Egg Groups
Monster Human-Like
Water 1 Water 3
Bug Mineral
Flying Amorphous
Field Water 2
Fairy Ditto
Grass Dragon
No Eggs Discovered
Gender unknown

The Bug egg group (Japanese: むし Bug) is one of the sixteen egg groups.


Most Template:Type2 Pokémon fall into this egg group, making its characteristics similar to that of the Bug-type itself. Other insectoid Pokémon such as Drapion, Gliscor and Flygon are also included in this group, despite not actually being Bug-types.

In this egg group, moves are not passed down as easily, as most base-level Bug Pokémon cannot learn any moves by breeding. There is a notably small amount of Pokémon that are in this group and another, making chain breeding difficult as well.


Only in this egg group

#   Pokémon Type
0010   Caterpie
0011   Metapod
0012   Butterfree
Bug Flying
0013   Weedle
Bug Poison
0014   Kakuna
Bug Poison
0015   Beedrill
Bug Poison
0048   Venonat
Bug Poison
0049   Venomoth
Bug Poison
0123   Scyther
Bug Flying
0127   Pinsir
0165   Ledyba
Bug Flying
0166   Ledian
Bug Flying
0167   Spinarak
Bug Poison
0168   Ariados
Bug Poison
0193   Yanma
Bug Flying
0204   Pineco
0205   Forretress
Bug Steel
0207   Gligar
Ground Flying
0212   Scizor
Bug Steel
0213   Shuckle
Bug Rock
0214   Heracross
Bug Fighting
0265   Wurmple
0266   Silcoon
0267   Beautifly
Bug Flying
0268   Cascoon
Bug Poison
0269   Dustox
Bug Poison
0290   Nincada
Bug Ground
0291   Ninjask
Bug Flying
0328   Trapinch
0329   Vibrava
Ground Dragon
0330   Flygon
Ground Dragon
0401   Kricketot
0402   Kricketune
0412   Burmy
0413   Wormadam
Bug Grass
0413   Wormadam
Bug Ground
0413   Wormadam
Bug Steel
0414   Mothim
Bug Flying
0415   Combee
Bug Flying
0416   Vespiquen
Bug Flying
0469   Yanmega
Bug Flying
0472   Gliscor
Ground Flying

In this and another egg group

#   Pokémon Type Other
0046   Paras
Bug Grass Plant
0047   Parasect
Bug Grass Plant
0283   Surskit
Bug Water Water 1
0284   Masquerain
Bug Flying Water 1
0313   Volbeat
Bug Humanshape
0314   Illumise
Bug Humanshape
0451   Skorupi
Poison Bug Water 3
0452   Drapion
Poison Dark Water 3


In other languages

  • French: Insecte
  • German: Käfer
  • Italian: Coleottero
  • Japanese: むし (虫) mushi
  • Spanish: Bicho