Pokémon Learning League

Pokémon Learning League is a web-based educational series that uses characters from the Pokémon anime to teach students in the areas of science, math, language arts, and life skills. The site is aimed at American children in grades 3 to 6. The site was free when it was first set up in 2006 but is only viewable through a paid subscription service from January 1, 2007 on.

It should be noted that there are many variations from the main anime canon, including the existence of the PokéPilot. Additionally, the fourth wall is often broken by the characters either asking for help or thanking the person doing the lesson.

Mission Guides

Mission Guides are characters created specifically for Pokémon Learning League to assist the student in four types of subject matter. As such, they don't appear in any media outside of Pokémon Learning League.

  • Ada is the Mission Guide for Mathematics.
  • Lex is the Mission Guide for Language Arts.
  • Quinn is the Mission Guide for Life Skills.
  • Siara is the Mission Guide for Science.


Lessons in Pokémon Learning League are divided up into three parts.


In the Watch segments, students are introduced to one or more characters from the Pokémon anime who have a problem. They then turn to the PokéPilot (and thus, the Mission Guide for that particular content area) to help them solve their problem.


In the Try segments, students follow a guided practice along with the characters from the Watch segment. The Try segment reinforces the lesson taught in Watch, often mirroring the order that the process was followed there.


In the Apply segments, students play a game on their own (with minimal interference from the Mission Guide or any character) and apply the skill or skills that they have been taught. The Apply segments often end in a short video that shows the anime characters solving their problem.

Lesson synopsis


Ada appears in all of these lessons.

Types of Angles

Ash and Brock are camping and want to pitch a tent, but are having trouble with the directions, as it is presented in various degrees.

Characters who appear in this episode are:

PEMDAS (Order of Operations)

Team Rocket has targeted Oak's Lab and has stolen a chest of Poké Balls. As they escape, they accidentally close the lid, only to find that it is locked with a special lock that has number combinations hidden within very complex math problems. The chest is later found by Ash and May, who must solve the puzzles using the order of operations.

Characters who appear in this episode are:


Ash and May are traveling through a forest when they decide to take a snack break. They find out that they only have one Watmel Berry. So they decide to split it so that each Pokémon gets an equal share of the berry.

Characters that appear in this episode are


While Ash was watching Brawly surf, a big wave wipes him out, and his surfboard is broken. So Ash decides to buy a him a new surfboard for him. The only problem is that he isn't sure which shop would have the least expensive board.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Interestingly, the Pokémon world's currency is referred here as PokéDollars, and are worth the equivalent of a U.S dollar rather then the Japanese yen as in the games.

Area of a Circle

Misty's Psyduck is standing on the rim of a tank of water, naturally it falls in and struggles to get out. Misty helps it out and then decides to put a cover on the tanks of the gym. The only problem is that she has to find the area for the top of the circular tanks.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Add and Subtract Fractions

While Brock is making dinner for everyone, May decides to surprise them by making a cake. However, she only has two measuring cups to measure with. So she contacts Ada to learn about how add and subtract fractions.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode suggests that May is usually a terrible cook.

Equivalent Fractions

As Ash's group is traveling, Ash suggest that they stop to take a break. He lets Corphish out so he could eat something as well. Corphish then grabs onto Ash's backpack and the cans of Pokémon food fall out and off a cliff into a river. Now that they're low on food, they decide to split it so each person gets a fair share. Only they can't figure out how to split up the grapes and the loaf of bread.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Brawly has just held a surfboarding tryouts competition in which Ash, May and Max had competited in. They all wished they made the team. As plenty of people had tried out. May wonders how Brawly will choose the best 3 surfers for the team. So they contact Ada, who suggests that the best way to look at the data would be through percents.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Ash mentions other surfers who tried out: Lizzie, R.J and Jeff, but none of these characters are seen.

Mean, Median, Mode, and Range

Professor Oak has sent Tracey to collect data of the Pokémon that have been living around the area. He contacts Ada and shows her the data he has collected. The data is the weights of those the Pokémon he has observed. Ada shows him the range, mean, median and mode of that data set.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Area of a Rectangle

Ash calls out Sceptile and calls out various attacks such as Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade. Suddenly, Officer Jenny appears and calls out to them. She shows them that the park grounds have been torn up by Sceptile's attacks. She then mentions that there are volenteer gardeners who are keeping the park beautiful and asks Ash if he could help out in maintaining the park grounds. Ash accepts and gets to work. However, he wants to make sure that the grass patches fit the exposed areas. He contacts Ada who teaches him about the area of a rectangle.

Characters that appear in this episode are


The episode begins with Team Rocket is preparing for an ambush on Pikachu. The plan is a realtivley simple one, grab Pikachu when it passes by and lock it inside a shock-proof container. Their plan goes off without any problems and they capture it. Ash and May notice that Pikachu is no longer with them. Team Rocket decides bolt with Pikachu, and set traps to hinder the heroes, they even go as far as to announce the plan to Ash and May themselves. Ash sends out Swellow to find where Team Rocket is, but it is off little use since they left no footprints and there are four possible paths they took. What is worse is that 3 of those paths have traps. They contact Ada and learn about probability

Characters that appear in this episode are


Misty is trying to teach Psyduck how to swim. It jumps into the tank and splashes Misty in the face. Misty thinks there's too much water in the tank, so she checks the water level. She reads the water level as 94863 gallons, but that isn't right since she knows that it only fits 1000 gallons. She then notices a dot inbetween the 8 and the 6. This confuses her, so she calls Ada and learns about decimals and how they're used.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Introduction to Algebraic Expressions

Team Rocket is going to steal all the water-type Pokémon from all over Cerulean City. They plan on making an aquarium with the most attractive ones. Jessie has a list of which Pokémon she plans on stealing, but it's written in algebraic equations whose answers are the weight and height of the targeted Pokémon. Just so that in the case that the list is found, it can't be deciphered easily. Meowth arrives with the boat they plan on using for the water-types, but it's far too small, so they head off to find a bigger boat. Meanwhile, Ash is visiting Misty at the Cerulean Gym, while they talk, they come across a crowd of people with Officer Jenny. They ask her what's wrong, and she informs them that suspicous characters have been seen in the area that might be stealing Pokémon, a boat has been stolen, and a note has been found. The note, which has been titled "Pokémon for our Aquarium", but it has all sorts of numbers and letters scribbled onto it. They don't know what this all means, so they contact Ada and learn about algebraic expressions.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Rounding Decimals

Ash and his friends are figuring out the way to get to the next town for Ash's gym battle. They find that there are three routes to take. Brock suggests they take the route with the "awesomest" roadside attractions, while May wants the shortest route. However, they can't exactly tell which is the shortest since the paths are not straight, and each sections are different lengths. They contact Ada, who suggests to round the decimals of the routes.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The routes on the map used are measured in kilometers, mostly because the metric system deals with multiples of ten, which would be easier to work with.

Rounding and Estimating

Brock and his friends are in town for a tournament, and Brock has been asked to cook dinner for the trainers. He wants to impress everyone, so he's asked Ash, May and Max to ask everyone what they would like from the menu Brock he's made up. They come back with the survey of what everyone wants, and Brock is nearly overwhelmed by all the requests. Especially by one trainer who checked everything on the list: Ash. Brock isn't exactly sure how much to make for each dish and starts to panic. The group calls Ada, who teaches them how to round the number of trainers who want a certain dish and estimate how much he should make.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Types of Triangles

Ash and his friends are at a Trick House, trying to find a way through it. Max spots a door with a strange pattern of a bird and a cup made with various triangles. Brock figures it's a puzzle where you need to place triangle pieces so it fits onto the door, opening it to another room. Pikachu finds the pieces needed for the door. They try to fit the pieces onto the door but are having no luck. May calls Ada, who teachs the group about different types of triangles.

Characters that appear in this episode are

During the episode, Ada expressed some interest in the trick house, mostly due to the different sorts of puzzles involved.

Equivalent Values

While May was practicing with Squirtle, Max decide to do a project where he finds out all the coordinators' stats. May comes along to ask what Max is up to, and he tells her about this project. However, the data appears to be expressed in different ways, such as fractions, decimals and precents, so it's difficult to make comparisons. They aren't sure how they should make the data in the same format, so they call Ada up and learn about equivalent values.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Number Lines

The episode starts off with Brock reading several piles of cook books. Ash suddenly shows up and startles him, knocking over all the books. Ash asks what he's doing. Brock explains that since May did so well in her last contest, he's going to make something special as a reward, however, Brock is having a hard time deciding what to make. Ash wonders if he can make them all. Brock explains that he may not even have enough ingredients to make one of those things. He then discovers that he only has half a liter of milk. So he can only make a recipe which uses just that much. However, most of the recipies list how much milk is needed by percents and fractions. They are unsure if this is enough. They call Ada, who teaches them about number lines as a great way to compare numbers.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Area of a Triangle

Ash and his friends are waiting for Brock, who is making sandwiches. Max calls for the biggest one, despite May saying that he's the smallest. Ash calls for the second biggest while May calls for the third and Pikachu presumably calling for the fourth. Brock arrives with the sandwiches, and he's made a variety of them, which includes: jelly, cheese, veggie and spicy spread. Max asks which one is the biggest, but Brock doesn't really know, as he cut each different sandwich into a different shaped triangle. Max insists that they'll eat after he finds out which is the biggest, since they all called for the biggest, second biggest, etc. However, May reasons that there's enough for more then one, so they should find out how much is the same amount, much to the dismay of Ash. They call up Ada, who teaches the group about the area of a triangle.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Tracey is cleaning Poké Balls at Professor Oak's laboratory and Ash's Bulbasaur is with him. Tracey explains that Oak takes care of thousands of Pokémon that belong to different trainers, each Poké Ball holds a Pokémon that's currently resting. Tracey is cleaning the lab since Ash's Muk got the place very dirty earlier. Muk apologizes, but Tracey says that he's just glad he's done cleaning the balls. Now he has to put them all back in their spots on the shelves. He calls Ada up to see how he should put them back. She teaches him about Factors.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Least Common Denominator

Max finds Brock in a kitchen, who is making some new recipies for his Pokémon. He wants to know which ones they liked the best, but he needs more ingredients for the next batch. Brock asks Max to write down how much each of them ate of each recipie. Max agrees and gets to work. A little later, Brock reads what Max wrote. However, they're all represented in fractions with different denominators, so he isn't sure which one is the most popular. He tries to ask his Pokémon, but they're all sleeping off the big meals they each had. Brock calls Ada, who teaches him on how to use the least common denominator to compare the fractions.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Ordered Pairs on a Coordinated Grid

Tracey is in an area where the Primeape population has risen dramatically over the past few years. He's there because Professor Oak has asked him to see if any other types of Pokémon live in the area. He was given a coordinate grid, which is like a map of the area. There are several notes on certain locations. Tracey has to avoid the locations marked with "Primeape", and if he sees other Pokémon, he has to mark it on the map. He looks at the map, he figures that the middle of the map is the starting point, but if he mixes the coordinates up, he may run into a Primeape. Suddenly, a bush starts to move, but it turns out to be just a Pidgey. He calls Ada and explains his situation, she teaches him on how to read a coordinated grid.

Characters that appear in this episode are


May wants to get to a Pokémon contest arena early so she has time to practice. However, the map Ash was given by the contest directors has unusual directions to the arena, and Max isn't there was the Pokénav to help out. The directions on the map reference buildings with unusual features such as "trapezoid shaped windows". They figure that these features are shapes. So they call Ada and learn about different types of Polygons.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Key Words in a Word Problem

Misty has just received new tanks filled for Barboach. She explains that the builder left in a hurry, the tank's weight must be spread evenly onto the floor and that she was given a note on how many pounds of Pokémon each tank can hold. However, she wasn't exactly sure what was ment by the list, so she just filled the bigger tank with more Barboach. However, now the tank is overflowing and cracks are appearing in the floor. She calls Ada and shows her the directions for the tank. Ada teaches her on how to solve a word problem using the key words.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Siara appears in all of these lessons.

Lunar Cycle

Ash and May are heading towards a Pokémon contest arena, but it is getting late and are afraid that they'll have to continue in the dark. Ash is confident that the moon will be bright enough for them, but May isn't so sure about this, so they contact Siara about this.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Notably, this was the first episode made.

The Atom

Ash and May are traveling to another gym, and Ash is eager to get there quick. However, they are stopped by a wild Plusle and Minun who show them a very tiny mushroom. Ash speculates that it may be the smallest thing ever. They then learn that there are in fact things that are even smaller.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

The Sun

Ash, May and Max are walking through a dark forest, they comment on how dark and chilly it is. They hope that the sun will come out at some point. At that point, they come across a group of Bellossom dancing. Max isn't sure of what they are doing so Ash checks his pokédex on the grass Pokémon. Finally the Sun appears and things don't appear as gloomy as before. May wants to know exactly what the Sun actually is, so they contact Siara and learn about it.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

According to Siara and May's dialogue, it appears that the Pokémon world doesn't seem to share the same sun the world of the Learning League lab and the Mission Guides inhabit. Meaning that the Poképilot is possibly capable of extraplanetary or interdimensional communication.


May and Max are heading to Petalburg City to see their mom and dad. They're excited because Norman is planning a surprise birthday party for Caroline. Along the way they pass Nurse Joy, who comments that May is looking more and more like her mother everyday, and that Max definitely has his father's eyes. These comments leave Max somewhat confused, but May notices that Max's eyes somewhat resemble their father's while May does resemble their mother. They contact Siara and learn how heredity works.

Characters that appear in this episode are:


A Snorlax wakes up, notices a few berry bushes and naturally, eats them all. Then it promptly goes back to sleep. Tracey notices this and is worried that all of the berries are gone since the Oran bushes, as it turns out, belong to Professor Oak. Tracey decides to plant more for the other Pokémon, but isn't sure where to start. He contacts Siara and learns that plants make their own food through photosynthesis.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis

Ash, Pikachu and Brock are traveling on top of a ridge when an Absol appears before them. They mention that Absol don't come down from the mountains often, but only do so when a natural disaster is on the way. They decide to leave the area as quickly as they could. Suddenly a rather strong earthquake hits. They wonder if it's the disaster Absol warned them about eariler. They then notice that a crater had been made, but it is blocking the path home. The Absol suddenly appears once more and a rock slide occurs, filling in the newly created crater. They contact Siara and retell the events. Siara teaches them about how the earth can change dramatically.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash, May, Max and Pikachu are in a clearing near a river, accompanying them is a Sableye, who's busy looking at various rocks. Pikachu finds a very shiny one. May thinks it might be silver, which gets Max excited, and accidentally tips a rock which crushes the shiny rock. Now that the rock is broken, they can't tell if it really was silver, so the contact Siara and learn about elements.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Weather Maps

Ash was visiting Hoenn once more and was admiring the weather. They come across a Castform, which promptly changes from it's normal form into it's rainy form. Ash looks it up on his Pokédex and it mentions that it's form changes with the weather. Sure enough, it starts to rain and the Castform floats away. Ash and Pikachu find shelter and wonder when it will stop raining so they can continue to look for it. While he waits, he contacts Siara and tells her about the situation, and she teaches how to read a weather map and what the symbols mean.

Characters that appear in this episode are

According to the first map used in this lesson, the Learning League Lab is close to a northern bay. On the second map, several locations are were invented for the lesson, which include:

  • Awesome Town
  • Cool City
  • Superduper City
  • Chill Town
  • Rad Island
  • Peace Plateau


The episode starts with Team Rocket walking through a forest, complaining about the heat and suffering as usually. Luckly for them, they come across a stream and cool off. Meowth spots some shiny rocks on the bank of the stream. Team Rocket jumps to the conclusion that it's gold, and leave to get tools to dig it all up. As they leave, Ash, May and Max appear from behind a ledge and come to the conclusion that they're up to no good as usual. They come to the stream also spot the "gold", but Ash doesn't believe that it really is gold. They contact Siara to find out about the rocks, and teaches them about minerals, and how they are different from rocks.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash, May, Max and Brock are at a park and in 1 hour, Ash will be battling someone. In order to kill time, the group decides to look around the different areas of the park. May and Max are heading to the beach, but it's 20 minutes away, so it'll take them 40 minutes to travel their and back. Brock has an even longer route since he'll be heading to the mountain, which will take him 30 minutes, but is supposed to be the closest to where they are now, and it'll only take him 20 to head back. However, Ash is heading to the woods, which is supposed to be the same distance as the beach, but it'll take only 10 minutes there and back. They wonder why it'll take different amounts of time to get to different areas, so they contact Siara, who teaches them about speed and how it is measured.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Light Energy

The episode starts of with Max engrossed in a book. Ash and May try to get his attention, but Max insists on finishing the book, As May is still trying to get Max's attention, she plays with a glass of water that's sitting next to him, afriad that she's going to spill it, he tries to move her hand from it. They move the glass in such a way so that a small rainbow appears. They wonder how Max made the rainbow, and May wants to make one. She moves the glass again but this time the rainbow dissappears. Max tries to make the rainbow appear once more but couldn't do it. They call up Siara and ask her about the rainbow. She teaches the group about light and how it can make a rainbow.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Sound Energy

Corphish seems to have gone missing, and Ash, May, Max and Pikachu are looking for it. They hear Corphish call out but don't know where it's coming from. They call up Siara and she teaches the group about sound.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash and Pikachu are waiting for Max and May at the Pokémon Center, and Ash is feeling a bit bored. Ash decides to play with a ball. He rolls the ball into a hole in the ground from a ramp, however, when he tries to roll it, it doesn't even reach the hole. He decides to move the ramp closer to the hole. It works and the ball goes into the hole. Ash names the new game "Rampball", Ash decides to make the game a little harder, so he calls Siara to see if she has any ideas. She teaches Ash all about friction.

Characters that appear in this episode are


May, Max and all of her Pokémon are outside playing, Max and May then decide to play with a skateboard. At some point, Max falls off his skateboard and lands on his behind, he blames May for tripping him, and May blames him for cutting her off. They call Siara to prove that May's skateboard just kept going. Siara explains motion: the way things move.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Plant Cells

Ash, May and Pikachu travel to a part of a forest Ash and May really love, due to all the different flowers that grow there. Along the way they spot Team Rocket's balloon. Ash and May wonder what they were up to, but May begins to notice peculiar flowers she's never seen before: ones with streaks of red and blue on white. She wonders how she could grow flowers like these, so May and Ash decide to call Siara, and learn about what makes up a plant cell.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Potential and Kinetic Energy

Ash, May and Max are riding a log ride in an amusement park. They wanted to know what made the ride so exhilirating, but don't have enough tickets. So they call Siara and she teaches them about potential and kinetic energy.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Solar System

Ash and Pikachu have made a campfire and are looking at all the stars in the night sky. He begins to wonder how stars and planets are different from each other, so he calls Siara, who explains to him about the planets in the solar system.

Characrers that appear in this episode are

The dialogue suggests that the Pokémon World isn't really a part of the Milky Way Galaxy. It also doesn't include Pluto as a planet.

Rock Cycle

The episode starts off with Brock and Ash admiring a high mountain that they must cross to get to the next town. Pikachu then notices a Graveler falling from the cliffs above. They find that there's a lot of them on the mountain, and don't want to disturb them, as they are very burly. The problem is that the Graveler look exactly like the rocks they must climb. Ash checks his Pokédex on them, which mentions their habits of climbing to the tops of mountains and eating the rocks along the way. When they reach the top, they tumble back down. Brock wants to know how to tell the difference between the real rock and the Graveler. They decide to call Siara to learn more about rocks. Brock's reaction to Siara is just the same as with any other woman. He tries to hit on her, claiming that she "rocks her world". He even preforms a rock guitar solo, claiming it impresses the ladies, even though Ash points out that they're the only two people in the area. Suddenly a small rock falls from the cliff near Brock, which startles him. Siara then teaches them about different types of rocks.

Characters that appear in this episode are

It appears that Brock is aware of the inspiration for his english name. (Add B to rock makes Brock.)


Ash, May and Max are walking along when Pikachu spots a Magneton. As the Magneton floats away, May asks what sort of Pokémon Magneton is. Max explains what a Magneton is: three Magnemite joined by magnetism. May asks what magnetism is, and why it brings them together. However, Max can't explain it fast enough so May calls Siara. Siara explains what magnetism is and how it works.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Unlike most episodes, the Mission Guide, Siara, is the one with the problem: She was lost and had to make a compass to get her back to the Learning League Lab.

Three States of Matter

May and Ash are getting ready to practice with their Pokémon. Ash sends out Grovyle while May tells Squirtle to use Ice Beam. Ash tells Grovyle to use Leaf Blade, but the Ice Beam hits and Grovyle is frozen solid. The match is stopped and Squirtle feels sorry. May asks Combusken to use Fire Spin on Grovyle. The ice melts and steam suddenly fills the area. Ash, May and Brock are amazed and curious as what caused the steam to appear. Brock recalls that steam appears when he's boiling pasta. So they call Siara and learn about the three states of matter.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Strangely enough, Pikachu is nowhere to be seen in this episode.

Simple Machines

Ash and May are heading toward the Pokémon center for a rest. When they get there, they discover that the place is in shambles. Nurse Joy explains that the place is so messy because a Larvitar used a Sandstorm attack after it was healed, and she was so busy with other Pokémon that she didn't have time to clean the place up. Ash and May are happy to help clean it up. Nurse Joy informs them that the tools are in the cabinet. They look at the tools but are unsure of which one is right for each job. Since Nurse Joy is too busy, they call up Siara and learn about how wedges, inclined planes and levers work.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Simple Machines Part 2

Ash and his friends are heading toward a Pokémon center. However, the way is blocked by an enormous boulder. Officer Jenny appears and explains that the boulder must have fallen from the mountain during the night, and they are not sure how to move it. Ash suggests that Blaziken and Sceptile might be able to blast it apart. May tells Blaziken to use Sky Uppercut, but it does nothing to the rock. Ash commands Sceptile uses Leaf Blade, but it's just as ineffective. Brock, trying to impress Officer Jenny, decides to move the boulder himself, but it doesn't even budge. Ash decides to call Siara, who teaches the group about the wheel and axle, pullies and screws.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Scientific Method

Tracey is in the east side of Kanto, sketching Lickitung. Several Lickitung head toward an apple tree and one licks an apple. It suddenly reacts strangely. Tracey wonders why it doesn't seem to like the apple, and he isn't sure how to do research, so he calls Siara and she teaches him on the steps of scientific method.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode references the dex info on Lickitung in that it is put off by things that taste sour.

In the apply section, Ada appears with green hair, so Siara comes up with an experiment to see why Ada's hair has turned green. It turns out Ada accidentally used Quinn's green facepaint instead of her usual conditioner. Quinn also makes an appearance in this episode.

Weathering and Erosion

Ash, May and Max are traveling over a hill and wonder how long it will take them to their destination. Max brings out an old map he found. According to the map, there isn't supposed to be a hill where they are, but as he reads, he isn't watching where he is going and he slips down the hill. Max is fine but he wonders if the map is okay. Ash reads the map. According to it there's supposed to be a river that they're supposed to cross, however, the river is much further then it appears on the map. May notices that the map's wirting looks kinda funny, and it's from "Ye Olde Mappe Shoppe". Max says that he found the map in an old book in the Pokémon center, and is supposed to be over 200 years old. Max assumed that the land wouldn't have changed in that time, since it would have been known if it did. The group calls Siara and learn about weathering and erosion.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Tides and Waves

Ash and Misty are at a beach with Pikachu and Azurill, who is practicing some water attacks in the water. Ash compliments Misty for training Azurill well, but Misty complains that the waves aren't strong enough now then they were a little while ago. Ash predicts that they'll probably be back tomorrow, but Misty isn't quite sure. Ash notices that the waves are now able to reach Pikachu even though it hasn't moved much. Ash and Misty wonder what's going on, so they decide to call up Siara and find out. Siara teaches them on how waves are formed and how the tides are formed.

Characters that apper in this episode are

According to the Misty's diolouge, The Pokémon World and the world of the Learning League Lab are not the same despite obeying the same laws of physics.

Language Arts

Lex appears in all of these lessons.

Story Elements

Ash and his friends are traveling through a forest, May is complaining that they have been walking for a while and asks Max for directions. They find out that they have been walking in circles. Ash suggests that they climb a mountain to get a better view of the area. They all agree and race to the top. They finally spot the next town, only for the weather to change for the worse. To avoid the rain, they take shelter inside a cave. The gang realizes that they had quite an adventure and decide to contact Lex and tell him about their experience. Lex then teaches the group about the parts of a story.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Similes and Metaphors

Ash and Brock are backstage with Eevee at a Pokémon show. May finds out that for this competition, descriptions must be written about the Pokémon being entered. They contact Lex who teaches the group about similes and metaphors.

Characters that appear in this episode are:


Ash, May, Max and Brock are heading towards another Pokémon Contest, May is quite excited about it. When they get there, the group discovers that there are reporters there, interviewing the Coordinators about their Pokémon. This made May a little nervous, as she wasn't prepared for that. They decide to practice by holding a mock interview, May gives a response that seems rather... dull. So they contact Lex to see how the can "spice up" May's response.

Character that appear in this episode are:

Writing for Different Audiences

Brock was checking his email and finds that his brother, Forrest, has sent him one. Along with how much Brock's siblings miss him, the email also states that he has started an Onix fanclub, because he thinks Onix is a great Pokémon and wants to link other Onix trainers together. Forrest has sent a rough draft of the letter he plans on sending to every trainer he could think of has trained an Onix, which includes Brock, Forrest's friends and even Bruno of the Elite Four. However, the letter Forest sent seems rather informal, which is an issue since this letter is being sent to Bruno. Brock decides to contact Lex to see how he can improve Forrest's letter. Lex teaches Brock that it isn't just the content of what you are writing, but who it is for that matters.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Hyperbole, Personification, Onomatopoeia

Ash, May and Max, along with Pikachu, Squirtle and Eevee are all heading towards a Pokémon Contest, and as usual, May is psyched for it, and is hoping that a crowd will be there. Along the way they pass a poster with Bette's Butterfree on it advertising the for the contest, the poster claims that the audience will jump sky high. They pass another contest poster, this time with a Beedrill, which may or may not belong to someone called Toby, claiming that there's a buzz going on at the contest. A third poster with an Electrike belonging to Elena claims that it's thunder will run. These sayings confuse Max and Ash while May freaks out that she doesn't have a poster of her own, and that no one cheer for her (Much to the dismay of Ash and Max). She decides to make a poster of her own, but isn't sure how to make it so that it's as exciting as the other posters. They contact Lex who teaches them about Hyperboles, Personification and Onomatopoeia.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Bette, Toby and Elena are coordinators that are mentioned but don't appear in the lesson. Also, on Elena's poster, Electrike is misspelled Elecktrike

Personal Narrative

Ash and his friends are on a ferry heading towards another battle Ash wants to compete in. Max comments that Ash has been in plenty of battles, and Ash replies that he's had fun at each one. Max then asks which one did he think was the best, Ash couldn't decide and recalls some of them, such as his battle with Ritchie and his Pikachu, and his battle with Falkner, and catching Heracross. However, as he tried to tell his stories, he tended to leave details out or stumble over his wording, which made the stories somewhat confusing to follow. Even Brock who had been with Ash himself couldn't understand Ash's recollections well. Ash was too excited to really make it clear for the group. So they decide to call Lex. Who suggests some pointers on how to make a personal story interesting for others.

Characters that appear in this episode are

During the episode, Brock recalls a dream where he and Harley went out for pizza and Harley couldn't stop talking about himself and that made him fall asleep in the dream, which caused Harley to get mad and throw soda at him, waking Brock up for real.

During this lesson, references to Electric Shock Showdown, Ka Boom With a View, New Plot - Odd Lot, Going for Choke and Pokémon, I Choose You were made.


Ash, Pikachu and Max were walking towards each other, not paying attention to where they were going. They bumped into each other, causing both their papers to fly in all directions. Ash decides to help Max pick up all the papers. He asks him what they are for. Max replies that he's helping Roxanne write descriptions of Pokémon for her guide for new trainers at the trainer's school. The only problem is that his descriptions are too long and must be shortened. Ash decides to contact Lex to help out Max. Lex introduces the concept of contractions.

Characters that appear in this episode are


May is waiting for Ash at the Pokémon Center. However, she is becoming increasingly bored and hungry just waiting for him. Not even her "May's expedition" game is helping, so she heads of to find lunch. At the picnic table, she only finds a sandwich, which she's not in the least bit interested in. She decides to call Lex to see what he's up to. She finds that Lex is working on a new song with his electric guitar. She explains her situation and even mentions that she's so boring that Max doesn't even want to read her diary. Lex brings up that writing can be useful for relieving boredom. May reads him an entry from her diary, which is very dull and non-descriptive. Lex then suggests syntax to her improve sentence structure and make the story far more interesting then before.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Context Clues

Brock is busy sight-seeing around a town. However, he would like it better if he was sight seeing with a pretty girl. He spots an Officer Jenny by the library, so he rushes to her side and in Brock fashion, asks Jenny if she could sight-see with him. Officer Jenny is just happy to show Brock around the town and it's many attractions. As she is thrilled to show off how "resplendent" the town's "vista" is, Brock becomings increasingly confused by her abnormally large vocabulary, he quickly rushes off to call Lex about his predicament. Lex suggests to use context clue to figure out what this "cognizant" Officer Jenny means.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Writing a Business Letter

Max has just received a new telescope called the "Star Explorer Telescope 3000", which will help him view a comet that is supposed to show up once in a lifetime. However, when he opens up the box, it comes in various pieces, and there doesn't appear to be any instructions on how to put it together. He decides to call Lex if he has any ideas. He suggests to send a letter to the company that makes the telescope. He then teaches May and Max how a business letter is properly written.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The business letter Lex uses as examples during the lesson has addresses from the United States.

Sharing and Reflecting

Max is very bored. It's been raining for a few days and he's read every book in his backpack. He asks May if she has any books for him to read, but she has none. Ash however, mentions that he's read a book about different trainer's experiences, and that Nurse Joy might have that book. Max asks for the book at the front, and Nurse Joy gets it, but he's too eager to wait so he asks Ash about it. Ash couldn't really say much about it aside from it being good. They decide to call Lex, since he's an expert at this sort of thing. They call him up and he teaches them about how to share and reflect on what they have read.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Lex mentions a ficitious book he read as an example called Simcha in the City

The Poképilot is capable of uploading excripts from books almost instantaniously. Ash loads a book written by a Pokémon trainer named Logan who is chased by a swarm of Beedrill, only to come face to face with a Gyarados, something Ash has done multipule times in the anime.


May, Max and Eevee are heading towards Professor Oak's Laboratory in Pallet Town. Max is psyched that he'll spend time with Professor Oak, but May thinks he'll be too busy. Max then has the idea to work on an entirely new project with Professor Oak, but has no idea where to begin. May suggests that he studies Eevee, simply because it's cute, but Max isn't convinced as "cuteness isn't scientific". But he's somewhat convinced he could study on Eevee's claim to fame. However, May complains about the heat, causing Max to recall the time he helped the Shroomish in the mansion by planting trees. Max gets over-excited on how Pokémon live in their natural habitats, but he isn't sure on how he could propose the idea to Professor Oak so it sounds impressive and offical. They call up Lex and learn about outlines and how they're laid out before project is written.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Apparently, May is grossed out by feet.

Point of View

Ash, May and Max have been caught in the rain, luckly, Ash spots a mansion where they could take shelter. Max is hesitant since nobody seems to live there. May hears squeaking and concludes that the place is haunted. However, they need to get out of the rain so they head into the house, despite May's protests. From behind a bush, Team Rocket watches, and invent a new plan to catch Pikachu, with Meowth disgusing himself as a ghost. Ash and his friends head into the kitchen, where May spots a Meowth-shaped shadow run across a doorway. This freaks out May, but the others didn't even see it. Ash and Max investigate, where they spot Team Rocket tiptoe by. Trying to follow them, they fall into a hole in the floor, leaving May all alone. She spots Team Rocket and then hears Max's voice coming from the dark basement. While Ash, Max and Pikachu stumble around in the dark, May has no idea who's talking, so she opens up the Poképilot and contacts Lex, who teaches her how to tell who's talking by understanding the point of view.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode is quite simlair to Take this House and Shuppet, and not surprisingly, uses the same backgrounds as the episodes.

It is also the only episode of the learning league that uses the Narrator from the english versions of the anime and Pokémon Battle Revolution, This lesson also uses a female narrator voice, which is only used in the Try section.

Peer Feedback

Ash has just won a draw for the chance to be a guest judge a Pokémon Contest. The only problem is that he's never judged anything before, so he has no idea how to give a fair review for all the entries, including May. He's also concerned about if the other entries will agree with what he has to say, which makes Brock, Max and May all glad they were chosen for the task. Ash contacts Lex and he teaches them how to review fairly, accruately and tactfully.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash and May are traveling to another town for another battle, they're trying to get there as fast as they can. Unfortunately, they come across a Snorlax blocking their path. They try to think of a way to get it out of their way. They call up Lex to show them how to put ideas together.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Ash mentions that a Pokéflute can wake it up, but they don't possess one.

Comparative Adjectives

Ash has brought a video tape of a gym challenge to DJ Mary for the local news. He is then asked by DJ Mary to do the forecast on the 6 o'clock news. Ash agrees and is supposed to show up by 5:30. He calls Lex up to help him. Lex suggests to compare different weather patterns in different places using comparative adjectives.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The weather map in the background of the news room is of the Kanto region, even though DJ Mary lives and works in Goldenrod City in Johto.


Ash has just received a letter from Professor Birch. In the letter, he wrote that he's writing a book about the different experiences of Pokémon trainers, and has asked Ash to sent him a story for his book. Ash tries to come up a story, but is having trouble with his sentences. He calls Lex who teaches him about pronouns.

Characters that appear in this episode are

While the episode uses Professor Birch, it would be Professor Oak who would be more likely write a book about trainers and Pokémon. Professor Birch's area of expertise is Pokémon's interaction with the enviroment.

Pokémon Centers also seem to function as post offices.

Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases

The episode starts of with Nurse Joy starting off the stamp rally and explaining the rules of said event. Max and May have entered the competition, As did Team Rocket. They must find the different rally points with the clues given to them. Suddenly, a Spoink joins them. Max decides to feed it a small berry; most likely a Cheri Berry. It eats the berry and bounces onto Max's head. May tells him to focus on finding the first clue. Which is read as "Cliff The Under" with a picture of a box above it. Neither of them can make heads or tails of it, so they call up Lex, who figures that the words are scrambled and actually reads "Under The Cliff". He then teaches them about prepositions and prepositional phrases, using the Spoink as an example.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode is almost identical to Off the Unbeaten Path, only people are paired up with other people, not with Pokémon.

Persuasive Writing

May and Brock are watching Skitty and Squirtle in the park. The park is full of people with their Pokémon. Brock decides that it's the perfect time and place to test out new recipies of Pokémon food, and he asks May if she could get people to get their Pokémon to sample some. First though, they have to give some to Skitty and Squirtle; They love it. May is convinced that trainers will line up for food that good, so Brock and May decide to set up a food stall with free samples for the trainers in the park. Once they set up, they discover that nobody is coming for the food, even though Skitty and Squirtle enjoy it. They call up Lex to see if he has any ideas on how to attract people. He suggests to use persuasive writing to get people interested.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The lesson references Pike Queen Lucy as an example.

Introductory Paragraph

The episode begins with May trying to recite something, but it's not going very well. She mentions that Lilian asked her to give a speech about her experiences as a Coordinator at a Pokémon contest, but she's having trouble begining it. May's convinced that if she just knew how to start it off, the rest would come very easily. She contacts Lex, who teaches her about introductory paragraphs.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Max is excited as he is going to one of Roxanne's beginning trainer weekend events, which is being held at her gym. Max has a manual which has details of the events, and he is very eager to read it. However, as he reads, he's having trouble with some of the words, like "insure", "irresponsible" and "misuse". So he calls Lex and learns about Prefixes.

Characters that appear in this episode are

It's worth noting that the picture of Roxanne used for the cover of Max's manual is simlair to the one used for the one of the Pokémon Manga.

Subject Verb Agreement

Ash has to hurry to a certain spot to meet Brock. When he gets there, he finds that Brock isn't there yet, and doesn't appear until later. Brock arrives and explains that he has found the girl of his dreams: He hasn't learned her name yet, but he wrote a poem about her. He recites the poem, but it's verses sound... pretty terrible. They call Lex and learn about subject verb agreement.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Run-On Sentences

Ash and Max are talking about a Pokémon battle Ash just won. They meet May who congratuales Ash on the battle. They find that there's a Questionnaire about the battle, which asks to write about a description of the battle and what the writer liked best about it. Max eagerly wants to answer it. However, the sentence Max comes up with sounds a bit too long and didn't make much sense, since they were running together. Ash decides to call Lex, who explains to them about run-on sentences.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The Pokémon Ash fought in the battle were Beedrill.

Cause and Effect

The episode starts off with the Poképilot open but lying on a desk in a library with no one around. Lex wonders who's calling and Max answers, but he's nowhere to be seen. He then appears out from behind a pile of books. Max says that he checked out all the books in the library on trainers since he wants to know what makes a great trainer great. He read many of the books, but isn't quite sure on some of the causes an their effects. Lex explains it to him.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Life Skills

Quinn appears in all of these lessons.


Ash and May were in a double battle and lost. As they argue about the battle. Team Rocket spies on them and formulate a plan to steal their Pokémon by forming battle partnerships with Ash and May separately, with Jessie teaming up with May (in disguise), and James teaming up with Ash (also in disguise). Max has a bad feeling about this, which later materializes as Team Rocket's plan works and they end up with both Pikachu and Skitty. Ash and May are still arguing, so Max calls Quinn and learns about teamwork.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

I Messages

Ash and Quinn were talking to each other over the PokéPilot, when Max and May get into a particularly nasty argument over Skitty who tore up one of Max's books, and mean words are exchanged. Quinn recalls similar arguments he had with his older sister, and using the PokéPilot, plays back parts of the argument and points out what Max and May could have said so they get their point across without them sounding mean to one another and how the conflict could have been resolved with "I messages".

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Expressing Emotions

May and Max are getting ready for an upcoming Pokémon contest, as there will be many new trainers and coordinators there. All of a sudden, a frightened Ralts shows up and hides behind May. Its trainer, a young girl, follows it and meets May and Max. The girl introduces herself as Vanessa and says that she's a new trainer and she's having trouble with her Ralts. Max mentions that he's worked with a Ralts once before. Vanessa is impressed and says that she can't keep it from running away, getting frustrated or even from crying. Max mentions that Ralts are capable of copying the emotions of people. Vanessa wants to know how she could get Ralts to copy good emotions. Max suggest that they contact Quinn. They explain the situation to Quinn, and he suggests that in addition to telling how they feel, they also must show how they feel in a constructive empathetic manner.

Characters that appear in this episode are:

This episode is one of the very few Learning League episodes that has its own character of the day. It should also be noted that the character model for Vanessa is often used in many Learning League episodes as an extra.

Media Part 1: Forms of Media

Ash and his friends, along with Squirtle and Forretress are at a Pokémon Center. They decide to call Professor Oak to ask some questions and to check on Ash's Pokémon. When they call him, the group discovers that DJ Mary is with him. They ask if they're going to air another Pokétalk show, but find out that trainers are now watching a new show instead of training their Pokémon, or tuning into Pokétalk. The new show in question is called "The New Pokémon Training Show", and it asks the viewers to send their Pokémon in for "special training". Oak has a hunch that they're obviously up to no good. A clip of this training show is shown to the group, which stars a "Red Trainer" and a "Blue Trainer" that have scarves over their faces, and a very badly disguised "Pikachu" as proof that their training techniques work. Ash's Pikachu obviously doesn't buy it, and neither does anyone else. Professor Oak and DJ Mary say they'll try to find out more about the show and hang up. Ash decides to get to the bottom of it, but wonders how this show is affecting how people behave. They call Quinn and learn about the different forms of the media and how to be aware of their messages. Will the trainers of Goldenrod City get the message and learn the truth of the trainer show?

Characters that appear in this episode are:

Just like most episodes in the anime, the hosts of the dubious TV show is none other then Team Rocket, whose disguises are easy enough for the viewer to figure out, but just enough to fool the characters. Apparently, Team Rocket not only devised a TV show, but also managed to put their message into all forms of media: magazines, posters, websites, video games, even coming up with a snackfood and theme song associated with their show.

Unlike most episodes of Learning League, this one ends in a cliffhanger, which is resolved in Media Part 2: Fact or Opinion.

This episode also refers to the Pokétalk show as a TV show, but is actually a radio show.

Media Part 2: Fact or Opinion

The episode begins right after the first part, Media Part 1. Ash and his friends had come up with broadcasting their own message asking who are the trainers behind the masks, but right when the trainers were revealed, their message gets sabotaged. Part 2 begins with The New Pokémon Trainers show still airing in Goldenrod. With the show cutting to a commercial advertising Puff Snacks. Our heroes are obviously annoyed at the new show, because not only are their messages questionable, but everyone is too busy watching the show to battle anymore. They wonder about if the messages being portrayed by the show are fact or merely opinion, they contact Quinn to learn more about this.

Characters that appear in this episode are

It's revealed that the trainers are in fact Team Rocket, and just like in the anime, they get blasted off by Pikachu's thunderbolt. The episode ends with The Pokétalk radio show back on the air and Oak reciting a poem about the media:

"In time of information, when everything is a click away, you can always be a master, if you listen closely to what they say"

Win Win Solutions

Ash and May, along with Squirtle and Phanpy, are in a city. May spots a large jewel necklace in the window of the shop. May adores it while Ash doesn't particularly cares for it at all. Ash wants to get going while May wants to look at the jewel for a little while longer. They both get into an arguement over what to do next. They both realize that they won't be able to do anything if they keep arguing, so they call Quinn. He then teaches how to comprimise so both sides win.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash and Pikachu are walking through the woods when all of a sudden, Pikachu steps on Meowth's tail by accident. Ash wonders why Meowth is all alone sulking to himself. Meowth explains that Jessie and James were being mean to him, taking away his noodles from him and calling him a "blabbering furballed runt". He's reminded of the time when the other Meowth ignored him for being a freak. He exclaims that he has no friends, everybody picks on him and nobody cares. Ash decides to help by calling up Quinn and explains Meowth's situation. He teaches them how to recognize bullying behavior and how to deal with it.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode starts off with a message that if you are threatened by a bully, get help from an adult immediately, and a disclaimer that this episode isn't an intervention program, only to provide helpful tips to recognize bullying behavior.

It is also the only episode to give credit to one of the members of the Learning League Advisory Board.

The noodle seller's character model is used extensively as an extra in various episodes.

Making Friends

Brock is in the park with alot of people. He is trying to make friends with them, but is not doing a very good job, as he is hiding behind bushes and is yelling "Hello" to them. He ends up being completely ignored by everyone. He calls Quinn to talk about his problem, and learns how to make friends with others.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Food Pyramid

Ash is training hard with Pikachu, he decides to stop training for a bit to rest and get something to eat. He chooses a donut, but Brock wonders if he could have something better that could help his training. Ash doesn't understand what the food he eats has to do with how he trains. They call up Quinn to ask him about it. They catch him just finishing his lunch, he has a bottle of water with him. He tells Ash and Brock about his newest project: The Food Pyramid.

Characters that appear in this episode are

It's interesting to note that they have pictures of a hamburger, hotdog and a can of tuna in the Meat and Beans group, as it is a constant source of debate over whether Pokémon are eaten in the Pokémon World.

Appreciating Differences

May and Ash are at a contest hall. Ash can't want for it to start, while May is feeling a bit glum. Ash asks her what's wrong, May explains that there's a trainer telling everyone that the younger trainers, including May, are babies who can't do well at contests and shouldn't even try. Ash tries to console her, but May is starting to believe she isn't good enough to compete. Ash concludes that the trainer is the one with the problem. They call Quinn to talk about appreciating differences and how judging people based on stereotypes is wrong.

Characters that appear in this episode are

The model used for the discriminating trainer is nearly the same as May's father Norman.

Problem Solving

May and Max are ready to give Munchlax a rest at the Pokémon Center after a long battle, and a good thing to considering that it's so cold outside, which is unusual considering the time of year. They find out at the Pokémon Center that a freak blizzard has hit the normally warm area, causing problems for the local Bellsprout population, who are much more used to a warm habitat. May and Max decide to help them out, but are unsure of where to start. They decide to call Quinn, who tries to teach them the six steps to a solution, but Siara also has a problem, with an explosive outcome.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Goal Setting

May has just healed her Pokémon at the Pokémon center and is just about to leave when Nurse Joy tells her about a hot air balloon race near Saffron City in the coming week. May wants to enter with a Skitty balloon, and Max agrees to help out. The only catch is that she has no idea where to begin, in fact, she doesn't even know what a hot air balloon caption is called. She calls up Quinn for help on how to set goals using the SMART system.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Not surprisingly, Team Rocket enters the contest, but don't actually appear themselves, only their balloon.

Peer Pressure

May is preparing Eevee for another contest, she tells Eevee not to be discourged about not being an evolved form, like the Espeon they saw eariler. An Umbreon shows up and May is suddenly not feeling so good about entering with just an Eevee. She wonders if she could get it to evolve into one of it's many forms. Eevee doesn't seem to agree with this, but May feels like everyone else has an evolved Eevee while May doesn't. She even considers not competing in the contest, even though they've worked so hard. She calls Quinn and learns about peer pressure, both the bad and the good kinds.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Managing Stress

May is preparing for a contest, this time with Beautifly, as she has decided to use it's Silver Wind in a unique way, but she isn't sure if she's practiced enough. Ash and Max try to make her feel better, but May is reminded of the time Beautifly lost to a Milotic. She begins to panic over the contest. Ash and Max try to distract her, but their attempts were unsuccessful. It turns out that there is a trainer that has entered with a Milotic. May freaks out and snaps at Ash and Max. Ash decides to contact Quinn, who gives tips on stress management.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Nurse Joy, Misty, Tracey and Brock only appear in this episode as examples of them coping with stress in some way.

Nutrition Labels

Ash and his friends are having a picnic at the beach before heading to the next town for another battle. After Pikachu accidentally kicks sand into Skitty's face, May decides that she needs more space. Brock joins her to train Ludicolo. While they train, Max and Ash decide to eat the food they brought with them on the picnic, unbeknowest to them, Team Rocket is planning on stealing their food. Using an air puffer, they blow sand into the faces of Ash, Max and Pikachu. While they were blinded, they swipe the picnic basket and run off, with Max trying to chase them, but they get away. May and Brock hear the commotion and wonder what's going on. Max explains that Team Rocket stole all the best food, or at least the food that tasted the best. Brock explains that ingredients are what makes food good. They call up Quinn, who explains to them about nutrition labels on food packages.

Characters that appear in this episode are

As with the Food Pryamid episode, many of the food items used as examples have meat in them.

Helping a School or Community Problem

Ash and May are heading towards a beautiful lake that they've heard about, which is populated by Goldeen. When they finally get there, they find that the shoreline is full of trash. People are becoming careless with their garbage. Even Team Rocket is leaving their garbage behind. Ash and May try to tell them to pick up their trash, but they don't listen to them. Ash thinks about leaving, but May wants to do something about it. Ash agrees with her and calls up Quinn, who teaches them the steps on how to fix a big problem through the acronym CHANGE

Characters that appear in this episode are

Characters used in the Try section are Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Brawly, Norman, Misty and Professor Oak.

Good Sportsmanship

May is competing in a Pokémon contest with her Eevee against a trainer named Jessandra, who is really Jessie in disguse, with her Seviper. Seviper uses a Poison Tail attack, which generates cheers from the crowd. May decides to launch a counterattack, while James and Meowth plan on disrupting her. James orders Cacnea to use Pin Missile, which hits Eevee from behind. May asks her Pokémon whats wrong, Eevee isn't too hurt but is feeling a bit saddened. James's deed hasn't gone un-noticed though: Nurse Joy and an extra in the audience notices it as well. While Seviper attacks with another Poison Tail, Jessandra begins to gloat. Max tells May to not to listen to her and to focus on the match. Eevee gets it's confidence back and tries to attack. However, Cacnea shoots another Pin Missile from the sidelines, knocking Eevee off balance again. Jessandra insults May, and Meowth joins in. Round one is over with Jessandra as the winner, which causes her to gloat even more. May thinks about telling the judges that it's Jessandra's fault and that she should be disqualified for teasing her. Max reasons that even if she's a bad sport, doesn't mean that May should be one as well. However, May is too worked up about Jessandra to listen. Max calls Quinn up and he explains good sportsmanship to May and Max.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode is notable in that it's the only one that actually has Pokémon battling. It also may be the only time where Jessie won a contest against a main character, even though she cheated. Naturally, Lilian is told of Jessandra's cheating by Nurse Joy and the extra, and the ribbon goes to a Rapidash owned by Regina. James admits to using Cacnea, and Jessie yells at him, at some point, James grabs onto her clothing, revealing themselves to be Team Rocket.

Lilian's model is somewhat off since her hair is pointing downward instead of sideways, and her mole is missing.

Self Esteem

Ash, May and Max are heading towards Pallet Town. Ash and May are psyched because they're going to have a double battle, and Ash hopes that Professor Oak is able to see him preform. May adds that even if he wasn't there, At least all the new trainers can watch him. Max wants to meet him to talk about what it takes to be a great Pokémon trainer, and hopes he didn't forget anything. May says that his memory is like a book, which gives him an idea to write a book about the experiences of Pokémon training, and of his adventures with Ash. Ash decides to use Pikachu for the battle, while May chooses Eevee. They prepare for the battle while Max writes what happens. Later on, it's revealed that both of them were sorely beaten. Max is saddened by the loss, so much so that he isn't able to write about it any longer, he even considers to change the ending. However, Ash and May don't seem to mind the loss: Ash just likes to battle while May got some great ideas for her next contests. Max wonders how he could feel good even after a defeat like that. Ash mentions that there were times when a loss would bum them out, but then they realized that it shouldn't get them down. They call Quinn up to explain things better. He then teaches the group about Self Esteem.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Homework Skills

The episode starts off with Roxanne telling everyone how proud she is of how everyone is working in her Future Trainer's Workshop. She's also especially proud of Max, who didn't miss a single question on the test on Pokémon native to Hoenn. As a reward, there's a traveling Pokémon battle Team coming and the whole class are the special guests at the battle. This gets the class very excited. Later on, Max is at a drinking fountain with one of his classmates, Max is excited and talks about how they could study how trainers train. However, his classmate wonders how he could be a Pokémon trainer when he does poorly on his tests. Max suggests that they should talk to some real trainers and coordinators, since that's the best way he can study. He then mentions that his sister and his friend are trainers. A little while later, May and Ash are training with Pikachu and Squirtle. Max and his friend talk about how much preperation is done before the actual battle or contest can begin. May and Ash meet them and Max introduces his classmate as Brent. They ask him what he knows so far, and tells them that he knows he has a long way to go. Ash and May have to continue training, so Ash suggests they call Quinn. Max follows Ash's advice and call Quinn up. Quinn shows them the new wheels for his skateboard that Siara made. He preceeds to ride his skateboard and ends up crashing into a wall. Luckly he's wearing a helmet, so he can practice all he wants. Brent explains his problem, and Quinn gives some tips on how to study effectively.

Characters that appear in this episode are

Much like Vanessa from the episode "Expressing Emotions", Brent is another Character of the Day exclusive to the Pokémon Learning League. His character model is also used as an extra in various episodes as well.

Many of the homework examples used in the episodes are related to Pokémon, such as lists of Starter Pokémon or Template:Type2 Pokémon.

Dealing with Anger

Ash and May are going to a park for a picnic, they hear something in the bushes. It turns out to be Team Rocket, who are quarreling with each other. Jessie fell into a hole and is covered in dirt and twigs. She yells at Meowth for not digging the hole where she wanted it. Meowth is angry because neither Jessie or James rarely do any work and are terrible at catching Pokémon. As they sqaubble among each other. Ash and May agree to never fight like that, but they want to know more about how to deal with anger. They call Quinn up who explains to them how to deal with anger in a healthy way. After they're done talking. May and Ash decide to leave, but then decide to talk to Team Rocket on how they can deal with their anger.

Characters that appear in this episode are


Ash and Brock are watching a trainer and his Machop preform a Dynamic Punch. Both of them are impressed by it's intensity, by how much muscle it has and by it's Karate Chop. Ash looks up Machop in the Pokédex, which mentions how much it trains to master all kinds of martial arts, and it's unbelieveable strength. Ash wishes that he were that strong, so Brock suggests that he should build up his muscles as well. So Ash decides to run for a bit to build them up. Brock then suggests that he should have something against his muscle, so Ash does some push-ups and slips. Brock mentions that he has to do more then that. So they decide to call Quinn up to see if he has any advice on how to exercise properly.

Characters that appear in this episode are

This episode is the first episode that has Ash and Brock in their Diamond and Pearl clothing.

When protiens are talked about during the lesson, they have soybeans and tofu as the examples.

Episodes that are coming soon

  • Listening Skills
  • Online Safety
  • Self-Control
  • Giving Back
  • Manners

External links