
These are Colress's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series games

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Castelia Sewers
"You there! That was an excellent demonstration of battling. The way you brought out the power of your Pokémon against an opponent like Team Plasma… Astounding. Simply astounding. Interesting as well. I see…"
Castelia City's Central Plaza
"Oh, it's you again! If it's not an inconvenience, may I have a look at your Pokémon?"
Yes: "I appreciate your cooperation!"
No: "Are you sure? But this is for science."
"Oh! How interesting! Your <lead Pokémon> seems to display more self-confidence than others of the same species. And you're a Trainer with merely three Badges… Fantastic! I'm not sure how you're doing it, but you're bringing out the power of your Pokémon!"
"Oh, excuse me! I am a scientist. My name is Colress. The theme of my research is: "Bringing out the power of Pokémon." Bringing out the power of Pokémon! Is it possible to bring out their maximum power through the bond they share with their Trainers? Or is there some other, different method? I'd like to test my theory by battling with you. Do you find this acceptable?"
Regardless of choice: "Either way, I'll be waiting on Route 4. It's just beyond here!"
Route 4
  • Before battle
"I've been waiting for you! What's the matter? Interested in what's behind me? These are not mere rocks, but the Pokémon known as Crustle. Observe. With this device I created to energize Pokémon, I'll…"
"Those Crustle… Were they just lying here, out of energy, with their boulders on their backs?"
"Team Plasma said we should recognize the potential in Pokémon and liberate them from humans. I disagree. Conversely, it should be humans who bring out the hidden potential in Pokémon!"
"Now that I think of it, I never asked your name. <player>… I'll remember that name. Well then, I will test you to see if you're a Trainer who can bring out the hidden potential of Pokémon!"
  • When defeated
"Splendid! You are quite the Trainer!"
  • After being defeated
"I see! Just like the Gym Leaders in each area or the Elite Four and Champion in the Pokémon League, you bring out the power in Pokémon by being kind to them! That's the kind of person you are. I'm extremely grateful for your help. This is a token of my gratitude."
"It's so frustrating! If only we could talk to Pokémon in order to bring out their power! But there's no way a person like that could ever exist! Well then, <player>, I hope to see you again sometime."
Pokémon World Tournament
  • Before battle
"As a researcher, it is the truth and the ideal way things should be that I seek. The latent power of Pokémon… What is the best way to bring it out? If possible, I want it to be the trust between Trainers and their Pokémon, just as it has always been. I look forward to you teaching me that this is indeed true!"
  • When defeated
"Well done! I learned much from this battle!"
  • If the player is defeated
"Remember our battle on Route 4? Please bring out more of your Pokémon's strength, like you did then!"
  • After being defeated
"Just as I expected! Your Pokémon must be happy to be by your side! You bring out the best in their power!"
  • After winning
"What is this?! Why don't you bring out more power from your Pokémon?!"
  • Inside the building
"By having battles with many Trainers, I can bring out Pokémon Abilities! Eventually, as I continue to battle, the truth of my theory will be evident to all!"
  • Outside the building
"Stop. There's no reason for you to stick your necks into something so dangerous!"
"I don't understand. That's not courage, it's recklessness! Does he think anything is possible simply because he has Pokémon with him? No, no… That's not possible. All Trainers and Pokémon are bound to one another by Poké Balls… Then maybe it is this bond that will allow Trainers to overcome the impossible if they trust their partner Pokémon."
  • When spoken to
"Trust... It's too much of an unknown factor. But if believing in your Pokémon gives you the courage to stand up to Team Plasma... And the courage to help your friends... Then follow them south to the dock!"
Route 22
"The one radiating such a tremendous presence before you is none other than Terrakion!"
"It's been a long time. Terrakion is one of the three Pokémon who protected Pokémon from the flames of a human conflict!"
"It seems likely that Terrakion has picked up the scent of danger that emanates from Team Plasma. It's probably seeking a Pokémon Trainer who has the strength to stand up to them."
"It's very interesting indeed that Terrakion appeared before you! That aside, do you plan to confront Team Plasma?"
Yes: "I see. If that's the case, you must have the power to protect your own Pokémon! Being protected by Pokémon alone doesn't make you a Trainer! It's because Trainers are strong, because they care about their Pokémon, that these Pokémon can also be strong!"
No: "I see! That works as well. You and your Pokémon can proceed down your own path! What you should do is care about your Pokémon to bring out their power to its fullest potential!"
"Here! This is from me!"
"This is a prototype of my device that energizes Pokémon! It doesn't work on battling Pokémon, but you may find it useful for something! Well then, I wish you and your Pokémon a safe journey!"
"Now that I think about it! In the Seaside Cave on Route 21, I saw something that reminded me of when we met on Route 4."
Plasma Frigate
  • Before battle
"Welcome! I was asked by an acquaintance to help with his research. What I desire is to bring out the entirety in Pokémon potential! If I can accomplish that, I don't care what it takes!"
"If it means the strength must be brought out by the interactions between Pokémon and Trainers, then so be it! If it means you have to use a merciless approach, like Team Plasma's, and force out all of the Pokémon's power, then so be it! And yes, if the entire world is destroyed as a result, then so be it..."
"That aside! The reason I have been traveling all over Unova and battling many Pokémon Trainers is because I was testing the viability of this approach to bringing out the full strength of Pokémon. In that respect, you've done an amazing job. Well now! Tell me if you have the answer I desire or not! If you're ready, come at me!"
  • If talked to again
"It looks like you're ready, then! OK! Let us begin!"
  • First non-KO HP loss
"Come on! More! Bring out your Pokémon's power!"
  • Sending out last Pokémon
"I'm more psyched than I've ever been! I can still go on!"
  • When defeated
"So this is what it means to draw forth the power hidden in your Pokémon!"
  • After being defeated
"So strong! You're a very strong Trainer indeed! So let me ask you this! Are you thinking of reaching even higher heights by understanding each other as Pokémon and Trainer?"
Yes: "I see... To me, that is an ideal answer. To think! That's what you actually believe! You bring out the power of your Pokémon with respect and love!"
No: "I see... Is that answer my truth? Even if that's your answer, don't give up! The reason you're so strong is that you treat your Pokémon with respect and love!"
"Excuse me for repeating myself, but if it will make Pokémon stronger, I don't care what it takes! If interacting with Pokémon can increase their powers only to a certain point, then their full strength must be brought out using a scientific approach. Even one without a conscience."
"But you have shown me the potential of your approach. To me, whether Team Plasma wins or whether you win will decide how the relationship between people and Pokémon should be! So where will this be settled? Step on the warp panel on the other side of the room where Kyurem is being held. Good luck in your battle!"
Plasma Frigate (post-game)
  • Before battle (first rematch)
"Could I say that you're curious for coming clear out here?"
"I dissolved Team Plasma. The ones who are left here are deciding what they want to do. I would like to have them decide on their own! There are far more questions in this world that don't have any answers! Well then... Please show me you and your Pokémon's strength once again!"
  • Upon first non-KO HP loss
"Come! Satisfy my urge to battle!"
  • Sending out last Pokémon
"Marvelous! I shall believe in my Pokémon!"
  • Last Pokémon at critical health
"If-if I'd believed more, could I have drawn out my Pokémon's power?"
  • When defeated
"The bonds between us... Does the fact that we can't see them make them even more real?"
  • After being defeated
"In Pokémon battles where you can't afford to make a mistake, the true nature of the Trainer's personality becomes clear. I see! If Trainers believe in their Pokémon to the fullest extreme, as you do, their Pokémon partners will also give everything they have! So that must be the answer I've been looking for. Still, I'm glad you won. For one thing, I detested Ghetsis from the start!"
"Take this with you! This Master Ball can catch any kind of Pokémon! Ghetsis was saving it, but you'll probably put it to better use! "
"If you'd like, please have a Pokémon battle with me again! Indeed, I'm having trouble deciding what to do next as well."
  • Before battle (second rematch onwards)
"Even the same Pokémon can exhibit different strengths depending on the Trainer! It's so interesting! Very, very interesting! Well now! Give me but a moment of your time!"
Yes: "The invisible force that exists between you and your Pokémon... This time I will determine what it is!"
No: "And I went to all the trouble to come here, too... You're an unkind person."
  • After being defeated
"The things you and your Pokémon have seen and felt... Do they belong to you and you alone? If you would, please have another Pokémon battle with me. By facing you, I feel as if I can see what I should do from now on."

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Route 8 (before becoming Champion)
"You there!"
"Oh, excuse me! I am a scientist. My name is Colress. The theme of my research is: "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon." What brings out the power of Pokémon is..."
"I believe that is—the bond they share with their Trainers!"
"And thus my attention is drawn to Trainers like yourself... Trainers bound to their Pokémon through the power of the Z-Ring!"
"Now that I think of it, I never asked your name. ..."
"<player>, is it? I'll remember your name. To commemorate our encounter, let me give you a TM."
"If you're able to utilize Flame Charge fully, you'll be able to have a great battle with the totem in the next trial...the trial in Lush Jungle."
"Z-Power... Is it the true potential that I seek? Does it surpass the Mega Ring? Apparently, there are uninhabited islands for Pokémon called Poké Pelago here in Alola. Alola is fascinating! I believe that I will stay in Alola for some time!"
"Well then, <player>, I hope to see you again sometime."
Route 8 (after becoming Champion)
"You there! Do you know of the Pokémon called Genesect?"
I do!: "Then I have no choice but to admit that you are all I would expect you to be!"
I don't: "Then allow me to inform you!"
"Genesect is a Pokémon that lived 300 million years ago. Then an organization called Team Plasma modified it, attaching a cannon to its back."
"The cannon's abilities could be activated using certain drives created by the scientists in the P2 Laboratory. I think that you might be able to use them as they should be used."
"Simply believing in your Pokémon will not guarantee that you can do everything you want. But there are many things that are guaranteed to fail if you do not believe in them. It is the trust between a Trainer and a Pokémon alone that can overcome those hurdles!"
If the player has not gone to the Battle Tree before: "You there! You should know that there is a battle facility on Poni Island called the Battle Tree. I look forward to seeing what kinds of Trainers and Pokémon I can encounter there!"
If the player had gone to the Battle Tree before: "You know that there is a battle facility on Poni Island called the Battle Tree, don't you? I look forward to seeing what kinds of battles you might have there!"
Battle Tree
  • Before battle
"I'm glad! I'll be able to bring out the power of Pokémon by battling you!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Splendid! You are quite the Trainer!"
  • If the player is defeated
"I'll file away info on this fighting style of yours!"

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Tide Song Hotel
"This is excellent! Exciting, even! Alola is proving to be just full of surprises!"
"If a Trainer trusts his or her Pokémon, even in the most extreme of situations, the Pokémon inevitably respond by unleashing their full power! Just like that Trainer I once met..."
"There was only one answer I could reach. And in Alola, that answer takes the form of Z-Moves! I can now see with my own eyes the invisible power between Trainers and Pokémon... Z-Moves give it form! The Z-Power Ring and Z-Crystals... Their unknown energy will open doors to new worlds!"
Route 8 (before becoming Champion)
"You there!"
"Oh, excuse me! I am a scientist. My name is Colress. The theme of my research is: "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon." What brings out the power of Pokémon is..."
"I believe that is—the bond they share with their Trainers!"
"And thus my attention is drawn to Trainers like yourself... Trainers bound to their Pokémon through the power of the Z-Power Ring!"
"Now that I think of it, I never asked your name. ..."
"<Player>, is it? I'll remember your name. To commemorate our encounter, let me give you a TM."
"If you're able to utilize Flame Charge fully, you'll be able to have a great battle with the totem in the next trial...the trial in Lush Jungle."
"Z-Power... Is it the true potential that I seek? Does it surpass the Mega Ring? Apparently, there are uninhabited islands for Pokémon called Poké Pelago here in Alola. Alola is fascinating! I believe that I will stay in Alola for some time! Well then, <player>. I hope you will excuse me. I've had quite the curious request made to me by a couple of most oddly dressed strangers."
Mount Lanakila
"It's been a while, <player>. You must be a formidable Trainer indeed if you are able to get Necrozma as one of your allies."
"Good! And this is from me! The Ultra Recon Squad asked me to develop a device that would be able to control Necrozma. But I improved it to my own liking! And now it is a device that makes it possible to draw out even more power from Necrozma! Yes, in short, it makes it possible for Necrozma to fuse with the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo! This is the Colress Machine No. 1198, officially dubbed the N-Solarizer!"
"In addition, this is the Colress Machine No. 1199, officially dubbed the N-Lunarizer! It makes it possible for Necrozma to fuse with the Legendary Pokémon, Lunala!"
"Ah yes. I have heard in fact that you first met SolgaleoUS/LunalaUM—no, its pre-evolved Cosmog—upon Mahalo Trail. I believe that a Trainer like you will be able to use both Alola's Legendary Pokémon and the fearsome power of Necrozma properly! I happen to know quite a bit about Pokémon fusion myself... But that is a different tale. Good luck in your battles!"
Route 8 (after becoming Champion)
"You there! Do you know of the Pokémon called Genesect?"
I do!: "Then I have no choice but to admit that you are all I would expect you to be!"
I don't: "Then allow me to inform you!"
"Genesect is a Pokémon that lived 300 million years ago. Then an organization called Team Plasma modified it, attaching a cannon to its back."
"The cannon's abilities could be activated using certain drives created by the scientists in the P2 Laboratory. I think that you might be able to use them as they should be used."
"Simply believing in your Pokémon will not guarantee that you can do everything you want. But there are many things that are guaranteed to fail if you do not believe in them. It is the trust between a Trainer and a Pokémon alone that can overcome those hurdles!"
If the player has not gone to the Battle Tree before: "You there! You should know that there is a battle facility on Poni Island called the Battle Tree. I look forward to seeing what kinds of Trainers and Pokémon I can encounter there!"
If the player had gone to the Battle Tree before: "You there! You know that there is a battle facility on Poni Island called the Battle Tree, don't you? I look forward to seeing what kinds of battles you might have there!"
Team Rocket's Castle
"I see you are still dedicated to your own desires, Ghetsis..."
"It has been a while."
"Miss Lillie, it is good to see you again. We ran into each other in the lab, perhaps you recall?"
"And you, <player>. We meet again! Ms. Wicke had sent word that you may need assistance. You'll have to forgive my rudeness, but I followed your trail using an invisibility device I recently invented."
"It seems Ghetsis here has caused you quite some trouble! Although it appears this Ghetsis is from a different world than the one I know."
"Oh, please..."
"I simply despise you, Ghetsis. That's enough reason for me!"
"It seems like repeated use is not a problem, even with the prototype. I should have known Colress Machine No. 1102 would work!"
"I simply adjusted his dimensional "channel," if you will, and sent him back to his original world! But Ghetsis is a man with power to match his ambition! He is not someone to be taken lightly. I can only hope that the taste of defeat will keep that Ghetsis out of trouble in his world..."
"But turning Aether Paradise back to its original form... With all the different worlds mixing together, that won't be easy, even for me! There is tremendous power of evil at the center of the castle... If we can remove that man's twisted desires, the Colress Machine should be able to revert everything back to normal..."
"Indeed, Miss Lillie! You are a very sharp young lady! I would like to study this castle, however, so I leave the rest to you two!"
  • If talked to again
"This castle... Oh, of course! Necrozma's power to open Ultra Wormholes overflowed and resonated with intent of tremendous evil, twisting reality and causing this to appear! The vortex of power somehow...summoned the evil leaders, such as Ghetsis, from their worlds! It's all very interesting... Ah, I mean, quite a pain. I could put this power to much better use!"
Aether Paradise
"The Colress Machine has been activated, and it restored the mansion to its original form... Which've done it! You defeated Team Rocket!"
"For a Trainer such as you, who can bring out Pokémon's power through your bonds, it must have been easy."
"The defeat of Team Rocket's boss seems to have sent everyone who had come with him back to their own worlds."
"As for me... I have decided on the next theme of my research!"
"Well then, I hope to see you again sometime."
Battle Tree
  • Before battle
"I'm glad! I'll be able to bring out the power of Pokémon by battling you!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Splendid! You are quite the Trainer!"
  • If the player is defeated
"I'll file away info on this fighting style of yours!"

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Colress (Masters)

Menu interface (voice clips)

  • After being recruited
"My name is Colress, and I am a scientist. The theme of my research is, "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon.""
  • Sync pair viewer
"What I desire is to bring out the entirety of Pokémon potential."
"If I can draw out the full power of Pokémon, I don't care what it takes!"
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Can you bring out your Pokémon's hidden potential?"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Nate)
"I will test your power, Nate."
  • Selection screen (forming team with Rosa)
"Rosa! Show me the answer I desire!"
  • Selection screen (forming team with Ghetsis)
"You're still so dedicated to your own desires..."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Let's meet again."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"I must research this immediately!"
  • Upon leveling up
"Splendid results!"
  • Upon reaching max level
"The truth of my theory will be evident to all!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"The possibilities are endless!"
  • Receiving EX style
  • During conversation
"May luck be with you."
"I can't believe it..."
"Oh my!"
"How fascinating!"
"All right."
"You have my thanks."
"My apologies."
"Leave it in my hands."
"Absolutely not!"
"I see."
"Let's meet again."
"You seem ready."
"Do your worst."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I was so engrossed in my research that I didn't get a wink of sleep last night."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Good morning... Hm? Oh, pardon me! Is the sun that high in the sky already?"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"The sun's gone down. It's the end of yet another day, but my research marches on!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Here! This is for you."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"All right."
  • VS screen
"Here I come!"
  • Sending out Pokémon
"This is it!"
  • Using Pokémon move
  • Using item
"Perhaps this!"
  • Using Trainer move
  • Using sync move
"You've piqued my interest!"
  • Unity attack / theme skill
  • Uh-oh!
"Do your worst."
  • Switching in
"Time to step in!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Look out!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"I'll remember this."
  • "Thanks" emote
"You have my thanks."
  • Defeat
"Such power!"
  • Victory
"I look forward to our next battle."
  • Victory (with Rosa on the team, speaks first)*
"Splendid battling."
  • Victory (with Nate on the team, in response to Nate)*
"Quite fascinating."
Main Story Villain Arc - Unova - Team Plasma & Two Heroes
  • Two Gone Missing
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Oh ho! Could it be you're looking for someone?"
  • After appearing, as Colress
"If it's about the boy with spiky hair like a Qwilfish, I think I have an idea where he went!"
"Yes! I saw him chasing Team Plasma sometime before the show started!"
"I tried to!"
"But he went anyway, so I came to tell you!"
"Do you mind if I tag along? I'd like to help!"
"Furthermore, your behavior is so fascinating! Allow me to observe it up close!"
  • For the Kind People
"Sorry, there was a bit of a commotion."
"Apparently a Pokémon came from the direction we're heading..."
"And it was desperately looking for something."
"I also heard people saying it was injured."
"Aha! I think I know what it is!"
"Its name is Genesect! It's a Pokémon that's been modified by Team Plasma!"
"Which means there's a good chance it escaped from the Team Plasma hideout!"
"The connection between humans and Pokémon is truly fascinating!"
  • Sync Pairs' Hearts Align
"I think it would be more efficient to do what Hilda said."
"We should go on ahead."
"Oh, it's been a while! Still can't tell who's who, but..."
"Well excuse me! I scrapped my Team Plasma title quite a while ago!"
"I am now purely a scientist who's studying the bond between humans and Pokémon!"
"And if you're going to get in the way of that, I must get rid of you!"
"And on top of that, I hate Ghetsis!"
"They're trying to buy time instead of beating us."
"Wow! So this is what a Pokémon can do when it cares for a Trainer!"
  • N and Hugh
"Her positive attitude is giving strength to everyone around her..."
"So this is what can be achieved through the bonds of friendship!"
  • One Blow to Break Through
"That was a wonderful plan!"
"The Shadow Triad's moves were sophisticated and perfectly ordered."
"That is why it was easy to deduce their motives."
"In this narrow passage, they kept getting in our way."
"And every time we tried to go a certain way, they'd push us back, with solid defense."
"Hence you could tell there was something important in that direction!"
"And that's how you concluded your friend would be there!"
  • Two Heroes
"Come on! There's no need to fret!"
"With everyone together, we should be able to fix anything they do in a snap!"
"The key to victory, of course, is the strength of bonds!"
"N managed to make Genesect our ally by showing it his devotion."
"And he was also able to change Hugh's mind and establish a relationship of trust!"
"In addition, Hilda and Victini's bond..."
"gave courage and strength to the friends that were with them!"
"Hilbert and the injured Genesect were able to understand each other, and now they're partners!"
"I would love to see everyone's battle again!"
"Now then. Show me the power of your bonds!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Galar - A Millennium into the Future
  • Repeated Mistakes
"Oh-ho! So there are still other ways to utilize sync stones!"
  • Taking Sides
  • As "???"
"Mr. Rose's research really drew my interest!"
  • As Colress
"As a researcher myself, I've had the pleasure of supporting him as well!"
"Please don't take it the wrong way."
  • A Small Step into the Future
"The connection and bond you have with one another! Please, show me more!"
"It seems that way."
Main Story Villain Arc - Paulo - The Path Forward
  • Good or Evil Bonds
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Precisely! We must make Pokémon stronger, no matter what it takes."
  • After appearing
"Oh, excuse me!"
  • As Colress
"My name is Colress, and I am a scientist. The theme of my research is, "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon.""
"If there is a plateau that interacting with Pokémon cannot reach..."
"then that ability must be brought out with only a scientific approach–even one without a conscience."
"I am fascinated by this mysterious power that relies on the strength of a connection between hearts."
"Why, certainly!"
"I believe there is no distinction between good and evil when dealing with connections of the heart."
"Pokémon thoughts don't have the same complexity as human thoughts."
"However, Pokémon will trust their Trainers and do their very best for them."
"Thus, if a Pokémon obeys the orders of a Trainer who has evil ambitions, that Pokémon will commit evil deeds!"
"Even if that Pokémon is being used as a tool, its power can still be drawn out!"
"That's what I mean when I say there's no distinction between good and evil when it comes to connections of the heart."
"Furthermore! Humans, just like Pokémon, also have many different types of connections with each other!"
"A boss and their subordinates... Even family."
"Some of those relationships can become twisted."
"Those whom we call "evil" have connections of their own, fueled by purpose and their own brand of justice."
"Both of your perspectives are valid!"
"There are far more questions in this world that don't have any answers!"
"I battled a certain Trainer..."
"And when I did, they showed me the splendid power that can be brought out by humans and Pokémon understanding each other!"
"However, that doesn't mean any of the questions from my research have been answered."
"For in order to understand the good and evil of bonds and to further deepen my understanding of sync stones..."
"I require aid! Please consider lending me a hand."
"Thank you!"
"No time to waste. Show me your Pokémon in battle!"
  • Too Late for Guidance
"Hoopa has a true form, which allows it to unleash an extraordinary amount of power."
"However, it appears more content to stay with Lear in its current form."
"No, not quite."
"Hoopa seems to prefer to stay as it is now, so from a sync pair perspective, this is probably its optimal state!"
"If, for example, Hoopa was forced to assume its true form and battle unwillingly..."
"I don't think we could consider that optimal for drawing out its full potential!"
"Fascinating, isn't it?"
"Oh, I forgot to report my research findings!"
"Oh, my. It's hard to tell who's the bodyguard now, isn't it."
  • A Reason to Be Strong
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"Would you mind telling me what happened?"
  • After appearing, as Colress
"It's nothing to worry about."
"More importantly, what happened back when you were young?"
"I see. But that raises a question."
"Why didn't you, like Paulo, develop a fixation on becoming stronger to protect others?"
Leave it to me!: "I'm curious to see how my scientific methods can help you achieve your goals!"
That's a big responsibility!: "Indeed it is! I'm curious to see how my scientific methods can help you achieve your goals!"
"This is just my opinion as a researcher, but..."
"Pursuing victory and cherishing memories together are both important."
"That's why you mustn't get too caught up in one or the other!"
"Maintaining a neutral view of matters is what draws out potential!"
  • The Last Evil
"He even studied the villainous organizations we encountered so he could get stronger."
"Ironically, that seems to have helped him strengthen Team Break."
"I have some research to do, so I'll take my leave."
"Tina herself also requested it, after all!"
Main Story Villain Arc - Final Chapter - Where Ideals Cross Paths
  • A Pasio Solution
"Oh? Have you discovered something?"
"How marvelous!"
"You've just confirmed you can understand Pokémon speech!"
"Legendary Pokémon are usually fickle! They don't lend their power to just anyone!"
"But Team Rocket and Team Break used Hoopa's power and are ordering them around with ease!"
"Why? And how? I was so intrigued, I just had to investigate!"
"Your statement just now supports my hypothesis!"
"I heard from others that you're able to understand what Pokémon say, although personally I was only half-convinced!"
"If you CAN truly speak to Pokémon..."
"surely that would be even MORE efficient at drawing out their true potential!"
"Nothing seems to be going according to my calculations."
"How fascinating! What results!"
Main Story - Mysterious Stones Chapter
  • What Rei Found
"Are these stones a new discovery? Or perhaps an entirely new creation formed by the power of the heart?"
"How fascinating!"
  • Long-Held Ambitions on the Move
"This undertaking of ours is quite challenging...but truly fascinating!"
"These stones hold potential that is beyond human comprehension! Researching them is a truly rewarding experience!"
Story Event - Galar's Poké Ball Enthusiast
  • Unfavora-ball Conditions
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"You there!"
  • After appearing
"Let us help you out!"
  • Ball Guy, Caught!
  • Off-screen
"Oh! Hello there, Ball Guy!"
  • After appearing, as Colress
"How did you like the Colress Machine?"
"The electric power of those Voltorb that Hoopa brought here was heavily amplified, was it not?"
"And not only that!"
"It seems those Voltorb forged some sort of bond with you, Ball Guy!"
"Coincidence or not, perhaps your peculiar attire and the effect of the machine worked together, creating a sense of companionship!"
"What fascinating results!"
"Oh dear! I must be getting on with analyzing the data I acquired!"
"I must excuse myself!"
Neo Champions - A Pure and Touching Heart
  • Nomination for Neo Champion
"If we're requiring nominations, it's possible that an organization could rally behind their leader to nominate them!"
"However, that's not representative of the power to touch the hearts of others using the bonds you've built with people and Pokémon!"
"To address that concern, we'll use my Colress Machine to add an unbiased assessment to the judging!"
  • Reaching Out Beyond Glory
"Haxorus appeared to only be defending, but I measured a significant jump in its power, as well."
"The Pokémon trusted its Trainer, and that allowed their feelings to resonate with each other. The power that created was explosive!"
"It was truly magnificent!"
Neo Champions - A Touching Sepia-Toned Song
  • Nomination for Neo Champion: Part 2
  • Over speakers
"The power to touch the hearts of others is truly fascinating!"
"I'd love to measure it using a method other than Pokémon battles next time!"
  • A Heart-Touching Performance?
"We'll use my Colress Machine again for unbiased judging."
"I'm looking forward to seeing some fantastic data created by the bond between people and Pokémon!"
"It doesn't seem to be a part of their performance."
"The numbers are rising!"
"The power of their bond is spreading out through the melody and enveloping the entire audience!"
"The way their message resonated with every person in the audience and reached their hearts was truly magnificent!"
"I'm extremely pleased to have collected some good data following the first Neo Champion Stadium!"
Story Event - Mechanized—Love and Solitude
  • Contrary Thoughts
  • Off-screen, as "???"
"That Pokémon... It's Magearna, isn't it?!"
  • After appearing, as Colress
"Magearna—the mechanized Artificial Pokémon!"
"This is the first time I've ever seen the real thing! How fascinating!"
"Please, let me study it—for science!"
"Indeed! Some say Magearna understands human language!"
"If I research that ability, perhaps we humans could discover a way to talk to Pokémon!"
"Which would, in turn, allow us to draw out even more of the potential of Poké—"
"Oh, that's an awfully blunt response. May I ask why?"
"Oh, I see—a Pokémon battle! Excellent!"
"Silvally is an artificially-created Pokémon, too, just like Magearna..."
"I'm also interested in seeing the strength of your bond with it!"
"Oh, is that so? What a shame!"
"Well then, if you are unable to find its Trainer..."
"then please allow me to take custody of it!"
"Do excuse me, I'll be on my way now!"
  • Gladion's True Feelings
"Oh? What a shame."
"Understood! I'll hold you to that offer."
"I'm looking forward to seeing how you and Magearna develop your bond!"
Story Event - Researcher and Seeker
  • A New, Better World...
"Well, you've certainly got your ear to the ground! Where did you hear this?"
"Yes, precisely! There are several ways we could approach this if we disregard safety altogether..."
"But it's easier to collect data if the finished product is accessible to everyone!"
"In order to control the enormous energy released by the sync stone ultimate..."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Colress
"You're Professor Sonia, the granddaughter of Professor Magnolia, who's researching the Dynamax phenomenon..."
"The one who's also studying the legends of Galar, right?"
"In that case, there's something I'd like to ask you!"
"Oh my, you're Professor Sycamore, researcher of Mega Evolution!"
"And also <player>!"
"Precisely! I am researching what brings out the strength of Pokémon!"
"Of course!"
"I've been researching the potential of Pokémon in different regions."
"Through this, I have found that what brings out the strength of a Pokémon is..."
"the bond and chemistry with its Trainer! At least that's what I believe!"
"I'm currently focusing on the so-called sync pair relationship, which is unique to Pasio."
"I think Pasio is going to take my research to the next level. I can feel it!"
"Yes! I chose the Pokémon most suitable for collecting data!"
"Exactly! That's what's difficult but fascinating about Pokémon!"
"So I'd appreciate it if you could help me collect data by battling with me!"
"I've already checked that we can use our sync move!"
"I used a machine to test the strength of our bond, and it was sufficiently strong!"
"And now we will find out if this hypothesis is true!"
"Join me, Professor Sonia and Professor Sycamore!"
"Thank you!"
"Could you help me out as well, <player>? The tougher my opponents are, the better the data I can collect!"
Of course!: "Looks like you're ready!"
Leave it to me!: "How reliable!"
"Very well! Let's start the battle!"
Pokémon Center
  • During sync background preview
"Humans should bring out the hidden potential in Pokémon!"
  • Random conversation
"The theme of my research is "Bringing out the potential of Pokémon.""
"If you don't mind, I'd like to hear your ideas!"
  • Random conversation
"I must get stronger as a Trainer for my own research!"
"I'm so happy that I can do my research while battling!"
  • Random conversation
"Pasio is full of brilliant Trainers that can bring out a Pokémon's strength! It's great! Extremely great!"
"I am so excited because my research is going to take massive steps forward!"
  • Random conversation
"In addition to Trainers, Pokémon Professors from different regions have gathered on Pasio."
"I'd like to talk with them about our individual research topics!"
  • Random conversation
"You are a very talented Trainer, <player>!"
"I'm very interested in what kind of power you can draw out as a sync pair!"
  • Random conversation
"How you interact with Pokémon is very similar to the Trainers I have met before."
"They were talented Trainers who were able to obtain strength by building a bond, just like you."
  • If spoken to again
"I can get results way beyond my expectations from amazing research subjects!"
"Yes... You! You're the most outstanding research subject I have seen in a while!"
"I'd like to keep observing your progress. I hope you don't mind!"
  • Random conversation
"I have done my research in many different places so far."
"And I have finally found the answer I desire!"
"It's the bond! I realized the key is the bond between the Trainer and the Pokémon!"
  • If spoken to again
"The bond between a Pokémon and its Trainer definitely brings out incredible power..."
"But that doesn't mean that's the only answer! There can be many answers!"
"This is why I keep on researching. To reach the truth I yearn for as a scholar!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"I was waiting for you, <player>!"
"Please show me the strength of you and your Pokémon!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I was so engrossed in my research that I didn't get a wink of sleep last night."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Good morning... Hm? Oh, pardon me! Is the sun that high in the sky already?"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"The sun's gone down. It's the end of yet another day, but my research marches on!"
  • Special gift conversation
"I found this! This is from me!"
  • After giving out item
"No need to thank me! I did it because I wanted to!"
  • Special Fashion Week! solo event conversation with Lucian
"Oh, thank you! I hope it'll help you reach new heights as an Elite Four member!"
"If you can produce some results, that'd be enough to prove my theory!"
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Jasmine and Molayne
"Splendid! Your theory has improved my machine's accuracy!"