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baby text follow up

So, the new updated baby template you mentioned me does not support this card. Thought I'd let you know! :) MannedTooth (Talk) 13:40, 14 September 2016 (UTC)

UPDATE: It won't support any of the babies of Aquapolis. MannedTooth (Talk) 14:11, 14 September 2016 (UTC)
I have addressed this issue one year ago Sunday, and we will get to it. MaverickNate 15:02, 14 September 2016 (UTC)

card infobox print

Shouldn't the card shown in the info box of this card be the most recent one (EX Power Keepers) ? It has the same code in the same order than this one, which shows the most recent one. How do you do that? MannedTooth (Talk) 15:55, 15 September 2016 (UTC)

It cycles on a timer. glikglak 17:10, 15 September 2016 (UTC)


Hi. I was just wondering for the cards from the Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary subset, are we redirecting to the original Base Set article or creating a new article? — Ruixiang95 20:53, 15 September 2016 (UTC)

Only reprints are ever redirected to their original article. If the card features any gameplay-differing differences, then it is considered a brand new card. If the card plays the same as its retro print, then it should be redirected to the Original Era card, as it is only then considered a reprint. MaverickNate 20:59, 15 September 2016 (UTC)
Actually, may I know the difference between Charmeleon (Base Set 24) and Charmeleon (Expansion Pack 20th 10)? And if so, may I request to have a check on the CP6 articles I recently created and delete accordingly? — Ruixiang95 21:04, 15 September 2016 (UTC)
All the articles you've created so far are fine. Kakuna has a different attack effect for Stiffen, causing the attack to play differently. Mew has an Ability instead of a Pokémon Power, which makes the Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary Mew interact with cards like Garbodor while the Original Era Mew would not. Koffing is Psychic type and not Grass type, making it interact with different cards' Weaknesses and Resistances. Charmeleon's attack damages are different. Honestly I'm expecting there to be far fewer exact reprints than brand new cards. I was actually pretty surprised when I looked at Caterpie and realized they were the same. MaverickNate 21:13, 15 September 2016 (UTC)
So apparently, only Caterpie and Weedle are exact reprints. I have make a mistake on Hitmonchan (Expansion Pack 20th 60) and realized that they are two different cards, because of the HP and attack damages. I may have accidentally blanked the article, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused. — Ruixiang95 04:26, 16 September 2016 (UTC)
Not a problem! Thanks for seeing something happen with the other cards and coming to me to ask about it! MaverickNate 09:19, 16 September 2016 (UTC)

TCG vs tt template

So, while I understand the uses of when we link a Ppkémon to its TCG card page when talking about the card name, but can you explain this edit ? I would like to know why we shouldn't use the tt template instead, it makes it read as Search your deck for a card that evolves from this Pokémon which is more than accurate. Anyway, I've undone this one too in case it should stay like it was. I'm waiting for your input on this ! :) MannedTooth (Talk) 01:17, 25 September 2016 (UTC)

A card that evolves from Vulpix won't only evolve from the specific EX Hidden Legends Vulpix, but any card printed with the name Vulpix. Thus, that reference isn't only talking about that specific card and is linked accordingly. MaverickNate 01:21, 25 September 2016 (UTC)

adding merchandise

Let's say that I want to add merchandise to the page that doesn't have it. For example this one. How shall I proceed? Because I saw that many were missing. MannedTooth (Talk) 00:58, 26 September 2016 (UTC)

Find the appropriate Series of merchandise it belongs to, along with any relevant news stories, tweets, and images on Bulbanews and Archives. Post it chronologically with all of those links on the merchandise page, with a paragraph or two that includes all there is to know about the products and any exclusive merch inside them, written in such a way that makes the prose for that section distinct from the ones before it. (That page for this set of tins would be this one.) Give the section any relevant subsections like Promo cards and Product images. MaverickNate 01:28, 27 September 2016 (UTC)
The XY BREAK Series merchandise page is at least 30 products behind, so as with everything, it is preferred slash advised that as many are posted in as few edits as possible rather than adding each individual product one by one. MaverickNate 01:31, 27 September 2016 (UTC)

template modification

This template needs to be updated to accept at least 16 cards (15 current) in order to add every print of this card. MannedTooth (Talk) 15:03, 27 September 2016 (UTC)

You're probably working on this at the very moment, but just to let you know, you forgot a "|" after the line | style="display:none;" |* and so for every line after a 3rd consecutive print (so 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, etc.) MannedTooth (Talk) 20:32, 27 September 2016 (UTC)

Viewing articles in a cross-section of categories

Hey man, been awhile. I just started a desk job where I have a fair amount of down time, so I figure I'll do a little work in my free time. Anyway, quick question that I should know the answer to: is there anywhere I can put in two or more categories and see all the article that are in both/all of said categories? Thanks. --Politoed666 21:25, 27 September 2016 (UTC)