Distortion Island

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Distortion Island (Japanese: やぶれたしま Shattered Island) is the eighth zone in Pokémon Battle Trozei, available after clearing Stage 4 of Sacred Plains.

In all stages, Pokémon appear in the center above columns 3 and 4 unless otherwise noted.

Stage 1

As in Stage 3 of Sky-High Ruins, there is a conditional Pokémon who triggers based on time of day. Espeon appears during daytime hours, and Umbreon appears during nighttime hours. This reflects the evolution mechanics in the core series where Eevee evolves (with high friendliness) into Espeon during the daytime and Umbreon during the nighttime.

Pokémon on the board include Dwebble, Mime Jr., Nidoran♂, Shellos (East Sea variant), and Smoochum.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Togepi Fairy 60 Left side
  Togepi Fairy 60 Right side
  Togetic Fairy 250 Above columns 3 and 4
2   Chingling Psychic 30 Left side
  Chingling Psychic 30 Right side
  Chingling Psychic 30 Above columns 3 and 4
3   Chimecho Psychic 55 Left side
  Chimecho Psychic 55 Right side
  Chimecho Psychic 55 Above columns 3 and 4
4   Espeon Psychic 650 Daytime ONLY
6 AM to 6 PM
  Umbreon Dark 600 Nighttime ONLY
6 PM to 6 AM
5   Togepi Fairy 60 Left side
  Togepi Fairy 60 Right side
  Togekiss Fairy 900 Boss
Above columns 3 and 4

Stage 2

Pokémon on the board include Mime Jr., Murkrow, Plusle, Rhyhorn, and Starly.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Elekid Electric 300 None
2   Electabuzz Electric 500 Defeat Elekid in a single hit
3   Electivire Electric 900 Defeat Electabuzz in a single attack
Appears above columns 3 to 5
4   Shroomish Grass 40 Left side
  Shroomish Grass 40 Right side
  Breloom Grass 550 Above columns 3 and 4
5   Magnemite Electric 55 None
6   Magnemite Electric 55 Left side
  Magnemite Electric 55 Right side
  Magneton Electric 550 Above columns 3 and 4
7   Magnemite Electric 55 Left side
  Magnemite Electric 55 Right side
  Magnemite Electric 55 Above columns 1 and 2
  Magnemite Electric 55 Above columns 5 and 6
  Magnezone Electric 800 Boss
Above columns 3 and 4

Stage 3

This area has two 4×4 bosses. The boss music plays for both and both appear normally in the course of the stage. Pokémon on the board include Drifloon, Murkrow, Ponyta, Rhyhorn, and Snover.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Mantyke Water 150 Above columns 2 and 3
  Mantyke Water 150 Above columns 4 and 5
2   Mantine Water 450 Defeat both Mantyke simultaneously
3   Trapinch Ground 260 None
4   Vibrava Ground 600 Defeat Trapinch with a single attack
5   Flygon Ground 900 Defeat Vibrava with a single attack
Appears above columns 3 to 5
6   Bronzong Steel 500 None
7   Dialga Steel 1,700 Boss 1
Appears over columns 2 to 5
8   Palkia Water 1,700 Boss 2
Appears over columns 2 to 5

Stage 4

Pokémon on the board include Anorith, Makuhita, Nidoran♂, Shellos (East Sea variant), and Skitty.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Sableye Dark 60 Left side
  Sableye Dark 60 Right side
  Sableye Dark 60 Above columns 3 and 4
2   Spiritomb Ghost 600 Support includes a Ghost-type
3   Rampardos Rock 300 Above columns 2 and 3
  Bastiodon Rock 450 Above columns 4 and 5
4   Rotom Electric 750 Support includes an Electric-type
5   Dusclops Ghost 300 Above columns 2 and 3
  Dusclops Ghost 300 Above columns 4 and 5
6   Giratina Ghost 2,500 Boss
Appears over columns 2 to 5

Stage 5

This stage appears after defeating Giratina (Zone 8, Stage 4) with a single attack. Pokémon on the board include Anorith, Cranidos, Rhyhorn, Skitty, and Spinda.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Larvitar Rock 300 Above columns 1 and 2
  Larvitar Rock 300 Above columns 3 and 4
  Larvitar Rock 300 Above columns 5 and 6
2   Pupitar Rock 700 None
3   Tyranitar Rock 1,200 None
4   Arceus Normal 3,600 Boss
Appears over columns 2 to 5

Stage 6

This stage appears after defeating Arceus (Zone 8, Stage 5) with a single attack.

Pokémon on the board include Bagon, Buizel, Nidoran♂, and Shellos (both variants).

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Seel Water 300 None
2   Shellder Water 350 Left side
  Shellder Water 350 Right side
  Shellder Water 350 Above columns 3 and 4
3   Wailmer Water 600 Above columns 2 and 3
  Wailmer Water 600 Above columns 4 and 5
4   Wailord Water 1,800 Above columns 3 to 5
5   Manaphy Water 700 Boss
6   Phione Water 700 Manaphy is Support

Renegade MeadowBlade-and-Shield PathColossal Forest
Sky-High RuinsMysterious FountainPitch-Black Cavern
Sacred PlainsDistortion IslandDragon HillMountain of Order
Safari JungleIsland of HasteInfinite Ruins

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.