Krokka Tunnel

Krokka Tunnel クロッカトンネル
Croca Tunnel
Krokka Tunnel Ranger1.png
Map description
This somewhat-dangerous tunnel links Ringtown and Fall City.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Panula Cave
Lyra Forest
Krokka Tunnel
East Road
Fiore Krokka Tunnel Map.png
Location of Krokka Tunnel in Fiore.
Pokémon world routes

Krokka Tunnel (Japanese: クロッカトンネル Croca Tunnel) is a cave in Fiore that links Ringtown and Fall City. It is the location of the first and fifth numbered missions in Pokémon Ranger. The western exit emerges in Lyra Forest while the eastern exit emerges in East Road. Krokka Tunnel is linked to Panula Cave.

A memorial to Dugtrio, said to be a loyal companion and coworker in the long and difficult tunnel project, can be found near the Lyra Forest entrance. The Hariyama Dojo can be found deep in the cave, containing strong Fighting-type Pokémon.

The Krokka Tunnel is first entered in the first numbered mission of the game, where the player must escort Professor Hastings to Fall City. However, the Go-Rock Squad attack and create rockfalls that prevent residents of Ringtown from visiting Fall City. In the fifth mission, these rockfalls are removed by searching further in the cave for some Hariyama. The Go-Rock Squad are also there, searching for a legendary Pokémon, with the mission ending against Tiffany and her Camerupt.

In the first Ranger Net mission, Lunick and Solana enter the tunnel to capture a Deoxys.


Registeel can be found within the Tunnel's depths, however a bit of work must be done to get to it. Its chamber is guarded by numerous boulders, at least four of which must be crushed for access, along with two places where players must use the Field Move Cross.

Wild Pokémon

This is a listing of the Pokémon found in Krokka Tunnel after the credits:

Pokémon Assist Field Loops
Zubat Zubat Poison None 2
Paras Paras Grass Cut 4
Parasect Parasect Grass None 8
Diglett Diglett Ground None 2
Dugtrio Dugtrio Ground None 9
Poliwag Poliwag Water Soak 4
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl Water Soak Soak 5
Machop Machop Fighting Crush 6
Machamp Machamp Fighting Crush Crush Crush 10
Bellsprout Bellsprout Grass None 4
Geodude Geodude Rock Crush 8
Graveler Graveler Rock Crush Crush 11
Magnemite Magnemite Electric Recharge Recharge 2
Magneton Magneton Electric Recharge Recharge 3
Tangela Tangela Grass Cross 2
Kirlia Kirlia Psychic None 5
Hariyama Hariyama Fighting Crush Crush Crush 12
Torkoal Torkoal Fire Burn Burn 9
Registeel Registeel Steel Crush Crush Crush 20

Go-Rock Squad

Mission 5: Clear the Fallen Boulders!

Go-Rock Squad Pokémon Type Loops
Go-Rock Squad m OD.png
Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Geodude Geodude Rock 8
Geodude Geodude Rock 8
Geodude Geodude Rock 8
Go-Rock Squad m OD.png
Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Snubbull Snubbull Normal 4
Snubbull Snubbull Normal 4
Snubbull Snubbull Normal 4
Go-Rock Squad m OD.png
Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Krabby Krabby Water 6
Crawdaunt Crawdaunt Water 10
Go-Rock Squad m OD.png
Go-Rock Squad Grunt
Zubat Zubat Poison 2
Zubat Zubat Poison 2
Zubat Zubat Poison 2
Tiffany OD.png
Camerupt Camerupt Fire 10


Main article: Obstacle
Image Name Description Field Move Hidden Pokémon
Big Mushroom Ranger1.png Big Mushroom This rare mushroom is often found to have moved locations overnight. Gust fm.png Gust fm.png
Boulder Ranger1.png Boulder A Pokémon that can break a boulder of this size earns the respect of others. Crush fm.png Crush fm.png
Cavern Wall Ranger1.png Cavern Wall This rock slab, saturated with water, would crumble from a strong shock. Crush fm.png Crush fm.png
Chunky Rock Ranger1.png Chunky Rock This looks like an ordinary rock, but it is abnormally heavy. It's rarely seen in rain. Soak fm.png
Metal Fence Ranger1.png Metal Fence It requires power to cut down this sturdy fence made of extremely hard metal. Cut fm.png Cut fm.png
Post Ranger1.png Post A Pokémon can sling vines on this post to leap across holes and gaps. Cross fm.png
Rockfall Ranger1.png Rockfall This giant boulder is extremely hard. A lot of power is needed to crush it. Crush fm.png Crush fm.png Crush fm.png
Rugged Rock Ranger1.png Rugged Rock This rugged, hard boulder doesn't shatter when rolling off mountaintops. Soak fm.png Soak fm.png
Sign Ranger1.png Sign This sign is mysteriously replaced if it is cut into tiny pieces. Cut fm.png
Wood Fence Ranger1.png Wood Fence This ordinary wooden fence can be seen anywhere. It's so easy to cut down. Cut fm.png


Front Deep
West Exterior East West North East
Krokka Tunnel Ranger1 entrance.png Krokka Tunnel South Cliff Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Ranger1 inner.png Krokka Tunnel Ranger1 deep.png Krokka Tunnel Deep 2 Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Deep 3 Ranger1.png


West Path Registeel Room Hariyama Dojo Hidden Cave Panula Entrance
Krokka Tunnel West Path Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Registeel Room Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Hariyama Dojo Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Hariyama Dojo B1F Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel Deep 1 Ranger1.png Krokka Tunnel North Entrance Ranger1.png


Language Name Origin
Japanese クロッカトンネル Croca Tunnel From クロッカス Crocus
English Krokka Tunnel From its Japanese name
German Krokka-Tunnel From its Japanese name
Spanish Túnel Rocoso From rocoso (rocky)
French Tunnel Rokka Similar to its Japanese name
Italian Tunnel Borgunnia From borgogna (burgundy red)

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