Pokémon of Myth orbs

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The timespace orbs are a group of three orbs related to the creation trio: the Adamant Orb (Japanese: こんごうだま Diamond Orb), which is specific to Dialga; the Lustrous Orb (Japanese: しらたま White Orb), which is specific to Palkia; and the Griseous Orb (Japanese: はっきんだま Platinum Orb), which is specific to Giratina.

In the games

In summoning DialgaDPt and PalkiaPPt, Cyrus also summoned the Adamant OrbDPt and Lustrous OrbPPt. In Diamond and Pearl, the orb is located behind where the legendary dragon is summoned on the Spear Pillar. In Platinum, both orbs end up in a secluded chamber in Mt. Coronet.

The Griseous Orb is found in the Turnback Cave area of the Distortion World, and allows Giratina to remain in its Origin Forme in the real world.

The orbs appear to have been created alongside the creation trio themselves, as demonstrated in HeartGold and SoulSilver at the Sinjoh Ruins when Arceus creates one of the creation trio holding its respective orb.

Item details

In the anime

Adamant Orb in the anime
Lustrous Orb in the anime

The Adamant Orb debuted in A Secret Sphere of Influence!, where Team Rocket was tasked by Team Galactic to steal it from the Eterna Historical Museum. Team Rocket successfully made the theft, but did not manage to give the orb to Team Galactic.

The Adamant Orb and the Lustrous Orb appeared in Losing Its Lustrous!. Team Galactic attacked a police plane transporting the Adamant Orb from Eterna City to Celestic Town, and stole the Adamant Orb. The Celestic Town Historical Research Center was studying the Lustrous Orb, and was having the Adamant Orb transported there to be studied as well. Upon receiving word that the Adamant Orb had been stolen, the Lustrous Orb was put under heavy police protection by Officer Jenny and her officers. Professor Carolina, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Cynthia, and Cyrus (who is regarded as a famous businessman) entered the room that contained the orb to examine it, but Mars set off explosives, after which the door to the orb room failed to reseal. Team Galactic burst in and engaged Ash, his friends, and Cynthia in battle. In the next episode, Double Team Turnover!, Team Rocket successfully steal the Lustrous Orb while disguised as police officers. Both Ash and his friends and Team Galactic try to get the orb back, but Team Rocket escapes. After being found hiding in the Celestic Ruins, Ash, his friends, Team Galactic tried to get the orb back, only for Team Rocket to threaten to have James's Carnivine eat it. Jupiter's Purugly jumped on Carnivine's head and took the Lustrous Orb from it. At this point, Team Galactic fled the scene. Back in the Galactic HQ, the Lustrous and Adamant Orbs were shown to be connected to some kind of machinery. In the next episode, If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!, a picture of the Lustrous Orb appeared in an article in the Sinnoh Star that Brock was reading.

In these episodes, Cyrus explained that he believes that the Adamant Orb is Dialga and that the Lustrous Orb is Palkia.

The two orbs made a brief appearance at the end of Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!, where Team Galactic is seen taking them to the Spear Pillar, along with the Red Chain. The orbs reappear in The Battle Finale of Legend!, where Cyrus places them and the lake guardians in place around the ruins at the Spear Pillar. This process calls forth Dialga and Palkia, who are immediately controlled by the Red Chain. Under Cyrus's control, they create a portal to his new world, which he alone enters. The Red Chain then breaks and the lake guardians use their powers to return Dialga and Palkia to their own worlds. After Dialga and Palkia return to their own worlds, Gary secures the orbs and decides to return them to Professor Carolina.

The Griseous Orb has not appeared in the anime.

In the manga

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In the TCG

Both the Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb are featured in the Pokémon Trading Card Game as held items on Dialga and Palkia cards respectively. These held items work in the same fashion as Poké-Bodies, in that the effect the item provides is active whenever the Pokémon is in play. The following is a list of cards including timespace orbs.

Pokémon cards with timespace orbs as held items
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Dialga   Majestic Dawn   4/100 PPP Promotional cards   005/PPP
      Mewtwo LV.X Collection Pack   010/012
Palkia   Majestic Dawn   11/100 PPP Promotional cards   006/PPP
      Shaymin LV.X Collection Pack   006/012

Type-enhancing items
Soul Dew

Types of items
General Evolution stonesFossilsFlutesShardsHeld items
Evolution itemsEscape itemsExchangeable itemsValuable items
Battle itemsScentsNectarsCandyIngredients
Medicine Status condition healing itemsVitaminsFeathers
MintsMochiDrinksHerbal medicine
Berry and Apricorn Poké BallsApricornsBerriesMulch
Aesthetic DecorationsAccessoriesBackdropsPropsDécor
Other MailKey ItemsEvent items
Wonder Launcher itemsRotom Powers

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