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Welcome to Bulbapedia, AceTrainerAlvaro!

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The Userspace Policy says that you should keep userspace edits (edits to User:AceTrainerAlvaro) to a minimum, and outlines a few other guidelines for your userspace.

For a complete list of policies and editing advice, please see the Welcome Portal.
 Thank you, and have a good time editing here!
  —darklordtrom 01:13, 11 August 2009 (UTC)  

Preview Button

See the title and use it please. It puts way less strain on the server, thanks. --PsychicRider 02:26, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

second warning. it isnt hard to use it. -- MAGNEDETH 05:32, 11 August 2009 (UTC)


Instead of copy/pasting from a different article, saving, and THEN changing it, copy, paste, change, preview, and THEN save. Don't do this again please. R.A. Hunter Blade 17:45, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Heatran and Torkoal

Where was it said that Heatran was thought to be an evolution of Torkoal Turtwig A Contributions Talk 16:45, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

Please stop adding that piece of trivia which says Heatran was thought to be an evolution of Torkoal. Turtwig A Contributions Talk 16:52, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
What TA said. QUIT IT! CuboneKing 16:53, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
Please pay heed to what the people above are saying. Constant reinsertion of trivia removed for being non-notable is a blockable offense. If you insert your nonsense about an evolutionary relationship between Heatran and Torkoal one more time, you will be blocked. This is your final warning. --Shiningpikablu252 16:55, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
*points at above comment* If we remove it, please don't put it back in...--Dark ICE (User:Cold)(page, talk) 17:55, 7 September 2009 (UTC)


Please stop inserting speculation wherever you please. Insert just one more piece of speculation anywhere and you will be blocked. This is your final warning. --Shiningpikablu252 17:06, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

Again stop putting in speculation. Turtwig A Contributions Talk 17:44, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
Really stop adding in speculation. Turtwig A Contributions Talk 17:54, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

Really! Please stop! We have told you to stop! Poisson14 18:04, 7 September 2009 (UTC) You've been told to stop many times and you haven't. I blocked you for one day. Please stop inserting speculation into articles. --electAbuzzzz 18:06, 7 September 2009 (UTC)


I noticed you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently. You may not be aware of this, but Bulbapedia has a Userspace policy that asks users to try and minimize the number of userspace edits they make in a short period of time. Instead of making multiple edits, why not use the Preview button (Alt + Shift + P) located right next to the edit button to look at your page and see how it is coming? That way, your page can look great while staying within the required amount of edits. Instead of editing the userspace, as a wiki, we encourage users to edit the mainspace. So, if you edit the mainspace more often, you will be allowed to edit the userspace more. Thanks! --CuboneKing 02:18, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

Not to mention, you are NOT an admin. CuboneKing 02:18, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

Hold on!

If you did not read your last warning, then please read it now. You have edited the User: namespace too much. Please do not edit your page any more for now. Thank you. --CuboneKing 02:21, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

Userspace edits

Please hold back for the time being. If you edit too many times, you will put an unrequired load upon our server. This can cause the rest of the pages to load slower, among other issues. I'll ask you to please respect this, and wait until tomorrow until continuing. The ability to edit the userspace is a privilege which can be taken away from you if you neglect editing our article - Bulbapedia is an encyclopedia, after all, NOT MySpace or Facebook. Thank you. —darklordtrom 02:22, 9 September 2009 (UTC)


I'm no admin, so I can't do anything from here... But I must say, you have edited the userspace a million times. Why don't you take that ability to edit into the mainspace? You'll have to to that now, because your userspace editing ability will be taken away. Isn't that just dandy?! Enjoy your stay in abuse! CuboneKing 02:23, 9 September 2009 (UTC)

A green message bar appeared!

Hi there. I see you've been ignoring our warnings. Before you lose the ability to edit your userpage, take a look at our userspace policy. You've edited your page too much, so if you stop now you'll be allowed to come back tomorrow. If you don't stop now, you can come back in a month of so. I'll say this again: Bulbapedia is not a social networking site; it is an encyclopedia. Please help by contributing to our encyclopedic content in addition to editing your userpage. —darklordtrom 02:31, 9 September 2009 (UTC)


Stop editing your user page for today. We're an informative encyclopedia, not facebook:D. By the way, your user page got deleted because you blanked it and its summary was (blanked the page). Blanked pages get deleted..:U--Greenギャラドス 03:37, 11 September 2009 (UTC)

User pages and unwanted links

First off, you have been editing your user page lately. Second off, you aren't allowed to put <Pokémon name> ev/preev into the template as it creates unwanted links in the wanted pages. Turtwig A (talk | contribs) 02:53, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Also, please stop editing your user page for today. You have gone over your limit. Thanks!--GreenGyaradosHappy Holidays! 03:33, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Userspace limits

Hello. I have noticed that you have been editing the User: namespace a lot recently, and have made a total of 6 userspace edits today. Please do not edit the userspace any more, as the userspace policy limits the amount you can edit your userpage: No more than three edits per day (by UTC), and you must contribute to the mainspace more than you edit your user page(s). This policy was instated to promote people helping out in the mainspace, and also to control strain on our servers. Bulbapedia is an encyclopedia, after all, so help us out by contributing to some articles before coming back to your personal page(s). The more often you edit in the mainspace, the more you will be allowed to edit your user page(s). Thank you. --Carmen (Talk | contribs) 18:54, 25 August 2016 (UTC)

Userspace editing

Once again, it appears that you have gone over the userspace limit by making a total of 8 userspace edits today. Please keep in mind that the userspace editing limit is no more than three edits per day (by UTC), with the requirement of making at least one more constructive mainspace edit than userspace edits you make. Continued violations of the userspace policy may result in your userspace privileges being revoked. Thank you. --Carmen (Talk | contribs) 20:17, 25 August 2016 (UTC)

Userspace restrictions

Yet again, it appears that you have gone over the userspace limit by making a total of 1 userspace edits today. Once again, the userspace editing limit is no more than three edits per day (by UTC), with the requirement of making at least one more constructive mainspace edit than userspace edits you make. Continued violations of the userspace policy will result in your userspace privileges being revoked. This is your final warning. --Tiddlywinks (talk) 16:06, 26 October 2016 (UTC)

Please consider this your final warning. Let me spell it out for you: userspace privileges are just that: a privilege, not a right. Users who do not contribute to the mainspace do not get the privilege of editing their userspace. If you edit your userspace again without contributing elsewhere, your userspace privileges will be revoked. Tiddlywinks (talk) 21:37, 7 April 2018 (UTC)
Hey Tiddlywinks, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience. I understand by now that userspace editing is limited to no more than three edits per day but I missed the following clause, with the requirement of making at least one more constructive mainspace edit than userspace edits you make. I'm not trying to run afoul of the rules; it's just that I make userspace edits very occasionally (literally, once or twice every six months to a year) so those restrictions are finer details that I don't always have at the front of my mind. Also, one might think that one userspace edit submission (without making a mainspace submission in the same day) wouldn't be a big enough bother to raise alarms on anyone's radar but I can see that your enforcement is rather strict, even off-putting to be frank. That said, I'd rather avoid a harsh exchange with another anonymous community member so I'll apologize now and just ask for you to have some patience with me because I really am trying to tow the line here. --AceTrainerAlvaro (talk) 01:39, 9 April 2018 (GMT-5)

Pokémon's natural ability

A Pokémon's natural ability to do a certain thing (like flying) does not mean it should or would know a certain move. The act of flying does not equate to the move Fly, it is merely flying. Thank you.--ForceFire 15:57, 17 April 2018 (UTC)

I didn't realize the requirements for valid additions to species Trivia were so stringent. I appreciate the clarification but this level of nitpicking by Administrators comes off as pedantic and off-putting. Please keep in mind Administrators set the tone for the rest of the community; when you come off as pedantic, you come off as un-friendly or even hostile to casual users like myself who then feel intimidated from making further mainspace contributions. Thank you for your consideration. AceTrainerAlvaro (talk) 15:57, 17 April 2018 (UTC)

Red links on your page

I noticed that you have several red links on your userpage, and the links are cropping up on the list of wanted pages. Since you have been contributing to the wiki proper as you were advised, you may have to figure out how to fix these red links when you get the chance, preferrably in one fell swoop.

I fixed one triggered by a spelling error (Stength -> Strength), but some are either in templates or are non-existing moves/Abilities. I may look into those, though currently wiki pages with existing issues are a higher priority right now. If you have any questions, please reply. Thanks. Berrenta (talk) 19:59, 29 April 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Berrenta! Obviously, my focus is on mainspace edits so I wasn't aware that an inadvertent typo in userspace would show up on the mainspace radar. I've actually been doing exactly that – editing wiki pages with existing issues or applying my biology background to provide better descriptions of various Pokémon species – so I'll handle a few more editing to-dos from my queue & then fix the red links on my userspace. Thanks again & sorry for the inconvenience! --AceTrainerAlvaro (talk) 03:41, 29 April 2018 UTC

Categories on your user page

Please do not add the template {{MoveInfobox}} to your userpage. It adds categories that your userpage does not belong in. Tiddlywinks (talk) 00:27, 4 May 2018 (UTC)

Userspace edits

In the past two years, you've only made one mainspace edit. Seven of your past ten edits have been towards the userspace. This is not acceptable. It does not matter if you're spacing out your userpage edits, your mainspace edits should still outnumber your userpage edits by the day. Spacing them out means nothing. Bulbapedia is not your personal blog, we are a wiki. Being able to edit the userspace is a privilege, not a right. Sorry if you find this to be harsh or intimidating, but you've been here since 2009, so you really should know better. If you make any further userspace edits without making any meaningful mainspace edits, you will be put in abuse.--ForceFire 15:37, 20 March 2020 (UTC)

Talk pages

Recently you left a lot of comments on Talk:Legendary trio. While we appreciate your enthusiasm, please do not respond to talk pages that are more than six months old. If you would like to contribute to or revive older discussions, you can create a new topic. Thanks! --celadonk (talk) 17:39, 29 January 2022 (UTC)

New Pokemon articles: Fezandipiti

New Pokemon articles must be made with the (Pokémon) paranethesis, as is the standard. Thank you.--ForceFire 16:17, 27 February 2023 (UTC)

Hey ForceFire, I reviewed the rules around creating articles for New Pokemon but missed that detail, thanks for clarifying. Since you've changed this article to Protected, could you kindly add in the following text under Biology? Thank you again! --AceTrainerAlvaro (talk) 16:23, 27 February April 2023 UTC
Fezandipiti is an avian Pokémon with a blunt beak at the end of a small head, a long neck of white plummage, and long legs. The plummage of its torso and wings is primarily black with red accents, including at the wing tips. Fezandipiti stands atop a pair of long slender scarlet-colored legs and its tail consists of a long train of scarlet-colored feathers ending in forked tips that gently curl outwards. A crest of black feathers resembling a cap sits atop Fezandipiti's head, with golden feathers sticking out resembling a royal crown. A pair of violet plumes also sit just above each of Fezandipiti's eyes like eyebrows and extend like long violet streamers with forked ends.
It's semi protected so new users can't edit it. You should be able to edit it, as you aren't a new user.--ForceFire 16:32, 27 February 2023 (UTC)