
Revision as of 21:38, 5 April 2013 by Mikuri (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by Darkrai132 (talk) to last revision by JasonL)
AG122 : Deceit and Assist
Advanced Generation series
AG124 : Island Time
Rhapsody in Drew
AG123   EP397
Decisive Battle! Grand Festival! (Part 3)
First broadcast
Japan April 7, 2005
United States February 25, 2006
English themes
Opening Unbeatable
Japanese themes
Opening ポケモン シンフォニック メドレー
Ending GLORY DAY 〜輝くその日〜
Animation Team Ota
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 大山和弘 Kazuhiro Ōyama
Assistant director ながはまのりひこ Norihiko Nagahama
Animation director 志村泉 Izumi Shimura
No additional credits are available at this time.

Rhapsody in Drew (Japanese: 決戦!グランドフェスティバル③!! Decisive Battle! Grand Festival! (Part 3)) is the 123rd episode of the Advanced Generation series, and the 397th episode of the Pokémon anime. It was first broadcast in Japan on April 7, 2005 and in the United States on February 25, 2006.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


The episode begins with a recap of the Contest Battles from the previous episode. May is facing off against Harley in the second round of the final competition matches. Harley starts the battle off by having Banette use Screech and Cacturne use Bullet Seed which both hit their mark to put a dent in Harley's points. May has Bulbasaur attack with Vine Whip which Harley's Pokémon try to dodge but Bulbasaur grabs onto their legs. Beautifly follows that up with Silver Wind that also hits its mark to put a big dent in Harley's points. Bulbasaur releases its grip on Cacturne and Banette which sends them both spinning. Beautifly uses Silver Wind that hits its mark and they become very disoriented as they keep spinning all of the way to the ground. All of the judges were very impressed with Bulbasaur and Beautifly's combinations and that they are completely in sync.

After Banette and Cacturne snap out of their disorientation, Bulbasaur tries to use Vine Whip again but Banette counters with Torment so that Bulbasaur can't use the same move twice in a row. Cacturne uses Pin Missile towards Bulbasaur while Beautifly brings it high into the air to dodge the attack. Banette uses Will-O-Wisp which hits its mark. Bulbasaur uses Petal Dance to counterattack and combine with Will-O'-Wisp to create sparkling dust all over the field. Cacturne uses Pin Missile towards them, but Bulbasaur and Beautifly come out of the dust and use Silver Wind and Razor Leaf to land a critical hit on the opponents to drop Harley's points to zero. With that win May moves on to the second stage to face Drew. All of the judges felt that May did an incredible job with her Pokémon in that battle.

Harley says to Drew that he's probably happy to see him lose to May but Drew says no and that May was just better than him. Harley says that he will be happy once he sees both of them lose. Meanwhile Team Rocket was trying to decide which famous person Jessie was going to impersonate next. They decide that Robert will be the one Jessie impersonates next. As Robert walks outside, Meowth shoots a rope with a grabbing arm on it to grab Robert. Ash arrives and has Pikachu use Thunderbolt to free him. Team Rocket recites their motto and begins to attack. Team Rocket brings out Cacnea and Dustox. Snorunt tries to use Ice Beam but it fails while everyone laughs at it. Robert gives Snorunt some encouragement and says for it to focus its energy in its head to be able to aim Ice Beam properly. Cacnea uses Pin Missile and Dustox uses Psybeam towards Pikachu, but Snorunt jumps in front to take the hit and it begins to evolve into Glalie. Ash scans Glalie with the Pokédex. Robert suggests to Ash to test out Glalie's ability to use Ice Beam. Glalie uses Ice Beam to freeze Team Rocket and send them blasting off.

In the second stage, May with Combusken and Bulbasaur faced off against Anthony with Swalot and Pinsir. Combusken tries to use Peck but Pinsir comes out of Swalot's stomach to pinch Combusken's beak shut. Time runs out but May wins the match and moves on to the third stage. Anthony respectfully congratulates May on the win and wishes her luck in the stage. The next match ups are revealed to be that May will face Drew in the third stage.

In the third stage, May's Combusken and Skitty are up against Drew's Roselia and Flygon. Ash scans Flygon with his Pokédex. Roselia begins with a sparkling Petal Dance while Flygon flies right through it to attack. Skitty counters with Assist which comes out as Fire Spin and burns the opponents' combination. Combusken uses Sky Uppercut but misses Flygon as it dodges and Flygon falls and lands on top of Skitty. Ash and his friends comment on how Drew really knows the open field and appears to know how May is going to attack in this match. Flygon uses Flamethrower and Roselia uses SolarBeam towards the opponents while May has Combusken use Fire Spin to push the combined attacks away. Drew loses a lot of points because of that. Combusken uses Fire Spin again while Flygon counters with Sandstorm which blows the attack away. Skitty uses Blizzard as Roselia jumps on top of Flygon to fly away and dodge it. May says that Flygon is really fast and that she has to figure out a way around that somehow with her losing so many points.

Skitty uses Assist which turns into Vine Whip but it misses the opponents. Combusken uses the Vine Whip to jump high into the air. Roselia uses Magical Leaf while Skitty counters with Blizzard. Flygon uses Flamethrower but it was exactly what May wanted to happen. May has Combusken follow the flames towards Flygon and hits with Sky Uppercut. May's friends say to May's mom that she is really a great Coordinator as she is showing in the match. Caroline says she is really proud of how well May is doing in the match. Norman is shown watching the match on TV. May wanted to finish off the battle in one hit with very little time remaining and her having very little points left. Skitty uses Tackle and Combusken uses Quick Attack while Roselia uses Stun Spore that hits and paralyses them. Flygon finishes the match off with Steel Wing. Drew wins the match and May is a very good sport in defeat. Everyone in the stands cheers May's name for doing such a great job in the match. May's friends also give her compliments on a job well done. May's mom says that she is very proud of her. Harley is very displeased that the crowd was cheering May even though she lost.

As Drew is shown facing off with Robert in the final stage, he is losing by a lot of points. Milotic uses Twister while Claydol comes through the Twister and finishes Masquerain and Roselia off with Hyper Beam. Drew is a very good sport about the loss. With the win, Robert becomes a Top Coordinator and wins the Ribbon Cup. May and her friends all compliment Drew's hard work even though he lost. May says to Drew that she's sorry he lost, but Drew tells her that there is always someone better.

May sits down after eating a lot, looks behind her and wonders where the flashing lights are coming from. Outside Drew was having Masquerain and Roselia practice Contest moves some more instead of being at the party. Roselia used Magical Leaf but Masquerain was hit and Drew told it that it should be fast enough to dodge that attack. May asks Drew why he isn't at the party and he explains that he is training to get better just like Robert is even though he just won the Grand Festival. Drew explains that if she wants to become a Top Coordinator, she has to keep practicing and getting better. He is working on new moves for the next Grand Festival and says that he expects May at the next one as well. Drew says good-bye and walks away. Ash offers May a vanilla ice cream cone but scares her while doing so. May's mother mentions that the two of them were both alone and that maybe there was some romance going on. May says to her friends that she is planning on not giving up until she becomes a Top Coordinator and her mom tells her that she is very proud. May's mother reminds May that now she has to support Ash as he tries to become the Hoenn League Champion.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the animated series, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts




Pokémon Trainer's Choice

Pokémon Trainer's Choice: Golem



  • Brock says during the battle between May and Harley that "Bulbasaur cannot use Vine Whip for awhile now" after Banette uses Torment. Torment only prevents a Pokémon from using the same move twice in a row.
  • In one part of the episode, May says, "Combusken, use jump!", which is not a move.

Dub edits

Pokémon Trainer's Choice

In other languages

AG122 : Deceit and Assist
Advanced Generation series
AG124 : Island Time
  This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.