Hustle (Ability)

Hustle はりきり
Flavor text
Generation III
Trades accuracy for power.
Generation IV
Boosts the Attack stat, but lowers accuracy.
Generation V
Currently unknown
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Hustle (Japanese: はりきり Enthusiasm) is an ability introduced in Generation III. Eighteen Pokémon can have this ability.


In battle

Hustle increases the user's Attack stat by 50%, but lowers the Accuracy of the user's Physical moves by 20%. Special moves are unaffected by Hustle.

Outside of battle

From Pokémon Emerald onwards, if the Pokémon with Hustle is leading the party, then Hustle increases the chance of battling a higher-leveled wild Pokémon by 50%.

Pokémon with Hustle

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0019   Rattata
Normal Normal Run Away Guts Hustle
0020   Raticate
Normal Normal Run Away Guts Hustle
0029   Nidoran♀
Poison Poison Poison Point Rivalry Hustle
0030   Nidorina
Poison Poison Poison Point Rivalry Hustle
0032   Nidoran♂
Poison Poison Poison Point Rivalry Hustle
0033   Nidorino
Poison Poison Poison Point Rivalry Hustle
0175   Togepi
Normal Normal Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
0176   Togetic
Normal Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
0222   Corsola
Water Rock Hustle Natural Cure Regeneration
0223   Remoraid
Water Water Hustle Sniper Sudden Impulse
0225   Delibird
Ice Flying Hustle Vital Spirit Insomnia
0415   Combee
Bug Flying Honey Gather None Hustle
0468   Togekiss
Normal Flying Hustle Serene Grace Super Luck
0554 Darumakka Darumakka
Fire Fire Hustle None Inner Focus
0627 Washibon Washibon
Normal Flying Keen Eye Brute Force Hustle
0632 Aianto Aianto
Bug Steel Swarm Hustle Truant
0633 Monozu Monozu
Dark Dragon Hustle None None
0634 Jiheddo Jiheddo
Dark Dragon Hustle None None
Please note that abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

See also

In other languages

  • French: Agitation
  • German: Übereifer
  • Italian: Tuttafretta
  • Portuguese: Entusiasmo
  • Spanish: Entusiasmo

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.