Ultra Warp Ride

Ultra Warp Ride (Japanese: ウルトラワープライド Ultra Warp Ride) is a minigame in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon that allows the player to travel through Ultra Wormholes in order to gain access to various different areas of Ultra Space. This allows them to visit the homeworlds of Ultra Beasts and find rare Pokémon normally not found in Alola, including Legendary Pokémon.

Ultra Warp Ride artwork


The player is first given access to Ultra Warp Ride at the Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM by the Ultra Recon Squad in order to stop Necrozma from stealing Alola's light. As Necrozma has transformed into its Dusk ManeUS/Dawn WingsUM form by absorbing Nebby, the player must borrow the Ultra Recon Squad's LunalaUS/SolgaleoUM to travel to Ultra Megalopolis, where Necrozma has fled to. In order to arrive at Ultra Megalopolis at this point in the game, the player must enter any white warp hole.

After the player defeats Ultra Necrozma atop Megalo Tower, the Ultra Recon Squad will allow them to choose to ride on either Solgaleo or Lunala in later uses of Ultra Warp Ride; from this point onwards, talking to PhycoUS/ZossieUM in Ultra Megalopolis will allow the player to change which of the two Legendary Pokémon they ride, and after they choose, they will return to the Altar of the SunneUS/Altar of the MooneUM. The player can then use the Ultra Wormhole there to use Ultra Warp Ride or travel directly to Ultra Megalopolis, and all white warp holes will then lead to Ultra Beasts' homeworlds.


Ultra Warp Ride

While riding on Solgaleo or Lunala's back, the player flies through Ultra Space. Contained in Ultra Space are various warp holes that each lead to a variety of different areas. In order to utilize the warp holes, the player must have Solgaleo or Lunala absorb the balls of energy floating around, giving them energy to fly faster and travel farther. Also floating around are electrified obstacles that will make Solgaleo or Lunala lose energy and slow down when hit. The spawning rates of energy balls decrease the further the player travels, and will eventually stop spawning all together. Losing enough speed will cause Solgaleo or Lunala to be affected by the gravitational pull of the warp holes and forcibly suck them in regardless of resistance if they are close enough.

There are four tiers of warp holes - regular ones, ones with halos, ones with two halos and ones with halos and a flower-shaped aura. The more light-years the player travels, the more their chance of finding rarer, even Shiny Pokémon, increases. The rate at which certain tiers of warp holes appear is also affected by the distance traveled, and warp holes with flower-shaped auras are guaranteed to spawn a Legendary Pokémon if possible. Ultra Beasts can respawn an infinite amount of times regardless of whether or not they are caught, while Legendary Pokémon will respawn infinitely until they are caught. The first time a player accesses an Ultra Beast homeworld, a short cutscene showing the dimension's scenery will play. The Pokémon caught in the Ultra Space Wilds are guaranteed to have at least three IVs of 31.

The first time it is used, Ultra Warp Ride requires the player to use the Nintendo 3DS's motion sensors. To control Solgaleo or Lunala's flight path, the player must tilt the 3DS in the direction they wish to move. If the 3DS gyroscope falls out of alignment, it can be reset by putting the 3DS in a neutral position and pressing the A button. After the first time, the player is given the option to use the 3DS Circle Pad instead of motion controls by talking to an Aether Foundation Employee at the Game Freak building in Heahea City. The player is free to switch control options as much as they want by talking to the Employee again. Pressing the A button while the Circle Pad controls are active has no effect.

Before the player arrives at Ultra Megalopolis for the first time, all white warp holes will lead there rather than to Ultra Beast homeworlds. If the player lands in a warp hole of a different color at this point, they have the chance to catch a level 60 wild Pokémon there, but on their next trip through Ultra Warp Ride, the white warp holes will be more frequent. After landing in other warp holes four times, the fifth trip features only white warp holes, guaranteeing that the player will end up in Ultra Megalopolis. If the player leaves Ultra Megalopolis before defeating Ultra Necrozma (including if they leave by losing to Ultra Necrozma) and then returns to the wormhole, it will send them directly to Ultra Megalopolis instead of having them go through Ultra Warp Ride again.

Ultra Wormhole types

The Rocky World, found in green wormholes

There are five different Ultra Wormholes that the player may visit while using Ultra Warp Ride. Four of the wormholes lead to the Ultra Space Wilds, while the remaining one leads to the world of one of the seven Ultra Beasts introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. During the first visit only, white wormholes instead lead to Ultra Megalopolis.

In the anime

Ultra Warp Ride in the anime

Ultra Warp Ride debuted in Revealing the Stuff of Legend!. It was used by Ash and his classmates to travel to Ultra Deep Sea by riding on Solgaleo's back.

In the manga

Ultra Warp Ride in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon arc

Ultra Warp Ride debuted in Meeting the Ultra Recon Squad. It was first used by Sun, Moon, and Zossie to leave the Ultra Deep Sea by riding on Lunala's back. With it, they traveled through Ultra Space and arrived at the Ultra Megalopolis.

In Madness!! Mother Lusamine!, Phyco, Lusamine, and Aether Foundation Employees used Ultra Warp Ride with a group of Naganadel to travel to the Ultra Megalopolis.

See also

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 究極空間跳躍騎行 Gaugihk Hūnggāan Tiuyeuhk Kèhhàhng
Mandarin 究極空間跳躍騎行 / 究极空间跳跃骑行 Jiūjí Kōngjiān Tiàoyuè Qíxíng
  French Ultra-Exploration
  German Ultra-Warp
  Italian Ultraviaggio dimensionale
  Korean 울트라워프라이드 Ultra Warp Ride
  Spanish Ultraviaje dimensional
  This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.