
Revision as of 00:18, 30 May 2008 by Politoed666 (talk | contribs) (Why does everyone always spell "separate" like "seperate?")

Ferma is a Miror B.Peon. In Pokémon Colosseum, she is never seen without Reath with her. The two always partner together. They are first seen in a cinema sequence, where they are with Miror B., who exits and leaves Pyrite Building in their guard. Wes arrives at the building and defeats Reath. Ferma is also defeated, and her shadow Mantine is also snagged. This saves Silva who was previously being held captive by the two women, from them.

They show up again in a jail cell in Pyrite Town, resulting in Folly and Trudly moving to separate cells nearby. Once Wes gets the Jail Key, he can steal the Elevator Key from Reath, who is lying on the cell's bed, asleep.

Once Wes has beaten Evice all four prisoners escape. Reath and Ferma both flee to the room in Pyrite Cave where Miror B. was fought. They will battle with Wes and then remain there.

Their actual status as member of Cipher is foggy, they may not know the entire plan, just what Miror B. told them.


Pyrite Building:

At Pyrite Cave (after beating game):

Grand Master Head
Greevil Evice
Other members
Former members