
Revision as of 01:47, 22 July 2022 by Ishida (talk | contribs) (→‎Pokémon Masters EX: Added in "Midnight Spookfest" dialogue)

These are Wikstrom's quotes in the Pokémon games.

In the core series

Pokémon X and Y

Pokémon League
  • Before battle
"Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the Elite Four's famed blade of hardened Steel, Wikstrom! With my magnificent Pokémon at my side, I will reveal the scope of Trainer achievement! Let us both give our word that our contest shall be fair and honorable. Ready? En garde!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Glorious! The trust that you share with your honorable Pokémon surpasses even mine!"
  • After being defeated
"What now? What sweet, glorious pain and joy now rock my mighty heart? My will, which even shakes spears, trembles at so fine a battle as this! I am undone! Good sir/lady, you are indeed our equal-- and worthy to enter this lofty hall!"
If battled first: "Easy, child. You need not explain. It is no mystery to me why you came to me first. Nature herself has framed man as such a creature that any would choose to face their strongest enemy before all others. Now, to the elevator with you! It burns with a desire to hasten you on your way!"
If battled second: "So you have struck down two of the Elite Four! The road is still long. Do not waver now."
If battled third: "Is your heart prepared for this? One last wall remains before you. You would do well to remember: defeat us, and then you will face the Champion in battle!"
If battled last: "The time has come at last for your greatest challenge. Now show our Champion the same strength you have shown us!"
Battle Chateau
  • Before battle
"Well met, young challenger! Verily am I the famed blade of hardened steel, Duke Wikstrom! Let the battle begin! En garde!"
  • Upon being defeated
"Glorious! The trust that you share with your honorable Pokémon surpasses even mine!"
  • After being defeated
If giving the player an item: "Do accept this token of my regard. Long has this treasure been held by the esteemed knights of my family... Verily has it been our most treasured possession, since I happened to pick it up in a shop a week ago. Or two weeks, mayhap! May it serve you well."
"What manner of disaster be this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! At last do I understand that sweet torture, that perfect balance of joy and frustration!"
  • If the player is defeated
"What manner of magic is this? My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast! Winning against such a worthy opponent doth give my soul wings--thus do I soar!"

In spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Main article: Wikstrom (Masters)
Menu interface (voice clips)
  • After being recruited
"I am Wikstrom, the famed steel blade of the Kalos Elite Four."
  • Sync pair viewer
"Verily am I the famed blade of hardened steel!"
"Let us both give our word that our contest shall be fair and honorable."
  • Selection screen (forming team)
"Let my body be thy shield!"
  • Selection screen (disbanding team)
"Until we meet again!"
  • Upon learning a new move
"Behold our new strength!"
  • Upon leveling-up
"I am one step further on the path to greatness."
  • Upon reaching max level
"My strength shall guide me to victory!"
  • Upon unlocking a new level cap
"We pushed beyond our limits."
  • During conversation
"Very well."
"Truly deserving of respect!"
"I see no problem."
"You have my thanks."
"That's far enough!"
"I cannot allow that!"
"I have a request!"
"What's this?"
"Ah, I see."
"May I have a moment?"
"My most heartfelt congratulations."
"Press onward!"
"Yes, well..."
  • During special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I give my word that I shall not falter this day!"
  • During special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Greetings! Let us strive for greatness—that we might have no regrets!"
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"You are training hard—and it is well past dusk. Remember, rest is of equal import."
  • During special log-in conversation (evening)
"Only a little more to go! Let us press on, with pride in our hearts!"
  • During special gift conversation
"Do accept this token of my regard!"
Battle interface (voice clips)
  • Co-op match screen
"Very well."
  • VS screen
"En garde!"
  • Battle start
"En garde!"
  • Using Pokémon move
"Now go!"
"Show them your strength!"
  • Using item
"I shall not falter!"
  • Using Trainer move
"'Tis my chance!"
  • Using Sync Move
"En garde!"
  • Unity Move
"En Guard!"
  • Switching in
"Stand aside!"
  • Recalling fainted Pokémon
"What sorcery is this?"
  • "Nice" emote
  • "Watch out" emote
"Be weary!"
  • "Let's do this" emote
"My heart, it doth hammer ceaselessly in my breast!"
  • "Thanks" emote
"You have my thanks!"
  • Defeat
  • Victory
"My heart is aflutter!"
Main Story Chapter 22 - Rival Face-Off!
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 1
"That's far enough!"
"We'll not sit idly by and allow these people to suffer your wicked deeds!"
"Aegislash! Teach these ruffians the sting of the blade of justice!"
"'Tis not a deed that requires gratitude. It is our duty to help those in need."
"Oh? You know of us?"
"I'm honored that stories of my exploits have reached your ears."
"Moreover, your courageous acts are truly the chivalrous deeds befitting a knight."
"Oh? What makes you say such a thing?"
"Hm. The strength to enforce what you believe in..."
"Let us hear it."
"Hm? Are you having second thoughts, Paulo?"
"Oh? A rival, you say?"
"It seems we too must battle with all our might in answer of this spirited declaration!"
"We hail from the same region, so there's no need for pleasantries or holding back. Let us battle with all of our might!"
  • Rival Face-Off! Round 2
"Accept what has transpired. Face it, and continue forward. That is the way to grow stronger."
"And offer our congratulations to those who have won: <player> and his/her team."
"Right from the beginning, you were brave enough to stand up to Team Break on your own. I always knew you were a Trainer with potential."
"I never would've guessed you could become so strong. We were able to enjoy some truly first-rate battles thanks to you."
"If there is any gratitude to be offered, it should be from us to you. Thank you, Paulo."
"Indeed. Though our teams may part ways, we must all remain diligent."
Story Event - Midnight Spookfest
  • The Long Night Begins
A haunted suit of armor!: "You would mistake me for a ghost while I still draw breath? Why, I should be insulted!"
Wikstrom?!: "Aye, young sir/lady! Verify am I the famed blade of hardened steel!"
"Sir Lear has asked me to welcome all participants into the hall, so welcome you I shall!"
"Apparently, my striking visage is exactly what he was looking for as the first face people see when they walk through the door."
"Is that so? If the sight of my armor was enough to strike terror in you, I fear you may suffer for worse up ahead..."
"For within these halls, spine-chilling specters and spooks await you around every corner!"
"*chuckle* You put up quite a brave face, young sir. Let's see how long it lasts."
"The main event hall is just up ahead. Steel yourselves and march on, my friends!"
"May your courage never falter as you fight your way to the very end!"
Sync Pair Story - A Day with Wikstrom
"Oho! Well met, young <player>!"
"Do not fear! I, Wikstrom, have taken it upon myself to protect this village!"
Are you on guard duty?: "Indeed. Defending the townspeople is the duty of a knight such as I."
What do you mean?: "Why, I have volunteered my time to guard it! Your security is in capable hands, I assure you."
"I hear tell that some ruffians have been skulking about, taking advantage of the PML's bustling crowd to commit their evil deeds."
"... ... ... ... ... ..."
"This village looks very much like the place mine own family hails from."
"I believe Aegislash has taken notice of that as well and so has kindly agreed to assist me in guarding it."
"Such bravery! Such valor! This is why my family has chosen to fight alongside a line of noble Aegislash through the generations!"
Generations?/Your family?: "Indeed. My family has an exceedingly long history in the Kalos region."
"We have battled in contests and tourneys across the land for generations, with Aegislash fighting tirelessly by our side."
"It is with regret that I must admit that we were not always victorious. Eras of toil and hardship have been recorded in our histories as well."
"Nevertheless, the Aegislash have been our faithful companions for all these years."
"As a descendant of such a venerable family, I feel it is my duty to continue that tradition and carve my own name into history as well."
"And what, pray tell, could be a more splendid stage for me to do so on than the PML, where I can battle against the world's strongest Trainers?"
I'll be rooting for you!: "Thank you, child! You shall witness the glory of my esteemed family soon enough! I shall make it so!"
You won't beat me!: "Oho! What bold words you speak, child! You will be a formidable opponent, surely! I eagerly await the day we cross swords!"
"But alas! 'Twould be a grave mistake to seek out victory and victory alone."
"Winning is of great import, of course, but embracing the path of chivalry and fighting with honor is of the utmost importance."
"Not even in the face of the direst circumstances would my family relinquish its pride."
"Even in defeat, we respect those who have bested us. Both sides can smile and praise the other for a battle fought bravely."
"For one must exhibit knightly behavior, both in victory and in defeat! One must be just, honorable, and fair!"
"If nothing else, I hope that you will remember these words young sir/lady."
What should I do?: "Protect what you believe in, have faith in yourself, and stay true to the promises you make."
That sounds hard...: "Indeed. The weight of one's shield can seem heavy when compared to a blade, but there is beauty found only in protecting something."
"For you see, when you break a promise, whether to yourself or to another, even the greatest triumph grows sour."
"Mine own principles and promises—the pride and honor of my esteemed family—are forever intertwined with Aegislash."
"When you started your journey, I am certain you felt something similar stir within your heart. Have faith and stay true to yourself."
"When you do, 'twill mean you have at last found the true path of a knight—of honor."
I'll give it my all: "Oh, mine heart doth swell at such a courageous answer!"
I'll do the best I can.: "Indeed you shall! But you need not be hasty, child. Lumiose City was not built in a day!"
"What was that, Aegislash? You are growing weary of my long-winded speech?"
"Alas! The will to battle beats so strongly in Aegislash's heart, he can scarcely sit still."
"The brazen, bladed buffoon! Ha ha ha!"
"I must apologize if I have prattled on too long... 'Tis important to enjoy a good Pokémon battle now and again as well!"
"Ha ha ha! Oh, my dear Aegislash! Let us go now. We shall enjoy this merry festival of the PML with honor and grace!"
Pokémon Center
  • Random conversation
"The manner in which you battle with your Pokémon is just and fair...and, might I add, quite brilliant!"
"There is an etiquette to Pokémon battling, young sir/lady, and I firmly believe that etiquette includes fighting with honor."
"We Trainers should take pride in defeat as much as we do in triumph—doing so leaves little room for regret."
"I approach each and every Pokémon battle I compete in with the same earnestness."
  • If spoken to again
"Pokémon are the greatest of comrades—they never fail to give us their utmost effort."
"That is why I believe that we, as Trainers, have an obligation to give them our sincere effort in return lest we dishonor our Pokémon!"
  • Random conversation
"Aegislash has been my comrade in countless battles."
"In fact, I would go so far as to say that Aegislash is my pride and joy!"
"I hope that you, too, feel a sense of pride when you look at your own Pokémon."
"To have pride in one's Pokémon means to trust and believe in them! Thus strength is born!"
  • If spoken to again
"If you have pride in your Pokémon—truly feel it in your heart—your Pokémon will surely respond in kind."
"I feel it in mine own heart and have made a vow to fight every fight with honor and good faith."
  • Random conversation
"Whenever I'm away from home, my Klefki keeps the keys to my estate safe and sound."
"At first, the little prankster made off with my keys, hid them where I couldn't find them..."
"But when I defeated him in a Pokémon battle, he returned the keys to me without so much as a question."
"It was then that I decided to entrust Klefki with my keys of my own accord... We have been jolly friends ever since."
  • If spoken to again
"No thief can steal my keys as long as Klefki is keeping them safe."
"In fact, I would go so far as to say that my being able to walk about with such confidence here on Pasio..."
"despite being so far away from my estate...is all thanks to Klefki."
  • Random conversation
"Maintaining the glorious condition of my steel armor requires intensive training."
"Some days, I plunge my steel gloves into an open flame. On others, I seat myself beneath a raging waterfall."
"Sometimes I don my armor and have my Aegislash attack me head-on! It's true—on my honor as a knight!"
"I would not dare provoke an attack from Aegislash without my steel armor on, however! And do not try such at home, young sir/lady!"
  • If spoken to again
"My Aegislash's attacks are extraordinarily sharp."
"SO sharp and intense that I can feel the force of his attacks through my magnificent armor!"
"And it only intensifies during a battle... I long to feel the same brute force that the Pokémon feel on the front lines."
  • Random conversation
"The desire to protect not only oneself but also the people and Pokémon around you..."
"That desire can be a Trainer's sword—and also his shield!"
"Young <player>, it seems you already possess your own such sword and shield."
"Take up your weapons, and fight to defend your comrades! Lead them to victory!"
  • If spoken to again
"A team will never experience true triumph if its strength is limited to one member!"
"But you, young sir/lady, possess the skill to rescue your teammates from crisis—to reinforce their sense of unity!"
"A sword and shield can be quite useful, but only one who is both stout of heart and filled with pride shall rightfully wield them."
  • Random Conversation
"Long has this suit of armor—this treasure—been held by the esteemed knights of my family."
"Generation after generation, we have protected the land of Kalos, living in peace with the Pokémon that dwell there."
"Long, long ago, the land of Kalos was swept up in a ruthless war, you see..."
"My ancestors banded together with Pokémon to rescue the townspeople from a cruel fate... So 'twas written in the annals of history."
  • If spoken to again
"Those Pokémon and my ancestors were defending the future, child. It is thanks to them that we are able to live in peace now."
"We must not take that for granted. That is why I, Wikstrom, strive to live in harmony with Pokémon..."
"I shall keep the memory of my family's good deeds in my heart and dutifully pass it on to the next generation."
  • Random conversation
"I have given my word that any contest of mine shall be fought fairly and honorably."
"And you, my friend, have demonstrated the very definition of true honor in battle many times over!"
"Thy heart is pure and sincere, as evidenced by your interactions with Pokémon and other Trainers."
"Verily, you fill my heart with pride, child. Nay. Rather, 'tis the team we form together that has that honor!"
  • If spoken to again
"The road is long and hard, young one, but with a bit of good faith and perseverance, you will reach your destination in time."
"Do not waver now! You must proceed with confidence!"
"After all, I will be right here to protect you! My sword is ever at the ready. You have only to ask!"
  • Special log-in conversation (generic)
"Well met, young <player>! I've been awaiting your arrival!"
"I shall be your shield today! Do not tarry, now! Let us be off!"
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"Good morning! I give my word that I shall not falter this day."
  • Special log-in conversation (morning)
"It is good to see you laboring so hard in the early morn. Let us train together!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Greetings! Let us strive for greatness—that we might have no regrets!"
  • Special log-in conversation (afternoon)
"Let us press forward honorably, with the sun at our backs!"
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"You are training hard—and it is well past dusk. Remember, rest is of equal import."
  • Special log-in conversation (evening)
"Only a little more to go! Let us press on, with pride in our hearts!"
  • Special gift conversation
"Do accept this token of my regard! I believe it may be of use to you!"
"I knew it from the moment I laid eyes upon it... Knew that this item was destined to find your hand."
"Clashing with mighty opponents head on, testing each other's mettle, and prevailing over them is what makes both Trainers and Pokémon stronger!"
"I've heard that Farfetch'd in the Galar region can achieve quite a unique Evolution if they can prove their mettle through countless battles."
"They become Sirfetch'd, a noble Pokémon that uses a giant leek as a lance to do honorable battle with any opponent that dares challenge it!"
"I can sympathize with that principle! I would love to encounter one someday."
"When that day comes, you shall be at my side!"
  • Special Fire-type Training event blurb
"You shall witness the strength of Steel type! En garde!"
  • Special Fire-type Training event conversation
"Ho! Well met, young challenger! I see you wish to test your mettle against the unyielding ice! May our contest be fair and honorable!"