Appendix:Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky walkthrough/Chapter 10

Back at the Guild

You wake up, Loudred being your alarm clock for the first time in days. After the morning cheers, Chatot calls you over to give you a task; however, before any of that happens, it turns out Diglett can't seem to identify the footprint, Loudred being extremely nagging. Loudred says it's such a great surprise that Diglett can't identify the footprint, since he is excellent at his job...but it wouldn't be such a surprise if it was Team ____ doing it, causing your partner to get angry.

When the hassle is over, it's revealed the person at the grate was Dusknoir, a famous explorer who knows practically everything. Once you go down to see the commotion, Dusknoir is there, chatting away with Wigglytuff and Chatot as the guild's members look on. Chatot strictly orders no autographs, however Dusknoir says he is more than happy to help with autographs.

After this, your assignment for today turns out to be more random missions. However, before that, now that you have returned from the Fogbound Lake's expedition, there are many new things to town.

New Things in the Town

Spoils of Expedition

It is likely that during the guild expedition you have managed to acquire many Treasure Boxes that you couldn't open and had to store away with Kangaskhan Rocks. Now you can finally do something with them, as Xatu's Appraisal has arrived in the town. By paying 150 Poké, he can open a single Box, which has two types of contents:

  • A ☆ exclusive item. If the enemy belongs to an evolutionary family that has one, it is likely to be chosen. These items grant benefits to Pokémon if they're in your inventory. Most of them grant benefits to the whole evolutionary line, with the only except being Eeveelutions (unfortunately) and the Hitmon family. This is where Croagunk's Swap Shop comes in. At his place, you can exchange these items for better ones, though only from whatever is on the list today. In Time and Darkness, only specific Pokémon had exclusive items, but in Sky, every single Pokémon has them, though most have only ☆☆☆ items. The Sky exclusives one are acquired by swapping in any 5 of these items, but the ones from Time/Darkness instead require you to swap in lower tier items; i.e. both ☆ items for a ☆☆ item, and all three for a ☆☆☆ item. How good these items varies from species to species; the ☆ and ☆☆ items most of the time just increase your stats, while ☆☆☆ have more specific items, ranging from pretty much useless (such as making your attacks ignore Reflect and Light Screen... but unfortunately these moves are not only very rarely seen on wild Pokémon, they are also very bad in this game, affecting only user) to great utilities (such as preventing enemy from reducing your stats or making it possible to recover PP whenever user takes damage).
  • A mission reward for that specific floor. Game will never generate a mission past a rest stop, such as the one in Steam Cave, but the game still ranks them for purpose of Treasure Box content.

More Ways to Obtain Pokémon

Chansey's Daycare has opened up. Sometimes, you can receive a Pokémon Egg, either as a mission reward or while drinking in Spinda's bar. The former picks basic form of Pokémon from the dungeon, while the latter chooses from the same list as normal recruits. Eggs will hatch at Lv. 1 and will fill out remaining move slots with Egg Moves; special moves they cannot learn otherwise. Please note that once forgotten, Electivire will not be able to re-teach you them. Additionally, if a Pokémon's natural moveset makes it have 4 moves at Lv. 1, it will be unable to have those special moves. If you hatch a baby Pokémon such as Magby, it has a chance to come with a special exclusive item you cannot get otherwise... but unfortunately these work only for them and not their evolutions, so they're not that useful.

Project P Benefits

Last, but not least, Spinda's Café's Project P is now up and functioning. This means recycling will now unlock many things.

In case of items available at Wynaut's, as you recycle more and more items, you will have access to better deals (the number of recycles can be checked from the main menu's Adventure Log), although the Ticket availability is instead tied to your team's progress. Unless you specifically grinded out random missions, at this point only the basic Prize Ticket should be available. The list of items is as follows:

Item Number of recycles Traded for
Oran Berry 0 2 Apples
Escape Orbs 2 Apple and Big Apple
Heal Seed 4 2 Big Apples
Cleanse Orb 8 3 Grimy Food
Reviver Seed 10 2 Escape Orbs
Eyedrop Seed 12 3 Max Elixirs
Power Band 14 Apple, Max Elixir, and Escape Orb
Def. Scarf 16
Special Band 18
Zinc Band 20

After 22 recycles, the game will start unlocking special offers, which are rare recycling deals that refresh every 3 days. As you can see, all of them require Oran Berries, plus some other item; Plain Seeds are items that used up Reviver Seeds turn into. While Life Seed and Joy Seed, which increase HP and level, will likely won't be unlocked well into postgame unless you dedicate yourself to recycling, the other stat boosters at 22-28 recycles should come more naturally.

Item Number of recycles Traded for
Protein 22 3 Oran Berry and 1 X-Eye Seed
Calcium 24 3 Oran Berry and 1 Sleep Seed
Iron 26 3 Oran Berry and 1 Blinker Seed
Zinc 28 3 Oran Berry and 1 Totter Seed
Link Box 30 3 of Oran Berry, Cheri Berry, Pecha Berry and Rawst Berry each
Life Seed 50 3 Oran Berry and 1 Plain Seed
Curve Band 80 2 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
No-Aim Scope 90 2 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
Patsy Band 95 3 Oran Berry and 1 Apple
Joy Seed 100 3 Oran Berry and 2 Plain Seed

New Places to Explore

Not only that, but you can now unlock dungeons at Spinda's Café. Two of them can be unlocked at random by making drinks, while three are unlocked at 3, 25, and 60 recycles. They're not plot critical and don't have any super powerful items, but some of them have Pokémon that either can't be found in any other dungeon, or won't be otherwise available until much later.

Other than that, you can now visit all the places you explored during expedition (aside from the EXP grinding paths) to recruit the Pokémon, or go on a mission in these places. Steam Cave missions can be ranked A, or even S if it's an escort or an outlaw mission, with S rank providing chance for the useful Blizzard and Dark Pulse TMs, or a Hunger Seed, which due to the way it works for AI, is very effective for bosses.

Due to the amount of new content possibly available to you at this point if you are willing to spend time unlocking it, a refresher about Pokémon from old dungeons and the new ones will be listed separately here.

Recent Happenings in the World

After finishing the random jobs, you will see Team Skull sour over their grueling defeat to Wigglytuff, planning some sort of revenge plot. When you wake up, you will be asked by Chatot to run an errand and whether or not the Kecleon brothers will stock Perfect Apples.

Once you get to the shop, you see Dusknoir there, talking to the Kecleon Brothers, who are looking extremely excited at the prospect of talking to the "Famous Dusknoir". Your partner is also looking excited, and goes up to him. Dusknoir greets you happily.

Your partner than remembers about the errand Chatot gave you, and asks the Kecleon Brothers whether or not they are planning to stock Perfect Apples. Unfortunately, the Kecleon Brothers state that there is no plan whatsoever to go and stock Perfect Apples, leaving Team ____ gloomy. However, something comes to cheer them up: It's Marill and Azurill! They greet each other again, and your partner ask how they are doing with their item search. Marill says that the Water Float has been spotted! Someone said it was at the beach.

Your partner gets happy for them, and your team returns to the guild. Unfortunately for them, Koffing and Zubat has overheard the conversation.

You, apparently, have to report to Chatot about the non--existent Perfect Apples. Chatot gets upset and says he'll go to Apple Woods himself.

This leaves you to do more random missions. Once that is done, during the dinner, Chatot brings bad news: another Time Gear from somewhere is discovered to have been stolen. But it gets worse; while you and your partner and speculating about this event and their meeting with Uxie, it turns that at the same time, the mysterious thief has reached Fogbound Lake all on his own and is about to steal yet another Time Gear, making it three now.

When you wake up to another day, suddenly, Loudred comes down and says Team ____ has visitors!

When you get outside, you see that it's Marill and Azurill again, looking extremely worried. Marill explains that while they thought the Water Float was on the beach, it turned out to be false. They read a letter to the team, which worries him and tells them not to go. Marill says he already tried going there, without Azurill since Azurill is too little. However, there were many Electric types there that knocked Marill out easily! So they asked your team for a favor...

And so you agreed to go to Amp Plains, despite its danger.

When Dusknoir hears of this, he gets suddenly worried. Apparently at this time something bad was going on, and that he must stop Team ____ form going, leaving the Kecleon Brothers extremely confused and worried.

Amp Plains

Like Marill said, there are plenty of Electric types here, being the main type, however you could find Flying types and Normal types. Many Electric-types have the Static ability here, which inflicts paralysis on you from close contact. Electrike additionally has Lightning Rod, which draws in and nullifies Electric-type moves (though thankfully it has been nerfed in this game and only affects moves in the same room as the user, rather than from anywhere on the floor).

This is however, not the main threat of this dungeon. This dungeon introduces two new mechanics (that you might have already seen if you ventured into the dungeons unlocked by Spinda's Café): traps and Monster Houses. Traps are tiles that spawn invisible inside the rooms and have effects that are for most part harmful. Monsters Houses are rooms that are full of items, but also extra traps, and upon entering for the first time, will forcibly spawn many enemies (and change the music). If you are unlucky, the selected room can be the one with stairs, or even the one you start the floor on! Monster Houses are one of the reasons why room-wide moves, such as Paras's Spore, end up being so useful. Since Monster Houses have their own item pool, you can usually see them in advance by looking at unusual density of a certain type of item, such as TMs or Gummis in this case. If you have a Wonder Orb that stops enemies from acting, such as Foe-Hold, this is a good place to use it.

Pokémon Encountered

Pokémon Floors Levels Recruit Rate
  Plusle 1-5 19 8.2%
  Minun 1-5 19 8.2%
  Mareep 1-7 17-19 8.2%
  Elekid 1-8 14-15 8.2%
  Girafarig 5-10, F1-F2 17-18 6.4%
  Flaaffy 8-10, F1-F5 18-20 0.5%
  Yanmega 9-10, F1-F4 18-20 -10%
  Electabuzz 10, F1-F9 21-22 0.5%
  Tauros F1-F9 19-20 6.4%
  Dodrio F2-F9 22-23 0.5%
  Electrike F3-F9 20-21 6.4%
  Ampharos F6-F9 20 -4.5%
  Electrike Clearing 18 Unrecruitable Boss
  Manectric Clearing 33 Unrecruitable Boss
There are eight Electrike.
The boss is fought here only the first time.

The boss here used to be the Luxray tribe, however it was changed to the Manectric tribe, possibly because one of the new starters is Shinx. If you have Spore, which Paras and Shroomish can learn (both of which can be found in earlier levels) then you can make everyone fall asleep. 8 Electrike and one Manectric to defeat. Unfortunately, at this point in the story, you are very limited in terms of moves that hit in a large area.

There are two moves you have access to this point that hit all enemies in the room: Paras's Spore (which puts enemies to sleep and lets you attack them for free) and Blizzard via a TM. Next best option are moves that hit all enemies around you, such as Dark Pulse (via TMs), or ranged moves, such as Water Pulse, Flamethrower or Bullet Seed. Unfortunately Pikachu will likely be greatly nerfed foris fight, as Lightningrod will just draw in all Electric-moves, such as Thunderbolt or Shock Wave.

On defensive side, if you have Protect, it might be a good idea, as it will make at least one of you less likely to die. Aerodactyl from Mt. Horn and Girafarig in this dungeon can come with Agility, which boosts Speed of your entire team, while Beautifly from Mt. Horn, Volbeat/Illumise from Steam Cave and Dustox from Landslide Cave have Morning Sun and Moonlight, which heal the entire team by a fixed amount (which at this point in the story is a signifcant portion of your total health).

A lot of Pokémon found here are Electric-type; all but Plusle and Minun have Static, meaning contact with them can paralyze you, which is why ranged form of attack is preferred here.

  • Plusle: B IQ Group. Has Thunder Wave and Quick Attack, will learn Fake Tears soon (which it has twice in its moveset for whatever reason) and Agility in postgame. Doesn't learn anything too useful otherwise; its Ability is way too niche to be useful. It has 1-star and 2-star exclusive items; however 2-star makes it earn 10% more experience points while 3-star gives it chance to restore PP on damage.
  • Minun: Similar to Plusle, but instead of the first Fake Tears it has the very useful Charm. Its exclusive items are basically the same as Plusle.
  • Mareep/Flaaffy/Ampharos: F IQ Group. The entire evolutionary family is present here, though only Flaaffy is exclusive to this dungeon. It learns Thunder Wave and Cotton Spore by level-up, but more importantly, it learns Discharge, and earlier than most other Pokémon (Mareep learning it at 28, slightly earlier than even Pachirisu), learning also Power Gem and Signal Beam in postgame for coverage. Flaaffy and Ampharos can learn Focus Punch and Brick Break from TMs, while Ampharos also has Fire Punch as Lv. 1 move and Focus Blast via TMs. Their exclusive items are immunity to sleep, half damage from special moves and Ground-type damage absorption.
  • Elekid/Electabuzz: C IQ Group. Most of its level-up moves are electric moves, learning Shock Wave early on (ironically learning Discharge before Thunderbolt). It also has Quick Attack and Low Kick, and Screech at postgame levels. Learns Brick Break and Focus Punch, and Focus Blast as Electabuzz. Has 1 and 2-star items; 3-star items are +2 to max PP, immunity to paralysis (as Electric-types weren't immune to it at the time) and Ground-type damage absorption. An Elekid hatched from an Egg can come with a special item that increases its HP by 10; however not only is it not guaranteed, the effect is not that good and only works on Elekid, not its entire family.
  • Girafarig: F IQ Group. Has Agility, as well as decent TMP compatibility, with Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Shadow Ball and Energy Ball. Agility this early on can be difference between victory and a loss, so grab either this or Aerodactyl. It has Inner Focus and Early Bird, making it immune to cringing and waking from sleep twice as fast, which is useful, given cringing is easier to inflict in this game than in main series. Its exclusive item gives it chance to inflict confusion on attackers.
  • Yanmega: Yanma's evolution. Its moveset isn't that much different from Yanma, plus its low recruit rate makes it impossible to obtain for now anyway.
  • Tauros: C IQ Group. Learns Scary Face, Rage, Pursuit, Payback (with Pursuit and Payback being effectively the same in this game) and eventually Swagger. However, it is a Normal-type with good TM compatibility, giving it access to moves with better range like Thunderbolt, Flamethrower or Blizzard. Its exclusive item makes it counter physical damage at full power.
  • Dodrio: Doduo's evolution. Similarly, its moveset isn't that much different from Doduo, with the only notable difference being natural Pluck and access to Tri Attack.
  • Electrike: F IQ Group. Has Static and Lightning Rod, which attracts all Electric moves in the same room and neutralizes them; this includes Discharge in this game, though it itself doesn't learn that many Electric-type moves until higher levels (with only Thunder Wave and Spark before postgame levels). Interestingly enough learns Flamethrower via TM. Its exclusive items make it counter physical damage at 25% power and absorb Ground-type damage.



Item Floors
  2-125 Poké 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Scarf 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Power Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Special Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Stamina Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Twist Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Insomniscope 1-10F, F1-F9F
  4-5 Iron Thorn 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Apple 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blue Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brown Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Grass Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Green Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Orange Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Silver Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Sky Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  White Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Black Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Clear Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gold Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gray Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pink Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Purple Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Red Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Royal Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Yellow Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Cheri Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Oran Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Oren Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blast Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dough Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dropeye Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Heal Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pure Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reviser Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reviver Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Sleep Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Slip Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Stun Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Via Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Warp Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  X-Eye Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Max Elixir 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Mix Elixir 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Aerial Ace 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Attract 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brick Break 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brine 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Bullet Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Calm Mind 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dig 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dive 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dragon Claw 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Embargo 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Energy Ball 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Explosion 1-10F, F1-F9F
  False Swipe 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Flash 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Focus Blast 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Focus Punch 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Giga Drain 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Giga Impact 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hidden Power 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hyper Beam 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Iron Tail 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Light Screen 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Natural Gift 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Payback 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Poison Jab 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Protect 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Recycle 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reflect 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rest 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Roar 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rock Slide 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Roost 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Safeguard 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Shadow Claw 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Shock Wave 1-10F, F1-F9F
  SolarBeam 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Stealth Rock 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Steel Wing 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Swords Dance 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Taunt 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Thunder Wave 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Thunderbolt 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Torment 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Vacuum-Cut 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Water Pulse 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Wide Slash 1-10F, F1-F9F
  All-Hit Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  All-Mach Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blowback Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Decoy Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Drought Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Escape Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Fear Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Hold Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Seal Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hurl Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Luminous Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Petrify Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rollcall Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Slumber Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Spurn Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Switcher Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Totter Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Transfer Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Warp Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F

Kecleon Shop

5% spawn rate.

Item Floors
  Gold Ribbon 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Scarf 1-10F, F1-F9F
  TD Power Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Insomniscope 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Cheri Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Oran Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rawst Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Heal Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  S Hunger Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reviver Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Vile Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Violent Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Max Elixir 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Apple 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Big Apple 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blue Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brown Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Grass Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Orange Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Sky Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  White Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Clear Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gray Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pink Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Purple Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Red Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Yellow Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  All-Hit Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blowback Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Drought Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Fear Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Seal Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hurl Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Lob Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  One-Shot Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Petrify Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rollcall Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Warp Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F

Monster House

5% spawn rate.

Item Floors
  2-125 Poké 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blue Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brown Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Grass Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Green Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Orange Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Silver Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Sky Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  White Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Black Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Clear Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gold Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gray Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pink Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Purple Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Red Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Royal Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Yellow Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Aerial Ace 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Attract 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brick Break 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brine 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Bullet Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Calm Mind 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dig 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Dive 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Embargo 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Energy Ball 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Explosion 1-10F, F1-F9F
  False Swipe 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Flash 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Focus Blast 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Focus Punch 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Giga Drain 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Giga Impact 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hidden Power 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hyper Beam 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Iron Tail 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Light Screen 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Natural Gift 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Payback 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Poison Jab 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Protect 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Recycle 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reflect 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rest 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Roar 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rock Slide 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Roost 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Safeguard 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Shadow Claw 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Shock Wave 1-10F, F1-F9F
  SolarBeam 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Stealth Rock 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Steel Wing 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Swords Dance 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Taunt 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Thunder Wave 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Thunderbolt 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Torment 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Vacuum-Cut 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Water Pulse 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Wide Slash 1-10F, F1-F9F

Hidden Stairs

25% spawn rate.

Item Floors
  Cheri Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Oran Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rawst Berry 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Heal Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hunger Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Reviver Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Violent Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Vile Seed 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Max Elixir 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Brown Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Clear Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gray Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Grass Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Orange Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pink Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Purple Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Red Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Sky Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  White Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Yellow Gummi 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Gold Ribbon 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Pecha Scarf 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Power Band 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Insomniscope 1-10F, F1-F9F
  All-Hit Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Blowback Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Drought Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Fear Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Foe-Seal Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Hurl Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Lob Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  One-Shot Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Petrify Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Rollcall Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Warp Orb 1-10F, F1-F9F
  Link Box 1-10F, F1-F9F

After the Battle

After the battle, you will notice the Water Float behind the rock Manectric was in front of. However, Team Skull comes! You and your partner thought they were finished for at the expedition, but it turns out they survived it. When they are about to use their Noxious Special Gas Combo (Zubat hides quickly behind the rock) Dusknoir arrives! He easily saves you from the attack and tells Team Skull that, if they want a battle, they'll have to do it with Dusknoir on your side. However, Team Skull stamped that one by saying, "We were going to do it with just the wimps...but with the great Dusknoir?" and they flee.

Later, you're giving the Water Float in the rightful place--in Azurill's hands. They can't thank you enough, and they leave. The Kecleon Brothers are amazed at your brilliance for helping the Marill and Azurill brothers for the second time, and he was especially impressed on the first one, where Team ___ tracked Azurill's location just like that!

Your partner gets quite modest, however he/she explains that he/she had help with that first one, since you simply touched something and saw a vision. Dusknoir gets a bit excited and tells them that the ability you have is called the Dimensional Scream. Your partner gets excited, and you, your partner, and Dusknoir head over to the beach to discuss it.

As you discuss, there's a very mysterious part where Dusknoir wonders what your name is, and when you tell him the name, he appears to hide the faintest of smiles. Enough of that, however, since your partner just noticed the unusual amount of Pelipper flying in the sky today. Soon Bidoof comes to warn you there is something going on at the guild, and you and your partner, including Dusknoir, go off to see what the problem is.

← Chapter 9 The Mystery of Fogbound Lake
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Grovyle the Thief Chapter 11 →
  This article is part of Project Walkthroughs, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive step-by-step guides on each Pokémon game.