List of PAL Nintendo event Pokémon in 2012

Revision as of 22:01, 9 April 2012 by Oo Suiren oO (talk | contribs)
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This is a reverse-chronological list of Nintendo event Pokémon that were given away in 2012 for all PAL Pokémon games.

List of event Pokémon

German and Italian Movie Victini

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Victini Dex No. 0494 Unknown nature. Fire V-create None
Lv. 50 Type Apr. 10, 2011 Fire Fusion Flare
  Psychic Fire Wi-Fi Gift Electric Fusion Bolt
OT FILM14 Met at Lv. 50. Fire Searing Shot
ID No. 12031   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from April 10 to 30, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Fire Gem Victory Star  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution


Das virtuose Victini!
Dieses Victini stammt direkt aus dem
Pokémon Film und verhilft dir mit
seiner Attacke V-Generator zum Sieg!

Das virtuose Victini!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!

Un Victini di vero talento!
Direttamente dal Regno della Valle,
questo Victini con la mosa Generatore V
ti regalerà una vittoria dopo l'altra!

*Scheda Segreta
Un Victini di vero talento!
Grazie per aver giocato con questo
gioco dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

Spanish Movie Victini

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Victini Dex No. 0494 Unknown nature. Fire V-create None
Lv. 50 Type Apr. 10, 2011 Fire Fusion Flare
  Psychic Fire Wi-Fi Gift Electric Fusion Bolt
OT PELI14 Met at Lv. 50. Fire Searing Shot
ID No. 12031   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from April 10 to 30, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Fire Gem Victory Star  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution


¡Un Victini muy virtuoso!
¡Venido directo desde el Reino del Valle,
con el movimiento V de Fuego, este Victini
te proporcionarà una victoria tras otra!

Wonder Card
¡Un Victini muy virtuoso!
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo

French Spring Mewtwo

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Mewtwo Dex No. 0150 Unknown nature. Psychic Psystrike None
Lv. 70 Type Mar. 26, 2012 Ghost Shadow Ball
  Psychic Unknown Wi-Fi Gift Fighting Aura Sphere
OT PRI2012 Met at Lv. 70. Electric Electro Ball
ID No. 02112   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from March 26 to ???, 2012.
Item Ability  
  King's Rock Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution


Mewtwo est de retour!
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!
Vos amis seront jaloux lorsqu'ils verront
votre puissant Mewtwo en action!

*Carte Miracle
Mewtwo est de retour!
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!
Allez récupérer votre cadeau
dans le jeu auprès du livreur
d'un Centre Pokémon

Spring 2012 Zekrom

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zekrom Dex No. 0644 Unknown nature. Electric Bolt Strike None
Lv. 100 Type Mar. 10, 2012 Electric Fusion Bolt
  Dragon Electric Wi-Fi Gift Ice Haze
OT SPR2012
Met at Lv. 100. Dragon Outrage
ID No. 03102   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from March 10 to March 25 or April 8, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Gem Teravolt  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.


It's Zekrom from the movie!
Try out its Bolt Srike move
to witness its power in battle!

Wonder Card
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Dies ist das Zekrom aus dem Film!
Probiere seine Attacke Blitzschlag aus,
um dich im Kampf von seiner Stärke zu

Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!

C'est le Zekrom du film!
Essayez sa capacité ChargeFoudre
lors des combats pour admirer
toute sa puissance!

*Carte Miracle
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!
Allez récupérer votre cadeau
dans le jeu auprès du livreur
d'un Centre Pokémon

Questo Zekrom arriva direttamente
dal film! Con la mossa Lucesiluro
sbaraglierà ogni avversario. Mettilo
alla prova nella lotta, che aspetti?

*Scheda Segreta
Grazie per aver giocato con questo
gioco dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

¡Aquí llega Zekrom,
directamente de la película!
¡Prueba su Ataque Fulgor
y observa su tremendo poder
en combate!

Wonder Card
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo

Spring 2012 Reshiram

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Reshiram Dex No. 0643 Unknown nature. Fire Blue Flare None
Lv. 100 Type Mar. 10, 2012 Fire Fusion Flare
  Dragon Fire Wi-Fi Gift Ice Mist
OT SPR2012
Met at Lv. 100. Dragon Draco Meteor
ID No. 03102   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from March 10 to March 25 or April 8, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Gem Turboblaze  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.


It's Reshiram from the movie!
Try out its Blue Flare move
to witness its power in battle!

Wonder Card
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Dies ist das Reshiram aus dem Film!
Probiere seine Attacke Blauflammen aus,
um dich im Kampf von seiner Stärke zu

Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!

C'est le Reshiram du film!
Essayez sa capacité Flamme Bleue
lors des combats pour admirer
toute sa puissance!

*Carte Miracle
Merci d'avoir joué à Pokémon!
Allez récupérer votre cadeau
dans le jeu auprès du livreur
d'un Centre Pokémon

Questo Reshiram arriva direttamente
dal film! Con la mossa Fuocoblu
sbaraglierà ogni avversario. Mettilo
alla prova nella lotta, che aspetti?

*Scheda Segreta
Grazie per aver giocato con questo
gioco dei Pokémon!
Ricordati di ritirare il dono dal postino
nel Centro Pokémon!

¡Aquí llega Reshiram,
directamente de la película!
¡Prueba su Llama Azul
y observa su tremendo poder
en combate!

Wonder Card
¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon!
Ve a ver al repartidor en cualquier
Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo

Video Game Championships 2012 Larvitar

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Larvitar* Dex No. 0246 Adamant nature. Dark Bite None
Lv. 5 Type Mar. 3, 2012 Normal Leer
    Rock Ground VGE 2012 Rock Sandstorm
OT VGC12 Met at Lv. 5. Fighting Superpower
ID No. 03032   This Pokémon was available in the UK,
Germany, France, Spain, and Italy

on 2012.
Item Ability  
  Chople Berry Guts  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution


Great battles await you!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Train hard with Larvitar,
and take the competition by storm!

Wonder Card
Great battles await you!
Thank you for participating in a 2012
Pokémon Video Game Championships event!
Please pick up your gift from
the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Freue dich auf großartige Kämpfe!
Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst!
Unterziehe Larvitar einem rigorosen
Training und mache mit deinen
Gegnern kurzen Prozess!

Freue dich auf großartige Kämpfe!
Danke für deine Teilnahme an den Pokémon
Videospiel-Meisterschaften (VGC) 2012!
Hole dir dein Geschenk bei unserem
Lieferanten im Pokémon-Center ab!

Préparez-vous à des combats épiques!
Merci de jouer à Pokémon!
Entrainez dur votre Eabrylex
pour baiayer la concurrence!

*Carte Miracle
Préparez-vous à des combats épiques!
Merci d'avoir participé au Championnat
du Monde Pokémon 2012! Allez récupérer
votre cadeau dans le jeu auprès du
livreur d'un Centre Pokémon!

Wonder Card

*Scheda Segreta

V&D Zekrom

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Zekrom Dex No. 0644 Unknown nature. Electric Bolt Strike None
Lv. 100 Type Feb. 18, 2012 Electric Fusion Bolt
  Dragon Electric Pokémon Event Ice Haze
OT SPR2012 Met at Lv. 100. Dragon Outrage
ID No. 03102   This Pokémon was available in the Netherlands
on February 18, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Gem Teravolt  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.


It's Zekrom from the movie!
Try out its Bolt Srike move
to witness its power in battle!

Wonder Card
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

V&D Reshiram

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Reshiram Dex No. 0643 Unknown nature. Fire Blue Flare None
Lv. 100 Type Feb. 18, 2012 Fire Fusion Flare
  Dragon Fire Pokémon Event Ice Mist
OT SPR2012 Met at Lv. 100. Dragon Draco Meteor
ID No. 03102   This Pokémon was available in the Netherlands
on February 18, 2012.
Item Ability  
  Dragon Gem Turboblaze  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution
Please go here to see this Pokémon's in-game effect.


It's Reshiram from the movie!
Try out its Blue Flare move
to witness its power in battle!

Wonder Card
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

Mighty Mewtwo

Bulbanews has an article related to this subject:
Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons
  Mewtwo Dex No. 0150 Unknown nature. Psychic Psystrike None
Lv. 70 Type Feb. 11, 2012 Ghost Shadow Ball
  Psychic Unknown Wi-Fi Gift Fighting Aura Sphere
OT FEB2012 Met at Lv. 70. Electric Electro Ball
ID No. 02112   This Pokémon was available in Wi-Fi
from February 11 to February 26, 2012.
Item Ability  
  King's Rock Pressure  
The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when it was obtained from the Poké Mart.
This Pokémon is English in origin.
Can be obtained with: D P Pt HG SS
Obtained from: PBR Ranch Ra SoA GS Distribution


Mewtwo returns!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Play with the powerful Mewtwo and
show it off to friends in battle!

Wonder Card
Mewtwo returns!
Thank you for playing Pokémon!
Please pick up your gift from the
deliveryman in any Pokémon Center.

See also

Event distributions
Generation I: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation II: JapaneseEuropean language
Generation III: JapaneseEnglishGermanSpanishFrenchItalian
Generation IV: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Trading (GTS)
Generation V: Japanese (local | Wi-Fi) • English (local | Wi-Fi) • German (local | Wi-Fi)
Spanish (local | Wi-Fi) • French (local | Wi-Fi) • Italian (local | Wi-Fi) • Korean (local | Wi-Fi)
Global Link promotions
Generation VI: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Generation VII: 3DS: Japanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • American region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
PAL region (Nintendo Network | serial code) • Korean region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Taiwanese region (Nintendo Network | serial code)
Switch: PE
Generation VIII: SwShBDSPLA
Generation IX: SV
Specific events: Gather More Pokémon! Campaign
PCNY (Gen II | Gen III) • Trade and Battle DayJourney Across AmericaParty of the Decade
Other groupings: Movie events10th AnniversaryTanabataUndistributed
Special Pokémon from games
In-game: Gen IGen II • Gen III (RSFRLGEColosseum/XD) • Gen IV (DP ​• Pt ​• HGSS) • Gen V (BWB2W2)
Gift Pokémon (Eggs) • Wild Pokémon (Roaming Pokémon) • In-game trades (Hayley's trades)
Game-based: Gen IGen IIGen IIIGen IVGen VIGen VII
Gen VIII (Wild Area News) • Gen IX (Poké Portal News)
Other: Undistributed
Non-Pokémon event distributions
Gen IIIGen IVGen VGen VIGen VII (Game-based) • Gen VIIIGen IX (Game-based)
Global Link
Other lists
Notable ID numbers (Gens I-IIIII onward) • Wonder Cards (Gen VGen VIGen VII) • Serial code prefixes