The Deck Save Machine (Japanese: デッキきろくマシン Deck Record Machine) is a machine in Pokémon Trading Card Game and Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!.

The player is able to save customized deck configurations in this machine. This is similar to the Auto Deck Machines, which contain predefined decks.


In Pokémon Trading Card Game, this is the largest machine in the east room of the Mason Laboratory.

In Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, this machine is in the northeast corner of the east room of the Mason Laboratory. It is also available anywhere by using the Minicom from the menu.


The player is able to save a currently used deck into this machine and retrieve a saved deck at any later point.

The player is able to choose which of the save slots is used to save the deck. There are 60 slots available in the first game and 50 slots available in the second game. If the player tries to save into a slot that already has a previously saved deck, they will be required to delete the previous deck if they want to use that slot. The number of currently saved decks and the maximum number of slots available are shown at the top of the Deck Save Machine screen. For instance, if the player has 3 saved decks in the first game, the number would be "3/60".

In Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, whenever the player creates a new deck, edits or dismantles an existing deck, the game asks if they want a copy of the configuration saved in the Deck Save Machine.

Deck status

The deck status is identical in the Auto Deck Machine and the Deck Save Machine.

Status Pokémon Trading Card Game Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!
The player has all the cards required and they are not in any other decks. The symbol is displayed near the deck. No symbol appears.
This deck may be completely built.
One or more required cards are in other decks. The symbol is displayed near the deck.
The quantity of cards in other decks is unknown. The quantity of cards in other decks is displayed near the ※ symbol.
There is no way to see which cards exactly are in other decks. The game displays a list of cards in other decks.
The game offers to automatically dismantle any other decks with the needed cards.
The deck may not be built if the needed cards are kept in other decks. The deck may be built with replacement cards.
The player does not have one or more cards required for this deck. The symbol × is shown near the deck, with the quantity of cards missing.
The game displays a list of the required cards that the player does not have.
This deck is unable to be built. This deck may be built with replacement cards.
The deck has both issues above simultaneously.
(the player doesn't have some cards, while other cards are in other decks)
The lack of cards takes precedence, so the cards in other decks are ignored. Both issues are addressed simultaneously.
The game displays the × symbol with the number of missing cards. The game displays both the symbol with the number cards in other decks and the × symbol with the number of missing cards.
The game displays a list of missing cards. The game separately displays a list of cards in other decks and a list of missing cards.
This deck is unable to be built. The game offers to dismantle any decks containing required cards. This deck may be built with replacement cards.


English Japanese Notes
Save a deck デッキをきろく Saves a deck currently used by the player into the Deck Save Machine.
Build a deck デッキをつくる Builds a deck based on a saved deck configuration in the Deck Save Machine.
Delete a deck デッキをけす Deletes the currently selected deck in the Deck Save Machine
Cancel やめる

In both games, press Start to check the cards in the deck. There is no visible command to do this in either game. (unlike the Auto Deck Machines, which have the "Read the instructions" command to achieve this)

Starter decks

In Pokémon Trading Card Game, the 3 starter decks are available in the Deck Save Machine at the beginning of the game. These are the same decks that are available to player character at the beginning of his journey. They are able to be deleted from this machine, like any other saved deck.

They are not exactly the same as the decks found in the first Auto Deck Machine, which share the same name in English, but have different names in Japanese.

In the European versions, there is no way for the names of these decks to keep up with language changes in the options. The names of these decks remain the same as when the game started, except the word "Deck", which changes between languages. For instance, if the player chooses to start a new game in Spanish, then the first deck is named "Mazo Charmander y Amigos". If the player later changes the language to English, this deck will be shown as "Charmander y Amigos Deck".

In Pokémon Trading Card Game 2: The Invasion of Team GR!, the Deck Save Machine does not have any saved deck at the start of the game. The Starter Deck (the deck the player started with) is available at the Auto Deck Machine instead.

In other languages

Language Title
  Japanese デッキきろくマシン
  French Machine a Sauvegarder les Decks
  German Deck-Sicherungsmaschine
  Italian Macchina Salva Mazzo
  Spanish Máquina de Guardar Mazos

See also

  This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project TCG, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on TCG-related video games.