Sooo.... This is my userspace page. Some info...

About Me

(coding borrowed and modified from TheShinyRoggenrola...not a coding genius AT ALL!)

  This user comes from the United States.
  This user is from the state of Arizona.
en This user is a native speaker of English.

^Don't speak anything else...

  This user is Christian.

^I'm not a massive religious that, I mean I'm not fighting over stupid the whole "Should Gays Marry!?" thing...don't really care about the outcome...

  This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.


  This user contributes using Microsoft Windows 7.
  This user contributes using Microsoft Windows 10.

Mostly used for gaming

  This user contributes using Google Chrome.
  This user identifies as male.

^What does a Magnemite say when Prof. Oak asks if he's a boy or a girl?

  This user's birthday is February 8.
  This user's favorite Pokémon is Mudkip.
File:25.png This user's second favorite Pokémon is Pikachu.
  This user's favorite legendary Pokémon is Victini.
  This user's favorite type is Electric.

Favorite ______-type Pokémon

  This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Porygon.
  This user's favorite Normal-type Pokémon is Porygon2.

^The scrap-goats of Pikachu's Lightning...

  This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Cyndaquil.

^I picture and draw Cyndaquil chugging on a bottle of Tabasco Sauce with some ghost peppers mixed into it...

  This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Arcanine.

^A real-life dog...that breaths fire and is 6'03"...

  This user's favorite Fire-type Pokémon is Victini.
  This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Lucario.
  This user's favorite Fighting-type Pokémon is Gallade.

^Gallade and Lucario...the definition of the Fighting type (assuming that Machop and its evolutions aren't being pictured...)

  This user's favorite Water-type Pokémon is Mudkip.

^So i herd...oh...u do liekz Mudkipz...YAY!

  This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Charizard.

^If a triple type was announced, and Charizard was a "Fire-Flying-Dragon" type...he'd be a perfect starter...

  This user's favorite Flying-type Pokémon is Dragonite.

^The first and most bad@$$ Dragon type in the entire Dex...

  This user's favorite Grass-type Pokémon is Snivy.

^Snivy...the fancy British Pokémon that has been loooong overdue...(please tell me I'm not the only one that sees Snivy like this...]

  This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Nidoran♀.
  This user's favorite Poison-type Pokémon is Nidoran♂.

^They had to separate Nidoran's [both ♀ and ♂] know how rabbits are...

  This user's favorite Electric-type Pokémon is Pikachu.

^My name is Pikachu1770...just in case you can't figure it out...

  This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Diglett.

^ of the few remaining Generation I mysteries...

  This user's favorite Ground-type Pokémon is Groudon.


  This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Mew.

^The cutest legendary in Pokémon...and to think he was a last second addition.

  This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Mesprit.

^Used to call it ME-Spear-it...

  This user's favorite Psychic-type Pokémon is Victini.

^Yes...I know Victini has been listed 3 what?

  This user's favorite Rock-type Pokémon is Bastiodon.

^Armorr, Armorr Jr., Armorr III...all Bastiodons...(yes, I know 'armor' is not spelled like that)

  This user's favorite Ice-type Pokémon is Glaceon.

^The only Eeveeloution that can freeze you alive.

  This user's favorite Bug-type Pokémon is Joltik.

^Love that little Bug.

  This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Dragonite.
  This user's favorite Dragon-type Pokémon is Giratina.

^Prefer Giratina in Origin Form...

  This user's favorite Ghost-type Pokémon is Shedinja.

^A.K.A. the only Pokémon that can beat you even though it only has 1 HP...

  This user's favorite Dark-type Pokémon is Zorua.

^Cheeky...sorta' like me...

  This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Lucario.
  This user's favorite Steel-type Pokémon is Mawile.

^Cute...aside from the whole "Giant-steel-jaw-on-the-back-of-its-head-that'll-chomp-your-freaking-limbs-off" part...

Shiny Pokémon Caught

Pokémon that have a 100% chance of being shiny, Event Pokémon, and Shinnies caught using a Action Reply are NOT LISTED!!!

    This user has a Shiny Victreebel.  

^Named it "Bell"...the nickname was an accident.

    This user has a Shiny Exeggcute.  

^Gave to brother...would not stop pestering me to give it to him...regret it to this day...

    This user has a Shiny Ditto.  

^Named it "Blue"...which is appropriate...

    This user has a Shiny Bellossom.  

^1. Male. 2. Caught as Oddish in Ruby at Safari Zone... BTW...Safari Zone is probably the WORST place to run into a shiny Pokémon

Games I Own

  This user is a player of Pokémon Yellow Version.

^Funny story behind this. My dad bought it for me on Christmas. Shortly after delivery, dad found out it was the wrong Yellow. (Mind you, my dad doesn't play Pokémon...barely knows the basics). Turns out, the guy sent us the wrong one "by accident". He said he'd send the right one A.S.A.P. I decided to try "Pokémon Yellow". It was the a hacked version of Donald Duck (or Felix the Cat...cannot tell which, with a modified Pikachu-humanoid. It does not take a genius to know it was a scam. Three weeks later my dad had not recived the correct Yellow. He also could not contact the "seller". He finally bought the REAL thing off ebay, and it was there within a week. We have not had any contact with the guy since the incident. Needless to say, my dad no longer trusts oversea shipping. I still have "Pokémon Yellow", along with the real Pokémon Yellow. What I will do with the fake "Pokémon Yellow", I don't know. Right now, it just collects dust, simply serving as proof. A picture from another victim...the one on the left In-game screenshot taken by another victim

  This user is a player of Pokémon Sapphire Version.

^Sold at Gamestop...paid $30...returned same $6

  This user is a player of Pokémon Ruby Version.

^Bought when I returned Sapphire...

  This user is a player of Pokémon Platinum Version.

^My first Pokémon game...too bad my brother convinced me to hack the crap outta' it.

  This user is a player of Pokémon Pearl Version.

^Sold to GameStop...paid $ $6 back... Also, NEVER SELL A GAME TO GAMESTOP!!!

  This user is a player of Pokémon SoulSilver Version.

^Sometimes I question why I always go with the game that most people DON'T choose...

  This user is a player of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.

^Partner is Squirtle

  This user is a player of Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia.

^I received it in 2010 (I think)...STILL have not defeated the boss in the final battle...WAY TOO HARD!

  This user is a player of Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.

^A lot easier...a lot more fun...gotta' love the little Ukulele Pichu!

  This user is a player of Pokémon White Version.
  This user is a player of Pokémon White Version 2.

^Currently have over 560 Pokémon in the National Dex

  This user is a player of Pokémon Rumble Blast.


  This user is a player of Pokémon FireRed Version.

^Play it on PokéMMO...a computer version of FireRed that online...I personally think it counts...

  This user is a player of Pokémon Dream Radar.
  This user is a player of Pokédex 3D.

^Not the best Pokémon game/app ever...

  This user is a player of Pokémon Battle Revolution.

^It's OK...

  This user is a player of the Super Smash Bros. Series.

^Own all three...have not played any of them in a while though. Also, the original Smash Bros. I bought on the Wii...don't own a N64...

  This user doesn't go anywhere without his Pokéwalker.

^Been a while since I've used it.

File:025Pikachu TCG.png <--Ain't that a cute lil' Pika?

"My" Pokémon Life

DISCLAIMER: The following is pure fictional and may not be 100% accurate. Please skip the next part if you don't wanna hear this.

  • I picture myself as Pikachu...a Pikachu who's job is being a cop that can be a little reckless. I sometimes make mistakes that make me look weird, and have strolled across weird incidents. My weapon of choice is a tazer. Often it's the tazer that sees action first...I drive a cop car that looks like it's in the wrong era. An old 1955 Ford station wagon, painted black. It has two red lights up on the rood, a loud speaker mounted in between the two. The old thing has stars and POLICE logos slapped on the sides. The car groans and crunches when it shifts, showing signs of abuse in the division that some may question. To think that I had to go with this because my old cop car (2005 Dodge) was totaled when it skidded off the road and head-butted a guardrail, then a large oak. The station just cannot get the new car in, as the engineer is constantly interpreted by repairs needed on other cop cars.
    • My Primary Partner is Squirtle...a little shy, and one of the most daring in the station. Although fighting is something he wishes to avoid, he wields a Mini-Uzi that can show some force...the Mini was barely within station rules...the thing is intimidating, and the stern face beyond it is even more intimidating. The looks have caused many to just give up, and only once has the Uzi been used for lethal force...his aim surprises most as well. He doesn't need a bullet proof vest, as combat in the army has proved his shell can stand the bullets.
    • My Secondary Partner is my trusty Arcanine. This dog has a bite worse then his bark. And his bark is intimidating itself. He shows respect, despite willing to maul someone when the command is given. He is willing to kill. He's suffered two bullet wounds, and they have just made him fiercer. The station got so nervous that the third time would not end well, he is required to wear a bullet proof vest unless he is off hours. Even then, I have to haul it around in case a sudden emergency comes up. His dog treats? Charcoal. He loves that stuff. Ironically, he is required to avoid any Flamethrower attacks unless it means life or death. He is probably the only animal that enjoys heartburn...after all, he IS a Fire type...
    • My third and final partner is one that sees the least amount of combat. A small Joltik. An unusual size of only three inches, he is easy to hide. Usually under my bullet proof vest, clinging to my back. It may sound unpleasant, but I need it. I overproduce electricity, and constantly streaming it out of my cheeks is not really an option. So Joltik is simply there to help me out. It benefits him too, as he gets all the electricity a Joltik could ever need. He hates pepperspray, which is why he clings onto my back instead of my chest.


Pokémon Theories

NOTE! May not be 100% accurate; if you are gonna argue about them and not consider the statements, DO NOT READ. Remember, this is just theories I have, and may not be true!!!

The Relationship with Mew and Ditto


We all know Ditto and Mew have many similarities. But the connections go deeper then some of us think. In fact, relations may even go far enough to make contact with Mewtwo.
  • The Facts
    • Mew and Ditto weigh the same, at 8.8 pounds.
    • Up until Generation III, they both had the same color, both being pink.
    • They both have the same shiny coloring.
    • In every game where Cerulean Cave is accesible (with the exception of Gold, Silver, and Crystal), the closer you get to Mewtwo, the more likely Ditto appear.
    • There was a very long period in between journal entries in the Pokémon Mansion, suggesting that several unrecorded incidents.
      • The time between Mew's christening (July 10) and Mewtwo's birth was (Feb. 6) was 155 days.
    • Mew and Ditto are the only Pokémon (besides Smeargle) that can learn Transform without hacking.

The Theory

Ditto is the result of failed attempts of cloning Mew. (theories will be added over time)

So....that is my page at the moment...thanks...