Synchronize (Ability)

Not to be confused with Synchronoise.
Synchronize シンクロ
Flavor text
Generation III
Passes on status problems.
Generation IV
Passes on a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.
Generation V
Passes a burn, poison, or paralysis to the foe.
Generation VI
Currently unknown
Generation VII
Currently unknown
Generation VIII
Currently unknown
Generation IX
Currently unknown

Synchronize (Japanese: シンクロ Synchro) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. Fifteen Pokémon have this Ability; all except one of them are Psychic-type Pokémon.


In battle

Generation III to IV

Synchronize passes on status problems to the opponent that caused the problem. Synchronize will not pass on the Sleep or Frozen status conditions, or if the status condition was obtained from items such as the Flame Orb. Synchronize will have no effect if the other Pokémon has a type or Ability that prevents them from being Poisoned, Paralyzed, or Burned. The badly poisoned condition is passed on as regular poison.

Generation V

Synchronize now passes the badly poisoned condition on as bad poison, rather than normal poison.

If Psycho Shift is used, Synchronize activates before Psycho Shift cures the user of status. Therefore, Synchronize will fail to reflect status conditions when Psycho Shift is used.

Outside of battle

From Emerald onwards, if a Pokémon with this Ability is leading the party, there is a 50% chance that wild Pokémon encountered will have the same nature as the Pokémon with Synchronize. This does not apply to roaming or gift Pokémon. Prior to Generation IV, it did not apply to stationary Pokémon either, such as Regirock or Rayquaza.

The Ability is nullified when a Pokémon with Synchronize is strolling in the Pokéwalker or when capturing Dream World Pokémon from the Entree Forest.

Pokémon with Synchronize

# Pokémon Types First Ability Second Ability Hidden Ability
0063   Abra
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
0064   Kadabra
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
0065   Alakazam
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Inner Focus Magic Guard
0151   Mew
Psychic Psychic Synchronize None None
0177   Natu
Psychic Flying Synchronize Early Bird Magic Bounce
0178   Xatu
Psychic Flying Synchronize Early Bird Magic Bounce
0196   Espeon
Psychic Psychic Synchronize None Magic Bounce
0197   Umbreon
Dark Dark Synchronize None Inner Focus
0280   Ralts
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Trace Telepathy
0281   Kirlia
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Trace Telepathy
0282   Gardevoir
Psychic Psychic Synchronize Trace Telepathy
0517   Munna
Psychic Psychic Forewarn Synchronize Telepathy
0518   Musharna
Psychic Psychic Forewarn Synchronize Telepathy
0605   Elgyem
Psychic Psychic Telepathy Synchronize Analytic
0606   Beheeyem
Psychic Psychic Telepathy Synchronize Analytic
Please note that abilities marked with a superscript are only available in the stated generation or later.
  • For Generation III and IV games, ignore Hidden Abilities.

In the manga

In the Pokémon Adventures manga


  • Natu and Xatu are the only dual-typed Pokemon that can have Synchronize.

In other languages

Language Title
Mandarin Chinese 同步 Tóngbù
  French Synchro
  German Synchro
  Greek Συγχρονισμός
  Italian Sincronismo
  Korean 싱크로 Synchro
  Portuguese Sincronizar
  Spanish Sincronía

  This article is part of Project Moves and Abilities, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on two related aspects of the Pokémon games.