Butterfree Sea

Butterfree Sea (Japanese: バタフリー 海域 Butterfree Sea) is a location in Pokémon Rumble Rush that was available during the Latias and Gemini Island event. This event ran from February 5 to 19, 2020.

Map of Butterfree Sea

Available Pokémon

Pokémon of primarily Water, Fire, Poison, Bug and Psychic type can be found living in different habitats in Butterfree Sea.

Lapras Lapras Mudkip Mudkip Marshtomp Marshtomp Swampert Swampert Wingull Wingull Pelipper Pelipper
Carvanha Carvanha Sharpedo Sharpedo Wailmer Wailmer Wailord Wailord Feebas Feebas Milotic Milotic
Clamperl Clamperl Huntail Huntail Gorebyss Gorebyss Luvdisc Luvdisc

Charmander Charmander Charmeleon Charmeleon Charizard Charizard Vulpix Vulpix Ninetales Ninetales Ponyta Ponyta
Rapidash Rapidash Magmar Magmar Torchic Torchic Combusken Combusken Blaziken Blaziken Plusle Plusle
Minun Minun Numel Numel Camerupt Camerupt Torkoal Torkoal

Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidorino Nidoking Nidoking
Treecko Treecko Grovyle Grovyle Sceptile Sceptile Roselia Roselia Gulpin Gulpin Swalot Swalot
Zangoose Zangoose Seviper Seviper Budew Budew Roserade Roserade

Caterpie Caterpie Metapod Metapod Butterfree Butterfree Venonat Venonat Venomoth Venomoth Pinsir Pinsir
Heracross Heracross Surskit Surskit Masquerain Masquerain Nincada Nincada Ninjask Ninjask Shedinja Shedinja
Volbeat Volbeat Illumise Illumise Anorith Anorith Armaldo Armaldo

Pikachu Pikachu Raichu Raichu Raichu Alolan Raichu Ralts Ralts Kirlia Kirlia Gardevoir Gardevoir
Spoink Spoink Grumpig Grumpig Lunatone Lunatone Solrock Solrock Kecleon Kecleon Luvdisc Luvdisc
Latias Latias Latios Latios Jirachi Jirachi Gallade Gallade Meowstic Meowstic Meowstic Meowstic

Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀ Nidorina Nidorina Nidoqueen Nidoqueen Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂ Nidorino Nidorino Nidoking Nidoking
Vulpix Alolan Vulpix Ninetales Alolan Ninetales Unown Unown Unown Unown Unown Unown Unown Unown
Plusle Plusle Minun Minun Kecleon Kecleon Luvdisc Luvdisc Latias Latias Slurpuff Slurpuff
Sylveon Sylveon

Available Gears

Butterfree Sea featured the event-exclusive Gears: Stored Power Gear (Latias), Stored Power (Kirlia), Silver Wind Gear (Butterfree) and Silver Wind Gear (Venomoth). It also introduced the Dragon Claw Gear (Kommo-o) and Aqua Tail Gear (Feraligatr). Ores of different type drop different Power and Summon Gear.

Chance Water Fire Poison Bug Psychic
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Poison Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus
0% / 37.52% Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Poison Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus
1.379% / 1.999% Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus
0.999% Normal Move Plus
20.749% / 10.749% Snappy, Charge Boost, Grappler, Lobber
0.479% Brawny
2.999% Swampert Family Plus Blaziken Family Plus Sceptile Family Plus Butterfree Family Plus Latias Family Plus
1.75% Blaziken Family Plus, Sceptile Family Plus, Butterfree Family Plus, Latias Family Plus Swampert Family Plus, Sceptile Family Plus, Butterfree Family Plus, Latias Family Plus Swampert Family Plus, Blaziken Family Plus, Butterfree Family Plus, Latias Family Plus Swampert Family Plus, Blaziken Family Plus, Sceptile Family Plus, Latias Family Plus Swampert Family Plus, Blaziken Family Plus, Sceptile Family Plus, Butterfree Family Plus
Summon Gear
7.099% Rock Blast Gear (Graveler), Signal Beam Gear (Venonat), Sludge Wave Gear (Grimer), Take Down Gear (Eevee), Drill Peck Gear (Spearow), Dynamic Punch Gear (Gurdurr), Whirlpool Gear (Wailmer), Dazzling Gleam Gear (Ribombee), Dragon Claw Gear (Hakamo-o), Aqua Tail Gear (Croconaw)
1.899% Dragon Claw Gear (Kommo-o), Aqua Tail Gear (Feraligatr)
11.999% Stored Power Gear (Kirlia), Silver Wind Gear (Venomoth)
0.6% Stored Power Gear (Latias), Silver Wind Gear (Butterfree)
Special Unusual Ore

An event exclusive Valentine Unusual Ore was also available in Butterfree Sea, which was colored pink rather than the usual yellow. This Ore provided different drops in the variety of power gear, enabling players to obtain the Fairy Move Plus. The rarities for the summon gear were the same as for the other Ores.

Chance Water Fire Poison Bug Psychic
Power Gear
Guaranteed (1 Gear) Water Move Plus Fire Move Plus Poison Move Plus Bug Move Plus Psychic Move Plus
1.379% Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Bug Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Psychic Move Plus Water Move Plus, Fire Move Plus, Poison Move Plus, Bug Move Plus
19.999% Fairy Move Plus
19.999% Snappy, Charge Boost, Grappler, Lobber

List of Super Bosses

Butterfree Sea has a total of 35 Super Bosses. All Super Bosses had a time limit of 60 seconds.

Super Boss Target CP Unlock requirements Goals Weakness Pokémon unlocked
90 Catch 3 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Ponyta Wailmer
120 Catch 4 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Vulpix Clamperl
165 Catch 6 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Charmeleon Wailord
240 Catch 7 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Nidoran♀ Combusken
320 Catch 9 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Torchic in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Caterpie Pinsir Nincada Volbeat
440 Catch 12 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Metapod Plusle Feebas
620 Catch 14 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Venomoth Camerupt Huntail
920 Catch 17 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Butterfree Nidorina Nidorino Treecko
950 Catch 20 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Metapod in this area
Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Pikachu Kecleon Meowstic
1060 Catch 24 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Shedinja Spoink Anorith
Alolan Raichu
1180 Catch 26 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Surskit Armaldo Raichu
1420 Catch 29 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear the stage
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png Solrock Latios Gallade
End of basic research
1540 Catch 32 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Marshtomp Roselia Milotic
1720 Catch 35 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Charizard Nidoking Rapidash
1910 Catch 37 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Masquerain Ninjask Gorebyss
2150 Catch 39 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Surskit in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png Gardevoir Grumpig Lunatone
2320 Catch 41 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Lapras Swampert Roserade
2490 Catch 43 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Ninetales Blaziken
2600 Catch 44 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Nidoqueen Heracross Grovyle
2840 Catch 46 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area
Catch 1 or more Masquerain in this area
Use a supereffective move and clear the stage
Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png Raichu Sceptile Latias
Mighty Super Bosses
3110 Catch 48 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Nidoking
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png None
3460 Catch 49 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Swampert
Gear Charge Boost Rumble Rush.png None
3700 Catch 50 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Blaziken
Gear Grappler Rumble Rush.png None
4460 Catch 51 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Latias
Gear Lobber Rumble Rush.png None
Alolan Raichu
4640 Catch 52 or more kinds of Pokémon in this area Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Butterfree
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png Jirachi
5290 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Nidoqueen
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png None
5960 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Swampert
Gear Charge Boost Rumble Rush.png None
7440 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Blaziken
Gear Grappler Rumble Rush.png None
10060 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Latias
Gear Lobber Rumble Rush.png None
11060 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Butterfree
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png None
11360 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Nidoqueen
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png None
11660 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Swampert
Gear Charge Boost Rumble Rush.png None
11960 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Blaziken
Gear Grappler Rumble Rush.png None
12260 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Latias
Gear Lobber Rumble Rush.png None
12560 None Clear with only Pokémon you caught in this sea
Clear with 10+ seconds left
Clear with only Butterfree
Gear Snappy Rumble Rush.png None
Highlighted rows indicate higher difficulty bosses marked by the Boss Pin Rumble Rush.png icon.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 巴大蝶海域 Bādaaidihp Hóiwihk
Mandarin 巴大蝶海域 Bādàdié Hǎiyù
Germany Flag.png German Smettbo-Seegebiet
South Korea Flag.png Korean 버터플 해역 Butterfle Haeyeok
Spain Flag.png Spanish Mar de Butterfree

Rumble Rush

TutorialCharizard SeaDragonite SeaSnorlax Sea
Pinsir SeaZapdos SeaJirachi SeaGengar Sea
Celebi SeaCastform SeaGarchomp SeaEntei Sea
Mimikyu SeaAegislash SeaMewtwo SeaRowlet Sea
Lugia SeaBuzzwole SeaZygarde SeaButterfree Sea
Bulbasaur SeaRayquaza SeaArceus SeaGreninja Sea

Project Locations logo.png This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively. Project Sidegames logo.png