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These are Nanu's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon Sun and Moon

Route 17
"You there, boy/girl."
"Seems to me you're trying to get into Po Town. You sure you've thought this through? You'd better be ready if you're thinking of coming in here. Ready to live as Team Skull. Or ready to take on Team Skull."
"You really think you're ready for that?"
Maybe?: "Run back home, kid."
I am!: "I guess everyone has their own reasons. I've got my reasons, too, for doing what I do. I'll have them let you in."
"If you don't make it, I'll be sure your remains at least get back home."
Po Town
"Have I got you to thank for this?"
"Thing must've been scared half to death if it's glad to see a wretch like me."
"What a lot of hassle..."
"A trial-goer, huh? Figures."
"Look, I'm not gonna fight someone who is taking on Team Skull. I healed your Pokémon up so...go. Just go."
"Though...looking around now... It seems like there're fewer Team Skull folks around today than usual. Huh."
"I guess some of 'em might have run off after seeing their boss get beat."
"And here comes the noise again..."
"The rent's real cheap. No one else is crazy enough to stay this close to Team Skull, after all."
"No one's asking you to..."
"Pokémon tucked up in their Poké Balls, Team Skull locked up in their little town... I wonder if either enjoys the experience?"
Malie City
"If only Team Skull could've just kept themselves and their troublemaking to Po Town... Why'd they have to make all this fuss, huh?"
  • Before battle
"You there, boy/girl."
"I'm an island kahuna, you know. Battle against me. It'll be a good experience for you if you're really hoping to master the island challenge."
No thanks: "The trip here already wore me out. If you don't want to battle, I'm going home."
OK, I will: "Don't take it too serious, now."
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"Well, shoot... Of course I already knew you had the heart and the strength to storm Team Skull's stronghold, but I didn't know you were this good. And your Pokémon worked real hard for you. Let me fix your team up for you."
"Here. This is yours."
"If you want to use the Dark-type Z-Power, you've gotta do it like this."
"There. Congratulations or whatever. You've officially finished your Ula'ula trials."
"You've got somewhere else to be, don't you? Try not to destroy the whole place. Oh... And you, boy. Gladion. Tell me... If you're really trying to get stronger as you say, then what're you depending on Team Skull for?"
Altar of the SunneS/Altar of the MooneM
"Cripes, but I hate this place... It's exhausting climbing all the way up here."
"At least you gave me a good show, though. Guess it was worth coming this far. And the prof did ask me and all..."
"Look, once you've completed all your island trials and done your grand trials, then you've got to do one last thing... The final trial. Basically it's a ceremony, you see? You beat all four kahunas in a row. But things are a little different this year. Now that we're getting a real Pokémon League here in Alola, too."
"So, boy/girl. I hope you can bother yourself to come along to the base of Ula'ula Island's Mount Lanakila. You remember Tapu Village, don't you? Where the folks were doing construction work? He'll be ready and waiting for you there."
"I suppose I could take you along with me... You want to do that? Come now, with me?"
Yes: "Looks like we're on this journey together, then."
No: "Not many kids make it all the way to the final trial, but there's a handful every year. You won't be able to go easy on this one. These are real battles. No holding back."
Malie City Restaurant
"...You open?"
"<Player>, huh? I'm buying, so come join me and eat. Hey, Sensei. Bring me my usual."
"You done? Sorry for talking with my mouth full like that. Heh..."
"... ... ... Mm. Mm-hmm. Good, right?"
"Here. I've got no need for this nonsense."
"See ya, kid."

UB 02 AbsorptionS/BeautyM: The relationship between the two

Route 2
"Don't mind if I let myself in."
"How you been doing? You're well?"
"I'm your contact. You want to know about that monster, right?"
"I forgot about this kahuna meeting we were all supposed to go to. That's how I ended up stuck as the messenger."
"And here you are, boy/girl."
"Guess you could say that."
"It's not like I've seen it or anything. Just heard rumors. You know."
"What was it you guys were calling it? AbsorptionS/BeautyM or something? Well, you'll find it in Melemele MeadowS/Verdant CavernM. Not just one of 'em either. Two of the suckersS/Four of the thingsM."
"Hmph. No one wants to hear about that. Good luck."

UB 03 Lighting: 100kr

Route 8
"...I let myself in."
"You been keeping well?"
"Heh. So it's you, 100kr. Or... Sorry. What is it now? “Looker”?"
"What's this? No smile for me? Here I am, coming out of my way to bring you the info about the UB that you're searching for."
"That monster you're calling BladeS/BlasterM... It's on Ula'ula Island. I'll tell you more when you get there."
"I'm the kahuna of Ula'ula Island. If you don't do something about that monster for me, our guardian's not gonna be happy."
"See you around then."

UB 04 BladeS/BlasterM: Faller

Route 13
"But somebody screwed up."
"This halfhearted fool here felt sorry for the monster, even if only for a moment. That moment was enough to get the third member of our team done in by the UB."
"She was just bait for the UB..."
"It's not like the monsters come here by choice. They don't want to be here. So they smell that familiar scent and think there'll be a wormhole. That they'll get home."
"And now you're repeating history. You've got a Faller right here, haven't you? That's right, boy/girl. I'm talking about you."
"Hey, missy."
"Another one of those monsters appeared. This time on Poni Island. I'll tell you more when you get there. We'll meet at the floating restaurant in Seafolk Village. This next one seems like a real tough opponent. Be sure you're ready for it."

UB 05 Glutton: 000

Seafolk Village
"You sent her off to the wrong location?"
"So now we can finish our little talk. You've got one Faller right here... and the other one is Anabel. Though I don't think she knows it herself."
"... ..."
"Then she was placed under observation by the International Police. All because they detected an insane amount of Ultra Wormhole energy from her."
"And then got promoted right up past you, her senior, is that it? Gotta hand it to the International Police. They really are terrible. Using the same strategy and setting up another Faller, even though the same thing failed before."
"... ..."
"But you're out of luck now. With Anabel in that condition... She'll be done for if she runs into any UBs now."
  • Before battle
"But before we're out of time, boy/girl... How about a battle with me?"
No problem: "What a good little boy/girl you are..."
Why?: "Why not? If you've got some preparation you need to do, then I'll wait here for you."
"Then let's go."
  • Upon being defeated
"Hmph. Looks like you got me."
  • After being defeated
"That'll do, boy/girl. I think that'll do fine."
"Don't let me down."
Po Town Police Station (Route 17)
"Meowth are all right. They don't care who you are or anything."

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

Route 17
"You there, boy/girl."
"Seems to me you're trying to get into Po Town. You sure you've thought this through? You'd better be ready if you're thinking of coming in here. Ready to live as Team Skull. Or ready to take on Team Skull."
"You really think you're ready for that?"
Maybe?: "Run back home, kid."
I am!: "I guess everyone has their own reasons. I've got my reasons, too, for doing what I do. I'll have them let you in."
"If you don't make it, I'll be sure your remains at least get back home."
Po Town
"Have I got you to thank for this?"
"Thing must've been scared half to death if it's glad to see a wretch like me."
"What a lot of hassle..."
"A trial-goer, huh? Figures."
"Look, I'm not gonna fight someone who is taking on Team Skull. I'll heal your Pokémon up, so...go. Just go."
"Though...looking around now... It seems like there're fewer Team Skull folks around today than usual. Huh."
"I guess some of 'em might have run off after seeing their boss get beat."
"And here comes the noise again..."
"The rent's real cheap. No one else is crazy enough to stay this close to Team Skull, after all."
"No one's asking you to..."
"Pokémon tucked up in their Poké Balls, Team Skull locked up in their little town... I wonder if either enjoys the experience?"
Malie City
"If only Team Skull could've just kept themselves and their troublemaking to Po Town... Why'd they have to make all this fuss, huh?"
  • Before battle
"You there, boy/girl."
"I'm an island kahuna, you know. Battle against me. It'll be a good experience for you if you're really hoping to master the island challenge."
No thanks: "The trip here already wore me out. If you don't want to battle, I'm going home."
OK, I will: "Don't take it too serious, now."
  • Upon being defeated
  • After being defeated
"Well, shoot... Of course I already knew you had the heart and the strength to storm Team Skull's stronghold, but I didn't know you were this good. And your Pokémon worked real hard for you. Let me fix your team up for you."
"Here. This is yours."
"If you want to use the Dark-type Z-Power, you've gotta do it like this."
"There. Congratulations or whatever. You've officially finished your Ula'ula trials."
"You've got somewhere else to be, don't you? Try not to destroy the whole place. Oh... And you, boy. Gladion. Tell me... If you're really trying to get stronger as you say, then what're you depending on Team Skull for?"
Aether House
  • During Mina's trialUS
"You've gotta at least learn the moves. Someday you'll be able to use Darkinium Z, too."
"Oh, you boy/girl... Finishing up your island challenge, is that it?"
"I suppose I ought to take you on in Acerola's place, huh?"
"But that boy Hau got me good when I tried to battle at about Acerola's level, so I don't feel much like bothering again."
"So here. Just take it. Acerola left me some of these, so have one."
"You should go tell that young filly Mina that you're done with what she asked you to do."
Po Town Police Station (Route 17)
"Meowth are all right. They don't care who you are or anything."
  • After finishing Mina's trial
"So, you think you have what it takes? You think you're ready for the island challenge?"
"Then I guess I've just got to do my job."
"You'll have to choose the Pokémon you want to have as your first partner."
"First one up here. This Meowth loves to nap in the grass. Easygoing and laid-back."
"Next up. A hotheaded Meowth with a fiery heart. I wouldn't get it angry if I were you."
"Last, but not least. Its heart is as big as the sea. The most gentle Meowth in all of Ula'ula."
"So, boy. Which Meowth are you gonna choose?"
"What brings you here, boy/girl?"
"Figured I'd better perform my kahuna duties, at least from time to time."
"What a lot of hassle..."
"Well, here's someone who's a step ahead of you in the island challenge. Why not ask?"
Meowth: :"You want the easygoing, laid-back Meowth that loves to nap?"
Meowth: :"You want the hotheaded Meowth? It can cause trouble when it gets mad."
Meowth: :"You want the gentlest Meowth in all of Ula'ula? You won't find a Pokémon with a bigger heart."
"I hope you're planning on saying thanks to the Trainer who helped you pick, too, kid."
"Try to contain yourself, if you even can. Don't want to run out of energy so soon."
"I swear, the kid could have started out from Hala's island, but no..."
"Well, thanks. That helped me finish up my duties for today."
"...Now, guess I can relax for a little while."
"See ya, kid."

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Nanu (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I'm an island kahuna, you know? From Alola. Oh, and the name's Nanu."
  • Sync pair viewer
"I'm an island kahuna, you know? If you don't wanna battle, I'm goin' home."
"Well, then. Guess I can take it easy now."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Well, aren't we just merry companions."
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Be seeing you."
  • Upon learning a new lucky skill
"Keep up the good work."
  • Upon leveling up
"Could be worse, I guess."
  • Upon reaching max level
"Think I might've gotten a bit too strong."
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"Guess I've...still got a ways to go."
  • During conversation
"Hey you!"
"You did well."
"Not half bad."
"Congratulations. Or...whatever."
"Go do your thing."
"Hey now."
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Can't do that."
"I swear."
"Ugh, ghuuhuh..."
"Hoh, man!"
"What a hassle."
"Now then."
"My bad."
"No way."
"Think you can do this?"
"Impressive...I guess."
"Knock it off."
"Be seeing you."
"Think you're ready?"
"How about a battle with me?"
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Out for Pokémon battles this early, huh? Me? I'm just loafing around, I guess."
"You're out and about pretty early. If you've got something to do, better go get it sorted."
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hmm, already midday. You can train as hard as you like, but don't overdo it."
"Hey there. If you're up for Pokémon battles, do them while it's still light out."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Careful now. The paths around here can be hard to see at night. I guess you'll be fine with your Pokémon, though."
"It's already pretty late. Once you're done with whatever you're doing, you should head home and get some sleep."
  • During special gift conversation
"Here...take this."
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"Now then."
  • VS screen
"Don't take it too serious, now."
  • Sending out Pokémon
"Here I go."
  • Using Pokémon move
"Do your thing."
  • Using item
"I guess I'll use this."
  • Using Trainer move
"I know just the thing."
  • Using sync move
"If you don't wanna battle, I'm goin' home."
  • Unity attack / theme skill
"Heads up."
"Why not?"
  • Uh-oh!
"Now then."
  • Switching in
"Well crud, looks like it's our turn."
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"You did well."
  • "Nice" emote
"Not bad."
  • "Watch out" emote
"Keep your wits about you."
  • "Let's do this" emote
"If you don't wanna battle, I'm goin' home."
  • "Thanks" emote
  • Defeat
  • Victory
"I'll be sure your remains at least get back home."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 15 - Dubious Duo
  • Dubious Duo: Part 1
"So, are you our match for today?"
"Whew, this one looks really tough, Grimsley. This might be the end of the road for us."
"Heh, sounds like something you would do, Mr. Elite Four."
"Besides, I was only able to make it this far thanks to you."
"Look who's talking."
"Please. I've never done such a thing."
"Well, as you can see, kid, we're just a couple of oddballs."
"Let's see how you handle opponents like us."
"Nothing too serious, though."
  • Dubious Duo: Part 2
"Whew, you got us good."
"You said you're <player>, right? You sure are something."
"Seeing how strong you are, I'm guessing you've had your fair share of run-ins with Team Break?"
That's right.: "You didn't even hesitate to answer, did ya? I appreciate that."
How did you know?: "Sounds like I was on target."
"I may not be a zippy young Trainer like you anymore, but I still train hard to get stronger."
"What would you say to having somebody like me on your team, kid?"
Sure!: "You might be a little too earnest for your own good... But I appreciate it."
Um...sure.: "Don't worry. I might prefer Dark types, but I'm a good guy."
"Guess that's that, then. What about you, Grimsley?"
"Is that right."
"Well, guess it'll just be me, then. Looking forward to working with you kids."
"And it was me who bugged you about teaming up in the first place, wasn't it? Sorry about that."
"It's a pain in the neck, but I can't let this slide."
"I know there's something lurking beneath the surface with that Team Break gang."
"I can't nap in peace until I find out what that something is."
"... ... ..."
"Heh, you can think what you want."
"Cut me some slack here. I wouldn't stand a chance against you."
"But if you're gonna find yourself another teammate, you might want somebody that uses a different type Pokémon than you."
"Oh, before you go, I forgot to tell you."
"Come visit Alola sometime."
"Let's get some Sushi High Roller. My treat."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 25 - A Glorious Gambit
  • A Glorious Gambit: Part 1
"That shouldn't be a problem. From what I hear, they've tightened up security for the event."
"So you kids can keep your eyes on the battle right in front of you."
"That being said, if any trouble does break out, I, for one, plan to sit tight and stay out of it."
"Oh? And where'd you hear that, boy?"
"Look at you, Grimsley..."
"Got yourself some snazzy new duds since I last saw you, huh? And a snazzy new partner, to boot."
"Gotta say, you look a lot happier now than when you were teamed up with me."
"Well, what say you, boy/girl?"
"Feel up to taking this team down?"
You bet I do!/We're gonna win this!: "Now you're talking. Sounds like it's time for this jaded old man to muster up the same youthful energy."
"Don't take it too serious, now!"
  • A Glorious Gambit: Part 2
"No problem. It's a standing invitation."
Main Story PML Arc - Chapter 30 - The Road to Victory
  • The Road to Victory: Part 2
  • If spoken to
"Oh, you made it, kid. Could you humor this guy for a moment?"
"*sigh* I know you're doing this to be nice and all, but you really shouldn't lie."
"I'm a police officer. I can spot a shady trick like that from a mile away."
"The kid'll do fine, even without that little trick of yours."
"He's/She's been leading a team with this old man, after all!"
  • If spoken to again
"The kid and the rest of the team are ready to pull us through. They don't really need an old man like me, to be honest."
"Who knows?"
Main Story Villain Arc - Alola - Protecting the Island
  • Begin the Counterattack!
"Yeah. Well done becoming allies with Tapu Bulu and Tapu Lele."
"Even if they do seem to be different from the Alolan guardian deities I know."
"I am an Island Kahuna, after all."
"I know Acerola often disciplines kids, but I didn't expect her to do the same to Tapu Bulu."
"Heh. Well, well. Look who's here."
"So she says."
"The two of you DID fight hard and get pretty dirty."
"Hey. Don't screw it up, 100kr."
"I never thought the three of us would be working together again..."
"Is that so..."
"Nice and gentle..."
  • A Future Together
"Yeah. They're grown beyond being simply an organization from Kanto."
"Who's this "president" you speak of?"
Main Story Villain Arc - Final Chapter - Where Ideals Cross Paths
  • The Adult Way
"I guess "nice and gentle" won't do the trick here."
Story Event - Family Ties
  • Beast or Beauty?
"This is bad news."
"Well, we can't just ignore something like this."
"Your track record with those hasn't exactly been the cleanest, ma'am..."
"... ... ..."
"Aw, crud. This isn't like me... I must be gettin' tired in my old age."
"Right. I'm gonna go take a load off somewhere."
"The only threats I see around here are my own preconceptions."
"Nothing to worry about, right, missy?"
"You take care of that partner of yours, Miss President."
Story Event - Trials on the Isle
  • Fetch the Meowth!
"Hey. Sorry 'bout that. I'm not used to Meowth that aren't from Alola."
"And yeah, I guess I should thank you properly for lending me a hand with all that."
"How about this? Would you like to try raising one of my Meowth?"
"One's asleep, so it'll have to be one of these two. Which do you want?"
"Hmm... If you can't tell the difference between their personalities, you might run into some issues raising them."
"Maybe I'll wait on handing one off to you for now."
Meow Meow Meow!
  • So Many Meowth!
"Hey. You there, girl. You like Meowth, do you?"
"Yeah. Would be nice to live without caring what other people think, the way Meowth do."
"Eh, it's my way of helping others. I'm a police officer, after all."
"Professor Bellis has been hatching different kinds of Meowth Eggs back at her lab."
"Yep. Alolan Meowth are prideful and sly."
"Sure, why not."
Story Event - Twin Stars Far Apart
  • Archie's Wish
"We were looking for you, you know? We have to protect you kids."
"Sorry to be a bother."
"I did ask if we really needed to protect you two."
"Especially because I heard you two were skilled Trainers. Even stronger when together."
"Speaking of...where is Looker?"
"I see...I guess they're busy too."
  • Far, Far Away
"Anabel should have been with her, but I can't get in touch with her either."
"Only their partner Pokémon were at the meeting point."
"Maybe they went to the other side of an Ultra Wormhole..."
"I'm saying maybe. It would explain why I can't contact her."
"If there's a chance that Ultra Wormholes are involved, we need to talk to the expert..."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Nanu
Thank you.: "Nah, I didn't do anything special."
You caught him.: "It wasn't anything special."
"I just saw a Pokémon wandering alone."
"And you two came by when Persian and I tried to approach the Drifloon."
"I mean, Pasio doesn't have any wild Pokémon at all."
"My Persian can't leave lonely Pokémon alone."
He's very protective, isn't he?/Persian's really kindhearted, isn't he?: "She, actually. I suppose so. She's been like this since we were in Alola."
"And there's not a lot that happens in Alola."
"There were a lot of Pokémon that got separated from their Trainers and were having a hard time adjusting to the new environment."
"She picked those Pokémon up and took care of them."
You're pretty nice, too, huh, Nanu?: "Heh, even more questionable."
So you're watching over them, too?: "Heh, that's even less clear."
"But if you think Persian is protective, well, I guess she might be."
"You're also the kind of Trainer who can't leave a person or Pokémon in trouble alone, aren't you?"
I suppose so./, I'm not...: "It might be weird for me to say this, being the one who brought it up..."
"but it's as clear as day that you are, so it doesn't even really matter what you answer."
"I just think that watching a Trainer like you would keep me entertained."
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Nate
"Hey, <player>. Mind joinin' this kid's team so we can battle?"
"These young kids, I tell you... Just brimming with energy, aren't ya."
"Not bad. You gave this old man a few surprises here and there, too."
"Yeah, Braviary is known as "the hero of the sky" in Alola."
"The way you challenged us without any hesitation certainly did that title justice."
"Heh, no need to rush. Just keep gaining more experience."
"Well, I guess it's time for us to get goin' now."
Sync Pair Story - Espurr's Evolution
  • Before battle
"So you wanna battle old Nanu, huh? You sure you've thought this through?"
"Are you really ready for this? I'm not going to go easy on you."
"Well, I guess it's time to find out who's stronger."
  • After being defeated
"Heh, you're pretty strong, aren't you, kid?"
"Looks like your partner's evolving. I guess congratulations are in order."
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"I'm a cop in Alola."
"But Alola's a really peaceful place. Thanks to that, I get to take it easy."
"Even though there are plenty of things going on around the world."
  • If spoken to again
"The police mascot for Alola is a Granbull."
"I personally think a Meowth wouldn't be too bad, either."
  • Random conversation
"Compared to other places, Alola has some funny-looking Pokémon."
"Even my Persian looks different from the ones you're used to, doesn't she?"
"Alolan Persian have nice round faces."
  • If spoken to again
"I know that Alolan Persian are rare around these parts."
"I like both Alolan and normal versions, but I personally prefer the fluffier Alolan ones."
  • Random conversation
"You know the Pokémon Honchkrow and Krookodile?"
"They've got some scary looking mugs, but you wouldn't think so if you saw them smile."
"You can never know anything about a person or a Pokémon just from a glance. When you have a chance, take a good look at those around you."
  • If spoken to again
"You won't get anything out of gazing at me."
  • Random conversation
"Pasio is nice and all, but I'm not really used to being far from home."
"What sights to see, what food to eat... I have no idea what to do."
"In the end, I slack off just like I do in Alola."
  • If spoken to again
"Things never changing is definitely a source of comfort...even if it does get boring."
  • Random conversation
"Hey, <player>... No, it's nothing too important."
"I noticed that Pasio doesn't have a Sushi High Roller around."
"I wanted their Z-Kaiseki Ronin Set, but I guess there's nothing I can do."
"If you ever find yourself in Alola, I'll treat you to it."
  • If spoken to again
"I heard that Kalos has a Sushi High Roller."
"But apparently they're a little different from the one in Alola."
  • Random conversation
"If you need anything, let me know. I can at least hear you out."
"You look like you have a lot on your plate."
"You might even have stuff that you can't do all by yourself."
  • If spoken to again
"You'll tire yourself out if you're always in a rush."
"Taking it easy isn't as bad a thing as people might tell you."
  • Random conversation
"You're getting really strong... What are you planning for the future?"
"Trying to get even stronger is fine, too... But that's a really long path."
"But seeing how steadfast you are... It makes me think you just might be able to make it."
  • If spoken to again
"I'm an old man. I try not to have dreams anymore."
"As long as young kids like you enjoy yourselves, that's all I can ask for."
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Well, if it isn't <player>. Looks like I don't have to ask if you're ready or not."
"Don't push yourself too hard, all right?"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Out for Pokémon battles this early, huh? Me? I'm just loafing around, I guess."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"You're out and about pretty early. If you've got something to do, better go get it sorted."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hmm, already midday. You can train as hard as you like, but don't overdo it."
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Hey there. If you're up for Pokémon battles, do them while it's still light out."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Careful now. The paths around here can be hard to see at night. I guess you'll be fine with your Pokémon, though."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"It's already pretty late. Once you're done with whatever you're doing, you should head home and get some sleep."
  • Special gift conversation
"Hold out your hand. Here, you can have this."
"Whether it's of use or not is up to you, though."
  • After giving out item
"No point in a guy like me hanging on to something like that."
"But you're different. If I find any again, I'll make sure to give them to you."
  • Special Type Team-Up (2023) Daily Type Rotation event conversation with Sidney and Karen
"Must be nice to be Dark-type Pokémon. They don't worry about what others think."