PS193 : Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt! II
Ruby & Sapphire arc
PS195 : Mashing Makuhita
Guile from Mawile
A Horde of Deceivers
VS クチート
VS Kucheat
Shogakukan full volume Chapter 194 in Vol. 16
VIZ Media full volume Adventure 194 in Vol. 16
Series Pokémon Adventures

Guile from Mawile (Japanese: VS クチート VS Kucheat), titled VS Mawile in the Chuang Yi translation, is the 194th chapter of the Pokémon Adventures manga, and the 14th chapter of the Ruby & Sapphire arc.

It is subtitled A Horde of Deceivers (Japanese: あざむきの大群 Deceptive Herd) in the VIZ Media translation and Deceptive Cuteness in the Chuang Yi translation.


Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.

Mr. Briney introduces himself to Sapphire and learns about the bet between her and Ruby. Seeing that Sapphire is wearing the clothes he made for her, Ruby is happy to see that she has "joined civilization", which angers her. Sapphire asks Ruby how many Ribbons he won, but after learning he hasn't won a single one, she brags to him about her recent Gym Badge acquisition.

The two quickly get into another argument about their training styles, but quickly go to Granite Cave after saying goodbye to Mr. Briney. Upon entering the cave, the two split up after discovering a fork in the area. Ruby reveals that he is there to find a Milotic, which he believes can only be found in ponds like the ones in the cave.

Upon finding the cave, Ruby encounters a bunch of wild Mawile, which he finds to be cute. Despite their innocent appearance, the Mawile begin attacking, and one them traps Nana in one of their jaws. Before they can attack again, Ruby is saved by a man named Steven Stone. Nana, still trapped in their jaws, begins glowing, and Kiki does so as well as she touches a stone located on Steven's pocket.

Steven reveals that the two are evolving, and he asks if Ruby will help him deal with the Mawile herd. Ruby accepts, and he sends Kiki into battle as she and Nana continue into their next stage.

Major events

For a list of all major events in the Pokémon Adventures manga, please see the history page.
201 Spoilers end here. 201


Pokémon debuts






  • In the Chuang Yi version, due to the artwork flipping practiced by the company, while coming to a crossroads in the Granite Cave Sapphire says she is going to the right despite taking the left path in the next panel. Ruby does the same, except vice versa. This is due to the translation not being adapted to the flipped artwork.

In other languages

PS193 : Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt! II
Ruby & Sapphire arc
PS195 : Mashing Makuhita
Project Manga logo.png This article is part of Project Manga, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each series of Pokémon manga.