gopineco uses bulbapedia for very important information.

Blue Team

Don't remember all the information, but do remember Pokémon from the last time I played. I should try to find this game again soon.

  • Blastoise
  • Nidoqueen
  • Raichu
  • Hitmonlee
  • Dodrio
  • Tangela

Yellow Team

Restarted recently.

  • Pikachu
  • Clefable
  • Victreebel
  • Machamp (Ricky the in-game trade)
  • Lapras
  • Aerodactyl (planned)

Silver Team

Similar situation as Blue. The in-game clock stopped working though, so I have to leave the game going until the battery dies. Good thing there are re-chargers though, or else my game wouldn't last overnight.

  • Feraligatr
  • Forretress
  • Girafarig
  • Piloswine
  • Murkrow
  • Magcargo

Emerald Team

The last team I had that I liked.

  • Swampert
  • Mightyena
  • Dustox
  • Breloom
  • Manectric
  • Skarmory

Fire Red Team

I started over recently. This is my new team for it. I gave them some cool nicknames too. Explanations too.

  • Parasect "Tochukaso" - from pokédex entry of Paras
  • Raticate (Shiny, found it early in game so I kept it on the team) "Squeak" - rats squeak
  • Arbok "Adnocana" - anaconda backwards
  • Hypno "Baku" - from pokédex entry of Drowzee
  • Flareon "Fever" - It's perfect because it has that "eve" from Eevee and it's a word associated with high temperature.
  • Cloyster "Pearl" - It's a bivalve thing with a pearl inside.

Diamond Team


  • Empoleon
  • Luxray
  • Lopunny
  • Honchkrow
  • Abomasnow
  • Rampardos

Platinum Team

Pokémon Level Nature Area Met Held Item Ability Moves Known
Level -- Adamant Route 206 Expert Belt   Sand Veil Earthquake
Aerial Ace
Poison Jab
Level -- Calm Obtained From Bebe at Hearthome City Leftovers   Water Absorb Surf
Aqua Ring
Level -- Modest Route 214 Heat Rock   Flash Fire Dark Pulse
Sunny Day
Level -- Quiet Great Marsh Quick Claw   Chlorophyll Energy Ball
Air Slash
Level -- Brave Route 217 Metronome   Snow Cloak Earthquake
Stone Edge
Level -- Timid Route 217 Icy Rock   Snow Cloak Hail
Shadow Ball
Destiny Bond
  This user lieks Mudkipz.
  This user identifies as male.
  This user has black hair.
  This user has a pet Dog.
  This user likes dogs.
  This user has Pokémon games from every generation.
  This user is a Champion!
  This user was an early supporter of remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver.
  This user has a chronic headache.
  This user loves ketchup as much as Pikachu.
  O RLY?
  This user loves nature.
  This user prefers the nighttime.
  This user is a Pokémon expert.
  This user plays in sandboxes.
  This user is afraid of sharks.
  This user's favorite Pokémon is Pineco.
  This user is intelligent.
  This user's first partner Pokémon is Squirtle.
  This user liked Steve Irwin.
  This user enjoys swimming.
  This user is a competitive battler.
  This user has watched Computer Soldier Porygon.
  This user likes the original series of the Pokémon animated series.
  This user likes Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.