Moon (Adventures)

Revision as of 13:42, 10 October 2017 by Ataro (talk | contribs)
ムーン Moon
Moon Adventures.png
Age 11 (as of the fourteenth chapter)
Gender Female
Birthday January 1
Blood type B
Eye color Gray
Hair color Black
Hometown Unknown
Region Sinnoh
Game counterpart Moon

Moon (Japanese: ムーン Moon) is a main character in the manga series Pokémon Adventures.


Moon's love of Poison-types

Moon is a girl from the Sinnoh region. She does not enjoy Alola's tropical air, stating that it doesn't suit her character. She isn't one to be fooled by others, easily seeing through Sun's deception and seeing through the lies of the Team Skull Grunts. Moon is a pharmacist and is proficient with making various types of medicine. Due to this occupation, Moon is very knowledgeable about various poisons, as certain kinds can be used to make medicine. In addition to the possible benefits of poison, Moon favors Poison-type Pokémon and finds them to be cute. Moon is also a skilled archer, which helps her get medicinal supplies by firing at the desired item with her bow and arrow.

Due to coming from a family of scholars, Moon prefers to use her intelligence to devise strategies in battle. As such, concepts she considers "unscientific", such as luck, tend to annoy her if they end up defeating her strategies. For her skills, she is given the title of "Mixer" (調合る者 Mixer).


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.
Moon working as an assistant in Sinnoh

Prior to coming to Alola, Moon worked alongside Mr. Berlitz in the Sinnoh region. Due to a mistake on her part, a Piplup became poisoned and could only be cured with materials that only exist in the Alola region. Although Mr. Berlitz was reluctant at first, he agreed to allow Moon to leave after Roseanne arrived with a Rotom requested to be delivered to Professor Kukui.

Moon is first seen at the Hau'oli City Beachfront, where she laments about being in Alola, which she claims does not suit her. As she heads off to her delivery, a Pyukumuku hits Moon in the face. A boy named Sun apologizes for the accident and explains that he was hired to remove wild Pyukumuku from the beach. Angered that the Pyukumku's slime made her clothes wet, Moon demands Sun to pay her as compensation. Sun tries to get out by stating that Pyukumuku's slime is good for skin care, but Moon refuses to believe his claims. After explaining that he has his reasons for not being able to pay for her clothes, Sun offers to make it up to Moon instead.

After Sun finishes the job, a pair of Team Skull Grunts arrive to check to see if Sun finished the job they hired him for. Just as they are about to give Sun his money, one of the Grunts' Salandit spots a single Pyukumuku remaining. Since the job was to remove all the Pyukumuku from the beach, the Grunt refuses to pay Sun at all. Moon sees through the deception and reveals the female Grunt actually planted the extra Pyukumuku. Angered, the Grunts' sic one of their Salandit to hit Moon with its tail. The male Grunt then acts as if the act broke Salandit's tail, which meant that Sun would have to work for them for free to pay for the medical bills. Angered, Sun breaks off the cast his leg was in and battles the Grunts with his Meowth, Dollar. After driving the Grunts off, Sun sends out his Litten, En, and has it dry off Moon's clothes with its flame.

Sun then decides to pay back Moon by offering to take her delivery to Professor Kukui. After summoning a Tauros with a Ride Pager, Sun sets out to Professor Kukui's, only to come back after realizing that he forgot to take the item that needed to be delivered. Moon reveals that the delivery is actually herself and the Rotom she had with her. Sun then takes Moon through Hau'oli City's Shopping District, where they meet the locals. When Sun's injured foot begins to start hurting again, Sun is left unable to move. Moon decides to help Sun with her medical skills. She searches through a collection of healing items, but is unable to find the Figy Berry she needs to help Sun. After finding the Berry in a tree being pecked at by wild Pikipek, Moon pulls out a bow with a Poké Ball-tipped arrow and fires it at the Berry to knock it to the ground.

With the Berry, Moon heals Sun's injury. When Sun asks why she didn't use a Pokémon, Moon tries to explain, but is interrupted when Sun notices something in the sky. Moon turns around to find that Tapu Koko, the guardian deity of Melemele Island, has appeared before them. Tapu Koko proceeds to attack the two, forcing Sun to battle it. After a short battle, Tapu Koko escapes and leaves behind a Sparkling Stone. Afterward, Moon and Sun arrive at Professor Kukui's laboratory, only to find the Professor bursting through the roof after testing out the moves of his Rowlet and Popplio.

Moon being rescued by Tapu Koko

After Sun introduces Moon and Professor Kukui to each other, Moon hands over Rotom, to Kukui's delight. Kukui explains that he wanted Rotom, which is not found in Alola, because it is capable of combining with Sun's Pokédex. Moon reveals that due to Rotom's weakness, it was unable to be transported to Kukui electronically, so she offered to take Rotom to its destination directly while also using her medicinal skills to keep it healthy. When Rotom attempts to go inside the Pokédex, it freaks out and runs away, which Sun reveals is due to him constantly mishandling the Pokédex, causing it to become dirty and smell bad. Angered, Kukui beats Sun up and tells him to go and retrieve Rotom while he cleans the Pokédex.

Later that night, an injured Sun returns to Kukui's house, having successfully retrieved Rotom. After healing Sun's wounds, Moon reveals that she also healed Rowlet after it caught a cold from being inside Popplio's water balloon too long. Moon soon notices notices a fire coming from Iki Town, which Sun reveals is due to a festival that will be held there the next day. He suggests that if Moon isn't leaving Alola yet despite having achieved her mission, she should go see the festival.

The next day, Moon travels to Iki Town to see the festival, where she encounters Olivia, one of the Island Kahunas. Moon begins assisting Olivia in determining the placement of the participants of the festival tournament. After going through several participants, including Sun, Moon encounters Lillie, a girl who hates battling. When Moon asks Lillie why she entered the tournament despite not being a Trainer and hating battles, Nebby escapes from Lillie's bag and runs off. Moon and Lillie chase Nebby to Mahalo Trail, where they find it being attacked by a group of wild Spearow. With Lillie too afraid to help Nebby, Moon steps in to rescue it and has Rowlet battle the Spearow. Although she manages to get to Nebby, Moon is left trapped due to the Spearow outnumbering Rowlet. Using its powers, Nebby causes a large explosion that breaks the bridge it and Moon were standing on, leaving both to fall into the water below. Moon and Nebby are saved by Tapu Koko, who flies down and catches the two and brings them back to safety. Lillie reveals that she was entered in the tournament as a mistake due to Nebby trying to escape from her bag at the wrong moment. Olivia offers to have Lillie withdrawn from the tournament, but Moon decides to take Lillie's place instead.

After returning to Iki Town, Moon joins Sun and the other competitors in the tournament. They are soon joined by Gladion, another participant who was away due to his Type: Null sensing a crack in the sky. Remembering that she also saw a crack in the sky at Mahalo Trail, Moon attempts to question Gladion about the crack before being pulled away by Sun to begin the tournament.

Moon using her bow

In the second battle of the second round of the tournament, Moon is paired up against Gladion. Moon reveals to Gladion that she also saw the crack in the sky and asks him to tell her about it. Gladion agrees to her request, but only on the condition that Moon defeats him. During the battle, Gladion notes Moon's usage of Poison-type Pokémon. Moon explains that due to her being a pharmacist, she has to learn about poisons. To Gladion and Sun's surprise, Moon also reveals that she actually finds Poison-types cute.

During their battle, Moon proves to be an effective strategist and nearly defeats Gladion's Porygon. Despite this, Porygon eventually defeats Moon's final Pokémon through luck, giving him the win. The shock of losing to something as unscientific as the concept of luck greatly angers Moon. Dejected, Moon completely ignores the final battle of the tournament, much to Sun's annoyance.

The next day, Moon leaves Melemele Island on a boat with Sun and Professor Kukui. As they head off, the pair of Team Skull Grunts attack Kukui's Rowlet, forcing Moon to help it. By shooting a Salac Berry into Rowlet's mouth, Rowlet's speed is increased to the point where it easily runs away from the Grunts to join up with Moon. Kukui, noting Rowlet's attachment to Moon, suggests that Moon add it to her team, which she accepts.

As they travel, Sun talks to Hala over a video phone. Hala reveals that he has taken Sun's Sparkling Stone and is fixing it up for him. Kukui reveals that the guardian deities of Alola have been enraged by something and the only way to calm them down is deliver a Mirage Berry to each guardian. For that reason, Kukui and Island Kahunas have tasked Sun with delivering the Berries to each guardian. Although Sun is reluctant at first, he quickly accepts once he hears that he will be paid for each delivery. Moon also introduces Sun to the Rotom Pokédex, which is the form the Rotom she delivered took after combining with a spare Pokédex that Moon received from Professor Kukui. Rotom tells Sun that it has decided to join with Moon instead of him and gives Sun his Pokédex back.

Afterward, the group arrives at Heahea City on Akala Island. There, they are greeted by Kiawe, Mallow, and Lana, the Trial Captains of Akala Island. The three reveal that they are unsure if Sun is worthy enough to take part in the Island challenge and wish to battle him to see if he's worthy. After a short battle, Kiawe takes a liking to Sun and accepts him as worthy enough to take part in the Island challenge, but Lana is still unsure and has the group follow her to Brooklet Hill.

The group travels to Route 5, where Lana reveals that she wants Sun to defeat the Totem Pokémon that is causing havoc at Brooklet Hill. While Sun and Lana head off to the trial site, Moon goes with Mallow to Lush Jungle in order to harvest Berries that only grow in Alola. Shortly after arriving, they found Tapu Lele in battle with a mysterious creature emerging from a crack in the sky. Rotom flies up to the creature in an attempt to figure out what it is, but is attacked by an Electric-type attack and forced to shut down. Moon thanks Rotom for helping her figure out if the creature is a Pokémon or not and fires a Poké Ball-tipped arrow from her bow in an attempt to capture the creature. The arrow successfully strikes its target, but fails to actually capture the creature, which proceeds to escape. Tapu Lele, having been angered by the encounter, leaves as well. Moon begins collecting Tapu Lele's fallen scales and decides to find the Mirage Berry in order to ask Tapu Lele just what the creature was. When Moon points out that they don't have a name to call the creature, Mallow suggests giving it the code name "Lighting".

After several failed attempts to find the Mirage Berry, Mallow has her and Moon's Pokémon communicate with the wild Pokémon in the area to help them. The wild Pokémon help by finding Berries and bringing them together into a large pile. After a search, Moon successfully obtains the Mirage Berry. Mallow receives a phone call from Kiawe, who is currently under attack by someone near the Ruins of Life. Mallow informs everyone and tells them to rendezvous at Konikoni City. After meeting up, the four travel to Memorial Hill, where they find an injured Kiawe lying on the ground, defeated. A group of Team Skull Grunts appear and claim that they were the ones who attacked Kiawe. Angered by this, Mallow and Lana send out their Pokémon to battle the Grunts while Moon tends to Kiawe's wounds.


On hand

Debut PASM06

Grubbin is Moon's first known Pokémon. He was captured by Moon just after she decided to take Lillie's place in the Iki Town festival tournament. He was first used to create a cast of silk for Sun after he fractured his arm in the festival tournament. He is level 30 and has a Naive nature.

None of Grubbin's moves are known and his Ability is Swarm.

Debut PASM06

Mareanie is Moon's second known Pokémon. She was first used at the Iki Town festival tournament to battle against Gladion's Porygon, but was defeated. She is level 35 and has a Jolly nature.

None of Mareanie's moves are known and her Ability is Merciless.

Debut PASM06

An Alolan Grimer is Moon's third known Pokémon. He was first used at the Iki Town festival tournament to battle against Gladion's Porygon, but was defeated. Moon greatly prefers the color of Alolan Grimer. He is level 32 and has a Lax nature.

Grimer's only known move is Poison Gas and his Ability is Poison Touch.

Debut PASM02

Rowlet is Moon's fourth known Pokémon. When Moon first encountered him, Rowlet was trapped in one of the water balloons created by Professor Kukui's Popplio. Although he was later freed, being in the bubble for so long left Rowlet sick. After being healed by Moon with her pharmaceutical skills, Rowlet took a liking to Moon and started following her around. After leaving Melemele Island, Professor Kukui noted that Rowlet wanted to join Moon's team, which she accepted. He is level 16 and has a Relaxed nature.

Rowlet's known moves are Leafage* and Razor Leaf, and his Ability is Overgrow.

Traveling with

Debut PASM01
Main article: Rotom Pokédex

Rotom was first seen with Moon on the Hau'oli City Beachfront. Moon was tasked with delivering it to Professor Kukui. Due to being weak, Rotom was unable to be delivered to Kukui via electronic transfer. Due to this, Moon was tasked with delivering Rotom to Kukui personally while using her pharmaceutical skills to keep it healthy along the way. Later, it fused with a spare Pokédex to become the Rotom Pokédex and was given to Moon while Sun kept his original one.



  • According to Satoshi Yamamoto, Moon is modeled after Park Nam-joo, the archer played by Bae Doona in the film The Host.[1]
  • Moon never calls Sun by his name, instead preferring to call him "Mr. Courier" (Japanese: 運び屋さん).
  • Moon's bow appears to be based on Decidueye's wings.


Language Name Origin
Japanese ムーン Moon From Pokémon Moon


  1. Yamamoto's tweet(Japanese)

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

  This article is part of both Project Manga and Project CharacterDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Manga and CharacterDex, respectively.