Legendary Collection (TCG)

← Neo Destiny
TCG expansions
Expedition Base Set →
Legendary Collection SetSymbolLegendary Collection.png
Legendary Collection Logo.png
Cards in set 110
Set number 12
Release date May 24, 2002
Theme Decks

Lava (FightingFire)
Turmoil (LightningWater)

Pokémon: Legendary Collection is the name given to the only main expansion of cards from the Legendary Collection Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It does not have a main expansion as a Japanese equivalent.


The best of the pack are back!

(In foils, too!)

They're big. They're bad. They're your all-time favorite Pokémon from the Pokémon® Blue and Pokémon Red Game Boy® games, back in action in the all-new Pokémon: Legendary Collection™ card set. Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, and many more of the most powerful Pokémon ever are on the prowl again.

And if that isn't exciting enough, special foil versions of each Pokémon in the Pokémon: Legendary Collection expansion can be found in random boosters.


Legendary Collection is the name given to the only main expansion of the Legendary Collection Series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was released on May 24, 2002. Legendary Collection is composed of reprints of the Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, and Team Rocket expansions.

Legendary Collection introduced Reverse Holofoil prints, cards that feature Holofoil throughout the card except the artwork window. The Reverse Holofoil in this expansion have a fireworks-like pattern. It also introduced Box toppers, Jumbo-sized versions of cards from the expansion.

Additional cards
No. Image Card name Type Promotion
3/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Charizard Fire Non Holo Lava Theme Deck exclusive
4/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Blastoise Water Non Holo Turmoil Theme Deck exclusive
7/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Raichu Lightning Non Holo Turmoil Theme Deck exclusive

Set list

Legendary Collection
SetSymbolLegendary Collection.png
No. Image Card name Type Rarity
1/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Alakazam Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
2/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Articuno Water Rare Holo Promotion
3/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Charizard Fire Rare Holo Promotion
4/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Blastoise Water Rare Holo Promotion
5/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Dragonite Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
6/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Persian Colorless Rare Holo Promotion
7/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Raichu Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
8/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Slowbro Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
9/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Vaporeon Water Rare Holo Promotion
10/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Flareon Fire Rare Holo Promotion
11/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Gengar Psychic Rare Holo Promotion
12/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Gyarados Water Rare Holo Promotion
13/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Hitmonlee Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
14/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Jolteon Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
15/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Machamp Fighting Rare Holo Promotion
16/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Muk Grass Rare Holo Promotion
17/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ninetales Fire Rare Holo Promotion
18/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Venusaur Grass Rare Holo Promotion
19/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Zapdos Lightning Rare Holo Promotion
20/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Beedrill Grass Rare Promotion
21/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Butterfree Grass Rare Promotion
22/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Electrode Lightning Rare Promotion
23/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Exeggutor Grass Rare Promotion
24/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Golem Fighting Rare Promotion
25/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Hypno Psychic Rare Promotion
26/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Jynx Psychic Rare Promotion
27/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kabutops Fighting Rare Promotion
28/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magneton Lightning Rare Promotion
29/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mewtwo Psychic Rare Promotion
30/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Moltres Fire Rare Promotion
31/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidoking Grass Rare Promotion
32/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidoqueen Grass Rare Promotion
33/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pidgeot Colorless Rare Promotion
34/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pidgeotto Colorless Rare Promotion
35/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rhydon Fighting Rare Promotion
36/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Arcanine Fire Uncommon Promotion
37/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Charmeleon Fire Uncommon Promotion
38/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Dragonair Colorless Uncommon Promotion
39/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dark Wartortle Water Uncommon Promotion
40/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dewgong Water Uncommon Promotion
41/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dodrio Colorless Uncommon Promotion
42/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Fearow Colorless Uncommon Promotion
43/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Golduck Water Uncommon Promotion
44/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Graveler Fighting Uncommon Promotion
45/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Growlithe Fire Uncommon Promotion
46/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Haunter Psychic Uncommon Promotion
47/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ivysaur Grass Uncommon Promotion
48/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kabuto Fighting Uncommon Promotion
49/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kadabra Psychic Uncommon Promotion
50/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Kakuna Grass Uncommon Promotion
51/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Machoke Fighting Uncommon Promotion
52/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magikarp Water Uncommon Promotion
53/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Meowth Colorless Uncommon Promotion
54/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Metapod Grass Uncommon Promotion
55/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidorina Grass Uncommon Promotion
56/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidorino Grass Uncommon Promotion
57/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Omanyte Water Uncommon Promotion
58/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Omastar Water Uncommon Promotion
59/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Primeape Fighting Uncommon Promotion
60/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rapidash Fire Uncommon Promotion
61/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Raticate Colorless Uncommon Promotion
62/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Sandslash Fighting Uncommon Promotion
63/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Seadra Water Uncommon Promotion
64/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Snorlax Colorless Uncommon Promotion
65/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tauros Colorless Uncommon Promotion
66/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tentacruel Water Uncommon Promotion
67/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Abra Psychic Common Promotion
68/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Bulbasaur Grass Common Promotion
69/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Caterpie Grass Common Promotion
70/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Charmander Fire Common Promotion
71/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Doduo Colorless Common Promotion
72/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Dratini Colorless Common Promotion
73/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Drowzee Psychic Common Promotion
74/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Eevee Colorless Common Promotion
75/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Exeggcute Grass Common Promotion
76/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Gastly Psychic Common Promotion
77/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Geodude Fighting Common Promotion
78/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Grimer Grass Common Promotion
79/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Machop Fighting Common Promotion
80/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Magnemite Lightning Common Promotion
81/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mankey Fighting Common Promotion
82/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidoran♀ Grass Common Promotion
83/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Nidoran♂ Grass Common Promotion
84/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Onix Fighting Common Promotion
85/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pidgey Colorless Common Promotion
86/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pikachu Lightning Common Promotion
87/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Ponyta Fire Common Promotion
88/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Psyduck Water Common Promotion
89/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rattata Colorless Common Promotion
90/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Rhyhorn Fighting Common Promotion
91/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Sandshrew Fighting Common Promotion
92/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Seel Water Common Promotion
93/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Slowpoke Psychic Common Promotion
94/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Spearow Colorless Common Promotion
95/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Squirtle Water Common Promotion
96/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Tentacool Water Common Promotion
97/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Voltorb Lightning Common Promotion
98/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Vulpix Fire Common Promotion
99/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Weedle Grass Common Promotion
100/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Full Heal Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
101/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Potion Energy Colorless E Uncommon Promotion
102/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pokémon Breeder T Rare Promotion
103/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Pokémon Trader T Rare Promotion
104/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Scoop Up T Rare Promotion
105/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png The Boss's Way T Uncommon Promotion
106/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Challenge! T Uncommon Promotion
107/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Energy Retrieval T Uncommon Promotion
108/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Bill T Common Promotion
109/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Mysterious Fossil T Common Promotion
110/110 TCG2 A01 Bulbasaur.png Potion T Common Promotion


Legendary Collection Booster Starters.jpg
Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise pack
Legendary Collection Booster Eeveelution.jpg
Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon pack
Legendary Collection Booster Birds.jpg
Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres pack
Legendary Collection Booster Mewtwo.jpg
Alakazam, Machamp, and Mewtwo pack
Legendary Collection Booster Box.jpg
Legendary Collection
booster box
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins
Spring 2011 Sneak Peek tins.jpg
The Sneak-Peek Tins

Languages this set is released in

Just like the Base Set 2 set, the Legendary Collection set is only released in English unlimited edition, with each card in the set also available as Reverse Foils.

External links

Project TCG logo.png This article is part of Project TCG, a Bulbapedia project that aims to report on every aspect of the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon Trading Card Game expansions and releases
Bold indicates a main expansion. Italics indicate a special set. Releases that are entirely composed of prints from other releases are small.
Neo Series
Neo Genesis: HotfootCold Fusion
Neo Discovery: Brain WaveWallop
Southern Islands
Tyranitar Half Deck
Neo Revelation
Neo Destiny: DarkLight
Legendary Collection Series
Legendary Collection: LavaTurmoil
Neo Era
Gold, Silver, to a New World...: Neo Starter Deck
Crossing the Ruins...
Awakening Legends
Darkness, and to Light...
Intro Pack Neo
VS Era
Leaders Pokémon Theater Limited Edition
Pokémon VS
Application Pack
Web Era
Pokémon Web