Lapis Lakeside

Lapis Lakeside
Team RP target: >= 10,000
Lapis Lazuli Lakeside
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Lapis Lakeside Sleep.png
Map description: A thin mist hangs over this eerie lakeside, where the only sound is the gentle lapping waves. Dragon-type Pokémon rule here.
Location: N/A
Region: Pokémon Sleep
Generations: IX

Location of Lapis Lakeside in Pokémon Sleep.
Pokémon world locations

Lapis Lakeside (Japanese: ラピスラズリ湖畔 Lapis Lazuli Lakeside) is an island on which players can conduct sleep research in Pokémon Sleep. It was added to the game in version 1.1.0, and was first made available on January 24, 2024.


A teal-tinted Snorlax in Lapis Lakeside

Lapis Lakeside is the fifth island available to players in Pokémon Sleep. It is the only island where the Dratini, Ralts, and Stufful lines can be found. It is unlocked after the player registers 240 sleep styles in their Sleep Style Dex, and it hosts a total of 52 different Pokémon.

Snorlax found here can either be colored normally or teal-tinted. In addition, their favorite Berries are always Durin, Mago, and Cheri, which are gathered by Grass-, Psychic-, and Fighting-type Pokémon, respectively.

As the fifth island, it has the highest Strength targets needed to achieve each Snorlax rating and the greatest Dream Shard rewards. Lapis Lakeside's Strength targets, along with the associated rewards for achieving each rating, are as follows.

Snorlax rating Required strength Dream Shards received Sleep styles unlocked Sleep style total
Basic 1 0 0 46 46
2 12,938  144 Dream Shards 5 51
3 29,756  187 Dream Shards 6 57
4 48,515  208 Dream Shards 2 59
5 71,156  252 Dream Shards 14 73
Great 1 97,031  288 Dream Shards 30 103
2 130,668  374 Dream Shards 9 112
3 171,420  453 Dream Shards 10 122
4 219,936  539 Dream Shards 7 129
5 272,333  582 Dream Shards 4 133
Ultra 1 328,610  625 Dream Shards 18 151
2 388,122  661 Dream Shards 1 152
3 452,809  719 Dream Shards 5 157
4 522,025  769 Dream Shards 8 165
5 596,086  823 Dream Shards 4 169
Master 1 675,330  880 Dream Shards 8 177
2 760,123  942 Dream Shards 1 178
3 850,852  1,008 Dream Shards 6 184
4 958,702  1,198 Dream Shards 5 189
5 1,075,709  1,300 Dream Shards 2 191
6 1,202,596  1,410 Dream Shards 5 196
7 1,340,143  1,528 Dream Shards 2 198
8 1,489,190  1,656 Dream Shards 1 199
9 1,650,645  1,794 Dream Shards 5 204
10 1,825,483  1,943 Dream Shards 1 205
11 2,014,758  2,103 Dream Shards 2 207
12 2,219,603  2,276 Dream Shards 0 207
13 2,441,243  2,463 Dream Shards 1 208
14 2,680,993  2,664 Dream Shards 0 208
15 2,925,574  2,718 Dream Shards 0 208
16 3,188,730  2,924 Dream Shards 1 209
17 3,454,577  2,954 Dream Shards 0 209
18 3,739,033  3,161 Dream Shards 0 209
19 4,166,848  4,754 Dream Shards 0 209
20 5,193,272  11,405 Dream Shards 0 209

Pokémon additions

Date Additions Event
March 11, 2024 Dedenne Electric Type Week
April 22, 2024 Comfey Flower Festival

Sleep styles

Lapis Lakeside is home to primarily Grass-type Pokémon. All Pokémon found at Lapis Lakeside can be found in all their possible sleep styles (with the exception of Ditto).

By Snorlax rating

Snorlax rating ★★ ★★★ ★★★★
Basic 1                                                
Great 1                                 
4         Dragonite Sleep and Atop-Belly Sleep
Ultra 1                      
Master 1            

By species

Dozing types

There are 18 different Dozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 72 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0001   Bulbasaur 4 Sunbathing Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Vines-Out Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0002   Ivysaur 4 Sunbathing Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Vines-Out Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0003   Venusaur 4 Sunbathing Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Vines-Out Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0023   Ekans 4 Coiled Sleep
Springy Sleep
Uncoiled Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0054   Psyduck 4 Headache Sleep
Big-Yawn Sleep
Tantrum Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0056   Mankey 4 Angry Sleep
Upright Sleep
Peaceful Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0057   Primeape 4 Angry Sleep
Stomping Sleep
Peaceful Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0069   Bellsprout 4 Stretched-Out Sleep
Acid-Dripping Sleep
Rooted Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0070   Weepinbell 4 Acid-Dripping Sleep
Floating Sleep
Suction Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0071   Victreebel 4 Shuddering Sleep
Vine-Held Sleep
Overturned Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0147   Dratini 4 Coiled Sleep
Wriggly Sleep
Uncoiled Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0148   Dragonair 4 Coiled Sleep
Wriggly Sleep
Uncoiled Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0149   Dragonite 4 Curled-Up Sleep
Seated Sleep
Tummy-Up Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0152   Chikorita 4 Leaf-Twirling Sleep
Droopy-Leaf Sleep
Belly-Up Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0153   Bayleef 4 Stretching Sleep
Bud-Shaking Sleep
Aroma-Wafting Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0154   Meganium 4 Peaceful Sleep
Head-Bobbing Sleep
Bloom-Filled Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0334   Altaria 4 Feather-Nestled Sleep
Roosting Sleep
Cotton-Cloud Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0470   Leafeon 4 Tail-Swinging Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Leaf-Grabbing Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep

Snoozing types

There are 18 different Snoozing-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 73 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0025   Pikachu 4 Curled-Up Sleep
Droopy-Eared Sleep
Electrifying Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0035   Clefairy 4 Peaceful Sleep
Nodding-Off Sleep
Metronome Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0036   Clefable 4 Peaceful Sleep
Nodding-Off Sleep
Metronome Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0039   Jigglypuff 4 Seated Sleep
Spacey Sleep
Singing Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0052   Meowth 4 Curled-Up Sleep
Seated Sleep
Pay Day Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0053   Persian 4 Elegant Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Apologetic Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0079   Slowpoke 4 Zonked Sleep
Dazed Sleep
Goofy Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0080   Slowbro 4 Cozy-Duo Sleep
Drooling Sleep
Tail-Gnawing Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0132   Ditto 5 Rock-Formed Sleep
As-Is Sleep
Pikachu Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
Dragonite Sleep
#0133   Eevee 4 Curled-Up Sleep
Droopy-Eared Sleep
Energetic Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0176   Togetic 4 Sitting-Flutter Sleep
Upright-Flutter Sleep
Floating-Flutter Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0196   Espeon 4 Foreseeing Sleep
Sitting Sleep
Belly-Up Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0202   Wobbuffet 4 Tail-Hiding Sleep
Biding Sleep
Signature-Pose Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0280   Ralts 4 Flattened Sleep
Fidgeting Sleep
Snickering Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0281   Kirlia 4 Seated Bowing Sleep
Reverent Sleep
Dancing Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0282   Gardevoir 4 Skirt-Fluttering Sleep
Bashful Sleep
Dress-Flaring Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0702   Dedenne 4 Tail-Curled Sleep
Face-Rubbing Sleep
Cheek-Stroking Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0764   Comfey 4 Flower-Stroking Sleep
Floaty Nodding Sleep
Flower Wave Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep

Slumbering types

There are 16 different Slumbering-type Pokémon that can be found here, with a total of 64 different sleep styles.

Pokédex No. Pokémon Number of sleep styles Available sleep styles
#0007   Squirtle 4 Sheltered Sleep
Unsheltered Sleep
Overturned Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0008   Wartortle 4 Sheltered Sleep
Unsheltered Sleep
Flattened Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0009   Blastoise 4 Sheltered Sleep
Unsheltered Sleep
Overturned Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0084   Doduo 4 Lookout Sleep
Lazy-Lookout Sleep
Duo Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0085   Dodrio 4 Lookout Sleep
Lazy-Lookout Sleep
Trio Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0172   Pichu 4 Peaceful Sleep
Seated Sleep
Electrifying Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0173   Cleffa 4 Rocking Sleep
Nodding-Off Sleep
Overturned Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0174   Igglybuff 4 Bouncy Sleep
Spacey Sleep
Singing Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0175   Togepi 4 Rocking Sleep
Overturned Sleep
Shell-Tucked Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0185   Sudowoodo 4 Pseudo-Wood Sleep
Pseudo-Slacking Sleep
Seriously Slacking Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0333   Swablu 4 Roosting Sleep
Flapping Sleep
Cotton-Cloud Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0360   Wynaut 4 Tail-Shifting Sleep
Biding Sleep
Signature-Pose Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0447   Riolu 4 Knee-Hugging Sleep
Mid-Training Sleep
Knee-Up Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0475   Gallade 4 Gallant Sleep
Cutting Sleep
Dreaming Cut Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0759   Stufful 4 Flailing Sleep
Sturdy Sleep
Log-Hugging Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep
#0760   Bewear 4 Seated Sleep
Upright Sleep
Log-Hugging Sleep
Atop-Belly Sleep


Language Name Origin
Japanese ラピスラズリ湖畔 Lapis Lazuli Kohan From lapis lazuli
English Lapis Lakeside From lapis lazuli
German Lapislazuli-See From Lapislazuli (lapis lazuli)
Spanish Lago Lazulita From lazulita (lazulite)
French Rivage Lapis-lazuli From lapis-lazuli (lapis lazuli)
Italian Lago Lapislazzuli From lapislazzuli (lapis lazuli)
Korean 라피스 라줄리 호숫가 Lapis Lazuli Hosutga From lapis lazuli
Chinese (Mandarin) 寶藍湖畔 Bǎolán Húpàn From 寶藍 bǎolán / bóulàahm (sapphire blue)
Chinese (Cantonese) 寶藍湖畔 Bóulàahm Wùhbuhn

  This article is part of both Project Sidegames and Project Locations, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on locations in the sidegames.