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Entralink ハイリンク
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Central Unova
Region: Unova
Generations: V
Unova Entralink Map.png
Location of Entralink in Unova.
Pokémon world locations

Entralink (Japanese: ハイリンク Hilink) is a forest that is located in central Unova in Pokémon Black and White. It is also a wireless feature within the games.

Entralink Forest

File:Entralink Forest.png
The Entralink Forest

The actual Entralink forest is located within central Unova, just north of Raimon City. The forest is used to catch Pokémon that the player has encountered in the Dream World. To catch these Pokémon, the player will be given the Dream Ball.

Wireless Play

Entralink is also an option of wireless gameplay accessed via the C-Gear. During wireless play, friends can appear in Unova together and complete various multiplayer missions. If the player is joining another's Entralink, they will appear in a black and white version of Unova.


Language Title
  Japanese ハイリンク Hilink
  English Entralink
  French --
  German -
  Italian Entralink
  Spanish --

  This location-related article is a stub. You can help Bulbapedia by expanding it.

Nuvema TownAccumula TownStriaton CityNacrene CityCastelia CityNimbasa CityAnville Town
Driftveil CityMistralton CityIcirrus CityOpelucid CityPokémon LeagueLacunosa TownUndella Town
Black CityWhite ForestAspertia CityFloccesy TownVirbank CityLentimas TownHumilau City
Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
DreamyardWellspring CavePinwheel ForestLiberty GardenDesert ResortRelic CastleBattle SubwayLostlorn Forest
Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
Challenger's CaveVictory Road (BWB2W2) • N's CastleRoyal UnovaGiant ChasmUndella BayAbyssal Ruins
Abundant ShrinePoké Transfer LabP2 LaboratoryEntralinkUnity TowerFloccesy RanchPledge GroveVirbank Complex
Pokéstar StudiosCastelia SewersJoin AvenueCave of BeingPokémon World TournamentReversal MountainPlasma Frigate
Clay TunnelUnderground RuinsStrange HouseRelic PassageSeaside CaveWhite TreehollowBlack Tower
Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

  This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.