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Should contests categories use type colors? Page [1] uses its own colors.--Rocket Grunt (Report To Me) 09:56, 4 June 2020 (UTC)

Some color changes for the future

For some time, the colors for Red, Green, and Blue have been a bit of a strain eyes due to how saturated they are. In the near future, the color scheme for these three will be changed to be easier for people to look at when reading various pages.

Current colors used:

Red color light E77E66 {{Red color light}}
Red color DA3914 {{Red color}}
Red color dark 8E250D {{Red color dark}}
Green color light 71C671 {{Green color light}}
Green color 24A724 {{Green color}}
Green color dark 176D17 {{Green color dark}}
Blue color light 778DE6 {{Blue color light}}
Blue color 2E50D8 {{Blue color}}
Blue color dark 1E348C {{Blue color dark}}

New proposed colors to make reading of various templates and galleries easier:

  Light Blue - 768de5  
  Blue - 2e50d8  
  Dark Blue - 1d348c  

  Light Green - 70c670  
  Green - 24a724  
  Dark Green - 176d17  

  Light Red - ef737d  
  Red - e72838  
  Dark Red - 961a24  

If anyone has other suggestions, I am open to them.

Also, any other core series game colors needing changes should be proposed here to help keep track of everything easier. Thank you~ Frozen Fennec 03:58, 23 February 2024 (UTC)

This sounds good, theres a few other colour templates that I would like to bring forth for consideration and input:
  • Type colours: currently theses are based on Gen 3 games (with Fairy being its own invention); these dont really line up to the modern game very well as such I would suggest we change them to be in line with what is used in Scarlet and Violet. What this would look like can be seen here.
  • Stat colours are currently based on our type colours, these could be adjusted to use the mint/feather colours
  • TCG: I would suggest a few changes here:
    • {{TCG Supporter color}} I would change from red to orange, to better match the ingame cards (fellow EP wikis 52 pokéwiki and WikiDex also use orange)
    • {{Tcg fighting color}} Since the proposed change would likely clash with the fighing colour, I would make this more brown (also to better match the colour on the cards)
    • {{Tcg darkness color}} We have issues with this template because of how dark it is, it contrasts poorly with text, can be lighened up and be given a blue tint as on the cards.
    • {{TCG ACE SPEC color}} This template was recently created, and is functionally unused, it also doesnt follow the criteria for what we normally would make a TCG color template for, as such I would delete/archive it.
  • FR/LG colours could also get an update to be less saturated
  • Colours for the DLC expansions would be a good addition (Isle of Armour / Crown Tundra / Teal Mask / Indigo Disk) would be a welcome addition.
Think I got everything, if anyone has other colours feel free to add. 4iamking 08:00, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
Just to mention, {{Tcg metal color}} has come up as another colour to reevaluate (currently quite brown comparted to what it should be), I think a general evaluation of all TCG colours is in order. 4iamking 16:02, 2 March 2024 (UTC)
Desaturating these colours seems like a very good idea; especially the "blue color", which can be very jarring. A general review of our colours to see if they still match the current ones used by TPC would be a good idea, as 4iamking mentioned. I also agree that we should have proper colour templates for the DLC, rather than reusing other colour templates. - bthrussellUK (talk) 09:25, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
One other thing I wanted to highlight is just general consistancy in names as well, the fact that we capitalize the names of some TCG templates and others not makes them somewhat confusing to use. 4iamking 10:39, 23 February 2024 (UTC)
I support the updates to the RGB and type colors. Landfish7 18:35, 24 February 2024 (UTC)
RGB colors have been updated. Type colors, and TCG colors above, if possible, will be taking care of in the days ahead when I can. One think I would like to add as being looked at is the Physical Attack colors since they seem to run into similar issues as Red with the Red and Orange color combo being a bit of an eye strain honestly. Any suggestions on how to improve them? Frozen Fennec 06:40, 28 February 2024 (UTC)
For Physical Attack, I don't think there is any need for the text colour to be orange. It should be white to ensure there is enough contrast and maintain readability. - bthrussellUK (talk) 07:59, 28 February 2024 (UTC)

More color proposals from Discord


Decided on Discord, makes sure none of the game colors overlap. Using various official sources. SwSh DLC's will need to be created, SV DLC's only exist as redirects.

  Isle of Armor color light - FDE060  
  Isle of Armor color - FCD00B  
  Isle of Armor color dark - A48707  

  Crown Tundra color light - 66CA9C  
  Crown Tundra color - 15AE68  
  Crown Tundra color dark - 0D7143  

  Teal Mask color light - 59C3BB  
  Teal Mask color - 00A398  
  Teal Mask color dark - 006A62  

  Indigo Disk color light - 5987A7  
  Indigo Disk color - 004878  
  Indigo Disk color dark - 002E4E  


Using feather and mint colors, stat colors otherwise are all over the place. The original colors were just randomly selected type colors, somehow with so many official colors we managed to pick unoficcial ones.

  HP color light - FFE58C  
  HP color - FFD84F  
  HP color dark - A68C33  

  Attack color light - F98785  
  Attack color - F74844  
  Attack color dark - A02E2C  

  Defense color light - 96A4FC  
  Defense color - 5E74FB  
  Defense color dark - 3D4BA3  

  Special Attack color light - 8AE1FF  
  Special Attack color - 4CD1FF  
  Special Attack color dark - 3188A6  

  Special Defense color light - FFA9D3  
  Special Defense color - FF7BBC  
  Special Defense color dark - A6507A  

  Speed color light - 9AD995  
  Speed color - 64C55D  
  Speed color dark - 41803C  

Move categories

More recent colors.

  Physical color light - F19073  
  Physical color - EB5628         Physical textcolor - FFF064  
  Physical color dark - 98371A  

  Special color light - 899CE2  
  Special color - 4B68D3         Special textcolor - 91E1E1  
  Special color dark - 304389  

  Status color light - ADADAD  
  Status color - 828282         Status textcolor - EAEAE5  
  Status color dark - 545454  

Posting more soon. Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 20:40, 28 February 2024 (UTC)

Changed the text color so you can see how it interacts with the backgrounds. The Physical textcolor template is a big improvement on what we have currently. However the readability of Special color light and the textcolor may be challenging. - bthrussellUK (talk) 19:03, 29 February 2024 (UTC)
Changing the Special and Status text colors isn't really a big deal. We can make them brighter and nobody would even notice they are different from the games thanks to the limits of how our eyes perceive thin lines inside chunks of solid color.
  Special textcolor - 91E1E1  
  Special textcolor - 96E8E8  
  Special textcolor - 9DF2F2  
  Status textcolor - EAEAE5  
  Status textcolor - F2F2ED  
Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 01:13, 6 March 2024 (UTC)


The light and dark colors need alteration because they were taken from the game as is rather than being determined by our method, which causes issues, such as light and mid colors being almost idential or light and dark colors being totally different.

  Apricorn color light - F5C168  
  Apricorn color - current color, not changing  
  Apricorn color dark - 9C680F  

  Battle items color light - 78A1EA  
  Battle items color - current color, not changing  
  Battle items color dark - 1F4891  

  Berries color light - 6DC187  
  Berries color - current color, not changing  
  Berries color dark - 14682E  

  Cologne color light - D2CCDB  
  Cologne color - current color, not changing  
  Cologne color dark - 797382  

  Ingredients color light - C98262  
  Ingredients color - current color, not changing  
  Ingredients color dark - 702909  

  Items color light - DB9CB6  
  Items color - current color, not changing  
  Items color dark - 82435D  

  Key items color light - B687E5  
  Key items color - current color, not changing  
  Key items color dark - 5D2E8C  

  Mail color light - 68B6CB  
  Mail color - current color, not changing  
  Mail color dark - 0F5D72  

  Medicine color light - EAA17D  
  Medicine color - current color, not changing  
  Medicine color dark - 914824  

  Poké Balls color light - DBB16D  
  Poké Balls color - current color, not changing  
  Poké Balls color dark - 825814  

  TMs and HMs color light - ACC66D  
  TMs and HMs color - current color, not changing  
  TMs and HMs color dark - 536D14  

  Treasures color light - F6DA8B  
  Treasures color - current color, not changing  
  Treasures color dark - 9D8132  

  Z-Crystals color light - CEB289  
  Z-Crystals color - current color, not changing  
  Z-Crystals color dark - 755930  

Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 20:52, 28 February 2024 (UTC)

I've added in the current middle colors to make it easier to see how the new colors work. I think these are all positive changes, and are an improvement on what we currently have. - bthrussellUK (talk) 18:50, 29 February 2024 (UTC)

Egg group colors

Time to make proper egg group color templates with light and dark variants, the hex codes of which are used on the individual pages already. This would also allow us to use the colors in infoboxes, the Poké Maniac page is a good candidate. I suggest using the word "egg" for all of these templates as to differentiate between the five egg groups that are also types (Dragon, Bug, Grass, Fairy, Flying). The few templates that use these colors, like the move entry templates, would only need to have the word "egg" added twice in the right positions. Doing this will allow us to tweak the colors (since they are fan made) or change them if they ever get official ones.

The suggestion consists of several moves, color changes, and creation of new templates, but it's been a long time coming. It's all very reasonable.

  Monster egg color light - E18D9A  
  Monster egg color - D25064  
  Monster egg color dark - 883441  

  Water 1 egg color light - BBCEFD  
  Water 1 egg color - 97B5FD  
  Water 1 egg color dark - 6275A4  

  Water 2 egg color light - A3BDFB  
  Water 2 egg color - 729AFA  
  Water 2 egg color dark - 4A64A2  

  Water 3 egg color light - 92A5D4  
  Water 3 egg color - 5876BE  
  Water 3 egg color dark - 394C7B  

  Bug egg color light - C7D774  
  Bug egg color - AAC22A  
  Bug egg color dark - 6E7E1B  

  Flying egg color light - CCBDFB  
  Flying egg color - B29AFA  
  Flying egg color dark - 7364A2  

  Field egg color light - EAD59C  
  Field egg color - E0C068  
  Field egg color dark - 917C43  

  Fairy egg color light - F3BCC8  
  Fairy egg color - EE99AC  
  Fairy egg color dark - 9A636F  

  Grass egg color light - ADE193  
  Grass egg color - 82D25A  
  Grass egg color dark - 54883A  

  Human-Like egg color light - E1BAAD  
  Human-Like egg color - D29682  
  Human-Like egg color dark - 886154  

  Mineral egg color light - A8988E  
  Mineral egg color - 7A6252  
  Mineral egg color dark - 4F3F35  

  Amorphous egg color light - B2B2B2  
  Amorphous egg color - 8A8A8A  
  Amorphous egg color dark - 595959  

  Ditto egg color light - C59AD5  
  Ditto egg color - A664BF  
  Ditto egg color dark - 6C417C  

  Dragon egg color light - A883FF  
  Dragon egg color - 7A42FF  
  Dragon egg color dark - 4F2AA6  

  No Eggs Discovered egg color light - 7A7A7A  
  No Eggs Discovered egg color - 333333  
  No Eggs Discovered egg color dark - 212121  

Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 21:21, 1 March 2024 (UTC)

New TCG colors

More from Discord. Color revamp similar to the main types. Type colors are taken from page 4 of this:

Metal is a darkened version of the icon from page 3 of this

Item, Tool, and Supporter are color picked from the cards' text, Stadium was lightened not to cause confusion with TCG Grass.

TCG Ability takes the old color of TCG Supporter, it's very similar in color to TCG Fire, but the two colors won't interact.

  TCG Darkness color light - 77A8B0  
  TCG Darkness color - 2F7A87  
  TCG Darkness color dark - 1E4F57  

  TCG Dragon color light - BDB976  
  TCG Dragon color - 9B952D  
  TCG Dragon color dark - 64601D  

  TCG Fairy color light - EE8AB3  
  TCG Fairy color - E54C8B  
  TCG Fairy color dark - 95315A  

  TCG Fighting color light - D79D77  
  TCG Fighting color - C3692F  
  TCG Fighting color dark - 7E441E  

  TCG Fire color light - E07283  
  TCG Fire color - D02742  
  TCG Fire color dark - 87192A  

  TCG Grass color light - 61CC89  
  TCG Grass color - 0DB14B  
  TCG Grass color dark - 087330  

  TCG Lightning color light - FFE359  
  TCG Lightning color - FFD400  
  TCG Lightning color dark - A68A00  

  TCG Metal color light - BDBFB4  
  TCG Metal color - 9B9E8C  
  TCG Metal color dark - 64665B  

  TCG Psychic color light - BFAFD4  
  TCG Psychic color - 9D85BE  
  TCG Psychic color dark - 66567B  

  TCG Water color light - 59CCF1  
  TCG Water color - 00B1EB  
  TCG Water color dark - 007398  

  TCG Item color light - 5AA3D5  
  TCG Item color - 0273C0  
  TCG Item color dark - 014A7C  

  TCG Pokémon Tool color light - A394C5  
  TCG Pokémon Tool color - 725BA6  
  TCG Pokémon Tool color dark - 4A3B6C  

  TCG Supporter color light - F0926F  
  TCG Supporter color - E85823  
  TCG Supporter color dark - 973916  

  TCG Stadium color light - 96DA83  
  TCG Stadium color - 5FC741  
  TCG Stadium color dark - 3D812A  

  TCG Ability color light - E86F6F  
  TCG Ability color - DC2222  
  TCG Ability color dark - 8F1616  

Oneofthosedf (talk) (contribs) 23:50, 2 March 2024 (UTC)

Just to add, {{Tcg colorless color}} would not change and stay as it currently is, if we used the colours from the sources above we would derive at something that is even closer to white than the current template, and therefore this is not desired. Otherwise I wanted to say (though as an involved party) that I support these changes. 4iamking 00:02, 3 March 2024 (UTC)
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