List of Pokémon by National Pokédex number

Revision as of 19:50, 4 May 2005 by MTC (talk | contribs) (had two of the first section)

This is a list of Pokémon in the order dictated by the National Dex, meaning that Pokémon from the Kanto region will appear first, followed by those from Johto, Hoenn, and subsequent regions.

List of Pokémon by National Dex number

#001 - #051 Bulbasaur - Dugtrio

# Name Type
001 Bulbasaur Grass Poison
002 Ivysaur Grass Poison
003 Venusaur Grass Poison
004 Charmander Fire
005 Charmeleon Fire
006 Charizard Fire Flying
007 Squirtle Water
008 Wartortle Water
009 Blastoise Water
010 Caterpie Bug
011 Metapod Bug
012 Butterfree Bug Flying
013 Weedle Bug Poison
014 Kakuna Bug Poison
015 Beedrill Bug Poison
016 Pidgey Normal Flying
017 Pidgeotto Normal Flying
018 Pidgeot Normal Flying
019 Rattata Normal
020 Raticate Normal
021 Spearow Normal Flying
022 Fearow Normal Flying
023 Ekans Poison
024 Arbok Poison
025 Pikachu Electric
026 Raichu Electric
027 Sandshrew Ground
028 Sandslash Ground
029 Nidoran♀ Poison
030 Nidorina Poison
031 Nidoqueen Poison Ground
032 Nidoran♂ Poison
033 Nidorino Poison
034 Nidoking Poison Ground

#052 - #101 Meowth - Electrode

# Name Type

#102 - #151 Exeggcute - Mew

# Name Type

#152 - #200 Chikorita - Misdreavus

# Name Type

#201 - #251 Unown - Celebi

# Name Type

#252 - #301 Treecko - Delcatty

# Name Type

#302 - #350 Sableye - Milotic

# Name Type

#351 - #386 Castform - Deoxys

# Name Type

As yet unnumbered

# English Name Japanese Name Type
??? Munchlax Gonbe Normal
??? ??? Lucario Steel Fighting
??? ??? Usohachi ???
??? ??? Manene ???
??? ??? Manyula ???