 45 -2.2%


Generation III

Joyous Tower

Poké appears in groups of 4-314 at first; the maximum increases to 478 on 28th floor.

Item Floors
  Poké 1-99F
  Curve Band 1-99F
  Detect Band 1-99F
  Diet Ribbon 1-99F
  Heal Ribbon 1-99F
  Joy Ribbon 1-99F
  Munch Belt 1-99F
  No-Stick Cap 1-99F
  Pass Scarf 1-99F
  Pecha Scarf 1-99F
  Persim Band 1-99F
  Pierce Band 1-99F
  Power Band 1-99F
  Special Band 1-99F
  Stamina Band 1-99F
  Warp Scarf 1-99F
  Zinc Band 1-99F
  Insomniscope 1-99F
  No-Aim Scope 1-99F
  Whiff Specs 1-99F
  Geo Pebble 1-99F
  Gravelerock 1-99F
  Iron Thorn 1-99F
  Silver Spike 1-99F
  Stick 1-99F
  Big Apple 1-99F
  Huge Apple 1-99F
  Cheri Berry 1-99F
  Oran Berry 1-99F
  Pecha Berry 1-99F
  Rawst Berry 1-99F
  Sitrus Berry 1-99F
  Allure Seed 1-99F
  Blast Seed 1-99F
  Blinker Seed 1-99F
  Heal Seed 1-99F
  Hunger Seed 1-99F
  Joy Seed 1-99F
  Quick Seed 1-99F
  Reviver Seed 1-99F
  Sleep Seed 1-99F
  Totter Seed 1-99F
  Warp Seed 1-99F
  Calcium 1-99F
  Iron 1-99F
  Max Elixir 1-99F
  Protein 1-99F
  Zinc 1-99F
  Aerial Ace 1-99F
  Attract 1-99F
  Brick Break 1-99F
  Bullet Seed 1-99F
  Calm Mind 1-99F
  Dig 1-99F
  Earthquake 1-99F
  Facade 1-99F
  Fire Blast 1-99F
  Flamethrower 1-99F
  Focus Punch 1-99F
  Frustration 1-99F
  Giga Drain 1-99F
  Hidden Power 1-99F
  Ice Beam 1-99F
  Light Screen 1-99F
  Psychic 1-99F
  Reflect 1-99F
  Rest 1-99F
  Return 1-99F
  Roar 1-99F
  Safeguard 1-99F
  Secret Power 1-99F
  Shadow Ball 1-99F
  Shock Wave 1-99F
  Solarbeam 1-99F
  Taunt 1-99F
  Thief 1-99F
  Thunderbolt 1-99F
  Torment 1-99F
  Toxic 1-99F
  Blowback Orb 1-99F
  Decoy Orb 1-99F
  Drought Orb 1-99F
  Escape Orb 1-99F
  Evasion Orb 1-99F
  Fill-In Orb 1-99F
  Hail Orb 1-99F
  Hurl Orb 1-99F
  Identify Orb 1-99F
  Invisify Orb 1-99F
  Itemizer Orb 1-99F
  Lob Orb 1-99F
  Longtoss Orb 1-99F
  Luminous Orb 1-99F
  Mobile Orb 1-99F
  One-Shot Orb 1-99F
  One-Room Orb 1-99F
  Petrify Orb 1-99F
  Pierce Orb 1-99F
  Pounce Orb 1-99F
  Quick Orb 1-99F
  Radar Orb 1-99F
  Rainy Orb 1-99F
  Rebound Orb 1-99F
  Rocky Orb 1-99F
  Rollcall Orb 1-99F
  Sandy Orb 1-99F
  Scanner Orb 1-99F
  See-Trap Orb 1-99F
  Shocker Orb 1-99F
  Silence Orb 1-99F
  Sizebust Orb 1-99F
  Slow Orb 1-99F
  Slumber Orb 1-99F
  Stairs Orb 1-99F
  Stayaway Orb 1-99F
  Sunny Orb 1-99F
  Switcher Orb 1-99F
  Totter Orb 1-99F
  Transfer Orb 1-99F
  Trapbust Orb 1-99F
  Trapper Orb 1-99F
  Trawl Orb 1-99F
  Warp Orb 1-99F
  Link Box 1-77F

Monster House

Item Floors
  Poké 1-99F
  Aerial Ace 1-99F
  Attract 1-99F
  Brick Break 1-99F
  Bullet Seed 1-99F
  Calm Mind 1-99F
  Dig 1-99F
  Earthquake 1-99F
  Facade 1-99F
  Fire Blast 1-99F
  Flamethrower 1-99F
  Focus Punch 1-99F
  Frustration 1-99F
  Giga Drain 1-99F
  Hidden Power 1-99F
  Ice Beam 1-99F
  Light Screen 1-99F
  Psychic 1-99F
  Reflect 1-99F
  Rest 1-99F
  Return 1-99F
  Roar 1-99F
  Safeguard 1-99F
  Secret Power 1-99F
  Shadow Ball 1-99F
  Shock Wave 1-99F
  Solarbeam 1-99F
  Taunt 1-99F
  Thief 1-99F
  Thunderbolt 1-99F
  Torment 1-99F
  Toxic 1-99F
  Blowback Orb 1-99F
  Cleanse Orb 1-99F
  Escape Orb 1-99F
  Evasion Orb 1-99F
  Hurl Orb 1-99F
  Petrify Orb 1-99F
  Pounce Orb 1-99F
  Radar Orb 1-99F
  Rebound Orb 1-99F
  Rollcall Orb 1-99F
  Scanner Orb 1-99F
  Switcher Orb 1-99F
  Trawl Orb 1-99F
  Warp Orb 1-99F

Kecleon Shops

Item Floors
  Def. Scarf 1-99F
  Diet Ribbon 1-99F
  Friend Bow 1-99F
  Heal Ribbon 1-99F
  Joy Ribbon 1-99F
  Munch Belt 1-99F
  Pecha Scarf 1-99F
  Power Band 1-99F
  Racket Band 1-99F
  Twist Band 1-99F
  Insomniscope 1-99F
  Geo Pebble 1-99F
  Gravelerock 1-99F
  Iron Thorn 1-99F
  Silver Spike 1-99F
  Stick 1-99F
  Apple 1-99F
  Big Apple 1-99F
  Grimy Food 1-99F
  Cheri Berry 1-99F
  Chesto Berry 1-99F
  Oran Berry 1-99F
  Pecha Berry 1-99F
  Rawst Berry 1-99F
  Allure Seed 1-99F
  Blast Seed 1-99F
  Blinker Seed 1-99F
  Doom Seed 1-99F
  Eyedrop Seed 1-99F
  Hunger Seed 1-99F
  Joy Seed 1-99F
  Quick Seed 1-99F
  Reviver Seed 1-99F
  Sleep Seed 1-99F
  Stun Seed 1-99F
  Totter Seed 1-99F
  Warp Seed 1-99F
  Calcium 1-99F
  Ginseng 1-99F
  Iron 1-99F
  Max Elixir 1-99F
  Protein 1-99F
  Zinc 1-99F
  Aerial Ace 1-99F
  Attract 1-99F
  Brick Break 1-99F
  Bullet Seed 1-99F
  Calm Mind 1-99F
  Dig 1-99F
  Earthquake 1-99F
  Facade 1-99F
  Fire Blast 1-99F
  Flamethrower 1-99F
  Focus Punch 1-99F
  Frustration 1-99F
  Giga Drain 1-99F
  Hidden Power 1-99F
  Ice Beam 1-99F
  Light Screen 1-99F
  Psychic 1-99F
  Reflect 1-99F
  Rest 1-99F
  Return 1-99F
  Roar 1-99F
  Safeguard 1-99F
  Secret Power 1-99F
  Shadow Ball 1-99F
  Shock Wave 1-99F
  Solarbeam 1-99F
  Taunt 1-99F
  Thief 1-99F
  Thunderbolt 1-99F
  Torment 1-99F
  Toxic 1-99F
  Blowback Orb 1-99F
  Cleanse Orb 1-99F
  Decoy Orb 1-99F
  Drought Orb 1-99F
  Evasion Orb 1-99F
  Fill-In Orb 1-99F
  Hail Orb 1-99F
  Hurl Orb 1-99F
  Identify Orb 1-99F
  Itemizer Orb 1-99F
  Lob Orb 1-99F
  Longtoss Orb 1-99F
  Luminous Orb 1-99F
  Mobile Orb 1-99F
  Mug Orb 1-99F
  One-Shot Orb 1-99F
  Petrify Orb 1-99F
  Pierce Orb 1-99F
  Pounce Orb 1-99F
  Quick Orb 1-99F
  Radar Orb 1-99F
  Rainy Orb 1-99F
  Rebound Orb 1-99F
  Rocky Orb 1-99F
  Sandy Orb 1-99F
  Scanner Orb 1-99F
  See-Trap Orb 1-99F
  Shocker Orb 1-99F
  Silence Orb 1-99F
  Sizebust Orb 1-99F
  Slow Orb 1-99F
  Slumber Orb 1-99F
  Snatch Orb 1-99F
  Stairs Orb 1-99F
  Stayaway Orb 1-99F
  Sunny Orb 1-99F
  Switcher Orb 1-99F
  Totter Orb 1-99F
  Transfer Orb 1-99F
  Trapbust Orb 1-99F
  Warp Orb 1-99F

Generation VIII

Joyous Tower

  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: needs floor numbers and items
Item Floors
  50-250 Poké 1-18, 20-31, 33-34, 36-43, 45-46, 48-58, 60-68, 70-80, 82, 84-90, 92-93, 95, 97-98F
  Cover Band 10, 23, 62F
  Defense Scarf 59F
  Efficient Bandanna 5, 74F
  Explosive Band 6, 44F
  Fierce Bandanna 4, 14F
  Friend Bow 8, 71F
  Heal Ribbon 22, 96F
  Lucky Ribbon 12, 14F
  Mach Ribbon 8, 90F
  Munch Belt 1, 6-7, 11, 75F
  No-Stick Cap ?F
  Pass Scarf 3, 17, 46F
  Persim Bandanna 14F
  Power Band 85F
  Prosper Ribbon 13, 44F
  Recovery Scarf 9, 21F
  Reunion Cape 14, 24, 33, 50F
  Special Band 9, 11, 19F
  Stamina Band 23F
  Twist Band 5, 51F
  Weather Band 12-13, 84F
  Zinc Band 7F
  Gold Ribbon 8, 20, 30F
  Fickle Specs 7F
  Heavy Rotation Specs 1, 21, 82F
  Scope Lens 30, 35, 52F
  3-6 Geo Pebble 1-6, 10-12, 15-18, 21-22, 24-25, 28-29, 32, 37, 46-47, 50, 52-53, 57, 59, 70, 72, 76, 79-81, 83, 93F
  3-6 Gravelerock 1-6, 8, 11-12, 14-16, 18-25, 37, 39, 41-43, 45-48, 59, 61, 63, 66-67, 72-73, 77-78, 83-85F
  5-6 Iron Spike 1-3, 5, 7, 10-13, 15, 17-18, 20, 22, 25-26, 28, 35, 39-41, 44-45, 47, 56-59, 71-72, 86, 91, 97F
  4-6 Silver Spike 1-3, 6-17, 24-26, 32, 39, 42, 47, 49, 53-54, 60, 73, 80-82, 89-91F
  4 Golden Spike 48F
  Apple 2, 5-6, 8-12, 14-16, 18, 27, 33, 39, 43, 51, 57, 65, 71-72, 91, 94, 96F
  Big Apple 1-2, 4, 8-9, 11, 13-14, 16, 21, 31, 33-34, 38, 45, 48, 59-60, 64, 70, 75, 87F
  Perfect Apple 1-2, 4-11, 13-14, 16, 25, 27, 29, 31-32, 37, 39, 41, 50, 53, 57, 59, 64, 84, 93-94F
  Cheri Berry 5, 21, 25, 27, 34, 41, 55F
  Chesto Berry 11, 15, 17, 22, 30, 35, 55, 61, 75, 82-83, 88F
  Oran Berry 1-2, 4, 7-9, 11, 13-16, 18-19, 26, 79, 84, 89, 96, 98F
  Pecha Berry 1, 13, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29, 32, 36, 42, 52, 60, 64, 80, 90F
  Rawst Berry 1, 4, 16, 21, 34, 85F
  Ban Seed 6, 39, 45, 52F
  Blast Seed 13, 27, 44, 60, 63F
  Blinker Seed 5, 13-14, 17, 82F
  Decoy Seed 42, 47F
  Doom Seed 6, 11-12, 43, 92F
  Empowerment Seed 12-14, 16, 52, 62, 73, 84, 87F
  Energy Seed 8, 15, 18, 66, 71F
  Eyedrop Seed 2, 6-7, 11-12, 14, 19, 21, 23, 31, 35, 39, 56, 66, 68, 91F
  Heal Seed 19, 25, 51F
  Joy Seed 1, 9-11, 18-20, 29, 38-40, 49, 56, 59-60F
  Pure Seed 3, 14, 16, 26, 67F
  Quick Seed 5, 8, 11, 25, 27, 52, 66, 71, 80, 85F
  Reviver Seed 2, 34F
  Sleep Seed 3, 10, 12-14, 17-18, 21, 39F
  Stun Seed 1, 3, 6, 14, 55, 71F
  Tiny Reviver Seed 7, 10, 12-16, 24-25, 29, 37, 57, 59F
  Totter Seed 12, 14, 17, 19, 51, 62F
  Violent Seed 2, 4, 16-17, 65Fss
  Warp Seed 6-8, 11, 15, 20, 23, 27, 62, 69, 98F
  Max Ether 1-19, 21-23, 25, 27, 30, 33-36, 38, 41-46, 48, 50-52, 56-58, 60-64, 67, 72, 74-75, 77, 79, 82-83, 86-88, 91, 96-98F
  Max Elixir 3, 10, 19, 39F
  Attract TM 8, 10, 27, 66, 88F
  Aurora Veil TM 16F
  Brutal Swing TM 18F
  Charge Beam TM 6, 12, 17, 66F
  Dazzling Gleam TM 7, 69F
  Dragon Claw TM 17F
  Earthquake TM 10, 17, 45F
  Embargo TM 97F
  Energy Ball TM 13, 87F
  False Swipe TM 19F
  Fire Blast TM 67F
  Flame Charge TM 86, 93F
  Flash Cannon TM 18F
  Focus Blast TM 6, 38F
  Frustration TM 27, 72F
  Giga Impact TM 5, 27F
  Gyro Ball TM ?F
  Hidden Power TM 9, 16, 27F
  Hyper Beam TM 17F
  Light Screen TM 14, 25F
  Low Sweep TM 2, 13-14F
  Nature Power TM 70F
  Overheat TM 56F
  Payback TM 10, 17, 57, 71F
  Poison Jab TM 28, 72F
  Psych Up TM 24F
  Quash TM 10, 75F
  Reflect TM 13F
  Rest TM 18, 27, 59F
  Return TM 5, 61F
  Roar TM 18F
  Rock Polish TM 8F
  Roost TM 39F
  Sky Drop TM 8F
  Snarl TM 15F
  Solar Beam TM 12, 26F
  Steel Wing TM 86F
  Stone Edge TM 1F
  Substitute TM 95F
  Sunny Day TM 18, 26F
  Surf TM 19F
  Swagger TM 1, 8, 22, 65F
  Swords Dance TM 10F
  Thief TM 8, 14F
  Thunder TM 1, 5, 8F
  Thunder Wave TM 1, 10, 66F
  Toxic TM 23F
  Volt Switch TM 11, 42F
  Waterfall TM 95F
  Wild Charge TM 12F
  Will-O-Wisp TM 15, 93F
  Work Up TM 20, 76F
  All Dodge Orb 7, 12, 20, 31, 45, 54, 91F
  All Power-Up Orb 4, 51, 66F
  All Protect Orb 1, 23, 31, 63F
  Cleanse Orb 3, 13, 16, 22, 24, 36, 48, 65, 86, 93F
  Decoy Orb 6, 33F
  Drought Orb 13, 35, 80F
  Escape Orb 1-2, 5, 9, 14-15, 18, 46, 75F
  Evasion Orb 21, 43, 74F
  Foe-Hold Orb 2, 5, 7-8, 11, 13, 16, 20, 22, 27, 35, 37-38, 41-42, 51-53, 64, 74, 81, 94F
  Foe-Seal Orb 1, 3, 7, 52, 72F
  Hail Orb 11, 44, 50, 63, 84, 89F
  Health Orb 7, 12, 15-16, 18-20, 31, 36, 41, 43, 49, 76, 93F
  Lasso Orb 2, 10, 68F
  Luminous Orb 2, 10-11, 28F
  Mobile Orb 36F
  Monster Orb 11, 26, 46, 58, 94F
  Nullify Orb 1, 10, 18F
  One-Shot Orb 2, 6, 8-10, 14, 43F
  Petrify Orb 4, 10, 32, 94F
  Quick Orb 3, 8, 16, 21, 52, 62F
  Radar Orb 1, 7-8, 16, 24, 48, 57F
  Rainy Orb 2, 17, 88F
  Rare Quality Orb 32, 97F
  Reset Orb 8, 18, 34, 78F
  Revive All Orb 17, 28-29F
  Rollcall Orb 3, 7, 9, 11, 17, 25, 32, 46, 54, 56, 65, 68, 76, 78, 82F
  Sandy Orb 12, 49F
  Scanner Orb 2-3, 15, 20, 43, 46F
  See-Trap Orb 1F
  Slow Orb 4, 49, 80, 82F
  Slumber Orb 1, 3, 5-8, 13, 20-22, 26, 33, 35, 55, 70, 74, 84F
  Spurn Orb 10, 18, 25, 33F
  Sunny Orb 8, 22, 45, 84, 89F
  Totter Orb 21, 26, 51, 93F
  Trapbust Orb 4, 7, 11, 39F
  Trawl Orb 3, 7, 26F
  Weather Lock Orb 16, 20-21, 63, 68F
  Wigglytuff Orb 11F
  2-4 Confuse Wand 1-3, 6, 13, 18, 26, 31, 41, 48, 54, 59, 65, 88, 92F
  3-5 Guiding Wand 3, 7, 9, 15, 17-18, 28F
  2-4 HP-Swap Wand 3-4, 13, 16-17, 22, 28, 34F
  2-4 Petrify Wand 1-2, 5-6, 8, 14-15, 18, 28, 42-43, 45, 57, 70, 85, 91F
  5-8 Pounce Wand 3, 5, 8, 14, 16-18, 27, 32, 36F
  3-5 Slow Wand 3, 7, 15, 36, 42, 84F
  2-4 Slumber Wand 10, 16, 21, 37, 42, 50, 51, 93, 95F
  3-4 Stayaway Wand 2, 5-6, 13-15, 22, 24-25, 27, 68F
  3-5 Surround Wand 4, 15, 37, 87, 90, 94-95F
  3-5 Switcher Wand 1, 5, 27, 31, 38, 45, 63, 69F
  2-3 Tunnel Wand 75, 77, 85F
  3-5 Two-Edged Wand 8, 14, 16, 18, 61, 98F
  3-5 Warp Wand 5, 14, 17, 33, 39, 53, 85, 96-97F
  3-5 Whirlwind Wand 14, 16, 23, 32, 54, 73, 75, 87F
  Link Box 9, 19-20, 39-40F
Treasure room
  3 Joy Seed 99F
  12 Deluxe Box 99F

Sparkling Floor

Item Floors
  Sitrus Berry 3, 5-6, 10, 12, 36, 61, 82-83, 87, 93, 96F
  Heal Seed 5F
  Joy Seed 5, 7, 24F
  Life Seed 7-9, 20, 30, 45F
  Reviver Seed 2, 6, 9, 14-16, 18, 20, 26, 91F
  Calcium 2, 15, 19, 22, 27, 32, 43, 46-47, 96F
  Carbos 1, 10-11, 14, 17, 70, 84F
  Iron 11, 14, 22, 24, 27, 36, 49, 67, 82F
  Protein 1-2, 7, 18, 52, 60, 70, 91F
  Zinc 2-3, 15, 20, 68F

Kecleon Shop

Item Floors
  Cover Band 11F
  Pass Scarf 3F
  Special Band 6F
  Warp Scarf 3F
  Zinc Band 50F
  Big Apple 3, 6-7, 11, 15, 24F
  Perfect Apple 3, 11, 15-18F
  Cheri Berry 7, 11, 15F
  Chesto Berry 3, 11F
  Pecha Berry 3, 8, 13, 18, 27, 50F
  Rawst Berry 11, 13, 18F
  Blast Seed 15, 27F
  Blinker Seed 18, 46F
  Decoy Seed 6, 15F
  Empowerment Seed 13, 15, 22, 46F
  Energy Seed 8, 14F
  Eyedrop Seed 3, 15, 17, 22F
  Heal Seed 2F
  Joy Seed 3, 15F
  Quick Seed 3, 6, 15F
  Sleep Seed 16, 24F
  Stun Seed 11, 17F
  Tiny Reviver Seed 2, 8, 15F
  Totter Seed 18F
  Violent Seed 22, 46F
  Warp Seed 7F
  Max Ether 2-3, 8, 11, 15-16, 24, 27, 46, 81F
  Max Elixir 2, 6-7, 11, 15, 17-18, 27F
  Aerial Ace TM 6F
  Dazzling Gleam TM 17, 22F
  Dragon Tail TM 6, 13F
  Earthquake TM 50F
  False Swipe TM 6F
  Flash Cannon TM 13F
  Hyper Beam TM ?F
  Nature Power TM 10F
  Payback TM 46F
  Rain Dance TM 3F
  Return TM 6F
  Roar TM 24F
  Rock Tomb TM 16F
  Safeguard TM 46F
  Sandstorm TM 3F
  Smart Strike TM 3F
  Steel Wing TM 3F
  Swagger TM 22F
  Taunt TM 6F
  Thunder TM 3F
  Volt Switch TM 18F
  All Protect Orb 7F
  Cleanse Orb 3, 15F
  Decoy Orb 16F
  Drought Orb 8, 15F
  Evasion Orb 6, 11F
  Foe-Hold Orb 3, 18, 22F
  Foe-Seal Orb 6F
  Hail Orb 81F
  Health Orb 8, 22F
  Luminous Orb 11, 15F
  Mobile Orb 3F
  Monster Orb 6, 18, 24F
  Nullify Orb 6, 17F
  One-Room Orb 10-11F
  One-Shot Orb 14-15F
  Quick Orb 10F
  Radar Orb 50F
  Rainy Orb 15F
  Rare Quality Orb 3, 15F
  Reset Orb 46F
  Rollcall Orb 3, 15-17F
  Sandy Orb 7, 50F
  Scanner Orb 14F
  Slumber Orb 10, 18F
  Sunny Orb 2-3, 6F
  Trapbust Orb 8F
  Weather Lock Orb 22F
  4 Confuse Wand 15F
  3 Guiding Wand 13F
  4 HP-Swap Wand 24F
  6 Pounce Wand 22F
  3-5 Slow Wand 3, 8, 13F
  2-4 Slumber Wand 2, 10-11, 13, 50F
  3 Stawayway Wand 17F
  4 Surround Wand 46F
  3 Switcher Wand 6, 14, 27F
  2-3 Tunnel Wand 3, 10F
  3 Two-Edged Wand 16F
  5 Warp Wand 50F

Monster House

Item Floors
  63-241 Poké 7-9, 14, 43, 53, 57F
  Detect Band 9F
  Persim Band 57F
  Twist Band 36F
  ? Iron Spike 53F
  4-5 Silver Spike 7-8, 57F
  Apple 36, 43F
  Big Apple 36F
  Rawst Berry 53F
  Ban Seed 7F
  Joy Seed 7F
  Tiny Reviver Seed 53F
  Totter Seed 9F
  Max Ether 7, 14, 32, 43, 57F
  Flash Cannon TM 14F
  Frustration TM 9F
  Work Up TM 43F
  Cleanse Orb 7, 14F
  Escape Orb 43F
  Foe-Seal Orb 57F
  Petrify Orb 8F
  Rare Quality Orb 36F
  Rollcall Orb 9F
  Slumber Orb 43F
  Trawl Orb 8F
  3 Confuse Wand 9F
  3 HP-Swap Wand 57F
  4 Petrify Wand 8F
  4 Slumber Wand 53F
  4 Two-Edged Wand 8F

Traps encountered

Generation III

Note: The % are approximations.

Image Trap Floor 1 Floor 2-9 Floor 10, 13-19 Floor 11-12 Floor 20 Floor 21-29 Floor 30 Floor 31-39 Floor 40-49 Floor 50
  Chestnut Trap 5.92% 5.74% 5.68% 5.85% 5.53% 5.85% 5.53% 6.02%
  Explosion Trap 2.36% 2.30% 2.28% 2.33% 2.21% 2.34% 2.21% 2.41% 2.50% 2.29%
  Grimy Trap 5.91% 5.74% 5.69% 5.85% 5.53% 5.85% 5.53% 6.03% 3.75% 3.42%
  Gust Trap 2.96% 2.87% 2.84% 2.92% 2.76% 2.92% 2.76% 3.02% 3.13%
  Mud Trap 2.96% 2.87% 2.84% 2.92% 5.52% 5.85% 16.57% 18.07% 18.75% 22.86%
  PP-Zero Trap 5.92% 5.75% 5.68% 5.85% 5.52% 5.85% 5.52% 6.03% 6.25% 5.71%
  Poison Trap 2.96% 5.75% 5.68% 5.85% 5.53% 5.85% 5.52% 6.02% 6.25% 2.86%
  Pokémon Trap 5.92% 5.75% 5.68% 5.85% 5.52% 5.85% 5.52% 6.02% 6.25% 5.71%
  Seal Trap 2.96% 2.87% 2.84% 2.92% 2.76% 2.92% 8.29% 9.04% 12.50% 11.43%
  Selfdestruct Trap 1.78% 1.72% 1.70% 1.76% 1.66% 1.75% 1.66% 1.81% 1.88% 1.71%
  Slow Trap 4.73% 4.60% 5.68% 5.85% 5.52% 5.85% 5.53% 6.02% 6.25% 5.71%
  Slumber Trap 2.96% 2.88% 2.85% 2.92% 2.77% 2.93% 2.76% 3.01% 5.00% 4.57%
  Spin Trap 5.32% 5.17% 5.11% 5.27% 4.97% 5.26% 4.97% 5.42% 5.62% 5.14%
  Sticky Trap 2.96% 2.88% 11.36% 11.70% 11.05% 11.69% 11.05% 3.01% 3.13% 11.43%
  Summon Trap 5.92% 5.75% 5.68% 5.85% 5.52% 5.85% 5.52% 6.02% 6.25% 5.72%
  Warp Trap 5.92% 5.75% 5.68% 2.92% 5.53% 5.85% 2.77% 3.01% 3.12% 2.86%
Image Trap Floor 51-59 Floor 60-69 Floor 70 Floor 71-72, 75-78 Floor 73 Floor 74 Floor 79 Floor 80 Floor 81-99
  Explosion Trap 2.31% 5.95% 7.46% 7.82% 7.75% 7.63% 7.93% 7.69% 8.00%
  Grimy Trap 3.47% 3.58% 4.48%
  Mud Trap 23.12% 23.81% 29.85% 31.25% 31.01% 30.53% 31.75% 30.77% 32.00%
  PP-Zero Trap 5.78% 11.91% 8.96% 9.37% 10.08% 11.45% 7.94% 7.69% 8.00%
  Poison Trap 2.89% 2.98% 3.73% 3.90% 3.88% 3.82% 3.97% 3.85% 4.00%
  Pokémon Trap 5.78% 2.98%
  Seal Trap 11.56% 8.93% 14.92% 15.63% 15.50% 15.27% 15.87% 15.39% 16.00%
  Selfdestruct Trap 1.74%
  Slow Trap 4.62% 3.57% 4.48% 4.69% 4.65% 4.58% 4.77% 7.69% 8.00%
  Slumber Trap 4.63% 4.76% 5.97% 6.25% 6.20% 6.10% 6.35% 6.15% 6.40%
  Spin Trap 5.20% 2.98% 3.73% 3.90% 3.88% 3.82% 3.96% 3.85% 4.00%
  Sticky Trap 11.56% 11.90% 7.46% 7.81% 7.75% 7.64% 7.93% 7.69% 8.00%
  Summon Trap 5.78% 4.76% 5.22% 5.47% 5.43% 5.34% 5.56% 5.39% 5.60%
  Warp Trap 2.89% 2.97% 3.74% 3.91% 3.87% 3.82% 3.97% 3.84%

Generation VIII

  This section is incomplete.
Please feel free to edit this section to add missing information and complete it.
Reason: needs percentages

Note: The % are rough estimates.

Image Trap Floor 1-98
  Big Blast Trap ? %
  Blast Trap ? %
  Grudge Trap ? %
  Gust Trap ? %
  Hunger Trap ? %
  Mud Trap ? %
  Poison Trap ? %
  PP Leech Trap ? %
  Random Trap ? %
  Seal Trap ? %
  Slow Trap ? %
  Slumber Trap ? %
  Spiky Trap ? %
  Spin Trap ? %
  Sticky Trap ? %
  Summon Trap ? %
  Warp Trap ? %

Other encounters

Generation III

Image Tile Floor 1 Floor 2-6 Floor 7 Floor 8 Floor 9 Floor 10, 13 Floor 11-12 Floor 14 Floor 15-19 Floor 20
  Wonder Tile 32.54% 31.61% 22.73% 23.39% 22.73% 22.10%
  Kecleon Carpet 8% 40% 8%
  Monster House 0% 5% 40% 6%
Image Tile Floor 21-22, 24-28 Floor 23 Floor 29 Floor 30 Floor 31-37, 39 Floor 38 Floor 40-45, 47-49 Floor 46 Floor 50
  Wonder Tile 17.54% 8.29% 9.04% 9.37% 8.58%
  Kecleon Carpet 8% 40% 8% 40% 8%
  Monster House 6% 40% 6% 40% 6%
Image Tile Floor 51-54, 56-59 Floor 55 Floor 60-63, 65-69 Floor 64 Floor 70-74, 76-85, 87-99 Floor 75 Floor 86
  Wonder Tile 8.67% 8.92% 0%
  Kecleon Carpet 8% 40% 8% 40% 8%
  Monster House 6% 40% 6% 40%



In other languages

Language Title
  French Tour Bonheur
  German Freudenturm
  Italian Torre Gioiosa
  Korean 행복의 탑 Haengbok-yi Tap
  Spanish Torre Regocijo

Locations in the Pokémon world in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, and Rescue Team DX
Major locations
Friend Areas/Rescue team campsTeam BasePokémon SquareKecleon Shop
Kangaskhan StorageMakuhita DojoWhiscash PondLuminous CaveHill of the Ancients
Tiny WoodsThunderwave CaveMt. SteelSinister WoodsSilent Chasm
Mt. ThunderGreat CanyonLapis CaveRock PathMt. BlazeSnow Path
Frosty ForestMt. FreezeMagma CavernSky TowerUproar Forest
Howling ForestStormy SeaSilver TrenchMeteor CaveFiery Field
Lightning FieldNorthwind FieldMt. FarawayWestern CaveNorthern Range
Pitfall ValleyBuried RelicWish CaveMurky CaveDesert Region
Southern CavernWyvern HillSolar CaveDarknight RelicGrand Sea
Waterfall PondUnown RelicJoyous TowerFar-Off SeaPurity Forest
Oddity CaveRemains IslandMarvelous SeaFantasy Strait
Unknown DungeonRB
Illusory GrottoRTDX
  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.