Florio Nature Park

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Florio Nature Park フロレオ自然公園
Floreo Nature Park
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Florio Nature Park Park Day 2.png
Map description: In this lush, green park, see Pokémon up close in their natural habitat.
Location: North, central area of Florio Island
Region: Lental
Generations: VIII
File:Lental Florio Nature Park Map.png
Location of Florio Nature Park in Lental.
Pokémon world locations

Florio Nature Park (Japanese: フロレオ自然公園 Floreo Nature Park) is a park on Florio Island of the Lental region.


The park courses begin in an area near the park's sign and a field with Bouffalant and Dodrio. After crossing a bridge and the river, there is a path with many trees and Wurmple. The path then leads to a road near the lake. The lake includes a Bidoof dam, which is completed in higher levels. After passing through the lake path, the route enters a small path with cliffs and a Taillow on a sign, which leads to a flower field with Comfey. The course ends at the end of the flower fields. The course is mostly unchanged during the night, though some of the Pokémon are different.

Alternate routes

  • In higher levels, the Bidoof dam can be scanned to unlock an alternate route that travels through the lake. This path allows the player to take closer shots of the Ducklett, Swanna, and Bidoof in the lake. This alternate route is the default path in Level 2 of Park (Night).
  • A tree near the lake can be scanned to enter the Secret Side Path after the player has updated to Version 2.0.0, and has unlocked Blushing Beach and Sweltering Sands.

Illumina Spot

The Illumina Spot course begins in the flower fields at night. The Illumina Meganium follows the player throughout the course. After passing through a path with purple trees and cliffs, the NEO-ONE reaches a massive field with purple trees, bushes, and some ancient ruins. The stage later ends when Meganium leaves the area. The player can throw fluffruit at the purple trees and bushes to reveal Pokémon hiding inside them, like Combee and Pikachu.


Park (Day)

"This course runs along a large lake and through a field of colorful flowers. Pokémon are a regular sight here, which makes it the ideal location for young, up-and-coming photographers."

Course Map
Florio Nature Park Park Day 1.png Florio Nature Park Park Day 2.png

Pokémon appearances

Pokémon Stars Description
A group of Meadow Pattern Vivillon fly around the start of the course. As the player approaches the field of flowers, a Vivillon flies by, leading to the field and a group of Vivillon.
★★ Garden Pattern Vivillon appears at the end of the course occasionally. Upon entering the flower path, it will then fly out after turning and looking back down the path.
A Grookey and a Pichu appear on the right side of the path at the start. They run away as the player approaches. At the lake, Grookey appears on the left of the path. It also appears in the flower field.
★★ Grookey and Pichu are startled by the player's approach. It will also eat a fluffruit thrown at it.
★★★ Capturing Grookey playing with Scorbunny and Pichu.
★★★★ At the end of the stage, Grookey, Pichu, and Scorbunny will play together near the crystabloom in the flower field. Catching a picture of it doing a handstand will also give four stars.
A Pichu and a Grookey appear on the right side of the path at the start. They run away as the player approaches. At the lake, Pichu walks in the grass on the left of the path.
★★ Pichu and Grookey are startled by the player's approach, capturing it on alert or eating a fluffruit will also give two stars.
★★★ On Research Level 3, a Pichu with a flower crown is hiding in a bush in the flower field.
★★★★ Capturing a picture as the Pichu bursts from the bush in the flower field.
Scorbunny will run past the tree where the Bidoof and Bouffalant are sleeping, it appears further in the level to the left of you by the dam, and later in the flower field.
★★ Scanning near it will put Scorbunny on alert. Hitting it with a fluffruit will startle it.
★★★★ Capturing a picture as it laughs while it plays near the crystabloom with Pichu and Grookey.
A Dodrio sits on the path near the start. When the player nears, it gets up and walks away. As the player travels around the lake, it hops down from a ledge on the left, then runs to an alcove to rest. When the player crosses the second bridge, a pair of Bidoof run into the alcove, waking up the Dodrio.
★★ Dodrio will investigate fluffruit thrown at it. In addition, it postures as it jumps down from a ledge or sleeping in the alcove.
★★★★ The Dodrio heads will fight over a fluffruit.
On the left side of the path near the start, a herd of Bouffalant roams in the distance. As Research Level increases, the Bouffalant will get closer to the path.
★★★ After Research Level 2, a Bouffalant with a flower crown will start appearing in the flower field.
From Research Level 3, Pidgeot will appear on the pathway leading to the dam, where it will then fly to the left hillside.
★★★ Hitting the Pidgeot with a fluffruit will make it land on top of the tree Hoothoot is nesting in. Throwing a fluffruit next to Magikarp will make Pidgeot swoop in and carry the Magikarp away.
Tangrowth stands in the alcove where Dodrio originally was. On Research Level 3, one can also be seen wandering over the cliff to the right where the Bouffalant are, near the bridge.
★★ Hitting Tangrowth with a fluffruit will startle it.
★★★ When passing by the alcove, there is a research point on the hill above. If fluffruit is thrown up there, Tangrowth will whip out its arm to grab some berries off the tree to eat.
As the player crosses the first bridge, an Emolga will launch from a tree and glide over the player's head. Another sits on the ledge to the left of the bridge and glides to a tree further on. The first Emolga loops back towards the tree and launches again as the player gets closer.
★★ Capturing it flying towards the player. Throwing a fluffruit near the charred apples will cause one to fly down, capturing a picture of the Emolga eating the charred fluffruit will score the player two stars. Capturing the Emolga on alert after a scan will also give the player two stars.
★★★ Emolga will glide down to investigate the fluffruit thrown near the charred fruits.
★★★★ After throwing the fluffruit near the others to draw down the Emolga, capturing a photo of it hitting the fruit with Thunder Shock to char it.
A Bidoof walks through the grass immediately across the first bridge, on the right. At the lake, one Bidoof walks along the shore while another builds a dam in the lake itself. Another pair of Bidoof run down the path as the player approaches the second bridge, stopping in the alcove that Dodrio sits in. They run away as Dodrio wakes up. A pair also float down the river carrying sticks for the dam.
★★ Throwing Bidoof a fluffruit for it to eat, or capturing a picture of the two Bidoof at the start of Research Level 3.
★★★ A Bidoof walks through the grass immediately across the first bridge, on the right. At the lake, one Bidoof walks along the shore while another builds a dam in the lake itself. Another pair of Bidoof run down the path as the player approaches the second bridge, stopping in the alcove that Dodrio sits in. They run away as Dodrio wakes up.
★★★★ At Research Level 3, an alternate path opens up that will allow you to go past the dam the Bidoof have built. Throwing a fluffruit into the hole on the top makes one stick out its head.
A pair of Wurmple is found on the right side of the path after crossing the first bridge. After the first turn, there is another pair of Wurmple, one climbing a tree. At the far end of the lake, a Wurmple appears at the base of the tree.
★★ Doing a scan will capture the Wurmple on alert, or feeding them a fluffruit.
★★★ On Research Level 3, when nearing the crest of the hill there will be multiple Wurmple climbing a tree branch to the player's right. Later on, as the player is turning near Hoothoot's tree, a Taillow and Wurmple may be fighting to the left.
On Research Level 3, a Heracross will be on the same tree as the Wurmple to the left when cresting the hill. Knocking it off and enraging it or feeding it a fluffruit will give the player one star. A female Heracross will appear on the island in the middle of the lake if you take the Bidoof Dam alternate path.
★★ Scanning near it will make its antenna vibrate.
★★★ When it's knocked off but before it turns around enraged.
Three Swanna fly by as the player reaches the lake; they will circle around until the player moves to the next area. Two more Swanna float on the lake.
★★ The floating Swanna will cry out if struck with a fluffruit.
Ducklett will float with Swanna in the lake.
★★ Ducklett will eat the fluffruit thrown to it.
★★ A Ducklett will fly with the group of three Swanna as you go over the crest of the hill.
Two trios of Taillow sit on the ground at the lake. Dodrio appearing causes the first group to fly away, then the player approaching causes the second to as well. A pair of Taillow land on the left side of the path as the player leaves the lake. Another Taillow sits on the sign right before the field of flowers.
★★ Hitting Taillow with a fluffruit, or capturing it eating one. Startling it when in flight by scanning will also score two stars.
★★★ Near Hoothoot's tree on the left of the path, Wurmple and Taillow may be fighting.
A Magikarp Splashes at the far end of the lake.
★★ Throwing a fluffruit into the lake causes another Magikarp to jump out of the lake at random places.
★★★ Snapping a photo as the Pidgeot flies away with it.
The tree at the end of the lake houses a sleeping Hoothoot in a hole.
A large group of Comfey float in the field of flowers.
★★ Scanning near Comfey will make them do a spin in the air.
★★★ Three Comfey at the beginning of the field notice the player and wave.
A Florges stands in the middle of the field of flowers. It will be different flower colors each time.
★★ Florges will eat a fluffruit thrown at it. Scanning near it will put it on alert.
★★★ Florges waves at the player as they pass. Florges will also gather natural power, giving it a green glow.

Objects of Interest

The crystabloom will not register as an object of interest until after the scan function is acquired.

Object Description
Crystabloom ×4 At the top of the hill right before the lake, a crystabloom is to the left of the path.
In the flower field to the right near the entrance.
A bit further in near the Florges on the right side.
In the flower field on the left where Grookey, Scorbunny and Pichu gather.

LenTalk requests

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Reason: description after being successful
Request Description Research Level Required Solution Reward
Hide-and-Seek in the Flowers I heard a Pokémon is playing a little game of hide-and-seek in the flower field. Let me know if you find it!
Level 3 In the flower field, you will see a large clump of flowers to your right. Throw an Illumina orb at it and a Pichu wearing a flower crown will appear. Take a photo of it. None
One-Hand Freeze Watch Grookey in the nature park carefully. Every now and then, it does something that I think you'll get a kick out of.
Yes, that's it! Nice work. Seeing an all-new side of a Pokémon is such a treat.
Level 3 In the middle area, you should find Grookey sleeping in a patch of grass. Throw fluffruit at it until it wakes up; it will run off. Later, when you reach the flower field, Grookey will be there. Play the melody and it will do a handstand. Take a photo of it doing this. Professor Mirror's Goggles (profile icon)
Three Friends Among Flowers I saw Scorbunny laughing out loud earlier! It was so cute! You've gotta see it for yourself.
See? I wasn't kidding! Was that the cutest laugh or what?
Level 3 In the flower field, you will see a large clump of flowers to your right. Throw an Illumina orb at it and a Pichu wearing a flower crown will appear. It will run off to the crystabloom behind it. Grookey and Scorbunny will be there as well. Take a photo of Scorbunny laughing. None
Head-to-Head Competition I saw some Bouffalant start fighting all of a sudden! I wasn't expecting that at all! Level 3 At the start of the course, play the melody. The Bouffalant herd will be riled up. Afterwards, two Bouffalant will start butting heads with each other. Take a picture of this. None
Shockingly Well-Done Have you seen which Pokemon is scorching these fruits? I'd like you to try to catch the culprit in the act, if you wouldn't mind.
Ah, I see! So Emolga zaps the fruit with its electricity. What a shocking discovery!
Level 1 As you enter the tree area, you should notice a pile of fruit on the ground. Throw a fluffruit into the pile. An Emolga will fly down and zap the fluffruit. Take a picture of it doing this. Effect 4 (sticker)
What's Up with Wurmple? I looked away for a second, and suddenly Taillow was fleeing! What happened? Level 3 At the bridge area, take a picture of Taillow mid-flight. Later, you should see Taillow and Wurmple fighting. Throw an Illumina orb at Wurmple and it will spray Poison Gas. Take a photo of it doing this. None
Swanna-be Did you know Ducklett can fly? They're pretty tiny, so be careful not to miss your photo op!
Aww! Look at it flap those cute little wings with all its might!
Level 3 At the lake area, Ducklett will sometimes fly past you. Take a photo of it flying. None
Dam, Sweet Dam Did you notice that the Bidoof finished building their dam? I'm sure you'll find a happy resident living inside.
Oho! Look at that happy face. Did you give it a fluffruit as a housewarming gift?
Level 3 At the lake area, go down the Dam alternate route. Throw fluffruit at the top hole of the Bidoof den. A Bidoof will pop out. Take a photo of it. Nose (sticker)
Off to a Flying Startle I tried to get a photo of Taillow midflight, but I guess I must've startled them! I wish I could've gotten a nicer shot...
What a great shot! I wanna get good enough to take pictures like this someday...
Level 1 At the bridge area, some Taillow will fly past. Take a photo of it to startle it. Take another photo of it startled. It is recommended to turn on burst mode for this. None
Flopping by the Water I saw a Pidgeot swoop down and snatch a Magikarp! I was so surprised, I couldn't get a photo in time...
Oh no, Magikarp! I guess Pidgeot took it back to its nest...'
Level 3 As you enter the lake area, a Pidgeot will swoop down to your left. Hit it with a fluffruit and it will fly off towards the Hoothoot tree. Then later on, throw a fluffruit at the beached Magikarp. Pidgeot will swoop down and grab it. Take a photo of Magikarp while this is happening. Eye 7 (sticker)
Don't be Scared! Comfey always run away from me... I wonder how I could get them to be my friends. Level 1 As you enter the flower field, activate the nearest crystabloom to your right. When Comfey comes down to inspect it, throw a fluffruit near it. Take a photo of it eating the fluffruit. None
Livening Up the Flowers Sometimes Florges seems to gather natural power from its surroundings. Would you mind getting a photograph of this striking behavior?
Thank you! This must be how it keeps the flower field so lovely and healthy.
Level 3 When entering the flower field area, keep an eye on Florges. It will sometimes start to emit a green glow. Take a photo of it doing this. None
Myth of the Nature Park Hey, listen to this! There's a super-special Pokemon hiding in the flower field. You should see it when it's happy - it's so cute! Level 2 (postgame) As you enter the flower field, activate the crystabloom closest to Florges to your right. Shaymin will appear and move to the crystabloom to your left. Next, throw an Illumina orb at the clump of flowers to reveal Pichu. Finally, activate the crystabloom where Shaymin is and it will celebrate. Take a photo of it. None

Park (Night)

"Underneath the light of the moon, the Pokémon of the nature park can be observed behaving differently than during the day."

Course Map
Florio Nature Park Park Night 1.png Florio Nature Park Park Night 2.png

Florio Island Illumina Spot

"Meganium, the Illumina Pokémon of Florio Island, can be found in this field of flowers on a small hill in the nature park."

Course Map
Florio Nature Park Illumina Spot.png

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 芙羅蕾自然公園 Fùhlòhlèuih Jihyìhn Gūngyún
Mandarin 芙羅蕾自然公園 / 芙罗蕾自然公园 Fúluólěi Zìrán Gōngyuán
France Flag.png French Parc Naturel d'Anthos
Germany Flag.png German Floreo-Naturpark
Italy Flag.png Italian Parco naturale di Floreo
South Korea Flag.png Korean 플로레오 자연공원 Floreo Jayeon Gongwon
Spain Flag.png Spanish Parque Natural de Floreo

Park (Day)

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese 公園(昼) Park (Day)
Chinese Cantonese 公園(白天) Gūngyún (Baahktīn)
Mandarin 公園(白天) / 公园(白天) Gōngyuán (Báitiān)
France Flag.png French Parc (jour)
Germany Flag.png German Park (Tag)
Italy Flag.png Italian Parco (giorno)
South Korea Flag.png Korean 공원(낮) Gongwon (Nat)
Spain Flag.png Spanish Parque (día)

Park (Night)

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese 公園(夜) Park (Night)
Chinese Cantonese 公園(晚上) Gūngyún (Máahnseuhng)
Mandarin 公園(晚上) / 公园(晚上) Gōngyuán (Wǎnshang)
France Flag.png French Parc (nuit)
Germany Flag.png German Park (Nacht)
Italy Flag.png Italian Parco (notte)
South Korea Flag.png Korean 공원(밤) Gongwon (Bam)
Spain Flag.png Spanish Parque (noche)

Florio Island Illumina Spot

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese フロレオのイルミナスポット Floreo Island Illumina Spot
Chinese Cantonese 芙羅蕾島的霓光點 Fùhlòhlèuih Dóu-dīk Ngàihgwōng Dím
Mandarin 芙羅蕾島的霓光點 / 芙罗蕾岛的霓光点 Fúluólěi Dǎo-de Níguāng Diǎn
France Flag.png French Source Lumina d'Anthos
Germany Flag.png German Floreo-Lumina-Zone
Italy Flag.png Italian Zona Lumina di Floreo
South Korea Flag.png Korean 플로레오섬 일루미나스폿 Floreo Seom Illumina Spot
Spain Flag.png Spanish Zona Lúmini de Floreo


  • After the version 2.0 update, Florio Nature Park became the course with the largest number of Pokémon, being 31. Prior to the update, the course with the largest number of Pokémon was Shiver Snowfields.

Florio IslandBelusylva IslandMaricopia IslandsVoluca IslandDurice IslandAurus Island
Florio Nature ParkFounja JungleElsewhere ForestBlushing BeachMaricopia Reef
Lental SeafloorSweltering SandsFireflow VolcanoShiver SnowfieldsOutaway Cave
Ruins of RemembranceSecret Side PathMightywide RiverBarren Badlands
Laboratory of Ecology and Natural Sciences
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