Fire Temple

Fire Temple ほのおのしんでん
Flame Temple
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Fire Temple Ranger3.png
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Past Cocona Village
Region: Oblivia
Generations: IV
Unknown Ranger3 map.png
Location of Fire Temple in Oblivia.
Pokémon world locations

Fire Temple (Japanese: ほのおのしんでん Flame Temple) is a past location in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. The player can travel to this temple from past Cocona Village after beating Dasios of the Forest Temple, and it is the second temple found in the Wireless Multiplayer Missions. The head of this temple is Flegos (Japanese: フレイド Freid). After clearing the fourth mission and beating Flegos, the player will gain access to the Ice Temple.

Mission 1

A Scorching Shower of Flames (Japanese: しゃくねつの かえんほうげき Scorching Fireballs) is the first mission of this temple. Players must capture five Magby. The starting time limit is 06:00, but additional time can be obtained from treasure chests.


First room

The first room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Cyndaquil or Charmander ×4
  • Quilava ×2
  • Magby ×1

The second room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+20 Energy) ×2
  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×2

The portal in this room connects to the second room.

Second room

The second room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Charmeleon or Magmar ×3
  • Hitmonchan or Hitmontop ×1
  • Magby ×1

Two of the Charmeleon or Magmar can only be reached by two players activating a pair of switches.

The second room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×2
  • Unknown item (contained in a Burn box)

The unknown item can only be reached by two players activating a pair of switches.

The top portal in this room connects to the sixth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the first room. The left and right portals connect to the third and fourth rooms, but which portal leads to each room varies between attempts. The portal on Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, or Magby's side always connects to the third room, and the portal on Charmeleon or Magmar's side always connects to the fourth room.

Third room

The third room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Charmeleon or Magmar ×2

The third room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×1

The portal in this room connects to the second room.

Fourth room

The fourth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Magby ×1
  • Charmander or Cyndaquil ×6
  • Hitmonlee ×1

The fourth room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy or +60 Energy) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+20 Energy) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the fifth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the second room.

Fifth room

The fifth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Cyndaquil or Flareon ×1
  • Typhlosion or Flareon ×1

The fifth room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×2

The top portal in this room connects to the sixth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the fourth room.

Sixth room

The sixth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, or Tyrogue ×2
  • Magby ×2
  • Magmar or Charmeleon ×4

The sixth room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+20 or +60 Energy) ×2
  • Time Extender (+90 seconds) ×1
  • Time Extender (+60 or +90 seconds) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the fifth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the second room. This room also contains the Red Warp Zone.


Pokémon Group AP
  Charmander Fire 2
  Charmeleon Fire 3
  Hitmonlee Fighting 2
  Hitmonchan Fighting 2
  Magmar Fire 3
  Flareon Fire 3
  Cyndaquil Fire 1
  Quilava Fire 2
  Typhlosion Fire 4
  Hitmontop Fighting 2
  Magby Fire 1
  Magmortar * Fire 6


# Pokémon Group Field Move Assist
N-034   Grovyle Grass   Cut 1   Grass
N-057   Flareon Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-062   Charmander Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-063   Charmeleon Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-070   Tyrogue Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-071   Hitmonlee Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-072   Hitmonchan Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-073   Hitmontop Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-074   Magby Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-075   Magmar Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-076   Magmortar Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-077   Cyndaquil Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-078   Quilava Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-079   Typhlosion Fire   Tackle 1   Fire

Clear Rank

Rank Time remaining Slate awarded
S 5:00 or more Grovyle
Magmortar (rare)
A 3:00–4:59 Magby
B 1:30–2:59
C 1:29 or less

Mission 2

Which Switch Is for Mime Jr.? (Japanese: スイッチオン!マネネみっけ! Switch on! Found Manene!) is the second mission of this temple. Players must capture six Mime Jr.. The starting time limit is 09:45, but additional time can be obtained from treasure chests. The Steelhead in charge of this mission is Thane, Kira's brother.


First room

The first room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Mime Jr. ×3
  • Hippopotas ×2
  • Makuhita ×2

All of the Pokémon here are summoned by switches. The first switch will always summon Mime Jr., while the six switches surrounding the portal will summon one of the other Pokémon. Exactly which Pokémon is summoned by each switch varies between attempts, but the same species will not appear next to each other.

The portal in this room connects to the second room.

Second room

The second room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Houndour ×2
  • Croagunk or Numel ×7
  • Mime Jr. ×2
  • Toxicroak or Hariyama ×2

One Croagunk or Numel appears on the left side of the room; the other Pokémon are summoned by switches. Exactly which Pokémon is summoned by each switch varies between attempts, though the two switches on the left side of the center platform will always summon Houndour.

The second room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1

The top-left portal in this room connects to the fourth room, and the top-right portal in this room connects to the third room. This room also contains the Red Warp Zone.

Third room

The third room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Hitmontop or Geodude ×2
  • Golbat or Donphan ×2

The Hitmontop or Geodude appear in the middle of the room; the Golbat or Donphan are summoned by switches.

The third room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+60 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+90 seconds) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+20 Energy) ×1

The portal in this room connects to the second room.

Fourth room

The fourth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Mime Jr. ×1
  • Hitmontop or Geodude ×1
  • Ursaring or Hariyama ×2

The fourth room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1

The portal in this room connects to the second room.


Pokémon Group AP
  Golbat Poison 3
  Geodude Rock 1
  Ursaring Normal 4
  Houndour Dark 1
  Donphan Ground 2
  Hitmontop Fighting 2
  Blaziken * Fire 6
  Makuhita Fighting 1
  Hariyama Fighting 4
  Numel Fire 1
  Mime Jr. Psychic 1
  Hippopotas Ground 1
  Croagunk Poison 2
  Toxicroak Poison 3


# Pokémon Group Field Move Assist
N-037   Combusken Fire   Crush 1   Fire
N-038   Blaziken Fire   Crush 1   Fire
N-065   Golbat Poison   Cut 1   Poison
N-066   Crobat Poison   Cut 1   Poison
N-067   Geodude Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-068   Graveler Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-073   Hitmontop Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-081   Teddiursa Normal   Crush 1   Normal
N-082   Ursaring Normal   Tackle 1   Normal
N-083   Houndour Dark   Tackle 1   Dark
N-085   Phanpy Ground   Tackle 1   Ground
N-086   Donphan Ground   Tackle 1   Ground
N-092   Makuhita Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-093   Hariyama Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-097   Numel Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-098   Camerupt Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-101   Mime Jr. Psychic   Tackle 1   Psychic
N-103   Hippopotas Ground   Tackle 1   Ground
N-104   Hippowdon Ground   Crush 1   Ground
N-105   Croagunk Poison   Crush 1   Poison
N-106   Toxicroak Poison   Crush 1   Poison

Clear Rank

Rank Time remaining Slate awarded
S 5:00 or more Combusken
Blaziken (rare)
A 3:00–4:59 Mime Jr.
B 1:30–2:59
C 1:29 or less

Mission 3

Shaken by Aggron's Footsteps! (Japanese: ひびく ボスゴドラの あしあと Bossgodora's Echoing Footsteps) is the third mission of this temple. Players must capture four Bastiodon. The starting time limit is 07:00, but additional time can be obtained from treasure chests.


First room

The first room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Aggron ×1
  • Lairon ×1
  • Teddiursa ×1

The first room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×3

The portal in this room connects to the second room.

Second room

The second room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Aggron ×2
  • Shieldon, Shuckle, or Numel ×1
  • Ursaring, Lairon, or Numel ×1

The second room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×2
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the third room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the first room.

Third room

The third room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Munchlax ×3, Eevee ×3, or Teddiursa ×2
  • Lairon ×1 or Ursaring ×2
  • Bastiodon ×2
  • Aggron ×1

The third room contains the following items:

  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×3
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the fourth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the second room. This room also contains the Red Warp Zone.

Fourth room

The fourth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Numel, Shuckle, or Shieldon ×2
  • Bastiodon ×1
  • Eevee ×1 and Numel ×1, Teddiursa ×2, or Munchlax ×2 and Delibird ×1
  • Aggron ×1
  • Numel or Lairon ×1

The fourth room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1
  • Energy Recovery (+20 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×3
  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×3

The left portal in this room connects to the fifth room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the third room.

Fifth room

The fifth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Bastiodon ×1
  • Shieldon or Shuckle ×2

The fifth room contains the following items:

  • Speed Up (contained in a Psy Power box)
  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×1

The portal in this room connects to the fourth room.


Pokémon Group AP
  Eevee Normal 1
  Shuckle Rock 3
  Teddiursa Normal 1
  Ursaring Normal 4
  Delibird Ice 20
  Lairon Steel 3
  Aggron Steel 5
  Numel Fire 1
  Shieldon Steel 2
  Bastiodon Steel 4
  Munchlax Normal 1
  Probopass * Rock 6


# Pokémon Group Field Move Assist
N-032   Delibird Ice   Crush 1   Ice
N-054   Eevee Normal   Tackle 1   Normal
N-080   Shuckle Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-081   Teddiursa Normal   Crush 1   Normal
N-082   Ursaring Normal   Tackle 1   Normal
N-094   Aron Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-095   Lairon Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-096   Aggron Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-097   Numel Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-098   Camerupt Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-099   Shieldon Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-100   Bastiodon Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-102   Munchlax Normal   Crush 1   Normal
N-107   Probopass Rock   Tackle 1   Rock

Clear Rank

Rank Time remaining Slate awarded
S 5:00 or more Bastiodon
Probopass (rare)
A 3:00–4:59 Aron
B 1:30–2:59
C 1:29 or less

Mission 4

Graveler's Terrible Rocks (Japanese: ゴローンの いわじごく Golone's Rock Trap) is the final mission of this temple. Players must capture eight Pokémon. The starting time limit is 05:15, but additional time can be obtained from treasure chests. Clearing this mission will allow the player to break the Tyranitar slate in Daybreak Ruins.


First room

The first room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Shuckle or Shieldon ×2
  • Teddiursa or Zubat ×5
  • Ursaring or Golbat ×1

The Ursaring or Golbat and four of the Teddiursa or Zubat are found in the center of the room.

The first room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the second room, and the center portal in this room connects to the fourth room. This room also contains the Red Warp Zone.

Second room

The second room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Graveler ×3
  • Shuckle or Shieldon ×2
  • Hariyama or Ursaring ×1

The second room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+20 Energy) ×1
  • Time Extender (+30 seconds) ×1
  • Time Extender (+60 seconds) ×1
  • Time Extender (+90 seconds) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the third room, and the bottom portal in this room connects to the first room.

Third room

The third room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Ursaring or Hariyama ×4
  • Mightyena ×1

The third room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 Energy) ×2
  • Time Extender (+90 seconds) ×1

The top-left portal in this room connects to the bottom-left part of the fourth room, the top-center portal connects to the bottom-center part of the fourth room, the top-right portal connects to the bottom-right part of the fourth room, and the bottom portal connects to the second room.

Fourth room

The fourth room contains the following Pokémon:

  • Quilava, Croagunk, or Graveler ×3

The fourth room contains the following items:

  • Energy Recovery (+40 or +60 Energy) ×1

The top portal in this room connects to the first room, and the bottom portals in this room connect to the third room.


Pokémon Group AP
  Zubat Poison 2
  Golbat Poison 3
  Graveler Rock 4
  Quilava Fire 2
  Shuckle Rock 3
  Teddiursa Normal 1
  Ursaring Normal 4
  Tyranitar * Rock 11
  Mightyena Dark 6
  Hariyama Fighting 4
  Shieldon Steel 2
  Croagunk Poison 2


# Pokémon Group Field Move Assist
N-064   Zubat Poison   Cut 1   Poison
N-065   Golbat Poison   Cut 1   Poison
N-066   Crobat Poison   Cut 1   Poison
N-067   Geodude Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-068   Graveler Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-069   Golem Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-078   Quilava Fire   Burn 1   Fire
N-079   Typhlosion Fire   Tackle 1   Fire
N-080   Shuckle Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-081   Teddiursa Normal   Crush 1   Normal
N-082   Ursaring Normal   Tackle 1   Normal
N-087   Larvitar Ground   Crush 1   Ground
N-088   Pupitar Ground   Crush 1   Ground
N-089   Tyranitar Rock   Crush 1   Rock
N-090   Poochyena Dark   Crush 1   Dark
N-091   Mightyena Dark   Crush 1   Dark
N-092   Makuhita Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-093   Hariyama Fighting   Crush 1   Fighting
N-099   Shieldon Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-100   Bastiodon Steel   Tackle 1   Steel
N-105   Croagunk Poison   Crush 1   Poison
N-106   Toxicroak Poison   Crush 1   Poison

Clear Rank

Rank Time remaining Slate awarded
S 5:00 or more Pupitar
Tyranitar (rare)
A 3:00–4:59 Larvitar
B 1:30–2:59
C 1:29 or less

In other languages

Language Title
  French Temple brûlant
  German Tempel der Flammen
  Italian Tempio del fuoco
  Spanish Templo del Fuego

Dolce IslandRenbow IslandMitonga IslandFaldera IslandSophian IslandLayuda IslandTilikule Island
Cocona VillageTilt VillageAqua Resort
Aquatic areas
Coral SeaCanal RuinsEastern SeaWestern Sea
Open areas
SkyLapras BeachTeakwood ForestCurl BayRand's HouseLatolato TrailMt. LatolatoWireless Tower
Hinder CapeMitonga RoadNoir ForestDangerous CliffSophian RoadMt. SorbetRainbow Dais
Forest TempleFire TempleIce TempleThunder TempleDark TempleLight TempleOdd Temple
Other areas
Rasp CavernOld MansionDaybreak RuinsSubmarineSilver FallsOblivia RuinsSky FortressThe Union

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations in the side games.