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My Mainpage My Talkpage My Templates Useful Links

Hello, and Welcome to my Useful Links Page!

I created this page in order that I might collect all of the links that I consider to be useful in one place. This is convenient not only for myself, but also for any other user that might need them. If you have a page of yours that you think might be useful for other users, especially new ones, please let me know by dropping me a line and I will add it to the User Created Pages section. Also, if you think that I left anything out of the Bulbapedia Links section, please let me know.

User Created Pages

Bulbapedia Links

  • The Staff Page
    • Always a good thing to know who the current staff are, in case you need to speak to an Admin. Also, it prevents you from looking like an idiot by angrily yelling at them on Talkpages, thinking that they are just another user, only to later find out, much to your chagrin, that they have blocked your sorry butt.
  • The RC Page
    • The RC Page, is an extremely useful tool, and one that new users should familiarize themselves with as soon as possible. On the page, you can see the most recent changes that have been made to Bulbapedia, which now that I have typed it, seems extremely self-explanatory. You can also get there by clicking the link in the Navigation box on the left hand column of any page, underneath the Bulbapedia logo.
  • Bulbapedia's Wikicode Guide
    • Another excellent guide to the basics of wiki-coding, written by the staff of Bulbapedia. A good place to start for new users. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Welcome Box on your talkpage.

The Welcome Portal

  • An excellent place to start for the new user, the Welcome Portal has many useful links in it. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Welcome Box on your talkpage.
    • Link Templates Guide
      • Another excellent guide to the basics of Link Templates, written by the staff of Bulbapedia. A good place to start for new users. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Welcome Box on your talkpage.
    • The List of Link Templates
      • An excellent reference page of the List of Link Templates, written by the staff of Bulbapedia. A handy tool for any user. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Link Templates Guide page.
    • Usertags Guide
      • Another excellent guide, about Usertags and how to use them, written by the staff of Bulbapedia. Usertags are a good way to spice up any Userpage, and are a great way for new users to practice their wiki-coding skills.
    • Category:Usertags
      • The entire list of all of Bulbapedia's Usertags. Can also be reached by clicking the link in the Usertags Guide.

The Bulbapedia Help Desk

  • The Bulbapedia Help Desk is an excellent first stop for any user in self-solving any problem. It can also be reached by clicking the Help link in the Navigation box on the left hand column of any user page.
    • Editing Help
      • Another good link and guide to the basics of wiki-coding, written by the staff of Bulbapedia. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Welcome Portal or on the Help page.
    • Bulbapedia:A guide to Bulbapedia
      • Another excellent place to begin for new users, it explains everything you need to know about the basics of Bulbapedia. It can also be reached by clicking the link in the Welcome Portal or on the Help page.