Attack Trap (Skill)

Attack Trap (Japanese: 攻撃時バインド付与 Bind During Attack) is a family of skills in Pokémon Masters EX. It allows sync pairs to inflict the trapped condition on an opponent after attacking.

Attack Trap 攻撃時バインド付与
Bind During Attack
Flavor text
Passive Skill
Attack Trap 1-8:
Has a chance of leaving the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.
Attack Trap 9:
Leaves the target trapped when the user's attack move against it is successful.


When activated, Attack Trap leaves the target trapped. It cannot be activated if the Pokémon uses a status move or if the Pokémon's attack misses or fails for any reason. The skill can range from Attack Trap 1 to Attack Trap 9, with higher numbered skills resulting in a greater chance of activation. Attack Trap 9 will always leave the target trapped.

Skill rank Activation chance
Attack Trap 1 20%
Attack Trap 2 30%
Attack Trap 3 40%
Attack Trap 4 50%
Attack Trap 5 60%
Attack Trap 6 70%
Attack Trap 7 80%
Attack Trap 8 90%
Attack Trap 9 100%


Attack Trap 2

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Attack Trap 3

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Attack Trap 4

As passive skill

As grid skill (yellow tiles)

As grid skill (red tiles)

Red sync grid tiles require the sync pair to use a specific move to activate the skill effect.

Tierno & CrawdauntTierno & Crawdaunt
Masters Support.pngDarkIC Masters.png Tierno
& Crawdaunt

(Night Slash)

Attack Trap 9

As passive skill

In other languages

Language Title
Japan Flag.png Japanese 攻撃時バインド付与 Kōgeki-ji Baindo Fuyo
Mandarin Chinese 攻擊時賦予束縛 Gōngjí Shí Fùyǔ Shùfù
France Flag.png French Capacité Offensive Ligotage
Germany Flag.png German Angriff-Umschlingung
Italy Flag.png Italian Attacco imprigionante
South Korea Flag.png Korean 공격시바인드부여 Gong-gyeok-si Baindeu Buyeo
Spain Flag.png Spanish Ataque Ataduras +
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