
Revision as of 20:12, 25 September 2016 by Rahl (talk | contribs) (→‎Moves used)
けろけろ Kerokero
Bag Poké Ball SV Sprite.png
Y Croaky.png
Y's Greninja
Debuts in An X-cuse to Come Out and Play
Caught in Fast-Thinking Froakie
Caught at Route 5
Evolves in Shooting Frogadier
Gender Male
Ability Unknown
Current location With Y
HOME656.png HOME657.png HOME658.png
This Pokémon spent 16 chapters as Froakie and 15 chapters as Frogadier.

Croaky (Japanese: けろけろ Kerokero) is a Pokémon owned by Y in the Pokémon Adventures manga.


As a Froakie

Croaky was originally a starter Pokémon owned by Professor Sycamore. Croaky was first seen as a Froakie in An X-cuse to Come Out and Play, where he was given to Trevor alongside a Chespin and Fennekin in the hopes that X would pick one and leave his house and go on a journey. His attempt was interrupted by the appearance of the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas and Yveltal, which appeared in Vaniville Town and caused destruction as they fought each other. Although Trevor and his friends escaped, the case with Fennekin's Poké Ball and Pokédex was lost during the chaos.

In They Have a Flare for a Li'l Kanga-Napping, Tierno presented Froakie and Chespin to X and reveals that he, Trevor, and Shauna agreed that Froakie and Chespin should go to X and Y, as they are the best battlers of the group. X refuses both of them as he does not want them to be constantly targeted and attacked by their enemies, Team Flare, due to them being on his team. Later, Y finds the Team Flare scientists Aliana and Mable attempting to steal X's Li'l Kanga. When Mable attempts to have her Houndoom burn Y with its flames, Froakie saved Y with a wall of Frubbles. While X teamed up with Chespin to face Aliana's Diggersby, Froakie battled Mable's Houndoom. Eventually, X and Chespin managed to free X's friends from the room they were trapped in and pin Aliana and Mable to a tree, defeating them and giving X's group the chance to escape. Despite battling together, X still refused to let either Pokémon join him team.

In Fast-Thinking Froakie, Y decides to add Froakie to her team due to X keeping Chespin and gives him the nickname Croaky. During Sky Trainer practice, an accident caused Y to fall to the ground. She was saved by Croaky using his Frubbles to cushion the impact. Afterward, Y decided to end her training for the day and went in X's tent to change clothes in privacy. She is interrupted by an Electrike that stole her regular clothes and ran off. After Croaky uses his Frubbles to create makeshift top for Y, the group chased after the Electrike. With his speed and jumping skills, Croaky easily dodged Electrike's moves and managed to take back Y's clothes.

As a Frogadier

In Shooting Frogadier, Y and her friends end up battling a group of Sky Trainers controlled by Team Flare while in a helicopter piloted by Cassius. Although they won, the battle ended up damaging the helicopter enough that it began to break apart, forcing Cassius to make an emergency landing. One of the propeller blades broke off and hit Y in the head, causing her to be sent flying down towards Route 9. Her fall was broken once again by Croaky's Frubbles. As she traveled the route to try and get back to her friends, Y found Malva and Celosia talking about their next plan. Celosia, sensing Y's presence behind a boulder, used her Honedge to try and destroy the boulder, but Y and Croaky dodged in time. Just as Celosia took another swing, Croaky evolved into a Frogadier, grabbed Y, and leaped high into the air. He then took a piece of the boulder that was knocked into the air, covered it in a Frubble, and tossed it at a group of wild Rhyhorn, startling them into stampeding in front of Malva and Celosia. This convinced the two Team Flare members that there wasn't anyone else in the area. Afterward, Y began following Malva and Celosia to their next destination. Using his agility, Croaky stayed ahead of Y in the trees and alerted her when it was safe to move forward. With a trail of Frubbles he left behind, X and the others eventually managed to reach Y again.

In PAXY32, the group traveled to Pokémon Village to find Team Flare after they went into hiding. Upon arriving, the group was attacked by Xerosic, who used his Malamar to put everyone to sleep with Hypnosis. By evolving into a Greninja and blocking out the sound with his tongue, Croaky avoided falling asleep, allowing him to knock Malamar to the ground. When Malamar got back up, Croaky attempted to up his evasion while lowering Malamar's speed, but due to a combination of Topsy-Turvy and Contrary, Croaky's attempts backfired, leaving him open to be put to sleep by Hypnosis.

Personality and characteristics

Croaky was shown to be very helpful and brave as he has saved Y from danger many times. Croaky is also very serious and efficient, wasting no time to jump into action. As a Froakie and a Frogadier, Croaky was able to utilize the Frubbles he produced in various ways, such as creating a copy of himself to fool an enemy or leaving a trail for his friends to follow.

Moves used

Croaky Mat Block.png
Using Mat Block
Move First Used In
Double Team Fast-Thinking Froakie
Water Shuriken  PAXY32
Bubble PAXY33
Smokescreen X & Y chapter
Mat Block  X & Y chapter
A shows that the move was used recently, unless all moves fit this case or there are fewer than five known moves.
Moves improvised
Picture First Used In Moves Involved Partnered With
Y Croaky Froakie Frubbles.png
Y Croaky Frogadier Frubbles.png
Inn-teresting Developments None None
Description: Frubble (Japanese: ケロムース Keromousse) is a physical characteristic of Froakie and Frogadier. It reaches into the bubbles on its neck, pulling out handfuls of bubbles and throwing them at its opponents much like an actual attack. This is used usually to subdue the opponents and strike them while they are distracted. Croaky can also use the Frubbles to make a copy of itself and be used as a makeshift piece of clothing. As a Frogadier Croaky would put pebbles into his Frubbles to add weight behind them.


Language Name Origin
Japanese けろけろ Kerokero From ケロマツ Keromatsu and ケロケロ kero-kero
English Croaky From Froakie and croak
German Quax From Quajutsu and Quak
Chinese (Mandarin) 呱呱 Guāguā From 呱呱泡蛙 Guāguāpàowā and 呱呱 guāguā

Related articles

For more information on this Pokémon's species, see Froakie, Frogadier, and Greninja.

Project Manga logo.png This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.