Appendix:Emerald walkthrough/Section 1

This is part 1 of a Walkthrough that covers the journey through the Hoenn Region in Emerald.

Littleroot Town

Littleroot Town

After reading and completing the start-up screen with Professor Birch, you start in a moving truck. After exiting, you will meet with your mom who tells you to set your clock; after you have done that, you will be prompted to check your desk. After doing this, head back downstairs. Your mom will be watching TV when the player goes back downstairs.

She quickly calls you to watch the TV, saying that your dad might be on TV. However, the program ends. Your mom will continue to talk, and you learn that your father is the gym leader of the Petalburg City Gym. Your mom then suggests that you go and meet your neighbors; May (if you chose to be a boy) or Brendan (if you chose to be a girl), who lives right next door. May/Brendan talks a little about what they want to do as a Trainer, and that Professor Birch is their father before leaving.

Upon entering Route 101, you will find Professor Birch being attacked by a Zigzagoon. You will choose a Pokémon from his case to battle the Zigzagoon, either Treecko, a Template:Type2, Torchic, a Template:Type2, or Mudkip, a Template:Type2. This Pokémon will become your starter, so choose carefully. After the Zigzagoon is defeated, Professor Birch invites you to his lab. He talks a little bit about the responsibility of being a Trainer, then lets you keep your Pokémon. He suggests that you go to Route 103 to battle May/Brendan.

Route 101

In order to get to Route 103, need to take Route 101 to Oldale Town. With ledges blocking the way, you must go through the tall grass to keep moving north. Pokémon can be battled, but not captured, seeing as you don't have any Poké Balls yet.

Oldale Town

Oldale Town

Once in Oldale Town, you can learn about Poké Marts from the man in an apron walking outside. After telling you about them, he gives you a Potion as a "promotional item." Apart from the Poké Mart, there's a Pokémon Center and a few people who will tell you about certain basic foundations for Trainers. There's also a man blocking Route 102. Seeing as your rival is as powerful as you are, it would be a good idea to heal your Pokémon at the Pokémon Center.

Route 103

Travel northward up Route 103. There are a few Trainers and some tall grass. At the end (a dead end) will be May/Brendan. Talking to them will initiate your first battle.

  If the player chose Treecko:

  If the player chose Torchic:

  If the player chose Mudkip:

After you win, (s)he'll leave, and tell you to come back to the lab. You'll have to walk back to Littleroot Town, but this time you can avoid the tall grass by jumping over the ledges.

Once you get back to Prof. Birch's lab, he'll give you the Pokédex, and your rival will give you five Poké Balls. You can then leave for Petalburg City. Before you go, your mom walks out of your house and gives you the Running Shoes. She reads the instructions (hold down "B" while you're walking) and lets you go on.

Route 102, Petalburg City

When you go back to Oldale Town, the man blocking Route 102 will be gone, allowing you to get to Petalburg City.

Once in Petalburg City, you can walk into the gym and talk to your Dad. He'll tell you a little about battling Gym Leaders, and that he won't battle you yet because you're too weak. You will be able to battle him when you have four badges. He'll then tell you that you should head for Rustboro City to the north-west and battle the Leader there. You'll have to head west (left) of Petalburg Ciy and onto Route 104. On your way out you will first encounter Scott, who recognizes you as a Pokémon Trainer, but doesn't feel like that you are worthy yet for what he was going to ask.


On Route 102, you can battle:

Route 104, Petalburg Woods

Once you get out of Petalburg City, you'll come to Route 104, a small route that leads to Route 105 and the Petalburg Woods. Here you will also pass by an empty house; it will become important later, but for now it's empty. Continue on to the Petalburg Woods to the north. Once you get there, aim northward and you should get out easily. There are a few Trainers to battle, and one important piece of storyline.

When almost out of the woods, you will see a man getting attacked by an Aqua grunt. You will have to rescue him. The grunt only has a Poochyena, so unless you're Pokémon are weak from the trip through, he should be beaten easily. Once you do, he'll run away, and the man will thank you gratefully and reward you with a Great Ball.

The rest of the trip is simple. After you get out of the Petalburg Woods, you'll find yourself in the northern part of Route 104. There are some more Trainers, and then you can enter Rustboro City.


On Route 104, you can battle:

 Poochyena (common - 40%)
 Wurmple (uncommon - 20%)
 Marill (uncommon - 20%)
 Taillow (rare - 10%)
 Wingull (rare - 10%)

In the Petalburg Woods, you can battle:

 Poochyena (common - 30%)
 Wurmple (common - 25%)
 Shroomish (uncommon - 15%)
 Silcoon (rare - 10%)
 Cascoon (rare - 10%)
 Taillow (rare - 5%)
 Slakoth (rare - 5%)

Rustboro City

In Rustboro City, you can battle Roxanne, a Template:Type2 Trainer. She will hand out the Stone Badge to Trainers who defeat her, she will also give you the TM Rock Tomb. Having the Stone Badge allows you to use the HM move Cut outside of battle. Cut is not required to move on, but it helps. The HM (HM01) is given out by The Cutter, whose house is in Rustboro City.

There are two Trainers in the Gym before you face Roxanne, but you don't need to battle either of them. It's your choice.

  If you chose Mudkip
Victory in this gym is quite easy. If you've got Mudkip at least on Lv.10, you will easily defeat first Youngster using Water Gun. Then you can fight with two trainers in a double battle. It can be a little problematic using only Mudkip. If you don't want to fight with these two trainers apart you should train your Mudkip to Lv. 16, to evolve him into Marshtomp. Another way is to catch a Shroomish in Petalburg Woods and train him to Lv. 10. Shroomish also will be needed afterward. Then you can use Absorb to defeat Geodude. The last challenge is to defeat Roxanne. Make sure you have at least:

Two Geodude can be quickly defeated by Shroomish's Absorb. Defeating Nosepass will be tougher due to its level and much bigger resistance. Start the battle with Mudkip because after Nosepass uses Block you cannot switch Pokémon. Remember that Roxanne has two Potions. Even if your Mudkip is unable to battle you can still use Shroomish. Victory is yours!

Before going any further make sure you have got:


In Rustboro City, you can find:

 Seedot (Only One - Trade Ralts)

next section

  This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.