List of methods of Evolution by index number in Generation III

This is the list of methods of Evolution by index number in Generation III.

Methods of Evolution

Index number Method of Evolution Used by
1 Level up with high friendship at any time 7 Evolutions
Golbat Crobat
Chansey Blissey
Pichu Pikachu
Cleffa Clefairy
Igglybuff Jigglypuff
Togepi Togetic
Azurill Marill
2 Level up with high friendship by day 1 Evolution
Eevee Espeon
3 Level up with high friendship at night 1 Evolution
Eevee Umbreon
4 Level up with a minimum level and no additional requirements 134 Evolutions
5 Trade with no held item 4 Evolutions
Kadabra Alakazam
Machoke Machamp
Graveler Golem
Haunter Gengar
6 Trade with a held item 8 Evolutions
Poliwhirl Politoed
Slowpoke Slowking
Onix Steelix
Seadra Kingdra
Scyther Scizor
Electabuzz Electivire
Magmar Magmortar
Porygon Porygon2
7 Evolution stone regardless of gender 21 Evolutions
8 Level up with a minimum level and Attack > Defense 1 Evolution
Tyrogue Hitmonlee
9 Level up with a minimum level and Attack = Defense 1 Evolution
Tyrogue Hitmontop
10 Level up with a minimum level and Attack < Defense 1 Evolution
Tyrogue Hitmonchan
11 Level up with a minimum level and the personality value-based equation result from 0 to 4 1 Evolution
Wurmple Silcoon
12 Level up with a minimum level and the personality value-based equation result from 5 to 9 1 Evolution
Wurmple Cascoon
13 Level up with a minimum level, causing another Pokémon to appear in the party 1 Evolution
Nincada Ninjask
14 Level up with a minimum level, appearing as a separate Pokémon in the party 1 Evolution
Nincada Shedinja
15 Level up with enough Beauty 1 Evolution
Feebas Milotic

See also

Introduced in Generation I: Level-based Evolution (list) • Evolution stoneTrade Evolution
Introduced in Generation II: Friendship EvolutionTime-based Evolution
Introduced in Generation IV: Gender-based EvolutionLocation-based Evolution
Introduced in Generation VII: Region-based Evolution
Lists by index number: Generation III listGeneration IV list
  This game mechanic article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.