Renegade Meadow

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Renegade Meadow (Japanese: ランボウそうげん Renegade Grassland) is the first zone in Pokémon Battle Trozei, available from the beginning of the game.

In all stages, Pokémon appear in the center above columns 3 and 4 unless otherwise noted.

Stage 1

Pokémon on the board include Amaura, Lillipup, Pancham, Poochyena, and Spritzee.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Skiddo Grass 10 None
2   Gogoat Grass 30 None
3   Chespin Grass 100 Boss
4   Quilladin Grass 200 Appears after a combo of 15+ on Chespin

Stage 2

Pokémon on the board include Munchlax, Munna, Pancham, Poochyena, and Spritzee.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Finneon Water 10 None
2   Lumineon Water 30 None
3   Froakie Water 130 Boss
4   Frogadier Water 200 Appears after a combo of 15+ on Froakie

Stage 3

Pokémon on the board include Fletchling, Lillipup, Pikachu, Poochyena, and Skrelp.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Bunnelby Normal 30 None
2   Litleo Fire 50 None
3   Fennekin Fire 130 Boss
4   Braixen Fire 200 Appears after a combo of 15+ on Fennekin

Stage 4

Pokémon on the board include Burmy, Honedge, Ledyba, Pikachu, and Wynaut.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Scatterbug Bug 30 None
2   Spewpa Bug 100 Defeat Scatterbug with a super-effective attack
3   Vivillon Bug 300 Defeat Spewpa with a super-effective attack
4   Tyrunt Rock 110 None
5   Tyrantrum Rock 250 Boss

Stage 5

This stage appears after the following conditions are met:

  • Capture Quilladin in Zone 1, Stage 1
  • Capture Frogadier in Zone 1, Stage 2
  • Capture Braixen in Zone 1, Stage 3

Pokémon on the board include Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Pancham, and Pikachu. This means that all opposing Pokémon can be hit with a super-effective attack without the need for additional support.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Chesnaught Grass 600 None
2   Delphox Fire 600 None
3   Greninja Water 800 Boss

Stage 6

This stage appears after the player obtains an A-rank or S-rank on each of stages 1-4 in Zone 1.

This is the first stage in the game where Pokémon appear in groups.

Pokémon on the board include Drilbur, Emolga, Minun, Pachirisu, and Plusle, four of whom are Electric-type like all opponents in the stage.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1   Pichu Electric 10 Left side
  Pichu Electric 10 Right side
  Pikachu Electric 100 Above columns 3 and 4
2   Dedenne Electric 400 Only appears if Pikachu is the support Pokémon
3   Helioptile Electric 50 Left side
  Helioptile Electric 50 Right side
  Helioptile Electric 50 Above columns 3 and 4
4   Heliolisk Electric 500 Unknown; seems to randomly appear
5   Raichu Electric 700 Boss

Renegade MeadowBlade-and-Shield PathColossal Forest
Sky-High RuinsMysterious FountainPitch-Black Cavern
Sacred PlainsDistortion IslandDragon HillMountain of Order
Safari JungleIsland of HasteInfinite Ruins

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.