This card was included in the English Expedition Base Set, first released in the Japanese Pokémon-e Starter Deck. In Japan, the card was reprinted as a Cosmos Holofoil P Promotional card, and was one of three cards available as part of the Starter Triple Get Campaign <Gold Silver Course>. The Starter Triple Get Campaign required people collect 3 proof of purchase seals from Pokémon-e Starter Decks (only 1 was present on each deck), and send them to the Pokémon Company affixed to a postcard. Five lotteries were held during the campaign period, which ran from December 1, 2001 until April 30, 2001. 2,000 sets of cards were distributed to drawn entrants in each lottery, making a total of 10,000 sets available. 5,000 of these were Red Green Course sets, which contained Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard. The other 5,000 were Gold Silver Course sets, containing this card, Meganium, and Typhlosion. The lotteries were held on December 31, 2001; January 31, 2002; February 28, 2002; March 30, 2002; and April 30, 2002.