VS Pinsir
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VS カイロス
VS Kailios
Location Battle Frontier

VS Pinsir (Japanese: VS カイロス VS Kailios) is the 306th round of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the fourth round of the Emerald arc.


Still in the Battle Factory, Emerald is moving along, winning battle after battle. After 17 straight wins, Todd comments on how insane this facility is, and notices how bored the other members of the press seem, given that Emerald is already battling for over four hours and he's not even near the halfway mark. On the battlefield, Emerald orders his rental Slaking to use Slack Off and Faint Attack against the rival Hitmonlee, winning another round. He then trades Slaking for the opponent Linoone, despite Todd thinking it's a mistake.

Suddenly, Emerald has to urgently go and relieve his bladder. Instead of going to the restroom, he runs off to urinate off the Battle Factory's roof, with Todd following him. Todd yells at Emerald to go to the toilet like a normal person, and while Emerald washes his hands there, Todd tells him he made the wrong choice letting Slaking go. Emerald disagrees, and explains his "order and role" strategy: the first Pokémon has the important role of being the "lead", and has to be able to deal out consecutive damage; the second Pokémon is the "main force", and has to able to use many different types of skills and cope with opponents who have special abilities; the third Pokémon is the "rear guard", the strong defensive backup. Since Emerald can't choose the order his Pokémon appear in, he had to let Slaking go because it wasn't in the right position. With 23 battles to go, Emerald pulls Todd by the nose back towards the battlefield with his Chinchou, Linoone and Ivysaur.

By the end of battle number 34, Todd realizes that Emerald was right - the Linoone is doing great with its Frustration, an attack that is the same type as Linoone and works best for Pokémon that don't share a strong bond with their Trainers. Factory Head Noland also points out to Todd that Linoone is holding a Choice Band - an item that increases the Pokémon's attack, but limits it to use only one move. Meanwhile, Scott, Lucy, Greta, Tucker and Brandon arrive to watch the battles, and are amazed to see how far Emerald has already come. At that point, for the sake of being fair, Noland covers his eyes so that he won't be able to watch Emerald's final trades. While doing so, he points out to Todd that Emerald is taking longer and longer to finish each battle, and Todd notes that Emerald is surely being worn out.

Still, Emerald manages to win 41 battles, and can now finally face Noland himself in the "Battle of the Universe". As the battle begins, Emerald sends out his rental Linoone against Noland's rental Mawile. Mawile uses Focus Punch, hitting Linoone, followed by Iron Defense. Emerald switches to his most recently traded Pokémon, Pinsir. Noland orders Mawile to use Flamethrower, knowing that the attack will be very powerful against the Template:Type2, but instead Mawile uses Iron Defense again. Confused, Noland realizes that Emerald used his Linoone's Trick just before the switch, so now Mawile is holding the Choice Band, while Linoone is holding the Lum Berry. With Mawile no longer able to attack, Pinsir uses Swords Dance and manages to win.

Impressed, Noland sends out his Golem and defeats Pinsir. Emerald calls out his Linoone again and orders it to use Dig, but Golem wins with Double-Edge. Emerald is now down to one Pokémon. Noland shows Emerald the Knowledge Symbol and tells him that if he'll manage to win, the symbol will be his. With only one chance left, Emerald sends out his final Pokémon.

Major Events

  • Emerald continues to battle the Battle Factory, and starts his battle with Noland.


Pokémon debuts





  • The silhouttes on the toilet doors look like the game artwork of Red and Leaf.


  This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.