GX Starter Decks (TCG)

GX Starter Decks.jpg
Collective box art
Release date July 13, 2018

The GX Starter Decks (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ GX Start Decks) are a set of Japanese-exclusive Standard Decks for the Pokémon Trading Card Game released on July 13, 2018.


Each 60-card GX Starter Deck focuses on a particular Pokémon-GX and includes Pokémon associated with its type in addition to an assortment of useful Trainer cards and Energy cards. The nine GX Starter Decks available include:

Grass Lurantis-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 草ラランテス)
Fire Charizard-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 炎リザードン)
Water Lapras-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 水ラプラス)
Lightning Raichu-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 雷ライチュウ)
Psychic Mewtwo-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 超ミュウツー)
Fighting Lycanroc-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 闘ルガルガン)
Darkness Yveltal-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 悪イベルタル)
Metal Metagross-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ 鋼メタグロス)
Fairy Xerneas-GX Deck (Japanese: GXスタートデッキ フェアリーゼルネアス)

Each deck contains a fixed selection of cards, which together form a numbered master set. Each deck also contains 25 damage counters, a pair of Special Condition markers, a GX marker, and a card detailing set-up rules with a QR code for the official Pokémon Card Game website.

The GX Starter Decks were incorporated into a number of launch campaigns offering promotional cards and other merchandise, as well as featuring in Limited format competitions at Premier Events. Together with their price at just ¥500 plus tax, the GX Starter Decks were marketed as an ideal platform for players to get into the TCG.

Set list

GX Starter Decks
No. Mark Card name Type
001/131   Pinsir   Promotion
002/131   Ledyba   Promotion
003/131   Ledian   Promotion
004/131   Turtwig   Promotion
005/131   Grotle   Promotion
006/131   Torterra   Promotion
007/131   Rowlet   Promotion
008/131   Fomantis   Promotion
009/131   Lurantis    Promotion
010/131   Tapu Bulu   Promotion
011/131   Charmander   Promotion
012/131   Charmeleon   Promotion
013/131   Charizard    Promotion
014/131   Growlithe   Promotion
015/131   Arcanine   Promotion
016/131   Heatran   Promotion
017/131   Pansear   Promotion
018/131   Simisear   Promotion
019/131   Heatmor   Promotion
020/131   Fennekin   Promotion
021/131   Turtonator   Promotion
022/131   Horsea   Promotion
023/131   Lapras    Promotion
024/131   Totodile   Promotion
025/131   Croconaw   Promotion
026/131   Feraligatr   Promotion
027/131   Wailmer   Promotion
028/131   Wailord   Promotion
029/131   Palkia   Promotion
030/131   Pyukumuku   Promotion
031/131   Bruxish   Promotion
032/131   Pikachu   Promotion
033/131   Raichu    Promotion
034/131   Electabuzz   Promotion
035/131   Raikou   Promotion
036/131   Shinx   Promotion
037/131   Luxio   Promotion
038/131   Luxray   Promotion
039/131   Emolga   Promotion
040/131   Helioptile   Promotion
041/131   Heliolisk   Promotion
042/131   Mewtwo    Promotion
043/131   Wobbuffet   Promotion
044/131   Latios   Promotion
045/131   Gothita   Promotion
046/131   Gothorita   Promotion
047/131   Gothitelle   Promotion
048/131   Espurr   Promotion
049/131   Meowstic   Promotion
050/131   Inkay   Promotion
051/131   Mimikyu   Promotion
052/131   Cosmog   Promotion
053/131   Gligar   Promotion
054/131   Gliscor   Promotion
055/131   Nosepass   Promotion
056/131   Solrock   Promotion
057/131   Riolu   Promotion
058/131   Hawlucha   Promotion
059/131   Zygarde   Promotion
060/131   Rockruff   Promotion
061/131   Lycanroc    Promotion
062/131   Stufful   Promotion
063/131   Bewear   Promotion
064/131   Passimian   Promotion
065/131   Alolan Meowth   Promotion
066/131   Alolan Persian   Promotion
067/131   Murkrow   Promotion
068/131   Honchkrow   Promotion
069/131   Sneasel   Promotion
070/131   Spiritomb   Promotion
071/131   Darkrai   Promotion
072/131   Scraggy   Promotion
073/131   Scrafty   Promotion
074/131   Zorua   Promotion
075/131   Yveltal    Promotion
076/131   Alolan Diglett   Promotion
077/131   Alolan Dugtrio   Promotion
078/131   Magnemite   Promotion
079/131   Skarmory   Promotion
080/131   Beldum   Promotion
081/131   Metang   Promotion
082/131   Metagross    Promotion
083/131   Probopass   Promotion
084/131   Heatran   Promotion
085/131   Clefairy   Promotion
086/131   Clefable   Promotion
087/131   Ralts   Promotion
088/131   Flabébé   Promotion
089/131   Floette   Promotion
090/131   Florges   Promotion
091/131   Xerneas    Promotion
092/131   Diancie   Promotion
093/131   Cutiefly   Promotion
094/131   Comfey   Promotion
095/131   Tapu Lele   Promotion
096/131   Lickitung   Promotion
097/131   Chansey   Promotion
098/131   Kangaskhan   Promotion
099/131   Rayquaza   Promotion
100/131   Bouffalant   Promotion
101/131   Oranguru   Promotion
102/131   Type: Null   Promotion
103/131   Type: Null   Promotion
104/131   Drampa   Promotion
105/131   Aqua Patch I Promotion
106/131   Energy Switch I Promotion
107/131   Potion I Promotion
108/131   Crushing Hammer I Promotion
109/131   Timer Ball I Promotion
110/131   Nest Ball I Promotion
111/131   Ultra Ball I Promotion
112/131   Rare Candy I Promotion
113/131   Switch I Promotion
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I Promotion
115/131   Ilima Su Promotion
116/131   Kiawe Su Promotion
117/131   Diantha Su Promotion
118/131   Professor Kukui Su Promotion
119/131   Judge Su Promotion
120/131   Volkner Su Promotion
121/131   Gardenia Su Promotion
122/131   Hau Su Promotion
123/131   Wicke Su Promotion
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su Promotion
125/131   Sophocles Su Promotion
126/131   Lillie Su Promotion
127/131   Altar of the Moone St Promotion
128/131   Devoured Field St Promotion
129/131   Brooklet Hill St Promotion
130/131   Mt. Coronet St Promotion
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E Promotion

Deck lists

Grass Lurantis-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
009/131   Lurantis   
001/131   Pinsir  
002/131   Ledyba  
003/131   Ledian  
004/131   Turtwig  
005/131   Grotle  
006/131   Torterra  
007/131   Rowlet  
008/131   Fomantis  
010/131   Tapu Bulu  
097/131   Chansey  
121/131   Gardenia Su
122/131   Hau Su
123/131   Wicke Su
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su
125/131   Sophocles Su
126/131   Lillie Su
107/131   Potion I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Grass Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Fire Charizard-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
013/131   Charizard   
011/131   Charmander  
012/131   Charmeleon  
014/131   Growlithe  
015/131   Arcanine  
016/131   Heatran  
017/131   Pansear  
018/131   Simisear  
019/131   Heatmor  
020/131   Fennekin  
021/131   Turtonator  
096/131   Lickitung  
116/131   Kiawe Su
118/131   Professor Kukui Su
119/131   Judge Su
122/131   Hau Su
125/131   Sophocles Su
126/131   Lillie Su
109/131   Timer Ball I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Fire Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Water Lapras-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
023/131   Lapras   
022/131   Horsea  
024/131   Totodile  
025/131   Croconaw  
026/131   Feraligatr  
027/131   Wailmer  
028/131   Wailord  
029/131   Palkia  
030/131   Pyukumuku  
031/131   Bruxish  
102/131   Type: Null  
115/131   Ilima Su
122/131   Hau Su
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su
125/131   Sophocles Su
126/131   Lillie Su
105/131   Aqua Patch I
107/131   Potion I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Water Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Lightning Raichu-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
033/131   Raichu   
032/131   Pikachu  
034/131   Electabuzz  
035/131   Raikou  
036/131   Shinx  
037/131   Luxio  
038/131   Luxray  
039/131   Emolga  
040/131   Helioptile  
041/131   Heliolisk  
104/131   Drampa  
118/131   Professor Kukui Su
119/131   Judge Su
120/131   Volkner Su
122/131   Hau Su
125/131   Sophocles Su
126/131   Lillie Su
108/131   Crushing Hammer I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Lightning Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Psychic Mewtwo-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
042/131   Mewtwo   
043/131   Wobbuffet  
044/131   Latios  
045/131   Gothita  
046/131   Gothorita  
047/131   Gothitelle  
048/131   Espurr  
049/131   Meowstic  
050/131   Inkay  
051/131   Mimikyu  
052/131   Cosmog  
101/131   Oranguru  
115/131   Ilima Su
119/131   Judge Su
122/131   Hau Su
123/131   Wicke Su
126/131   Lillie Su
127/131   Altar of the Moone St
106/131   Energy Switch I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Psychic Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Fighting Lycanroc-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
061/131   Lycanroc   
053/131   Gligar  
054/131   Gliscor  
056/131   Solrock  
057/131   Riolu  
058/131   Hawlucha  
059/131   Zygarde  
060/131   Rockruff  
062/131   Stufful  
063/131   Bewear  
064/131   Passimian  
100/131   Bouffalant  
115/131   Ilima Su
118/131   Professor Kukui Su
119/131   Judge Su
122/131   Hau Su
126/131   Lillie Su
129/131   Brooklet Hill St
107/131   Potion I
108/131   Crushing Hammer I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Fighting Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Darkness Yveltal-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
075/131   Yveltal   
065/131   Alolan Meowth  
066/131   Alolan Persian  
067/131   Murkrow  
068/131   Honchkrow  
069/131   Sneasel  
070/131   Spiritomb  
071/131   Darkrai  
072/131   Scraggy  
073/131   Scrafty  
074/131   Zorua  
103/131   Type: Null  
115/131   Ilima Su
118/131   Professor Kukui Su
122/131   Hau Su
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su
126/131   Lillie Su
128/131   Devoured Field St
106/131   Energy Switch I
108/131   Crushing Hammer I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Darkness Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Metal Metagross-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
082/131   Metagross   
055/131   Nosepass  
076/131   Alolan Diglett  
077/131   Alolan Dugtrio  
078/131   Magnemite  
079/131   Skarmory  
080/131   Beldum  
081/131   Metang  
083/131   Probopass  
084/131   Heatran  
098/131   Kangaskhan  
122/131   Hau Su
123/131   Wicke Su
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su
125/131   Sophocles Su
126/131   Lillie Su
130/131   Mt. Coronet St
109/131   Timer Ball I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Metal Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

Fairy Xerneas-GX Deck
No. Mark Card Type Quantity
091/131   Xerneas   
085/131   Clefairy  
086/131   Clefable  
087/131   Ralts  
088/131   Flabébé  
089/131   Floette  
090/131   Florges  
092/131   Diancie  
093/131   Cutiefly  
094/131   Comfey  
095/131   Tapu Lele  
099/131   Rayquaza  
117/131   Diantha Su
119/131   Judge Su
122/131   Hau Su
123/131   Wicke Su
124/131   Pokémon Breeder Su
126/131   Lillie Su
107/131   Potion I
110/131   Nest Ball I
111/131   Ultra Ball I
112/131   Rare Candy I
113/131   Switch I
114/131   Pokémon Catcher I
Fairy Energy   E 16×
131/131   Double Colorless Energy   E

  This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Sun & Moon Series
SM Black Star Promos
Sun & Moon: Forest ShadowRoaring HeatBright TideSun & Moon Prerelease Kit
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Lycanroc & Alolan Raichu
Guardians Rising: Guardians Rising Prerelease KitSteel SunHidden Moon
Lugia Legendary Battle DeckHo-Oh Legendary Battle DeckBattle Arena Decks: Black Kyurem vs. White Kyurem
Burning Shadows: Burning Shadows Prerelease KitRock SteadyLuminous Frost
McDonald's Collection 2017Shining Legends
Crimson Invasion: Crimson Invasion Prerelease KitDestruction FangClanging Thunder
Ultra Prism: Ultra Prism Prerelease KitImperial CommandMach Strike
Forbidden Light: Forbidden Light Build & Battle BoxTropical TakedownTwilight Rogue
Sun & Moon Trainer Kit: Alolan Sandslash & Alolan NinetalesMcDonald's Collection 2018
Celestial Storm: Celestial Storm Build & Battle BoxLeaf ChargeHydro Fury
Battle Arena Decks—Mega Charizard X vs. Mega BlastoiseDragon Majesty
Lost Thunder: Lost Thunder Build & Battle BoxBlazing VolcanoStorm Caller
Team Up: Team Up Build & Battle BoxRelentless FlameTorrential Cannon
Detective Pikachu
Unbroken Bonds: Unbroken Bonds Build & Battle BoxLightning LoopBattle Mind
Let's Play, Pikachu!Let's Play, Eevee!
Unified Minds: Unified Minds Build & Battle BoxSoaring StormLaser Focus
Hidden FatesMcDonald's Collection 2019Battle Arena Decks—Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX
Cosmic Eclipse: Cosmic Eclipse Build & Battle BoxTowering HeightsUnseen Depths
Battle Academy 2020
Sun & Moon Era
SM-P Promotional cards
Pikachu's New Friends
Collection SunCollection Moon: Sun & Moon Starter SetPremium Trainer Box
Rockruff Full Power DeckTogedemaru DeckTurtonator DeckSun & Moon
Islands Await YouAlolan Moonlight: Tapu Bulu-GX Enhanced Starter Set
Facing a New TrialAsh vs Team Rocket Deck Kit
To Have Seen the Battle RainbowDarkness that Consumes Light
Shining Legends
Awakened HeroesUltradimensional Beasts
GX Battle BoostSolgaleo-GX & Lunala-GX Legendary Starter Set
Ultra SunUltra Moon: Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon Premium Trainer Box
Ultra ForceUltra Sun & Ultra Moon Deck Build Boxes
Forbidden Light
Dragon StormChampion Road
Sky-Splitting Charisma
Thunderclap SparkGX Starter DecksFairy Rise
Super-Burst Impact
Dark OrderGX Ultra ShinyEevee-GX Starter Sets
Tag Bolt: Tag Team GX Premium Trainer Box
Night UnisonTrainer Battle DecksFull Metal Wall
Double Blaze: Tag Team GX Deck Build Box
Sun & Moon Family Pokémon Card GameGG EndSky LegendGreat Detective Pikachu
Miracle Twin: Tag Team GX Starter Sets
Remix BoutDream League
Alter Genesis
Tag All StarsExtra Regulation Box