Artbender けつばん Indignant Pokefan
5'06" Imperial
0.0m Metric
134.0lbs Imperial
0.0kg Metric
EV yield
HP 0
Atk 0
Def 0
Sp.Atk 0
Sp.Def 0
Speed 0
Base Exp.: 0
Battle Exp.: 0*
I would like to think of myself as being a rabid pokefan; though some would take issue with that, considering my oppinion about it verries depending on what form it's in.
Games? I fall in and out of interest. Mostly, I love it!
Merchandise? I adore everything about the plushies and have even begun to collect them!
The Series? Well, I've enjoyed every season before Pokemon Best Wishes.
I am a teenage girl with short, purple hair and deep green eyes. I look mostly human save for my ears and a tail which are closely related to that of a fox. I wear a black turtle-neck shirt, black shorts, a blue artist's hat, an electric yellow coat, and brown boots.
Special abilities
I can both animate and draw anime/chibi very well. I'd also like to think that I've got the touch of a creative writer about me. =)
I never enter a new site smoothly! Infact, I always find that my first impression anywhere is often an all-out war because I happen to state my oppinion about somthing and am increasingly outvoted.
I have a strong pride issue, very strong logical sense, and an even stronger oppinion factor.
I prefer to shy away from comflict, but will not hesitate to defend my oppinions when questioned. XD
After all those prickles and thorns however; I'm hyper, funny, and imaginative.
I try my best to be polite, even when enraged; though that is not always the case and when I do slip, I've been told, I become very rude and snake-like. More often than not, I'm friendly.
You are sure to find me either in a bed or on my comfy red computer seat with listening to music. It doesn't take much to become my friend, but I may not take kindly to being hit in the head with a pokeball or attacked suddenly.
Please announce yourself before taking any capturing action. =)
Pizza, hotdogs, chocolate icecream, and sugary treats of most kinds!