Agility (move)

This article is about the move Agility. For the field move, see Field Move.
こうそくいどう High-speed movement
Type  Psychic
Category  Status
PP  30 (max. 48)
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  0
  • Does not make contact
  • Not affected by Protect
  • Not affected by Magic Coat
  • Affected by Snatch
  • Not affected by King's Rock
Opponent Opponent Opponent
Self Ally Ally
Introduced  Generation I
Condition  Cool
Appeal  3 ♥♥♥
Jam  0  
Turns the next round to the first round of appeals
Condition  Cool
Appeal  2 ♥♥
Enables the user to perform first in the next turn.
Condition  Cool
Appeal  0  
Jamming  0  

Agility (Japanese: こうそくいどう High-speed movement) is a non-damaging Template:Type2 move introduced in Generation I.


Agility increases the user's Speed by two stages.

Agility will do nothing if the user's Speed has reached a level +6 or a value of 999.

In the anime

In the anime, Agility typically allows the user to dodge and evade incoming attacks.


Pikachu. Pikachu starts to run forward on all fours, leaping from side to side. Other times, Pikachu appears to repeatedly vanish and immediately reappears in different spots while running.

Seadra. Seadra swerves back and forth through the water at great speed.

Umbreon. Umbreon hops from side to side and flips in the air to avoid the foe's attack.


Generation I

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison 35
0016   Pidgey
Normal Flying 36
0017   Pidgeotto
Normal Flying 40
0018   Pidgeot
Normal Flying 44
0021   Spearow
Normal Flying 36
0022   Fearow
Normal Flying 43
0025   Pikachu
Electric 33
0058   Growlithe
Fire 39
0077   Ponyta
Fire 48
0078   Rapidash
Fire 55
0083   Farfetch'd
Normal Flying 31
0084   Doduo
Normal Flying 44
0085   Dodrio
Normal Flying 51
0107   Hitmonchan
Fighting --
0116   Horsea
Water 37
0117   Seadra
Water 41
0118   Goldeen
Water 54
0119   Seaking
Water 54
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying 42
0135   Jolteon
Electric 44
0135   Jolteon
Electric 47
0137   Porygon
Normal 35
0142   Aerodactyl
Rock Flying --
0144   Articuno
Ice Flying 55
0145   Zapdos
Electric Flying 55
0146   Moltres
Fire Flying 55
0147   Dratini
Dragon 20
0148   Dragonair
Dragon --
0148   Dragonair
Dragon 20
0149   Dragonite
Dragon Flying --
0149   Dragonite
Dragon Flying 20
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

Generation II

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison 40
0016   Pidgey
Normal Flying 37
0017   Pidgeotto
Normal Flying 43
0018   Pidgeot
Normal Flying 46
0021   Spearow
Normal Flying 43
0022   Fearow
Normal Flying 47
0025   Pikachu
Electric 33
0058   Growlithe
Fire 42
0077   Ponyta
Fire 43
0078   Rapidash
Fire 47
0083   Farfetch'd
Normal Flying 31
0084   Doduo
Normal Flying 37
0085   Dodrio
Normal Flying 47
0107   Hitmonchan
Fighting 7
0116   Horsea
Water 36
0117   Seadra
Water 40
0118   Goldeen
Water 52
0119   Seaking
Water 61
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying 24
0135   Jolteon
Electric 47
0137   Porygon
Normal 9
0142   Aerodactyl
Rock Flying 8
0144   Articuno
Ice Flying 25
0145   Zapdos
Electric Flying 25
0146   Moltres
Fire Flying 25
0147   Dratini
Dragon 36
0148   Dragonair
Dragon 38
0149   Dragonite
Dragon Flying 38
0165   Ledyba
Bug Flying 43
0166   Ledian
Bug Flying 51
0167   Spinarak
Bug Poison 45
0168   Ariados
Bug Poison 53
0190   Aipom
Normal 46
0203   Girafarig
Normal Psychic 20
0212   Scizor
Bug Steel 24
0215   Sneasel
Dark Ice 41
0226   Mantine
Water Flying 32
0227   Skarmory
Steel Flying 25
0230   Kingdra
Water Dragon 40
0233   Porygon2
Normal 9
0237   Hitmontop
Fighting 37
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

Generation III

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison 40
0016   Pidgey
Normal Flying 39
0017   Pidgeotto
Normal Flying 43
0018   Pidgeot
Normal Flying 48
0021   Spearow
Normal Flying 43
0022   Fearow
Normal Flying 47
0025   Pikachu
Electric 33
0058   Growlithe
Fire 43
0077   Ponyta
Fire 38
0078   Rapidash
Fire 38
0083   Farfetch'd
Normal Flying 36
0084   Doduo
Normal Flying 45
0085   Dodrio
Normal Flying 60
0107   Hitmonchan
Fighting 7
0116   Horsea
Water 36
0117   Seadra
Water 40
0118   Goldeen
Water 52
0119   Seaking
Water 61
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying 21
0135   Jolteon
Electric 47
0137   Porygon
Normal 9
0142   Aerodactyl
Rock Flying 8
0144   Articuno
Ice Flying 25
0145   Zapdos
Electric Flying 25
0146   Moltres
Fire Flying 25
0147   Dratini
Dragon 36
0148   Dragonair
Dragon 38
0149   Dragonite
Dragon Flying 38
0165   Ledyba
Bug Flying 43
0166   Ledian
Bug Flying 51
0167   Spinarak
Bug Poison 45
0168   Ariados
Bug Poison 53
0190   Aipom
Normal 50
0203   Girafarig
Normal Psychic 31
0212   Scizor
Bug Steel 21
0215   Sneasel
Dark Ice 36
0226   Mantine
Water Flying 29
0227   Skarmory
Steel Flying 16
0230   Kingdra
Water Dragon 40
0233   Porygon2
Normal 9
0237   Hitmontop
Fighting 37
0252   Treecko
Grass 31
0253   Grovyle
Grass 35
0254   Sceptile
Grass 35
0276   Taillow
Normal Flying 43
0277   Swellow
Normal Flying 49
0278   Wingull
Water Flying 55
0283   Surskit
Bug Water 31
0291   Ninjask
Bug Flying 38
0311   Plusle
Electric 47
0312   Minun
Electric 47
0318   Carvanha
Water Dark 43
0319   Sharpedo
Water Dark 53
0368   Gorebyss
Water 15
0370   Luvdisc
Water 16
0375   Metang
Steel Psychic 56
0376   Metagross
Steel Psychic 66
0386   Deoxys
Psychic 35
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

Generation IV

By leveling up

#   Pokémon Type Level
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison 31
0016   Pidgey
Normal Flying 29
0017   Pidgeotto
Normal Flying 32
0018   Pidgeot
Normal Flying 32
0021   Spearow
Normal Flying 25
0022   Fearow
Normal Flying 29
0025   Pikachu
Electric 34
0058   Growlithe
Fire 39
0077   Ponyta
Fire 34
0078   Rapidash
Fire 34
0083   Farfetch'd
Normal Flying 31
0084   Doduo
Normal Flying 37
0085   Dodrio
Normal Flying 41
0107   Hitmonchan
Fighting 6
0116   Horsea
Water 23
0117   Seadra
Water 23
0118   Goldeen
Water 47
0119   Seaking
Water 56
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying 17
0135   Jolteon
Electric 64
0137   Porygon
Normal 12
0142   Aerodactyl
Rock Flying 17
0144   Articuno
Ice Flying 36
0145   Zapdos
Electric Flying 43
0146   Moltres
Fire Flying 15
0147   Dratini
Dragon 25
0148   Dragonair
Dragon 25
0149   Dragonite
Dragon Flying 25
0160   Feraligatr
Water 30
0165   Ledyba
Bug Flying 30
0166   Ledian
Bug Flying 36
0167   Spinarak
Bug Poison 33
0168   Ariados
Bug Poison 37
0190   Aipom
Normal 29
0203   Girafarig
Normal Psychic 14
0212   Scizor
Bug Steel 17
0215   Sneasel
Dark Ice 24
0226   Mantine
Water Flying 19
0227   Skarmory
Steel Flying 14
0227   Skarmory
Steel Flying 12
0230   Kingdra
Water Dragon 23
0233   Porygon2
Normal 12
0237   Hitmontop
Fighting 37
0252   Treecko
Grass 31
0253   Grovyle
Grass 35
0254   Sceptile
Grass 35
0276   Taillow
Normal Flying 43
0277   Swellow
Normal Flying 49
0278   Wingull
Water Flying 37
0283   Surskit
Bug Water 31
0291   Ninjask
Bug Flying 38
0311   Plusle
Electric 44
0312   Minun
Electric 44
0318   Carvanha
Water Dark 36
0319   Sharpedo
Water Dark 45
0368   Gorebyss
Water 10
0370   Luvdisc
Water 9
0375   Metang
Steel Psychic 44
0376   Metagross
Steel Psychic 44
0396   Starly
Normal Flying 33
0397   Staravia
Normal Flying 38
0398   Staraptor
Normal Flying 41
0418   Buizel
Water 28
0419   Floatzel
Water 29
0424   Ambipom
Normal 29
0427   Buneary
Normal 33
0428   Lopunny
Normal 33
0458   Mantyke
Water Flying 19
0474   Porygon-Z
Normal 12
Bold indicates a Pokémon which gets STAB from this move.
Italic indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form gets STAB
from this move.

In other languages

  • French: Hâte
  • German: Agilität
  • Italian: Agilità
  • Spanish: Agilidad

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