Tech Area スクラップエリア
Scrap Area
Tech Area
Zone Info
Zone Leader None
Drifblim Stop None
Area Info
Area Keeper Conkeldurr
Drifblim Stop
Train Depot Next to Conkeldurr
Unawarehouse To the right of the entrance
Scientorium Across from the lab
Connecting Areas
Cove Area
Second connected zone
Third connected zone
Fourth connected zone
Fifth connected zone
Sixth connected zone

The Tech Area (Japanese: スクラップエリア Scrap Area) is one of the areas in the game PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond. It is an area located inside an old town and is watched over by the Area Keeper, Conkeldurr.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

The gang arrive after hearing of a place in the Tech Area that manufactures Poster Portals. When they first enter the Train Depot, Gurdurr tests their strength, and afterwards demands that they talk to Conkeldurr before exploring the Area. Initially, Conkeldurr took them as intruders and battled with Pikachu and the others. After being defeated, he deems them trustworthy. He then receives a report that a rail bridge has been destroyed and a train is stuck on the track. He then asks Pikachu and the others to have his apprentice, Timburr collect the supplies and bring them to him. After venturing to the Cove Area and returning with all the needed supplies, Conkeldurr successfully repairs the bridge, and the Pokémon trapped on the train make it to the depot safely.

After this event, Conkeldurr hears Oshawott's story, and suggests they check the warehouse behind them, but that they must watch out for a Golurk who is firing at strangers. Pikachu then befriends the Golurk, who then pushes a train car into the side of the warehouse, making an entrance so that they may go inside.

Once inside, the group ventures up to the second story where they see a Klink, Klang, and Klinklang leaving. A Duosion then appears and informs them that if they want to reach the Scientorium, they need Klink, Klang, and Klinklang to power the elevator. Once the three Pokémon have been found and returned, they are able to venture down to the Scientorium.

In the Scientorium, the Pals meet Reuniclus, who is the one who invented the Poster Portals. After hearing of the events going on outside, Reuniclus becomes concerned for the well being of Darkrai, so he asks Pikachu and the others to bring him a Collider to repair his portal to Wish Park. Once they return with the Collider Reuniclus repairs the Poster Portal, and the group ventures once again into Wish Park.

201 Spoilers end here. 201

Train Depot

The Train Depot is a train yard that sits in a perpetual sunset. Conkeldurr manages the rails and watches over all construction jobs. No one is allowed here without Conkeldurr's permission.


The Unawarehouse is a warehouse just beside the Train Depot where the entrance to the Scientorium hides, where Poster Portals are manufactured.


A small laboratory belonging to Reuniclus who makes Poster Portals. The only way to get in is to have Klink, Klang, and Klinklang work the elevator.

Available Pokémon

This is a list of all the Pokémon that can be befriended in the Tech Area. The locations listed are where the respective Pokémon is commonly found when first entering the zone, however the Pokémon have free range and may run off when interacting with other Pokémon.

Pokémon Location Skill game Notes Pokémon Location Skill game Notes
  Gurdurr Along the tracks Battle Befriend Conkeldurr to befriend   Eevee On the far side of the depot* Chase
  Conkeldurr In front of the warehouse Battle Bring Timburr back and repair the train to befriend   Solosis In the Scientorium Quiz
  Golett In front of the warehouse entrance None Give them a Music Box to befriend   Duosion In the Scientorium None Give a photo of Munna sleeping to befriend
  Golurk In front of the warehouse entrance Battle   Reuniclus In the Scientorium None Befriended after he uses the Kami Trio's power to create an item
  Zebstrika Along the tracks Chase  
  Accelgor Along the tracks* Chase  
  Tyranitar Along the tracks Battle   Joltik In the corner of the Unawarehouse None Find Joltik's brother on one of the other Pokémon and return him
  Salamence Along the tracks* Battle   Galvantula In the Unawarehouse* Battle
  Murkrow Flying around the Train Depot Battle Defeat Honchkrow to befriend   Electivire In the Unawarehouse Battle Electivire has a Joltik on his back
  Honchkrow Flying around Train Depot* Battle Battle you instantly after Murkrow is defeated   Garbodor In the Unawarehouse Battle Garbodor has a Joltik on his back
  Abra On top of the trains None Give him a Plush to keep him from teleporting away, then talk to him   Magmortar In the Unawarehouse* Battle
  Scizor On the far side of the depot Chase  
  Escavalier On the far side of the depot* Battle   Sneasel In the Unawarehouse Battle
  Roggenrola On the far side of the depot Battle   Gengar In the Unawarehouse* Chase
  Gigalith On the far side of the depot* Battle   Duskull In a sewer under the Unawarehouse * Battle
  Mawile Along the tracks* None Give a Cool Jewel to befriend   Dusknoir In the hall to the Scientorium* Battle
  Voltorb On the far side of the depot* Quiz   Klink In the hall leading to the Scientorium* None Repair the elevator to befriend
    Klang In the Unawarehouse* None Repair the elevator to befriend
    Klinklang On the second floor of the Unawarehouse* None Repair the elevator to befriend

Areas in PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond

Wish ParkCove AreaArbor AreaCrag AreaTech AreaArcane Area

  This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.