Gold (Adventures)

ゴールド Gold
[[File:Gold Adventures.png|{{{size}}}]]
Gold and Ataro
Age 13 (as of the fifth chapter)
Gender Male
Hometown New Bark Town
Region Johto
Relatives Mom
Trainer class Trainer, Breeder

Gold (Japanese: ゴールド Gold) is the fifth main character of the manga series Pokémon Adventures. His starter Pokémon is a Cyndaquil which he "borrowed" from Professor Elm; what his actual first Pokémon was is not clear, since he grew up in a house full of Pokémon. His neighbors in New Bark Town refer to his family as the "House of Pokémon." He likes playing billiards, but sometimes he may use his Pokémon to cheat. His favorite idol/DJ is DJ Mary from the Goldenrod Radio Station.

He usually wears a pair of goggles and travels on a scooter. Instead of throwing/kicking his Poké Balls, he uses a billiard cue to shoot them out. Gold's hobbies include gambling, skateboarding, and trying foods from different cities. Professor Oak noted that while Red had some odd habits, Gold is much more immature and mischievous.

Gold's special skill, as described by Professor Oak, is Pokémon hatching and is known as the "Breeder" (孵す者 Breeder). He has the ability to draw out the largest potential of a baby Pokémon, having lived with Pokémon his whole life.

Character history

Gold, Silver & Crystal arc

Gold at the beginning of the third chapter

During the first part of the third chapter, Gold is the main protagonist. He first meets Joey by helping him get a bag filled with Pokémon that was to go to Professor Elm, but was stolen by a Murkrow. Then Gold gets his bag stolen when he decides to help Joey by going to deliver the package to Professor Elm and then go to Professor Oak in Cherrygrove City (mainly because he wanted DJ Mary's autograph). on his way to Professor Elm's lab, and arrives there just as Silver is stealing Totodile. Gold tries to battle Silver thinking that he is the one who stole his backpack with all of his family Pokémon in it, using Elm's Cyndaquil, which he names Explotaro, but Silver gets away after Team Rocket, the real culprits behind his bag, knocked him out from behind in the middle of the battle. He is then asked to file a report against him by a police officer who almost arrested him for burning Professor Elm's field but he fakes it on purpose because he wanted to go after Silver himself.

Gold then runs into Professor Oak, and after learning about the Pokédex and how Silver stole one, he wants one to level the playing field. While Oak initially says no, Gold eventually wins him over with his love and trust for Pokémon earning him a Pokédex. When Gold reaches Violet City he realizes that Poltaro was missing from his bag and tried his best to find it, but couldn't. He then stops a robber with a herd of Donphan and learns that Silver had headed for Sprout Tower and rushes off there and defeats a whole mass of Sages and their Bellsprout to find Silver again and finish what he started. After as long battle he had the chance to take Totodile back to Professor Elm, but when he reaches out to it it bites him and returns to Silver, showing that Totodile has actually grown attached to him. Their battle had then released a giant iron ball and it chased them down until Explotaro heated it up and Totodile used Ice Punch to suddenly cool it down and smash it up. After this Silver manages to escape once again.

He then met up with the same police officer he met when he needed to describe Silver but it turned out to be Falkner who was training to become the new Gym Leader of Violet City since his father went missing. With Gold's help he caught a Skarmory and then they parted. Then he met Bugsy at the ruins of Alph and, thinking that he was a girl, asked him out only to reveal he was a dude. The two of them then enter the Ruins of Alpha to help save Bugsy's lost companions but instead run into Team Rocket, who trapped them using a Spinarak's Spider Web. Gold, however, had Explotaro use Smokescreen to get the Unown that were awakened by them get caught in the web, and take out their anger on the members of Team Rocket. Gold then defeats a Granbull who had been stealing Pokémon from fisherman and when the Granbull gave back the Pokémon it took one of them was Gold's long missing Poltaro. Professor Oak's aide then comes to him with Totaro's egg and Professor Elm asks Gold to take it with him with hopes of it hatching.

Gold then meets Kurt, and after making fun of his Apricorn Balls, Kurt challenges him to catch a Pokémon with one, if he lost, however, he had o become Kurt's apprentice. Gold chooses the Green Apricorn and a Friend Ball is made and since Kurt's grand daughter wanted to have a Friend Ball but Kurt would not make her one, Gold decided to use it to catch a friend for her. The Pokémon she wanted was a Teddiursa which lived on a mountain Kurt told her to never go to. Gold decided to take her there and saw Silver trying to catch and Ursaring with a Heavy Ball, something that annoyed him since Kurt said only worthy trainers could handle his balls meaning Silver was worthier then him. He found a Teddiursa but when he first tried to catch it, it didn't even open. He ended up getting in Silver's way a lot and Silver lost his Heavy Ball when Ataro ran into him. Gold then learned from Silver that he needed to hit Teddiursa's crescent moon on its head and Gold got back his Heavy Ball by using his Billiard Cue and Friend Ball to ricochet both of them back to their respective trainers. Silver once again disappeared and Gold completed his task and gave Teddiursa to Maisy.

Gold then goes through the Ilex Forest but finds himself hopelessly lost. He then finds the unconscious Charcoal Kiln and his Farfetche'd and decides to carry them, but he realizes that a Gastly has possessed them. After a bit of battling with Gastly a Houndour, a Delibird, and an Ariados appear to battle alongside the Gastly and then a Masked Man appears and reveals them to be his Pokémon and warns Gold to leave this forest. He quickly has his Ariados tie Gold up and simply disappears.

Gold then goes to Goldenrod City (mistaken in translations a Cherrygrove City) and he runs into a rogue Smeargle. A man then comes up to him and wants Gold to make an appearance on their Radio Show, which Gold accepts since he would be no longer be broke and he would get to finally meet DJ Mary, only to discover in horror that the Smeargle belonged to her. Gold and Whitney then got into a heated argument but when the director of the radio show found that the show's ratings were through the roof he proposed they have a race. Since the race was sponsored by Miracle Cycle Gold initially couldn't ride his skateboard like he wanted to but he found a way to compromise by putting the handles from one of the bikes onto his skateboard to make a scooter. While Gold was promptly behind Whitney was stalled by a Sudowoodo disguised as a tree. Gold had his whole team attack it and saw how Poltaro's Water Gun made it react. When a Rhydon came up and kidnapped Whitney Gold was able to figure out that the tree was a Sudowoodo. He was able to convince the Sudowoodo that it was strong and after it defeated the same Rhydon it was hiding from, it wanted to go with him, which Gold allowed, naming him Utaro.

While Gold was asleep one night after being kicked out of several arcades for cheating, his Egg gets stolen by a Gligar. He does not wake up to notice it but his Pokémon go after it to save the egg. In the process the Egg hatches into a Togepi, Totaro, who defeats the Gligar with ease even though it had just hatched. He only wakes up after Totaro defeats the Gligar with Metronome and it crashes right next to him. When Gold told Professor Elm he was at first ecstatic, only to become furious when he realized that Totaro became a natural at billiards, poker, and dice due to Gold's influence when it was an egg.

Elm then had Gold take Totaro to the Daycare Center where the old lady there convinced him to do their work by disguising it as a training for his Pokémon. It did pay off though when Explotaro evolved into a Quilava. The Day Care coupe then had Gold go fetch Jasmine, whose Pokémon were the parents of Totaro. Jasmine had been at Ecruteak City at the time an earthquake hit and was trapped inside the Tin Tower. When he made it to her he found Silver carrying her and he thought he had hurt her, although Silver simply found her unconscious and decided to save her. Gold then was simply given Jasmine and Silver walked away. Gold was able to get Jasmne out right before the rubble collapsed by having Amphy run her to safety, but him and Silver were trapped. Mud started to press up against then and they only made it through when Poltaro evolved into a Poliwhirl and further into a Politoed thanks to Silver's help and the King's Rock the Day Care Couple gave to Gold before he departed. He then found out that Team Rocket was, once again, the cause of the earthquake.

After Gold and Silver defeat the Team Rocket Grunts Gold wonders whether or not Silver has ever enjoyed a battle, and requests one against him, to which he accepts. The battle starts out and remains pretty even, even against Silver's newly evolved Kingdra, until Silver uses a Tyranitar which is able to wreck havoc on Gold's whole team but is able to defeat it with Totaro, however Totaro gets squashed and Gold is Defeated. Silver then departs for the Lake of Rage with Gold insisting on coming with.

Gold then follows Silver to the Lake of Rage, and he helps Silver in catching the Red Gyarados by distracting the other Gyarados and once their leader was caught, they went away. However, they run into the Masked Man again and the two of them fight over who's to battle him. Shortly after the battle begins he reveals that he kidnapped Silver as a child and that he escaped, and that he's the real leader of Team Rocket. Silver then gained Gold's respect and the two bounced back

Gold and Red Heading off to Mt. Silver at the end of the third chapter.

Gold and Silver realize that they share a common enemy and battle the Masked Man together at the Lake of Rage, but they're defeated, and their fates are left unknown for a while.

It is later revealed the two boys are in Whirl Islands, as rescued by Entei, where they are found by Lt. Surge. They meet Crystal and battle a Lugia that starts attacking them, but Gold fails at catching it. Gold and Crystal then head to the opening ceremony of the Pokémon League, where all 16 Gym Leaders of Kanto and Johto have gathered, to try and determine which one of the Gym Leaders is the Masked Man. They battle Chermaine and Keane in the Control Room and end up winning, but locked in. The Masked Man then appears at the scene with both Lugia and Ho-Oh and starts wrecking havoc before heading to the shrine in Ilex Forest, where the final battle then takes place.

Gold battles the Masked Man and finds out his real identity. He then follows the villain back in time, and eventually manages to escape. At the end of the GSC saga, Gold goes to train under Red on Mt. Silver.

Emerald arc

Gold during the sixth chapter

During the Emerald saga, Gold traveled to the Battle Frontier in order to bring the petrified Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Silver out of their stone state by wishing upon the phantom Pokémon Jirachi and stop the masked man known as Guile Hideout.

When he first arrived, he disguised himself as Guile Hideout hoping to trick the real one's Pokémon into letting him to get to Jirachi. This plan failed however and Gold was forced to use the ultimate fire-type attack, Blast Burn, which Gold learned on Two Island thanks to the help of Kimberly.

Now ready to take Jirachi back from Guile Hideout, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald prepare to face off their foe. This required Gold and Crystal to give the metal rings of Kimberly that the ultimate attacks to the starters of Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Silver. When Gold spoke to Emerald, he made the younger boy rethink his relationship with Pokémon. This allowed Emerald to finally teach his Sceptile the powerful Frenzy Plant. Gold then combined forces with the other nine Pokédex Holders in order to destroy the great sea monster that had manifested itself above the Battle Tower.

With the beast finally gone, the five petrified Pokédex Holders back to life and Archie seemingly dead, Gold went and fought in a tournament in the Battle Dome against the other Pokédex Holders, which he, at some point, lost.


This list is updated to Volume 29, the end of the Emerald Saga.

On Hand

Debut [[]]
Main article: Explotaro
Debut [[]]
Main article: Ataro
Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]
Main article: Poltaro
Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]

In box

Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]

Formerly owned

Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]
Chinchou (multiple)
Debut [[]]
Debut [[]]

Status unknown

Debut [[]]

At home

These are Pokémon Gold has grown up with in his home. He doesn't use any of them to battle except for Poltaro and Ataro, which are on his current team.


In other languages

Language Name Reference to
Japanese ゴールド Gold From Pokémon Gold.
English (Singapore) Gold From Pokémon Gold.
Korean 골드 Gold From Pokémon Gold.
Chinese (Taiwan) 阿金 Ā Jīn 金 means gold.
Chinese (Mainland China) Jīn 金 means gold.
Chinese (Hong Kong) 小金 Xiǎo Jīn 金 means gold.


  • Gold was the only character introduced without a major goal that he desires to achieve, although Green now falls into this category now that she has found her parents.
  • Gold's Mantine knows how to use Fly. However, in the games, Mantine cannot learn it.
  • Gold's birthday is July 21st.
  • Gold's blood type is B.
  • Almost all Pokémon that Gold owned had their name ending in -taro, which is a common ending for boys names in Japan

External links

On Bulbagarden forums

Pokémon Adventures main characters
RGBY/FRLG: RedBlueGreenYellow
GSC/HGSS: GoldSilverCrystal
RSE/ORAS: RubySapphireEmerald
DPPt: DiamondPearlPlatinum
BWB2W2: BlackWhiteBlakeWhitley
SWSH: HenryCasey
SV: VioletScarlet

  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.