Dr. Yung

(Redirected from Mirage Master)
Dr. Yung
ドクター・ユング Dr. Yung
Evil Yung.png
Dr. Yung
Gender Male
Eye color Purple
Hair color Teal
Hometown Unknown
Region Kanto
Trainer class Scientist
Anime debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
English voice actor Billy Regan
Japanese voice actor Hidenobu Kiuchi

Dr. Yung (Japanese: ドクター・ユング Dr. Yung) is the antagonist of The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


Yung pretending to be kindly

Dr. Yung invites Ash and his friends, as well as Professor Oak, to visit him at the Mirage Mansion so he can demonstrate his Mirage System to them. He later challenges Ash and Misty to battle with him using a Mirage Aggron his system had generated. Misty eagerly accepts his challenge and uses her Staryu, but she is easily defeated when Aggron demonstrates one of the Mirage System's features – the ability to use any attack, in this case Bullet Seed. Ash challenges him next with Pikachu, but before the battle can begin, the Mirage Master (Japanese: ミスター・ミラージュ Mr. Mirage) captures both Dr. Yung and Professor Oak by commandeering the system.

While Ash and his friends attempt to rescue them, Mirage Master threatens Oak with the intent of gaining the access password to his laboratory database. Revealing his insanity, he speaks of his contempt for the flaws inherent in every Pokémon, and of his desire to create a Pokémon free of these flaws. A Mirage Mew appears to Professor Oak, and the Mirage Master snaps at the sight of it, viciously attacking it with his Mirage Magnemite and declaring it to be a "flawed specimen".

Oak initially resists the threats and refuses to give the password. As a backup plan, Mirage Master uses some of his Mirage Pokémon to capture Pikachu after ambushing it. He then straps it to a table and uses a special machine to scan its memories for data, causing it great pain. This finally breaks Oak's resolve, and he surrenders the password, "REDGREEN." Using a combination of his new access to Oak's laboratory database and his ability to hack the servers of Pokémon Centers worldwide, Mirage Master begins forming his perfect Pokémon.

Yung with his mask on

When Ash, and later Misty and May, arrive to confront him, Mirage Master completes the experiment, creating a Mirage Mewtwo. He demonstrates its power by immediately destroying all of the other Mirage Pokémon. He then attempts to kill Oak, who defends himself with a Dragonite. Oak urges the group to escape, becoming resigned to the fact that they cannot save Yung, but Mirage Master has another trick up his sleeve - he deploys missiles to create a much larger field for the Mirage Pokémon to move around in, allowing him to unleash his Mirage Mewtwo on the world. To aid in this endeavor, he also summons a Mirage Entei, Mirage Articuno and Mirage Zapdos.

Feeling confident in his impending victory, the Mirage Master declares his Mirage Mewtwo to be the result of "many years of hard work". This, along with his previous tangent about Mirage Mew being a "flawed specimen", allows Professor Oak to unmask the Mirage Master, revealing him to actually be Dr. Yung. It is revealed that Yung had been a student at the Pokémon Institute when he invented the Mirage System, but because his research was considered cruel and disrespectful to Pokémon, he was expelled from the Institute, thus leaving him bitter and hungry for revenge. He battles against the group using Mewtwo and easily takes the upper hand, but with some timely help from the "flawed" Mirage Mew, Pikachu is able to defeat Mewtwo using Volt Tackle, destroying the Mirage System as a result.

After being defeated, he escapes into his burning lab. Oak tries to pursue him, but falling iron blocks the entrance. Yung is never seen again, although Officer Jenny and the police said they would continue searching through the ruins for him.


Dr. Yung first appears to be a polite and intelligent scientist. He invented the Mirage Pokémon system, a project he spent many years on, as Professor Oak acknowledges. He is shown to have a combination of great intellect and battling skill, but still has a sort of mysterious air about himself.

However, it is later shown that Yung is corrupt and a sociopath. He is generally incapable of feeling genuine emotion and is shown to be megalomaniacal, power-hungry, delusional, embittered, cruel, heartless, and cynical.

In his true persona, he is depicted as strongly evil. He has little concern for life, whether natural or artificial, and is repeatedly shown to think nothing of casually attempting to kill both humans and Pokémon. He is one of few characters that can be described as pure evil.

Mirage Pokémon


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Mirage Kabutops
The Mirage Kabutops was shown to Ash and his friends. They were then seen chasing after the kids and later guarded the research lab upon Mirage Master's arrival.

None of Kabutops's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Omastar
The Mirage Omastar was shown with Kabutops and Armaldo as a demonstration to Ash and his friends. They were then seen chasing after the kids and later guarded the laboratory when Mirage Master arrived to kidnap Dr. Yung.

None of Omastar's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Armaldo
The Mirage Armaldo was first shown as a demonstration to Ash and his friends. When the Mirage Master arrived, it was made to chase them out, and it managed to trip Max. After the kids were chased out, Armaldo, Kabutops, and Omastar stood guard at the laboratory's entrance.

Armaldo's only known move is Shadow Ball*.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Unown
This G-shaped Unown was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Unown's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Lileep
This Lileep was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Lileep's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Cradily
This Cradily was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Cradily's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Kabuto
This Kabuto was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Kabuto's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Omanyte
This Omanyte was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Omanyte's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Anorith
This Anorith was only seen when Dr. Yung was presenting Ash and the others the creation of Mirage Pokémon.

None of Anorith's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Aggron
The Mirage Aggron is created by Dr. Yung to test out the system by battling Ash and Misty. It battled against Misty's Staryu and defeated it easily, but before it could battle Ash's Pikachu, the Mirage Master "commandeered" the system, and Aggron dissolved back into it.

Aggron's known moves are Sandstorm, Thunder Wave, and Bullet Seed*.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Voice actors
English Carter Cathcart
Mirage Aerodactyl (×2)
The Mirage Aerodactyl were controlled to kidnap Dr. Yung and Professor Oak.

None of Aerodactyl's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Houndoom
The Mirage Houndoom was created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated Houndoom to the location where Ash and his friends went. Houndoom then blasts off Team Rocket.

Houndoom's only known move is Flamethrower.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Mightyena
The Mirage Mightyena was created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated Mightyena to the location where Ash and his friends went.

None of Mightyena's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Absol
The Mirage Absol was created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated Absol to the location where Ash and his friends went.

None of Absol's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Voice actors
English Bill Rogers
Mirage Machamp (×2)
Two of the Mirage Machamp were created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated one of the Machamp to the location where Ash and his friends went.

None of Machamp's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Machoke
The Mirage Machoke was created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated Machoke to the location where Ash and his friends went.

None of Machoke's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Ursaring
The Mirage Ursaring was created by the Mirage Master to keep Professor Oak from leaving the Mirage Master's lab. When Ash, Misty and Team Rocket came in the lab, the Mirage Master relocated Ursaring to the location where Ash and his friends went.

None of Ursaring's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Mew
This Mirage Mew, unlike the rest of Dr. Yung's Mirage Pokémon, exhibits its own free will instead of mindlessly obeying its programming; this leads Professor Oak to speculate that it has a soul, while Dr. Yung disregards it as a "flawed specimen" for the same reason. It follows Ash and his friends throughout the castle and protects them from Mirage Mewtwo's attacks. At the climax, Mew sacrifices itself to restrain Mewtwo, allowing Pikachu to defeat it with Volt Tackle and destroy the Mirage System.

Mew's only known move is Protect.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Voice actors
Japanese Satomi Koorogi
English Satomi Koorogi
Mirage Magnemite
While Professor Oak was interacting with the Mirage Mew, the Mirage Magnemite attacked it as Mirage Master mentioned that it was a flawed species.

Magnemite's only known move is Thunder.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Voice actors
English Bill Rogers
Mirage Mewtwo
Mirage Mewtwo is the pinnacle of Dr. Yung's work, the "perfect Pokémon" created from data that had been stolen from countless databases around the world. As the ultimate Mirage Pokémon, it is capable of using any move, even morphing parts of its body into other Pokémon to do so. Ash and his friends try to stop it with Ash using Pikachu, Oak using Dragonite, Misty using Gyarados, and May using Combusken. However, Mewtwo easily defeats the latter three, leaving Ash and Pikachu to take care of it and Dr. Yung on their own. When the Mirage Mew sacrifices itself to restrain Mewtwo, Pikachu is able to defeat the Mirage Mewtwo (and Mew as well), thus destroying the Mirage System.

Mewtwo's known moves are Shadow Ball, Hydro Pump*, Bullet Seed*, Thunderbolt, Psybeam*, Ice Beam, Iron Tail, Quick Attack* and Mega Punch. Mewtwo also used Flamethrower*, Hyper Beam* and Solar Beam* by morphing its hands into other Pokémon.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Voice actors
Japanese Katsuyuki Konishi
English Katsuyuki Konishi
Mirage Entei
The Mirage Master summoned a mirage Entei to aid in the endeavor in unleashing his Mirage Mewtwo on the world. It took on Ash's Pikachu, Misty's Gyarados, May's Combusken and Professor Oak's Dragonite. Afterwards, it fused with the Mewtwo to make it unstoppable.

Entei's only known move is Flamethrower.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Articuno
The Mirage Master summoned a mirage Articuno to aid in the endeavor in unleashing his Mirage Mewtwo. It took on Ash's Pikachu, Misty's Gyarados, May's Combusken and Professor Oak's Dragonite. Later, Articuno fuses with Mewtwo to make it unstoppable.

Articuno's known used moves are Ice Beam and Steel Wing.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Zapdos
The Mirage Master summoned a mirage Zapdos to aid in the endeavor in unleashing his Mirage Mewtwo. It took on Ash's Pikachu, Misty's Gyarados, May's Combusken and Professor Oak's Dragonite. Later, Zapdos fuses with Mewtwo to make it unstoppable.

Zapdos's known moves are Drill Peck and Thunderbolt.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Arcanine
The Mirage Arcanine was summoned by Mewtwo for a Flamethrower attack.

Arcanine's only known move is Flamethrower.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Rayquaza
The Mirage Rayquaza was summoned by Mewtwo for a Hyper Beam attack.

Rayquaza's only known move is Hyper Beam.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Tropius (×2)
Two of the Mirage Tropius were summoned by Mewtwo, performing a Solar Beam attack.

Tropius's only known move is Solar Beam.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Arbok
The Mirage Arbok was shown as one of the Pokémon fused onto Mewtwo.

None of Arbok's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Walrein
The Mirage Walrein was shown as one of the Pokémon fused onto Mewtwo.

None of Walrein's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Tyranitar
The Mirage Tyranitar was shown as one of the Pokémon fused onto Mewtwo.

None of Tyranitar's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon
Mirage Onix
The Mirage Onix was shown as one of the Pokémon fused onto Mewtwo.

None of Onix's moves are known.

Debut The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 木内秀信 Hidenobu Kiuchi
English Billy Regan
Dutch Fred Butter
Finnish Bruno Lähteenmäki
Brazilian Portuguese Nestor Chiesse
European Spanish Juan Sainz Maza


  • Considering the titles (Dr. Yung and Mr. Mirage) he was given in the Japanese version, he may have been a play on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His name, and duality, might also be a reference to Carl Jung.
  • Dr. Yung is very similar to Colress, in the sense that both are scientists who appear friendly but are secretly villainous and obsessive over the power of Pokémon. In the Pokemon Adventures manga, Colress's alter-ego of Hood Man also bears a striking resemblance to Yung's Mirage Master identity.
  • Dr. Yung shares the same Japanese and English voice actors as Dr. Kenzo.

  This article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of the Pokémon anime.