DP078: Difference between revisions

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<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
prevlink=DP077 |
|prevtitle=Staging a Heroes' Welcome!
prevtitle=DP077: ? |
nextlink=DP079 |
|nexttitle=Strategy with a Smile!
nexttitle=DP079: ? |
|series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
series=Diamond & Pearl |
episodelist=List of Diamond & Pearl episodes }}
epcode=DP078 |
title_ja=激闘!それぞれのバトル!! |
|title_en=Pruning a Passel of Pals!
title_ja_trans=Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!! |
|title_ja_trans=Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!
broadcast_jp=May 8, 2008 |
|broadcast_jp=May 8, 2008
broadcast_us= |
|broadcast_us=September 27, 2008
en_series= |
en_op= |
|en_op= [[We Will Be Heroes]]
ja_op=[[Together]] |
ja_ed=[[Message of the Wind|風のメッセージ]] (PokaPoka Version) |
|ja_ed=[[Message of the Wind|風のメッセージ]] (PokaPoka Version)
olmteam=Team Iguchi |
|olmteam=Team Iguchi
scenario=冨岡淳広 |
storyboardn=1 |
storyboard=秦義人 |
directorn=1 |
director=秦義人 |
artn=1 |
art=木下和栄 |
footnotes=<!--*[[filb-eppics:dp078|Screenshots on Filb.de]]-->
(Japanese: '''激闘! それぞれのバトル!!''' ''Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!'') is the 78th episode of ''Diamond & Pearl''. It first aired in Japan on May 8, 2008 alongside [[DP077]] as part of a one-hour special.
'''Pruning a Passel of Pals!''' (Japanese: '''激闘! それぞれのバトル!!''' ''Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!'') is the 78th episode of ''[[Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl]]'', and the 544th episode of the [[Pokémon anime]]. It first aired in Japan on May 8, 2008 alongside [[DP077]] as part of a one-hour special, and in the United States on September 27, 2008.

After everyone has safely passed the first round of the [[Wallace Cup]], the group returns to their hotel at the Lake Resort and talks about their respective journeys. Afterwards, Ash takes a walk near the lake with Pikachu when suddenly, something in the center of the lake begins to glow, and the shadow of a creature emerges. However, when Ash tries to approach it, the shadow disappears again.
After this strange experience, Ash returns to the hotel and talks to Dawn and the others about the legend revolving around the lake.
The next day, the second round of the Wallace Cup begins...

<i>With Dawn and her friends safely past the appeals round of the Wallace Cup, the girls enjoy an opportunity to sit back and chat while Ash, who can't sleep, decides to take a walk near Lake Valor. He gets the shock of his life when he sees a glowing entity above the lake, which just might be a Legendary Pokémon like the ones said to live in Lake Verity and Lake Acuity! But any further investigation will have to wait until the next morning, after the Wallace Cup resumes.
As the battles begin, size proves to be no obstacle for Dawn's Buneary as it uses acrobatic footwork to defeat its opponent Wailmer. This round is off to a great start for Dawn, but Jessie is depressed that she didn't even make it to this stage of the Contest. Fortunately, James and Meowth remind her that she can always pose as a Contest reporter to get back in the spotlight. Dawn clinches a place in the semifinals, and then it's time for Ash and Buizel to battle Kyle the Coordinator and his Lanturn.
Kyle has had plenty of time to study Buizel's moves, an edge which helps him knock Ash out of the competition. With Dawn through and Ash out, that leaves May and Zoey still to compete. They win their matches and advance to the semifinals, so Dawn will definitely have to face either May or Zoey if she wants to win the Aqua Ribbon! But to get to the final round, she'll have to defeat Kyle and his Crawdaunt—is her Piplup up to the task?</i>
{{an|Dawn}}, {{an|May}}, and [[Zoey]] are seen in their [[Hotel Grand Lake|Lakeside Resort]] room sitting on the floor, chatting. Dawn explains the [[Johanna|her mother]]’s [[Top Coordinator]] title inspired her to compete in [[Pokémon Contest]]s. May reveals that she struggled with Pokémon at the [[AG001|beginning of her journey]], but [[AG013|later found joy in Contests]]. A sudden crash interrupts the girls’ conversation, but it turns out to be {{Ash}} who was dreaming about being in the middle of a tough battle. Ash decides to take a walk along the [[Valor Lakefront]] with {{AP|Pikachu}}.
While looking over [[Lake Valor]], Ash and {{AP|Pikachu}} enjoy the night breeze. Ash tells Pikachu how happy he is with his decision to compete in the [[Wallace Cup]], adding that Buizel is performing exceptionally. Ash believes that the competition is stirring up something brand new for him and Buizel that can only be good for their future growth. Suddenly, the two notice a small whirlpool in the water. A {{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Azelf|projected soul}} emerges before returning to the lake. Ash barges into his room, hurriedly describing the projected soul to {{an|Brock}} and the girls. [[Dawn's Piplup]] uses {{m|Bubble Beam}} on Ash to wake him up, but Ash assures them he is fine. The five sit down to discuss the mysterious light at Lake Valor and Dawn remembers the {{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Mesprit|projected soul}} [[DP001|she saw]] emerge from [[Lake Verity]] on her first day as a Trainer. May says that while she was in [[Snowpoint City]] she heard stories about the [[Legendary Pokémon]] that lives in [[Lake Acuity]]. Zoey, being from Snowpoint City herself, confirms this as she heard the same stories when she was young. Zoey admits that the three [[Sinnoh]] lakes have similar legends, and Brock considers whether these sightings are connected to the Space-Time legend.
The second round of the Wallace Cup begins the next day. [[Wallace]] greets the {{pkmn|Coordinator}}s. The match ups are announced, and Dawn finds out that she will be the first to battle. Spurred on by her friends, Dawn sends out {{TP|Dawn|Buneary}} to battle an unnamed Trainer's {{p|Wailmer}}. Wailmer shoots out a {{m|Brine}}, which sends Buneary into the air and costs Dawn some early points. Buneary uses the spout to perform backwards somersaults. The dynamic display of cuteness earns high praise from Wallace and Wailmer's Trainer to lose big points. Buneary uses {{m|Bounce}} continuously on Wailmer, and its Trainer loses even more points. Then Wailmer approaches with {{m|Surf}}, causing Dawn to lose points before Buneary takes control of the situation with a spin. Buneary strikes her opponent with some {{m|Dizzy Punch}}es. Wailmer retaliates with an acrobatic display of {{m|Hidden Power}}, but Buneary leaps out the way and races towards Wailmer as the Hidden Power follows her. She bounces off Wailmer and out of the way, and Hidden Power hits Wailmer instead. Wailmer tries a {{m|Body Slam}}, but Buneary's {{m|Ice Beam}} freezes it solid and it falls back into the pool. Finally, the timer reaches zero, and Dawn and Buneary win. Her friends also do well; Ash and {{AP|Buizel}} defeat a {{p|Kecleon}}, [[Zoey's Shellos]] knocks a {{p|Mareep}} out with {{m|Mud Bomb}} while May and {{TP|May|Skitty}} use {{m|Blizzard}} to clear the round.
[[Jessie]], as Jessilina, is on the sidelines, upset that she did not make it to the second round. {{MTR}} and [[James]] try to cheer Jessie up by suggesting they become reporters. Jessie returns with her bold Jessadia disguise, ready to take the media by storm. Later, Dawn and {{TP|Dawn|Pachirisu}} advance to the semi-finals after winning their quarter-final battle, this time over a girl with her {{p|Pelipper}}.
Now it's Ash's turn to battle, this time with {{si|Kyle}}. Ash sends out Buizel, and Kyle sends out {{p|Lanturn}}. Dawn scans Lanturn on her [[Pokédex]], and the others are concerned because Lanturn's part {{t|Electric}} gives it the [[Type#Type effectiveness|advantage]] over {{t|Water}} Pokémon like Buizel. Lanturn starts things off with {{m|Charge}}, with the powerful display causing Ash to lose points. Buizel launches a {{m|Sonic Boom}} into the water, knocking Lanturn high into the air, costing Kyle a quarter of his points. However, that gives Lanturn the added height to launch a direct {{m|Thunderbolt}} on Buizel, who is left paralyzed. Brock notes that because Charge increases the power of the next Electric-type attack used, the Thunderbolt did even more damage to Buizel. The mid-air display of a super-effective attack drops Ash's points down to half. Kyle confidently declares he already knows all of Ash's strategies and how to counter them because of Ash's decision to use Buizel in all the Contest rounds rather than switch Pokémon like all the other Coordinators. Lanturn launches {{m|Ice Beam}} in mid-air, costing Ash points. Ash calls for an {{m|Aqua Jet}} with a spin, and the improvised "Ice Aqua Jet" strikes Lanturn. Wallace is awed by the attack, as is May, and Kyle is left with only thirty percent of his point total. Buizel gets hit by {{m|Hydro Pump}} and then returns to the stage. Buizel uses {{m|Water Pulse}} but fails due to Lanturn’s counter Thunderbolt. The collision creates a shower, catching Ash and Buizel in a short but intense downpour. Just then, time runs out and Kyle has the most points, eliminating Ash from the Wallace Cup. Afterwards, Jessadia interviews Ash after his loss. Jessadia raves about how Buizel's Ice Aqua Jet is the talk of the tournament and how even Wallace was amazed. Her exaggerated enthusiasm, however, leaves Ash nervous in front of the camera. Zoey and May clear their quarter-final battles with {{p|Misdreavus}} and {{TP|May|Venusaur}} and join Dawn and Kyle in the semi-finals. Marian later compliments Jessadia's event coverage and says that she heard that Jessadia was an assistant reporter at the [[Kanto Grand Festival]].
Back at the hotel, the group are sad that Ash didn't make it to the semi-finals. Dawn reminds him that she is pleased to see her "Ice Aqua Jet" technique finally perfected. Ash admits that [[Contest Battle]]s are tough, but his Buizel was moving in perfect sync and that he'd do better next time. Ash pipes up again and looks forward to cheering everyone else on. Brock admits the competition is stiff with May versus Zoey, while Dawn still needs to beat Kyle. The three girls vow do the best and hope for photo finish.
The following day, Marian announces that today is the final day of the Wallace Cup. In preparation for her semi-finals match, Dawn offers Piplup some encouragement before [[recall]]ing him and placing him into a [[Ball Capsule]]. Marian calls for the time to begin, so Dawn calls out Piplup with a Foamy [[Seal]] and Kyle calls out his {{p|Crawdaunt}}. Piplup twirls into action with a Bubble Beam, while Crawdaunt uses {{m|Sludge Bomb}} to counter.
==Major events==
==Major events==
* [[Ash Ketchum|Ash]], {{an|Dawn}}, [[Zoey]], and {{an|May}} continue on in the Wallace Cup.
[[File:Wallace Cup semifinalists.png|thumb|220px|The Wallace Cup semifinalists]]
* Ash encounters a mysterious Pokémon near [[Lake Valor]].
* {{Ash}} sees the spirit of {{p|Azelf}} at [[Lake Valor]].
* [[May's Bulbasaur]] has evolved into {{p|Venusaur}} during her travels in Johto.
* Ash and {{ashfr}} compare about their encounters with the {{an|lake guardians}}.
* Ash loses in his second match of the battle round.
* {{an|May}}'s {{p|Bulbasaur}} is revealed to have [[Evolution|evolved]] all the way into a {{TP|May|Venusaur}} during her travels in [[Johto]].
* May, Dawn, and Zoey advance to the quarter finals.
* {{AP|Buizel}} perfects the Ice Aqua Jet [[Contest combination|combination]].
* Ash loses his second match in the [[Contest Battle|Battle Stage]] to {{si|Kyle}}.
* May, {{an|Dawn}}, [[Zoey]], and Kyle advance to the semifinals.
* Kaito
====Pokémon debuts====
====Pokémon debuts====
* [[May's Venusaur]]
* [[May's Venusaur]]
* {{p|Azelf}} ({{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Azelf|anime}}; spirit form only)

* [[Ash Ketchum]]
* {{Ash}}
* [[Brock]]
* {{an|May}}
* {{an|May}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Dawn}}
* {{an|Brock}}
* [[Jessie]]
* [[Jessie]]
* [[James]]
* [[James]]
* [[Nurse Joy]]
* [[Paul]]
* [[Paul]]
* [[Zoey]]
* [[Zoey]]
* Kaito
* [[Wallace]]
* [[Wallace]]
* [[Max]]
* [[Marian]]
* [[Norman]]
* [[Raoul Contesta]]
* [[Caroline]]
* [[Mr. Sukizo]]
* [[Harley]]
* {{si|Kyle}}
* [[Drew]]
* {{pkmn|Coordinator}}s
* [[Solidad]]
* Wallace's fans
* {{si|Kenny}}

* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Pikachu}} ({{OP|Ash|Pikachu}})
* {{p|Meowth}} ([[Meowth (Team Rocket)|Team Rocket]])
* {{p|Meowth}} ({{TRM}})
<!--* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})-->
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
<!--* {{p|Mime Jr.}} ({{OP|James|Mime Jr.}}))-->
* {{p|Wobbuffet}} ({{OP|Jessie|Wobbuffet}})
<!--* {{p|Turtwig}} ({{OP|Ash|Turtwig}})-->
<!--* {{p|Staravia}} ({{OP|Ash|Staravia}})-->
<!--* {{p|Chimchar}} ({{OP|Ash|Chimchar}})-->
* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})
* {{p|Buizel}} ({{OP|Ash|Buizel}})
<!--* {{p|Gligar}} ({{OP|Ash|Gligar}})-->
<!--* {{p|Blaziken}} ({{OP|May|Blaziken}})-->
<!--* {{p|Beautifly}} ({{OP|May|Beautifly}})-->
* {{p|Skitty}} ({{OP|May|Skitty}})
* {{p|Skitty}} ({{OP|May|Skitty}})
* {{p|Venusaur}} ({{OP|May|Venusaur}})
* {{p|Venusaur}} ({{OP|May|Venusaur}})
* {{p|Munchlax}} ({{OP|May|Munchlax}})
* {{p|Munchlax}} ({{OP|May|Munchlax}})
* {{p|Wartortle}} ({{OP|May|Wartortle}})
<!--* {{p|Glaceon}} ({{OP|May|Glaceon}})-->
* {{p|Piplup}} ({{OP|Dawn|Piplup}})
* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}})
* {{p|Buneary}} ({{OP|Dawn|Buneary}})
* {{p|Pachirisu}} ({{OP|Dawn|Pachirisu}})
* {{p|Pachirisu}} ({{OP|Dawn|Pachirisu}})
* {{p|Ambipom}} ({{OP|Dawn|Ambipom}})
* {{p|Ambipom}} ({{OP|Dawn|Ambipom}})
<!--* {{p|Sudowoodo}} ({{OP|Brock|Sudowoodo}})-->
* {{p|Misdreavus}} ([[Zoey]]'s)
<!--* {{p|Croagunk}} ({{OP|Brock|Croagunk}})-->
* {{p|Shellos}} ({{OP|Zoey|Shellos}})
<!--* {{p|Happiny}} ({{OP|Brock|Happiny}})-->
* {{p|Lanturn}} ({{si|Kyle}}'s)
<!--* {{p|Seviper}} ({{OP|Jessie|Seviper}})-->
* {{p|Crawdaunt}} ({{si|Kyle}}'s)
<!--* {{p|Carnivine}} ({{OP|James|Carnivine}})-->
* {{p|Mothim}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Torterra}} ({{OP|Paul|Torterra}})-->
* {{p|Marill}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Electabuzz}} ({{OP|Paul|Electabuzz}})-->
* {{p|Exeggutor}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Weavile}} ({{OP|Paul|Weavile}})-->
* {{p|Pelipper}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Murkrow}} ({{OP|Paul|Murkrow}})-->
* {{p|Wailmer}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Ursaring}} ({{OP|Paul|Ursaring}})-->
* {{p|Mareep}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Gliscor}} ({{OP|Paul|Gliscor}})-->
* {{p|Kecleon}} (Coordinator's)
<!--* {{p|Glameow}} ({{OP|Zoey|Glameow}})-->
* {{p|Azelf}} ({{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Azelf|anime}}; spirit; debut)
* {{p|Misdreavus}} ({{OP|Zoey|Misdreavus}})
* {{p|Mesprit}} ({{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Mesprit|anime}}; flashback)
<!--* {{p|Shellos}} ({{OP|Zoey|Shellos}})-->
* {{p|Sunflora}}
* {{p|Finneon}} ({{OP|Zoey|Finneon}})
* {{p|Lanturn}}
* {{p|Mothim}}
* {{p|Crawdaunt}}
* {{p|Exeggutor}}
* {{p|Pelipper}}
* {{p|Wailmer}}
* {{p|Mareep}}
* {{p|Kecleon}}
* {{p|Azelf}}
* {{p|Mesprit}} (flashback)

* {{Ash}} encounters {{p|Azelf}} at [[Lake Valor]], much like {{an|Dawn}} encountered {{p|Mesprit}} at [[Lake Verity]] in ''[[DP001|Following a Maiden's Voyage]]''. Much speculation as to who will encounter {{p|Uxie}} is being made at the current time, with major candidates being [[Brock]] and [[Paul]]. During the episode, [[May]] tells of a story she heard about a mysterious, legendary Pokémon (likely to be Uxie) during her pitstop at [[Snowpoint City]].
* Instead of [[Professor Oak's Big Pokémon Encyclopedia]], the end of the episode featured a memorial to ''[[M04|Celebi: The Voice of the Forest]]'' called [[Pikachu the Movie Memorial]]. This is part of a countdown to ''[[M11|Giratina and the Sky Warrior]]''.
[[Image:057.jpg|thumb|right|Azelf's soul appears to Ash.]]
* {{so|Battle Frontier}} is used as background music.
* [[Wallace]] and {{Ash}} narrate the preview for the [[DP079|next episode]].
* After Ash's encounter with {{DL|Lake guardians (anime)|Azelf}}, {{an|May}} tells of a story she heard about a mysterious [[Legendary Pokémon]], likely to be {{p|Uxie}}, during her pitstop at [[Snowpoint City]].
* Jessie's Jessadia persona was first used during the [[Kanto Grand Festival]].
* This is the only episode during {{an|May}}'s return where [[Max]], [[Drew]], [[Harley]], [[Norman]], and [[Caroline]] don't appear in any capacity.
* It is revealed that [[Snowpoint City]] is [[Zoey]]'s [[hometown]].
* Background music from the [[List of original series episodes#Johto League arc|Johto League arc]] is used in the beginning of Dawn and Kyle's battle.
* Neither {{an|Dawn}}, May, [[Zoey]], or [[Jessie]] are seen in regular outfits throughout this episode. Only Ash changes back into his regular outfit halfway through, and is also seen in it when encountering Azelf.
** This is the only episode where May isn't seen in her regular outfit during her return.
* This episode marks one of the extremely rare occasions that a member of Team Rocket, Jessie in this case, refers to one of the main characters by name, in order to stay in-character as Jessadia.
* Team Rocket doesn't blast off or recite their {{motto}} in this episode.
* This episode confirms that [[May's Venusaur]] is female, also marking the anime debut of Venusaur's [[List of Pokémon with gender differences|gender difference]].
* May's Skitty was shown battling, so it is possible May has 7 Pokemon on her team. However, it is more likely she swapped one out off screen, as not all of her party members are even seen in this episode.
* In Dawn's first match, Buneary's [[Ball Capsule]] has a Foamy [[Seal]], but then it changes to a Heart Seal when it opens.
* In Dawn's first match, Buneary's capsule has a Bubble Seal , but then it changes to a Heart Seal when it opens.
* May's belly button disappears multiple times.
* In the scene where Paul appears, a {{p|Sunflora}} has petals the same color as its body and a face the shade of yellow its petals should be.
* In the {{pmin|Brazil|Brazilian Portuguese}} dub, when {{si|Kyle}}'s {{p|Lanturn}} uses {{m|Thunderbolt}} on [[Ash's Buizel]], {{an|Brock}} acts as if Buizel was attacking instead of Lanturn.
DP078 Seal error.png|The Seal error
DP078 Sunflora Error.png|Miscolored Sunflora (bottom left)

===Dub edits===
===Dub edits===

==In other languages==
<!-- fill in the title links with dub titles only -->
|zh_cmn={{tt|激戰!各自的對戰!|Fierce Fighting! Respective Battle!}}
prevlink=DP077 |
|cs={{tt|Soutěž mezi přáteli|Contest Amongst Friends}}
prevtitle=DP077: ? |
|da={{tt|At vinde over gamle venner!|Defeating old friends!}}
nextlink=DP079 |
|de={{tt|Probe aufs Exempel|Rule to the test}}
nexttitle=DP079: ? |
|ko={{tt|윤진컵! 결승전에 오르는건 누구?|Wallace Cup! Who will be in the Finals?}}
series=Diamond & Pearl |
|nl={{tt|Wie wordt de winnaar?|Who will be the Winner?}}
episodelist=List of Diamond & Pearl episodes }}
|fi={{tt|Kaverusten kahnaus!|A rub of friends!}}
|fr_eu={{tt|Le prix de l'amitié !|The price of friendship!}}
|it={{tt|La seconda prova!|The second test!}}
|no={{tt|Å vinne over gamle venner!|Defeating old friends!}}
|pl={{tt|Rywalizacja przyjaciół|Rivalry of friends}}
|pt_br={{tt|Separando um Grupo de Amigos!|Separating a Group of Friends!}}
|pt_eu={{tt|O Grupo de Amigos Fica Reduzido!|The Group of Friends Is Reduced!}}
|es_la={{tt|¡Compitiedo entre Amigos!|Competing Among Friends!}}
|es_eu={{tt|Rivalidad entre Amigos en un Concurso|Rivalry between friends in a Contest}}
|sv={{tt|Att kämpa vän mot vän!|Fighting friend against friend!}}
|ru={{tt|Противостояние друзей|The rivaly of friends}}
|prevtitle=Staging A Heroes' Welcome!
|nexttitle=Strategy with a Smile!
|series=Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
{{Project Anime notice}}
{{Project Anime notice}}
[[Category:Diamond & Pearl episodes]]
[[Category:Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl episodes|078]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Atsuhiro Tomioka]]
[[Category:Episodes written by Atsuhiro Tomioka]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Yoshito Hata]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded and directed by Yoshito Hata]]
[[Category:Episodes storyboarded by Yoshito Hata]]
[[Category:Episodes directed by Yoshito Hata]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kazue Kinoshita]]
[[Category:Episodes animated by Kazue Kinoshita]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Dawn]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on May]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Ash]]
[[Category:Episodes focusing on Zoey]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a Legendary Pokémon appears]]
[[Category:Episodes in which a Champion appears]]
[[Category:Episodes with Contests]]
[[de:Probe aufs Exempel]]
[[zh:宝可梦 钻石&珍珠 第77集]]

Latest revision as of 00:18, 9 March 2024

DP077 : Staging a Heroes' Welcome!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP079 : Strategy with a Smile!
Pruning a Passel of Pals!
DP078   EP544
Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!
First broadcast
Japan May 8, 2008
United States September 27, 2008
English themes
Opening We Will Be Heroes
Japanese themes
Opening Together
Ending 風のメッセージ (PokaPoka Version)
Animation Team Iguchi
Screenplay 冨岡淳広 Atsuhiro Tomioka
Storyboard 秦義人 Yoshito Hata
Assistant director 秦義人 Yoshito Hata
Animation director 木下和栄 Kazue Kinoshita
Additional credits

Pruning a Passel of Pals! (Japanese: 激闘! それぞれのバトル!! Fierce Fighting! Respective Battles!!) is the 78th episode of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl, and the 544th episode of the Pokémon anime. It first aired in Japan on May 8, 2008 alongside DP077 as part of a one-hour special, and in the United States on September 27, 2008.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


With Dawn and her friends safely past the appeals round of the Wallace Cup, the girls enjoy an opportunity to sit back and chat while Ash, who can't sleep, decides to take a walk near Lake Valor. He gets the shock of his life when he sees a glowing entity above the lake, which just might be a Legendary Pokémon like the ones said to live in Lake Verity and Lake Acuity! But any further investigation will have to wait until the next morning, after the Wallace Cup resumes.

As the battles begin, size proves to be no obstacle for Dawn's Buneary as it uses acrobatic footwork to defeat its opponent Wailmer. This round is off to a great start for Dawn, but Jessie is depressed that she didn't even make it to this stage of the Contest. Fortunately, James and Meowth remind her that she can always pose as a Contest reporter to get back in the spotlight. Dawn clinches a place in the semifinals, and then it's time for Ash and Buizel to battle Kyle the Coordinator and his Lanturn.

Kyle has had plenty of time to study Buizel's moves, an edge which helps him knock Ash out of the competition. With Dawn through and Ash out, that leaves May and Zoey still to compete. They win their matches and advance to the semifinals, so Dawn will definitely have to face either May or Zoey if she wants to win the Aqua Ribbon! But to get to the final round, she'll have to defeat Kyle and his Crawdaunt—is her Piplup up to the task?


Dawn, May, and Zoey are seen in their Lakeside Resort room sitting on the floor, chatting. Dawn explains the her mother’s Top Coordinator title inspired her to compete in Pokémon Contests. May reveals that she struggled with Pokémon at the beginning of her journey, but later found joy in Contests. A sudden crash interrupts the girls’ conversation, but it turns out to be Ash who was dreaming about being in the middle of a tough battle. Ash decides to take a walk along the Valor Lakefront with Pikachu.

While looking over Lake Valor, Ash and Pikachu enjoy the night breeze. Ash tells Pikachu how happy he is with his decision to compete in the Wallace Cup, adding that Buizel is performing exceptionally. Ash believes that the competition is stirring up something brand new for him and Buizel that can only be good for their future growth. Suddenly, the two notice a small whirlpool in the water. A projected soul emerges before returning to the lake. Ash barges into his room, hurriedly describing the projected soul to Brock and the girls. Dawn's Piplup uses Bubble Beam on Ash to wake him up, but Ash assures them he is fine. The five sit down to discuss the mysterious light at Lake Valor and Dawn remembers the projected soul she saw emerge from Lake Verity on her first day as a Trainer. May says that while she was in Snowpoint City she heard stories about the Legendary Pokémon that lives in Lake Acuity. Zoey, being from Snowpoint City herself, confirms this as she heard the same stories when she was young. Zoey admits that the three Sinnoh lakes have similar legends, and Brock considers whether these sightings are connected to the Space-Time legend.

The second round of the Wallace Cup begins the next day. Wallace greets the Coordinators. The match ups are announced, and Dawn finds out that she will be the first to battle. Spurred on by her friends, Dawn sends out Buneary to battle an unnamed Trainer's Wailmer. Wailmer shoots out a Brine, which sends Buneary into the air and costs Dawn some early points. Buneary uses the spout to perform backwards somersaults. The dynamic display of cuteness earns high praise from Wallace and Wailmer's Trainer to lose big points. Buneary uses Bounce continuously on Wailmer, and its Trainer loses even more points. Then Wailmer approaches with Surf, causing Dawn to lose points before Buneary takes control of the situation with a spin. Buneary strikes her opponent with some Dizzy Punches. Wailmer retaliates with an acrobatic display of Hidden Power, but Buneary leaps out the way and races towards Wailmer as the Hidden Power follows her. She bounces off Wailmer and out of the way, and Hidden Power hits Wailmer instead. Wailmer tries a Body Slam, but Buneary's Ice Beam freezes it solid and it falls back into the pool. Finally, the timer reaches zero, and Dawn and Buneary win. Her friends also do well; Ash and Buizel defeat a Kecleon, Zoey's Shellos knocks a Mareep out with Mud Bomb while May and Skitty use Blizzard to clear the round.

Jessie, as Jessilina, is on the sidelines, upset that she did not make it to the second round. Meowth and James try to cheer Jessie up by suggesting they become reporters. Jessie returns with her bold Jessadia disguise, ready to take the media by storm. Later, Dawn and Pachirisu advance to the semi-finals after winning their quarter-final battle, this time over a girl with her Pelipper.

Now it's Ash's turn to battle, this time with Kyle. Ash sends out Buizel, and Kyle sends out Lanturn. Dawn scans Lanturn on her Pokédex, and the others are concerned because Lanturn's part Electric gives it the advantage over Water Pokémon like Buizel. Lanturn starts things off with Charge, with the powerful display causing Ash to lose points. Buizel launches a Sonic Boom into the water, knocking Lanturn high into the air, costing Kyle a quarter of his points. However, that gives Lanturn the added height to launch a direct Thunderbolt on Buizel, who is left paralyzed. Brock notes that because Charge increases the power of the next Electric-type attack used, the Thunderbolt did even more damage to Buizel. The mid-air display of a super-effective attack drops Ash's points down to half. Kyle confidently declares he already knows all of Ash's strategies and how to counter them because of Ash's decision to use Buizel in all the Contest rounds rather than switch Pokémon like all the other Coordinators. Lanturn launches Ice Beam in mid-air, costing Ash points. Ash calls for an Aqua Jet with a spin, and the improvised "Ice Aqua Jet" strikes Lanturn. Wallace is awed by the attack, as is May, and Kyle is left with only thirty percent of his point total. Buizel gets hit by Hydro Pump and then returns to the stage. Buizel uses Water Pulse but fails due to Lanturn’s counter Thunderbolt. The collision creates a shower, catching Ash and Buizel in a short but intense downpour. Just then, time runs out and Kyle has the most points, eliminating Ash from the Wallace Cup. Afterwards, Jessadia interviews Ash after his loss. Jessadia raves about how Buizel's Ice Aqua Jet is the talk of the tournament and how even Wallace was amazed. Her exaggerated enthusiasm, however, leaves Ash nervous in front of the camera. Zoey and May clear their quarter-final battles with Misdreavus and Venusaur and join Dawn and Kyle in the semi-finals. Marian later compliments Jessadia's event coverage and says that she heard that Jessadia was an assistant reporter at the Kanto Grand Festival.

Back at the hotel, the group are sad that Ash didn't make it to the semi-finals. Dawn reminds him that she is pleased to see her "Ice Aqua Jet" technique finally perfected. Ash admits that Contest Battles are tough, but his Buizel was moving in perfect sync and that he'd do better next time. Ash pipes up again and looks forward to cheering everyone else on. Brock admits the competition is stiff with May versus Zoey, while Dawn still needs to beat Kyle. The three girls vow do the best and hope for photo finish.

The following day, Marian announces that today is the final day of the Wallace Cup. In preparation for her semi-finals match, Dawn offers Piplup some encouragement before recalling him and placing him into a Ball Capsule. Marian calls for the time to begin, so Dawn calls out Piplup with a Foamy Seal and Kyle calls out his Crawdaunt. Piplup twirls into action with a Bubble Beam, while Crawdaunt uses Sludge Bomb to counter.

Major events

The Wallace Cup semifinalists
For a list of all major events in the anime, please see the history page.


Pokémon debuts






  • In Dawn's first match, Buneary's Ball Capsule has a Foamy Seal, but then it changes to a Heart Seal when it opens.
  • May's belly button disappears multiple times.
  • In the scene where Paul appears, a Sunflora has petals the same color as its body and a face the shade of yellow its petals should be.
  • In the Brazilian Portuguese dub, when Kyle's Lanturn uses Thunderbolt on Ash's Buizel, Brock acts as if Buizel was attacking instead of Lanturn.

Dub edits

In other languages

DP077 : Staging A Heroes' Welcome!
Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl
DP079 : Strategy with a Smile!
  This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.