Critical Strike (Skill)

Critical Strike (Japanese: 急所時威力上昇 Power Up During Critical Hit) is a family of skills in Pokémon Masters EX. It raises the power of attacks that are critical hits.

Critical Strike 急所時威力上昇
Power Up During Critical Hit
Flavor text
Passive Skill
Powers up the user's attacks when they become critical hits.


When an attack is a critical hit, the power of that move is increased by 10% per rank of this skill.

This skill is an additive multiplier, when multiple additive skills affect the same move they are first summed and then multiplied by the move's power.

This skill affects the following:

  • Moves - Pokémon attack moves, including   buddy moves
  • Special Attacks - Sync moves,   Max moves, Unity Attack (co-op)
Skill rank Increase
Critical Strike 1 10%
Critical Strike 2 20%
Critical Strike 3 30%
Critical Strike 4 40%
Critical Strike 5 50%
Critical Strike 6 60%
Critical Strike 7 70%
Critical Strike 8 80%
Critical Strike 9 90%


Critical Strike 1

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red Sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

& Hydreigon

(Breaking Swipe)
& Groudon

(Solar Beam)

Egg Pokémon

Lucky Cookies

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
  1★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 1.50%
  2★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 9.00%

Critical Strike 2

Sync pairs (innate)

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red Sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

& Braviary

(Aerial Ace)
& Archeops

(Stone Edge)

Egg Pokémon

Lucky Cookies

Lucky Cookie Appearance Rate
  1★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 0.63%
  2★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 1.25%
  3★ Crunchy Lucky Cookie 12.5%
  1★ Deluxe Lucky Cookie 0.41%
  2★ Deluxe Lucky Cookie 0.83%
  3★ Deluxe Lucky Cookie 8.33%
  Guaranteed Lucky Cookie 12 100.0%

Critical Strike 3

Sync pairs (innate)

& Absol

(Mega replaces CS 3 with CS 5)

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red Sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

& Pidgeot

(Air Cutter)
& Absol

(Night Slash)

Egg Pokémon

Critical Strike 5

Sync pairs (innate)

Sync pairs (sync grid - yellow tiles)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red Sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

& Absol

(Brutal Swing)
& Volcarona

(Struggle Bug)

Critical Strike 9

Sync pairs (innate)

Sync pairs (sync grid - red tiles)

Red Sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.


In other languages

Language Title
  Japanese 急所時威力上昇 Kyūsho-ji Iryoku Jōshō
Mandarin Chinese 擊中要害時威力提升 Jízhòng Yàohài Shí Wēilì Tíshēng
  French Puissance Critique
  German Volltrefferstärke↑
  Italian Peggiorcolpo
  Korean 급소시위력상승 Geupso-si Wiryeok Sangseung
  Spanish Crítico Impulsor

  This article is part of Project Sidegames, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Sidegames.